Boycott Staples

Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has just come out with its latest report on the wage levels of jobs added as the nation has emerged from the Great Recession. As with NELP's previous reports, which continue to garner national attention, the news was pretty simple: we're only adding low wage jobs. Some 1.85 million more low-wage workers -- defined by under $13.33 an hour -- are employed by low-wage industries now then in 2008. About the same number, 1.93 million workers -- fewer workers are now employed in mid-wage and higher-wage industries.

The U.S. Postal Service has historically been one of those higher-wage industries, with average pay just under $25 an hour. For generations, postal jobs have been a ticket to the middle class, including as one of the few employers who hired African-Americans at good wages earlier in the 20th century. But the post office is accelerating a new strategy to increase sales and shed labor costs by opening up mini-post offices at Staples stores.

Staples is one of those low-wage employers, with Staples workers reporting that retail clerks average around $8.50 an hour. After piloting the mini-post offices in 82 Staples stores, the post office announced it would expand the program, prompting the American Postal Workers Union to organize more than 50 protest rallies outside Staples stores around the country.

Of course, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that no postal jobs would be lost because of the Staples program and that the motivation was "growing our business." But the same Wall Street Journal article with Donohoe's statement revealed the real motivation. It quoted an internal postal service memo, which said that the Staples pilot program was to determine "if lower costs can be realized with retail partner labor instead of the labor traditionally associated with retail window at Post Offices." Oops!
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

they are protesting at the wrong place....they should protesting outside Donahoes office....but Donahoe is the worst PMG maybe ever....every PMG has said Merry Christmas to the rank and file every year....except this guy....very impersonal....and does not come off as being very bright....and is one of the most disliked PMG's.....does not have the respect of the workers.....
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Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.

Inflation has been less than 2% a year since the Great Recession began. Inflation is the least of our problems right now.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

You got a link for this genius article, I mean a writer who has no clue for the uses of "then" or "than" can't be working at a very reputable place.

I didn't realize that I hadn't put it in the OP. Fixed.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

Well I see I was right about the reputability of the source, but that aside I think you should be calling for a boycott of the post office, they are the ones that presented Staples with the business opportunity.
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

Which is also the reason why some (middle class) rw's will shop there.

Like I've said before, we now have an entire political party running on the promises to make you poor and keep you poor while trashing the US. Amazingly, there are some who are in favor of this.

hey Luddy?.....guess were the Unions get their Stationary stuff?....
The U.S. Dinosaur,err.........I mean Post Office, is lucky to even still be in business at this point.

If it were not for junk mail, otherwise known as third class mail, the U.S. Post Office would be long gone.
You got a link for this genius article, I mean a writer who has no clue for the uses of "then" or "than" can't be working at a very reputable place.

I didn't realize that I hadn't put it in the OP. Fixed.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

Well I see I was right about the reputability of the source, but that aside I think you should be calling for a boycott of the post office, they are the ones that presented Staples with the business opportunity.

Issa and Donahoe. My source is fine. That poor little Staples. They had zero interest in the whole durn thing. It was just foisted on 'em.
Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.

Inflation has been less than 2% a year since the Great Recession began. Inflation is the least of our problems right now.

How gullible of you.

The official inflation rate is bogus government propaganda - they exclude FOOD and ENERGY from the calculations. If the same methodology were used today as existed in 1980, the inflation rate would be close to 10%.


Alternate Inflation Charts
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has just come out with its latest report on the wage levels of jobs added as the nation has emerged from the Great Recession. As with NELP's previous reports, which continue to garner national attention, the news was pretty simple: we're only adding low wage jobs. Some 1.85 million more low-wage workers -- defined by under $13.33 an hour -- are employed by low-wage industries now then in 2008. About the same number, 1.93 million workers -- fewer workers are now employed in mid-wage and higher-wage industries.

The U.S. Postal Service has historically been one of those higher-wage industries, with average pay just under $25 an hour. For generations, postal jobs have been a ticket to the middle class, including as one of the few employers who hired African-Americans at good wages earlier in the 20th century. But the post office is accelerating a new strategy to increase sales and shed labor costs by opening up mini-post offices at Staples stores.

Staples is one of those low-wage employers, with Staples workers reporting that retail clerks average around $8.50 an hour. After piloting the mini-post offices in 82 Staples stores, the post office announced it would expand the program, prompting the American Postal Workers Union to organize more than 50 protest rallies outside Staples stores around the country.

Of course, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that no postal jobs would be lost because of the Staples program and that the motivation was "growing our business." But the same Wall Street Journal article with Donohoe's statement revealed the real motivation. It quoted an internal postal service memo, which said that the Staples pilot program was to determine "if lower costs can be realized with retail partner labor instead of the labor traditionally associated with retail window at Post Offices." Oops!
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

they are protesting at the wrong place....they should protesting outside Donahoes office....but Donahoe is the worst PMG maybe ever....every PMG has said Merry Christmas to the rank and file every year....except this guy....very impersonal....and does not come off as being very bright....and is one of the most disliked PMG's.....does not have the respect of the workers.....

Like I said, poor Staples. It was foisted on 'em. Donahoe, like Issa, is pure evil.
The POST OFFICE is destroying itself by adhering to an obsolete and cost prohibitive business model.

i have said this before aint the PO its Congress and all the Committees that it has to get approval from to even fart....

The PO is unionized, and the union blocks attempts to improve efficiency.
CaféAuLait;9043858 said:
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

From your article:

the post office announced it would expand the program,
Not staples, the Post office is behind this. It was the post office who authorized the program. The Unions are upset at the wrong people.

This has been happening since stores are allowed to sell stamps anything from a convenient stores to groceries. Many business are allowed to send and accept mail for the post office. You do know UPS accepts USPS mail and charges an arm and a leg, far over the USPS prices, don't you?

Donahoe and Issa. Do you know who they are?

I do. Donahoe is the Post Master General appointed by Obama to fix the mess the post office is in. He has tried various ways such as closing the PO for one day a week to cut down on costs and was attacked by democrats in congress. Issa supported the idea.

He suggested it and it was shot down and never implemented. He felt it would cut on costs for an organization so far in debt they can't pay their pensions due to a congressional mandate which states pensions need to be prefunded. They have to borrow billions and billions from the US Treasury.

All of which was happening far before Donahoe took office in 2010. The loss of jobs and mail is a result of email and other entities which deliver mail and packages, they may be more expensive but more efficient than USPS.

Under Donahue in 2013, the post office had their first growth in revenue since the year 2006, even though still operating in the red, he must be doing something right considering the drop in mail flowing through the post office.
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

Which is also the reason why some (middle class) rw's will shop there.

Like I've said before, we now have an entire political party running on the promises to make you poor and keep you poor while trashing the US. Amazingly, there are some who are in favor of this.

so what is your party doing to help the PO ludd?......i can answer for you.....not a fucking thing....
They want to boycott Staples because Staples is going to provide workers to do a job worth about ten dollars an hour...and charge ten dollars an hour...which the public employee Unions are bilking the taxpayers out of $25 per hour to do.

show me were tax dollars are given to the PO....
No more long lines at the post office to try to get some service from surly government employees who are convinced they are doing you a favor is harmful. Just how? Post offices are closing all over the country. This just doesn't have a downside?

when they have people like you as customers Katz....i can understand why they are "surly"....
Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

You sure?


Walmart has a good business model in my opinion. Here's an anecdotal example; this morning I needed a can of Tennis balls, I went to K-Mart and they don't open until 8am, so Instead of waiting 15 more minutes, I went to Walmart of bought my Tennis balls, groceries, water, beer, etc. . Yes it was 3miles down the road, but I was able to do all of the above and still get to the Tennis courts because Walmart stays up 24/7 and the price for their Tennis balls is cheaper than K-Mart's.
K-Mart on the other hand, makes it complex for one to purchase anything because of the steps when has to take to even get to the point to pay them. through the years (11) of shopping at the same Walmart, I have seen at least five people start from the bottom and then advance to managerial positions, one is even a store manager now.
I just don't see what's wrong with Walmart or any other big chain. Are the "mom & Pop" stores providing better prices to their customers and paying their workers any more than Walmart does?

so now he is making what?.... $11.50 an hour?....just askin....
Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.

You know what lowering the tax burden on billionaires leads too?

Billionaires with more money.

That's like, exactly what they need right?

It's like giving the crazy cat lady more cats.

Boycott Staples
I get most of my office supplies from staples. Don't plan on boycotting them anytime soon. I find they provide good service when I'm there. Not to mention jobs they provide for some who would otherwise be out of work.

Staples has also received numerous recognition awards in the past...

Thanks to the collaborative effort of our leadership team and our associates globally, several organizations recognized Staples for excellence in corporate responsibility.

For the 10th consecutive year, Staples was selected as a component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) for 2012/2013.

Ranked #2 among retailers and #10 overall in the Newsweek Green Rankings for 2012, which ranks the environmental efforts of the largest 500 companies in the U.S.

Included on CR Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2012 list

Named one of the 2012 Top 50 Companies for Diverse Managers to Work by Diversity MBA
For the third straight year, earned 100% score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index

EPA Green Power Partner recognition: Ranked #4 among all retailers, #6 among Fortune 500 companies and #6 in the U.S. (as of January 2013)

In 2012, selected as EPA ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year for Energy Management for the second year in a row

Selected as a finalist for the 2012 Platts Global Energy Awards in the Corporate Social Responsibility category

Staples Australia received a 2012 Australian Business Award for Environmental Sustainability. This award recognizes organizations that implement policies and/or execute initiatives that demonstrate leadership and commitment to the enhancement, preservation and protection of the environment.

Shortlisted for the European Office Products Industry CSR Award for the third consecutive year in recognition of our comprehensive CSR offering

For the third year in a row, Staples Advantage in Canada was awarded the prestigious Community Leadership Award of Excellence from the Canadian Office Products Association (COPA). Staples was recognized for exhibiting leadership, initiative, creativity, dedication and commitment to making a difference in the community

Staples Recongnition Awards

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