Bradley Manning Sentenced To 35 Years:

Have you ever been tasked to kill a bunch of people?

I, for one, have not.

But I can understand the faux bravado and comedic chatter while that's underway.

Trying to share the experience and to shake-off the willies while you're in the middle of killing folk by remote control, from a distance.

It's called Gallows Humor, and it doesn't signify, insofar as I can discern, at first glance.

Troops do that all the time... helps 'em to hang onto their sanity, while they're doing it.

The only difference here is that the Gallows Humor was caught on tape, and then misused by people who don't understand what they were looking-at and listening-to, in that context.

Happens all the time... and always has... since time immemorial... and as far into the future as your imagination can carry you...

And it doesn't mean a damned thing...

Or so it seems to this US Army veteran, and observer here...
"...c'mon man, just pick up the weapon."

"Just pick it up!"

As he had his finger on the trigger.

That shows he wanted to shoot the guy!

And shooting the wounded, is a war crime.

NO, it is NOT
I looked at the entire 17-minutes-long video sequence within the past hour, as a memory-refresher of an original viewing months ago, and I did not see a reason to fire upon the van that came-up after Shoot-Sequence No. 1...

It seems as though our fellas got carried away, in undertaking Shoot-Sequence No. 2...

But, if true, then this could have been handled through the IG's office, rather than trusting to Whats-His-Face from WikiLeaks...

that is NOT a full video.

It has been cut.
There are people here...Billo_Really most notably...who refuse to believe that the shoot was righteous. I've shown him several times that the "journalist" was carrying weapons.

He would rather believe the terrorists than his own eyes.
I am believing my own eyes. I'm saying what I'm seeing. You're the disgusting piece of shit trying to say something different.

If that "shoot" was so righteous, why were the soldiers in the Apache joking around while they were murdering these people in cold blood?

If that "shoot" was so righteous, why did they shoot people trying to help the wounded?

would you be equally appalled knowing what kind of jokes go around during the surgery? :cool:

GOD – don’t tell me. I don’t WANT to know what they are saying when I am under them LOL. :lol:
yep. that is EXACTLY what was revealed after the initial material release by Wikileaks - not only was the video doctored ( cut off the crucial parts) but the journalists were involved in the incident actively taking the part of the insurgents which were firing the RPGs at the helicopter.
There are people here...Billo_Really most notably...who refuse to believe that the shoot was righteous. I've shown him several times that the "journalist" was carrying weapons.

He would rather believe the terrorists than his own eyes.

that's a worshiper mentality. he was TOLD by his "side" it's a "war crime", therefore it HAS TO be a war crime.
Indeed. I'm reminded of a documentary I saw some years ago about crop circles. The filmmaker found the two guys who originally started making them in England, and using IR cameras, filmed them making one. The next day, when one of the "Aliens did it!!" guys came out to look at it, he showed the tape to him.

After looking at the tape, the dood said, "Nope. It was aliens."

Billo has been shown it was two guys, but still insists it was aliens.

You can't convince that kind of willful delusion.
Indeed. I'm reminded of a documentary I saw some years ago about crop circles. The filmmaker found the two guys who originally started making them in England, and using IR cameras, filmed them making one. The next day, when one of the "Aliens did it!!" guys came out to look at it, he showed the tape to him.

After looking at the tape, the dood said, "Nope. It was aliens."

Billo has been shown it was two guys, but still insists it was aliens.

You can't convince that kind of willful delusion.
Making up hypotheticals, doesn't further your argument.
Coming from you, that's absolutely meaningless. :lol:

I've answered your silly questions. It's really no concern of mine that you don't like the answers.

Now, do me a favor -- don't screech "Nuh UH!! You haven't answered my questions! Link it!" -- because we both know that I and others have.
Name the posts you answered them in, coward!

Now that was fun :D

Would you like to spew a few more obscenities while spittle is flying from your mouth? I don’t really know how you operate while filled with so much hate. Perhaps not having to be rational helps…
You made a claim and you can't back it up.

Trolls like you can go fuck yourself!
Make him.


Dood. Chill out. I know you hate anyone speaking ill of your beloved terrorists, but it's over. They're dead. Their days of shooting at US troops are over.

Have a good cry and get over it.
Cut the foreplay and name the posts you answered the questions in, coward!
Well that ones funny!

You get 1 point for that.
would you be equally appalled knowing what kind of jokes go around during the surgery? :cool:
Surgery's don't deliberately kill people in cold blood who are just standing around talking outside of a house.

sometimes it DOES.

and in that video nobody kills in cold blood people just standing outside talking.

don't LIE
NO, it is NOT
If you think shooting the wounded is okay and not a war crime, then back out of the conversation, because you're a total dumbass and an absolute skumbag of a person.

being wounded per se does not preclude a wounded person to shoot and kill

geez aren't you ... smart :rolleyes:
Another dumbass hypothetical from a dumbass troll trying to make a dumbass point he never had in the first place.
Alright Daveman,

Since you're such a fuckin' coward to name the post you answered my questions in, lets go back down memory lane and see your posts in this thread, that bear this out!

To date, in this thread, you have a total of 15 posts.

And those posts are...

Daveman post #15:
Indeed. I'm reminded of a documentary I saw some years ago about crop circles. The filmmaker found the two guys who originally started making them in England, and using IR cameras, filmed them making one. The next day, when one of the "Aliens did it!!" guys came out to look at it, he showed the tape to him.

After looking at the tape, the dood said, "Nope. It was aliens."

Billo has been shown it was two guys, but still insists it was aliens.

You can't convince that kind of willful delusion.
A hypothetical is not an answer.

Daveman post #14:
Neither is a gif, but I did like it.

Daveman post #13:
Make him.

Dood. Chill out. I know you hate anyone speaking ill of your beloved terrorists, but it's over. They're dead. Their days of shooting at US troops are over.

Have a good cry and get over it
No answer there.

Daveman post #12:
Coming from you, that's absolutely meaningless.

I've answered your silly questions. It's really no concern of mine that you don't like the answers.

Now, do me a favor -- don't screech "Nuh UH!! You haven't answered my questions! Link it!" -- because we both know that I and others have.
Claiming to have answered the questions, is not an answer.

Daveman post #11:
My goodness. Take your blood pressure medication...and whatever psychoactives you're on, too, for that matter.
No answer there.

Daveman post #10:
Ooooh. Am I supposed to be intimidated?

Because, you know -- I'm not.

You've made it quite clear that you hold the insurgents innocent in this matter, and the US military guilty -- even after having been shown the evidence that proves you wrong.

So who's the coward?
Personal attack. No answer there.

Daveman post #9:
Show me where Manning went to the IG.
Changing the subject. No answer there.

Daveman post #8:
Thanks for proving my point!
That's not an answer.

Daveman post #7:
There are people here...Billo_Really most notably...who refuse to believe that the shoot was righteous. I've shown him several times that the "journalist" was carrying weapons.

He would rather believe the terrorists than his own eyes.
Another personal attack. Not an answer.

Daveman post #6:
I've heard that "journalists" embedded with the insurgents would take pictures of Coalition troops and then show them to the insurgents so they could better target them.

Collateral Murder - The WikiLeaks Deception | Telling the Whole Story

I just showed my husband this footage. He was there and had a role in reviewing the investigation on this case. His response below might clarify some things.

This footage shows the final engagement of the Reuters field reporters in New Baghdad. Missing is the overwatch video and earlier AH64 footage showing the development of the situation where the two reporters and armed men supported by a van and cars were shadowing a Coalition patrol. These reporters accompanied the armed men who were tracking a Coalition patrol about a city block away. The camera man would peek around corners to shoot a few digital frames of the patrol and then show the pictures to the armed men. If you have all the video footage, you will see this activity happened repeatedly. The operational suspicion was that this was enemy TTP (tactic, technic, or procedure) to help prepare for an attack; the digital photos would be used to quickly evaluate the target — to judge what it looked like, its shape, distance, terrain in between, where to aim, etc. This way, the RPG operator would select the right warhead, he’d preset the mechanical sights (elevation), and fix in his mind a visual picture of the target so he would limit his exposure time when stepping out in the street to fire. The recovered camera showed how the cameral man was aiding the enemy.
No where in there do you comment on the soldiers joking around while murdering innocent civilians.

No answer there.

Daveman post #5:
Ummm...BG Janis Karpinski commanded the 800th Military Police Brigade, which operated Abu Ghraib, among other prisons.

Following the investigation, she was relieved of command of the 800th and demoted.

So she wasn't given a free pass.
This one wasn't even in response to me.

Daveman post #4:
guess we'll never know, since Manning chose to ignore the legal action -- going to the IG -- and chose instead to break the law.

I signed the same non-disclosure agreements he did. They make it quite clear that revealing classified information is a crime and the punishment can be harsh.

No one should act shocked and surprised that he's being punished -- especially him.
Nor was this one.

Daveman post #3:
I agree Manning had a duty to expose what he saw as wrongdoing.

However, what's missing in all this is the justification for him going to a non-state intelligence-gathering and -disseminating organization, when he had clear and established means of bringing his grievances to the chain of command, bypassing his commanders if necessary.

He could have gone to the IG. Nowhere was he authorized to go to WikiLeaks.

Can you address that, please, for the first time?
No answer there.

Daveman post #2:
I've asked you before, and you never answered:

Why do you think Manning had a duty to reveal classified information to a non-state intelligence-gathering and -disseminating organization instead of going through established channels, in violation of the non-disclosure agreements he signed?
You claiming I didn't answer your questions, which I answered a couple of posts later.

But you still haven't answered mine.

Daveman post #1:
I've been curious about something. Some people claim Manning had a duty to bring to light what he saw as abuses by the military -- and he did indeed have that duty.

What these same people are unable to explain is why giving his information to a non-state intelligence-gathering and -disseminating organization was part of that duty, as opposed to going through well-established channels.

Anyone like to give that a shot?
This wasn't even in response to me, so no answer there.

Well, we've just reviewed all the Daveman posts to date and none of them shows where he answered my questions. So we can only conclude...

....Daveman is a fucking coward, liar and hypocrite.
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