Brainwashed white Dem-woman says whites must shut up

The voice and face of the fucking left. The fucking stupid patronizing pathetic left. Just listen to that fucking kuuunt and look at how smart she thinks she is.

If she practices what she preaches, she will bow out of the race for DNC Chair since there are obviously some black people running for the position. It would be just wrong for her privileged self to win over an oppressed person of color.

The black lady behind her is Jehmu Greene. I kind of laugh when I hear her name because to me it sounds like a racial slur.

Yes, I agree, she's not dumb.

She's brainwashed.

And I pretty much mean that literally.

Oh god, more of the same, shouting out the set words "brainwashed" "fake" etc, that gets you to avoid discussing things properly.
I actually looked the word up before I posted that, because I try to be fairly precise.

One definition is any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion: Brainwashing by TV commercials.

Source: the definition of brainwashing

You can deflect from the topic all you want - I'd be embarrassed by that lady, too. Or perhaps you're not.

Then who isn't brainwashed? I mean, Chinese people like Chinese food, they think in a Chinese way. The Japanese like fish more, and think in a Japanese way. People are educated by their parents, brainwashing, they're educated by schools, brainwashing, they're educated by their peers, brainwashing. Who isn't brainwashed?

I mean, people aren't born to understand Christianity, or Islam, it's general forced upon people. brainwashing. Culture is brainwashing.

Go around shouting "brainwashing" doesn't mean anything, because you are also brainwashed if this woman is.

Where does free thought come into this?

What do you think of the woman's comments, specifically?

Are you going to drop the insults? Then if you do I might tell you, or you could just go back and have a look at what I've said.

What insults?

Perhaps you could just provide a direct answer.

The voice and face of the fucking left. The fucking stupid patronizing pathetic left. Just listen to that fucking kuuunt and look at how smart she thinks she is.

If she practices what she preaches, she will bow out of the race for DNC Chair since there are obviously some black people running for the position. It would be just wrong for her privileged self to win over an oppressed person of color.

The black lady behind her is Jehmu Greene. I kind of laugh when I hear her name because to me it sounds like a racial slur.

Oh god, more of the same, shouting out the set words "brainwashed" "fake" etc, that gets you to avoid discussing things properly.
I actually looked the word up before I posted that, because I try to be fairly precise.

One definition is any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion: Brainwashing by TV commercials.

Source: the definition of brainwashing

You can deflect from the topic all you want - I'd be embarrassed by that lady, too. Or perhaps you're not.

Then who isn't brainwashed? I mean, Chinese people like Chinese food, they think in a Chinese way. The Japanese like fish more, and think in a Japanese way. People are educated by their parents, brainwashing, they're educated by schools, brainwashing, they're educated by their peers, brainwashing. Who isn't brainwashed?

I mean, people aren't born to understand Christianity, or Islam, it's general forced upon people. brainwashing. Culture is brainwashing.

Go around shouting "brainwashing" doesn't mean anything, because you are also brainwashed if this woman is.

Where does free thought come into this?

You are one stupid motherfucker, you obviously don't understand reality. Political correctness grooms people to be spineless and controlled.

Yes, it becomes an echo chamber, it is done with intent, and it literally changes (or amplifies) thought processes.

That's close enough to the notion of "brainwashing" for me, at least in this application.

Dude, I'm done with you.


I asked a clear and direct question, and you refuse to answer it.

Happens a lot here, no problem.

The voice and face of the fucking left. The fucking stupid patronizing pathetic left. Just listen to that fucking kuuunt and look at how smart she thinks she is.

If she practices what she preaches, she will bow out of the race for DNC Chair since there are obviously some black people running for the position. It would be just wrong for her privileged self to win over an oppressed person of color.

The black lady behind her is Jehmu Greene. I kind of laugh when I hear her name because to me it sounds like a racial slur.

Oh god, more of the same, shouting out the set words "brainwashed" "fake" etc, that gets you to avoid discussing things properly.
I actually looked the word up before I posted that, because I try to be fairly precise.

One definition is any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion: Brainwashing by TV commercials.

Source: the definition of brainwashing

You can deflect from the topic all you want - I'd be embarrassed by that lady, too. Or perhaps you're not.

Then who isn't brainwashed? I mean, Chinese people like Chinese food, they think in a Chinese way. The Japanese like fish more, and think in a Japanese way. People are educated by their parents, brainwashing, they're educated by schools, brainwashing, they're educated by their peers, brainwashing. Who isn't brainwashed?

I mean, people aren't born to understand Christianity, or Islam, it's general forced upon people. brainwashing. Culture is brainwashing.

Go around shouting "brainwashing" doesn't mean anything, because you are also brainwashed if this woman is.

Where does free thought come into this?

What do you think of the woman's comments, specifically?

Are you going to drop the insults? Then if you do I might tell you, or you could just go back and have a look at what I've said.

What insults?

Perhaps you could just provide a direct answer.

Okay, it was another guy. I thought I was replying to you. Sorry about that.

What I think about this woman is that she had a point she wanted to make, however she tried to make it in the wrong way. She wanted to talk about how the Democratic Party needs to be honest with itself, understand that there is prejudice in the party, that there are problems, and that it's quite sad that people are talking about race relations in the modern era. We should be beyond that.

Where she went wrong is that she is then bringing the people together, but possibly causing more harm than she thinks by going off on one about white people. She shouldn't be talking about white democrats. She should be talking only about democrats, because she's sad that in the modern era people talk like this, and then talks like that.

Is it brainwashed? I wouldn't use that word. I'd say that she hasn't completely thought about the impact of her words, I'd say that she is listening to other people, taking ideas from other people, and making a huge mistake. Brainwashed? Not any more than anyone else. Brainwashed would be her literally repeating what someone else has told her to repeat. I don't believe that's the case. Being wrong doesn't make you brainwashed.
If the left could stop insulting whites for like 5 minutes maybe enough of them would have voted for Hillary.
I've been saying it for a while now, this is the new kkk. I can Imagine in 1955 a redneck stood up in a meeting and said "we need to shut up black people"
If she practices what she preaches, she will bow out of the race for DNC Chair since there are obviously some black people running for the position. It would be just wrong for her privileged self to win over an oppressed person of color.

The black lady behind her is Jehmu Greene. I kind of laugh when I hear her name because to me it sounds like a racial slur.
I actually looked the word up before I posted that, because I try to be fairly precise.

One definition is any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion: Brainwashing by TV commercials.

Source: the definition of brainwashing

You can deflect from the topic all you want - I'd be embarrassed by that lady, too. Or perhaps you're not.

Then who isn't brainwashed? I mean, Chinese people like Chinese food, they think in a Chinese way. The Japanese like fish more, and think in a Japanese way. People are educated by their parents, brainwashing, they're educated by schools, brainwashing, they're educated by their peers, brainwashing. Who isn't brainwashed?

I mean, people aren't born to understand Christianity, or Islam, it's general forced upon people. brainwashing. Culture is brainwashing.

Go around shouting "brainwashing" doesn't mean anything, because you are also brainwashed if this woman is.

Where does free thought come into this?
What do you think of the woman's comments, specifically?

Are you going to drop the insults? Then if you do I might tell you, or you could just go back and have a look at what I've said.
What insults?

Perhaps you could just provide a direct answer.

Okay, it was another guy. I thought I was replying to you. Sorry about that.

What I think about this woman is that she had a point she wanted to make, however she tried to make it in the wrong way. She wanted to talk about how the Democratic Party needs to be honest with itself, understand that there is prejudice in the party, that there are problems, and that it's quite sad that people are talking about race relations in the modern era. We should be beyond that.

Where she went wrong is that she is then bringing the people together, but possibly causing more harm than she thinks by going off on one about white people. She shouldn't be talking about white democrats. She should be talking only about democrats, because she's sad that in the modern era people talk like this, and then talks like that.

Is it brainwashed? I wouldn't use that word. I'd say that she hasn't completely thought about the impact of her words, I'd say that she is listening to other people, taking ideas from other people, and making a huge mistake. Brainwashed? Not any more than anyone else. Brainwashed would be her literally repeating what someone else has told her to repeat. I don't believe that's the case. Being wrong doesn't make you brainwashed.
That woman is loopy as a crack whore and should be put in an asylum...
If she practices what she preaches, she will bow out of the race for DNC Chair since there are obviously some black people running for the position. It would be just wrong for her privileged self to win over an oppressed person of color.

The black lady behind her is Jehmu Greene. I kind of laugh when I hear her name because to me it sounds like a racial slur.
I actually looked the word up before I posted that, because I try to be fairly precise.

One definition is any method of controlled systematic indoctrination, especially one based on repetition or confusion: Brainwashing by TV commercials.

Source: the definition of brainwashing

You can deflect from the topic all you want - I'd be embarrassed by that lady, too. Or perhaps you're not.

Then who isn't brainwashed? I mean, Chinese people like Chinese food, they think in a Chinese way. The Japanese like fish more, and think in a Japanese way. People are educated by their parents, brainwashing, they're educated by schools, brainwashing, they're educated by their peers, brainwashing. Who isn't brainwashed?

I mean, people aren't born to understand Christianity, or Islam, it's general forced upon people. brainwashing. Culture is brainwashing.

Go around shouting "brainwashing" doesn't mean anything, because you are also brainwashed if this woman is.

Where does free thought come into this?
What do you think of the woman's comments, specifically?

Are you going to drop the insults? Then if you do I might tell you, or you could just go back and have a look at what I've said.
What insults?

Perhaps you could just provide a direct answer.

Okay, it was another guy. I thought I was replying to you. Sorry about that.

What I think about this woman is that she had a point she wanted to make, however she tried to make it in the wrong way. She wanted to talk about how the Democratic Party needs to be honest with itself, understand that there is prejudice in the party, that there are problems, and that it's quite sad that people are talking about race relations in the modern era. We should be beyond that.

Where she went wrong is that she is then bringing the people together, but possibly causing more harm than she thinks by going off on one about white people. She shouldn't be talking about white democrats. She should be talking only about democrats, because she's sad that in the modern era people talk like this, and then talks like that.

Is it brainwashed? I wouldn't use that word. I'd say that she hasn't completely thought about the impact of her words, I'd say that she is listening to other people, taking ideas from other people, and making a huge mistake. Brainwashed? Not any more than anyone else. Brainwashed would be her literally repeating what someone else has told her to repeat. I don't believe that's the case. Being wrong doesn't make you brainwashed.

On a macro scale, I think the people I refer to as hardcore partisan ideologues are brainwashed to a point - they exist in ideological bubbles, exposing themselves almost exclusively to their ideology, automatically shunning and attacking all those who dare to disagree. To me, that's kind of a self-imposed brainwashing that feeds on itself. On both ends of the spectrum.

Anyway, to the point, I think you're exactly right. She started off actually challenging Democrats (honest self-examination in politics is rare nowadays) but then slipped into an embarrassing attempt at self-deprecation and pandering. It was a weird contrast. I think the Democrats can do much better than that, if they'd just stop with the freaking Identity Politics stuff.

The voice and face of the fucking left. The fucking stupid patronizing pathetic left. Just listen to that fucking kuuunt and look at how smart she thinks she is.

What's even funnier is that you think she's so dumb, yet you don't understand what she's saying.

She is talking gibberish and should be put in an asylum...

The voice and face of the fucking left. The fucking stupid patronizing pathetic left. Just listen to that fucking kuuunt and look at how smart she thinks she is.

If she practices what she preaches, she will bow out of the race for DNC Chair since there are obviously some black people running for the position. It would be just wrong for her privileged self to win over an oppressed person of color.

The black lady behind her is Jehmu Greene. I kind of laugh when I hear her name because to me it sounds like a racial slur.

She hates whites and their culture. This brainwashing of dumb white folks has been going on for at least fifty years.
Demonize white people, make current white people, particularly white males, pay for the sins of the father. That's sure to take back America.
she has to have something to complain about, right now there is the fake racism thing, the fake republicans in my uterus thing an the fake grab her by her genitals thing.
she knows she is too butt ugly to scream about abortion or genital grabbing, aint nobody going to touch her like that, as a matter of fact, I would rather spend my day rubbing anal lube on the asses of the animals at the zoo before I would grab her by anything, and God knows that no man can get her pregnant, whos crank is going to stay hard, let alone get hard looking at her.
The only thing she has to cry about is racism. It makes her forget for a small moment in time, exactly how ugly she really is.
whites need to shut up? ok, lets start with Joyce Blowhard and Nancy Pelosi
she has to have something to complain about, right now there is the fake racism thing, the fake republicans in my uterus thing an the fake grab her by her genitals thing.
she knows she is too butt ugly to scream about abortion or genital grabbing, aint nobody going to touch her like that, as a matter of fact, I would rather spend my day rubbing anal lube on the asses of the animals at the zoo before I would grab her by anything, and God knows that no man can get her pregnant, whos crank is going to stay hard, let alone get hard looking at her.
The only thing she has to cry about is racism. It makes her forget for a small moment in time, exactly how ugly she really is.
whites need to shut up? ok, lets start with Joyce Blowhard and Nancy Pelosi
Obama is half white so he should shut up at least half the time.
Then who isn't brainwashed? I mean, Chinese people like Chinese food, they think in a Chinese way. The Japanese like fish more, and think in a Japanese way. People are educated by their parents, brainwashing, they're educated by schools, brainwashing, they're educated by their peers, brainwashing. Who isn't brainwashed?

I mean, people aren't born to understand Christianity, or Islam, it's general forced upon people. brainwashing. Culture is brainwashing.

Go around shouting "brainwashing" doesn't mean anything, because you are also brainwashed if this woman is.

Where does free thought come into this?
What do you think of the woman's comments, specifically?

Are you going to drop the insults? Then if you do I might tell you, or you could just go back and have a look at what I've said.
What insults?

Perhaps you could just provide a direct answer.

Okay, it was another guy. I thought I was replying to you. Sorry about that.

What I think about this woman is that she had a point she wanted to make, however she tried to make it in the wrong way. She wanted to talk about how the Democratic Party needs to be honest with itself, understand that there is prejudice in the party, that there are problems, and that it's quite sad that people are talking about race relations in the modern era. We should be beyond that.

Where she went wrong is that she is then bringing the people together, but possibly causing more harm than she thinks by going off on one about white people. She shouldn't be talking about white democrats. She should be talking only about democrats, because she's sad that in the modern era people talk like this, and then talks like that.

Is it brainwashed? I wouldn't use that word. I'd say that she hasn't completely thought about the impact of her words, I'd say that she is listening to other people, taking ideas from other people, and making a huge mistake. Brainwashed? Not any more than anyone else. Brainwashed would be her literally repeating what someone else has told her to repeat. I don't believe that's the case. Being wrong doesn't make you brainwashed.

On a macro scale, I think the people I refer to as hardcore partisan ideologues are brainwashed to a point - they exist in ideological bubbles, exposing themselves almost exclusively to their ideology, automatically shunning and attacking all those who dare to disagree. To me, that's kind of a self-imposed brainwashing that feeds on itself. On both ends of the spectrum.

Anyway, to the point, I think you're exactly right. She started off actually challenging Democrats (honest self-examination in politics is rare nowadays) but then slipped into an embarrassing attempt at self-deprecation and pandering. It was a weird contrast. I think the Democrats can do much better than that, if they'd just stop with the freaking Identity Politics stuff.

Well it depends on how you view it.

Firstly you have people who "believe", is that brainwashing? To a certain extent it is. Religion is brainwashing. "Hey, believe this stuff and then do all this stuff and feel good about it and we have you controlled."

For people who have grown up being told to believe in things, then it isn't so difficult to decide to believe in what you think is convenient. The belief is easier than the reality. Reality takes more effort, and too many people don't want to think, so they go back to what they know.

Is this brainwashing, or is it just laziness?

For this women it doesn't seem to be laziness. In her case it is probably that she reads a lot, she comes across many ideas and is putting this stuff together and isn't quite seeing things as she should. The expression is, you can't see the forest for the trees. It happens to most people if not all. It depends what you are looking closely at and what you are just looking at from far away.
But I've seen many people who want to go into politics and they're listening to their peers and they're playing the system, they're saying the right things, and often they believe them to be true. Brainwashing? Not necessarily, they're just accepting things that aren't necessarily right.
What do you think of the woman's comments, specifically?

Are you going to drop the insults? Then if you do I might tell you, or you could just go back and have a look at what I've said.
What insults?

Perhaps you could just provide a direct answer.

Okay, it was another guy. I thought I was replying to you. Sorry about that.

What I think about this woman is that she had a point she wanted to make, however she tried to make it in the wrong way. She wanted to talk about how the Democratic Party needs to be honest with itself, understand that there is prejudice in the party, that there are problems, and that it's quite sad that people are talking about race relations in the modern era. We should be beyond that.

Where she went wrong is that she is then bringing the people together, but possibly causing more harm than she thinks by going off on one about white people. She shouldn't be talking about white democrats. She should be talking only about democrats, because she's sad that in the modern era people talk like this, and then talks like that.

Is it brainwashed? I wouldn't use that word. I'd say that she hasn't completely thought about the impact of her words, I'd say that she is listening to other people, taking ideas from other people, and making a huge mistake. Brainwashed? Not any more than anyone else. Brainwashed would be her literally repeating what someone else has told her to repeat. I don't believe that's the case. Being wrong doesn't make you brainwashed.

On a macro scale, I think the people I refer to as hardcore partisan ideologues are brainwashed to a point - they exist in ideological bubbles, exposing themselves almost exclusively to their ideology, automatically shunning and attacking all those who dare to disagree. To me, that's kind of a self-imposed brainwashing that feeds on itself. On both ends of the spectrum.

Anyway, to the point, I think you're exactly right. She started off actually challenging Democrats (honest self-examination in politics is rare nowadays) but then slipped into an embarrassing attempt at self-deprecation and pandering. It was a weird contrast. I think the Democrats can do much better than that, if they'd just stop with the freaking Identity Politics stuff.

Well it depends on how you view it.

Firstly you have people who "believe", is that brainwashing? To a certain extent it is. Religion is brainwashing. "Hey, believe this stuff and then do all this stuff and feel good about it and we have you controlled."

For people who have grown up being told to believe in things, then it isn't so difficult to decide to believe in what you think is convenient. The belief is easier than the reality. Reality takes more effort, and too many people don't want to think, so they go back to what they know.

Is this brainwashing, or is it just laziness?

For this women it doesn't seem to be laziness. In her case it is probably that she reads a lot, she comes across many ideas and is putting this stuff together and isn't quite seeing things as she should. The expression is, you can't see the forest for the trees. It happens to most people if not all. It depends what you are looking closely at and what you are just looking at from far away.
But I've seen many people who want to go into politics and they're listening to their peers and they're playing the system, they're saying the right things, and often they believe them to be true. Brainwashing? Not necessarily, they're just accepting things that aren't necessarily right.

Ignorance and illogic.

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