Branding the Mark of death with the ashes of hell onto your forehead?

So your rebuttle is bare false testimony and ad hominom attack while insulting all Catholics as being greasy pimpled faced adolescents who need the ash as a form of Proactive?
Proved my point: they will become "wormwood"=bitter and poisonous.
Case closed.

Mission Accomplished!

Thank you for your kind cooperation.
jews invented ashes?. In the course of your "education" -----in the intellectual
pursuits in which you may have engaged---including the teachings of your
catechism whore----you learned that DA JOOOOS INVENTED ASHES?.
I am impressed------if the jews invented ashes------then jews are credited with
a very significant contribution to technology------ashes make the all important
LYE. Lye is very important-----one cannot make soap without it.

No they didn't invent anything, let alone ashes. They wore ashes when in a state of penance, and the RCC copied it. Thank goodness RC's do not walk around in sackcloth's though.

is that what the catechism whore told you? do you have any idea what "sackcloth" is? In fact it has been FAR more a catholic thing than jewish
thing. Your discussion of the issue is idiotic. In fact jews never "wore ashes"--- another catholic thing--------did you see jews walking around with
smudged foreheads yesterday? World wide customs of "mourning' are
interesting. Long long ago I was questioned by a person from southeast
Asia about the ODD CUSTOMS of people of the USA. The person asked me
they attend a funeral. Getting back to SACKCLOTH----there are still some
catholic orders of nuns who wear sack cloth ----REGULARLY-----lots of catholic
saints were famous for their SACK CLOTH wearing habits. Your catechism whore failed again

Its in your OT.

and the catechism whore FORGOT to tell you about the use of sackcloth
by SAINTS AND NUNS and some catholics in general? Did da joooos
INVENT sacks?. Hindu women----interestingly enough---wear RED for
their weddings-----and when widowed----white----the more pious---for the rest
of their lives. Spanish catholic widows wear black. The word SACK----is
interesting-------even YOU know a Hebrew word. The OT is packed up with
all kinds of interesting information. It is a shame that so few people actually
read it

Yes everyone wears black to a funeral. Its a somber day. We do not see many groups of people walking around today in sacks, made of cheap cloth, and buried in ashes, and pleading with God for help. I am aware there are still some superstitious nuns who sit and pray all day and live a life away from society and think they are pious. I say think because they are not doing much good are they?
We do not go around mourning like the Hebrews did in the OT. Religious rituals always come from somewhere,

perhaps the Hebrews or Jews got it from the Canaanites, Babylonians, or Sumerians. Coloring Easter eggs from what I have read is a Persian thing, and all Christians do it, celebrate Easter, but for different reasons, its really a celebration of Spring.

your post----as usual-----is shit. "everyone wears black to a funeral"-- nope---
customs vary thruout the world. "we do not see many groups of people walking
around today in sacks .... and buried in ashes....and pleading with God for help"
<<<another delusion of the gutter slut whore... " Nuns who sit all day"....<<<<
more of the shit from the gutter whore " we do not go around mourning like the
Hebrews did...." the filthy cock sucking whore AGAIN quotes --the catechism whore and HER account of her sick hallucinations "all Christians do it..."
do what?----murder infants for HOLY ORGASM?
No they didn't invent anything, let alone ashes. They wore ashes when in a state of penance, and the RCC copied it. Thank goodness RC's do not walk around in sackcloth's though.

is that what the catechism whore told you? do you have any idea what "sackcloth" is? In fact it has been FAR more a catholic thing than jewish
thing. Your discussion of the issue is idiotic. In fact jews never "wore ashes"--- another catholic thing--------did you see jews walking around with
smudged foreheads yesterday? World wide customs of "mourning' are
interesting. Long long ago I was questioned by a person from southeast
Asia about the ODD CUSTOMS of people of the USA. The person asked me
they attend a funeral. Getting back to SACKCLOTH----there are still some
catholic orders of nuns who wear sack cloth ----REGULARLY-----lots of catholic
saints were famous for their SACK CLOTH wearing habits. Your catechism whore failed again

Its in your OT.

and the catechism whore FORGOT to tell you about the use of sackcloth
by SAINTS AND NUNS and some catholics in general? Did da joooos
INVENT sacks?. Hindu women----interestingly enough---wear RED for
their weddings-----and when widowed----white----the more pious---for the rest
of their lives. Spanish catholic widows wear black. The word SACK----is
interesting-------even YOU know a Hebrew word. The OT is packed up with
all kinds of interesting information. It is a shame that so few people actually
read it

Yes everyone wears black to a funeral. Its a somber day. We do not see many groups of people walking around today in sacks, made of cheap cloth, and buried in ashes, and pleading with God for help. I am aware there are still some superstitious nuns who sit and pray all day and live a life away from society and think they are pious. I say think because they are not doing much good are they?
We do not go around mourning like the Hebrews did in the OT. Religious rituals always come from somewhere,

perhaps the Hebrews or Jews got it from the Canaanites, Babylonians, or Sumerians. Coloring Easter eggs from what I have read is a Persian thing, and all Christians do it, celebrate Easter, but for different reasons, its really a celebration of Spring.

your post----as usual-----is shit. "everyone wears black to a funeral"-- nope---
customs vary thruout the world. "we do not see many groups of people walking
around today in sacks .... and buried in ashes....and pleading with God for help"
<<<another delusion of the gutter slut whore... " Nuns who sit all day"....<<<<
more of the shit from the gutter whore " we do not go around mourning like the
Hebrews did...." the filthy cock sucking whore AGAIN quotes --the catechism whore and HER account of her sick hallucinations "all Christians do it..."
do what?----murder infants for HOLY ORGASM?
:alcoholic:little early isn't it. Yes most people wear black in the US for a funeral, at least the ones I've been to, and that is many. Now in the OT, you know your Jewish Hebrew book, you sat around in sackcloth and ashes begging to Yahweh for aid. I am saying the RCC copied it, but then again, the Jews probably copied it from others, maybe the Romans did it first, I mean the Jews copied a lot from the Greeks, Romans, and Persians.

There are still nuns who sit and pray all day.

Fr. Saunders

The liturgical use of ashes originates in the Old Testament times. Ashes symbolized mourning, mortality and penance. For instance, in the Book of Esther, Mordecai put on sackcloth and ashes when he heard of the decree of King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes, 485-464 B.C.) of Persia to kill all of the Jewish people in the Persian Empire (Esther 4:1). Job (whose story was written between the seventh and fifth centuries BC) repented in sackcloth and ashes (Job 42:6). Prophesying the Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem, Daniel (c. 550 B.C.) wrote, "I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes" (Daniel 9:3).

In the fifth century B.C., after Jonah's preaching of conversion and repentance, the town of Ninevah proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, and the king covered himself with sackcloth and sat in the ashes (Jonah 3:5-6). These Old Testament examples evidence both a recognized practice of using ashes and a common understanding of their symbolism.


After the sprinkling, the priest asked, "Art thou content with sackcloth and ashes in testimony of thy penance before the Lord in the day of judgment?" To which the dying person replied, "I am content." In all of these examples, the symbolism of mourning, mortality, and penance is clear.

Eventually, the use of ashes was adapted to mark the beginning of Lent, the 40 day preparation period (not including Sundays) for Easter. The ritual for the "Day of Ashes" is found in the earliest editions of the Gregorian Sacramentary, which dates at least to the eighth century.

Fr. Saunders

:badgrin::badgrin::banana::woohoo: have another :alcoholic:
is that what the catechism whore told you? do you have any idea what "sackcloth" is? In fact it has been FAR more a catholic thing than jewish
thing. Your discussion of the issue is idiotic. In fact jews never "wore ashes"--- another catholic thing--------did you see jews walking around with
smudged foreheads yesterday? World wide customs of "mourning' are
interesting. Long long ago I was questioned by a person from southeast
Asia about the ODD CUSTOMS of people of the USA. The person asked me
they attend a funeral. Getting back to SACKCLOTH----there are still some
catholic orders of nuns who wear sack cloth ----REGULARLY-----lots of catholic
saints were famous for their SACK CLOTH wearing habits. Your catechism whore failed again

Its in your OT.

and the catechism whore FORGOT to tell you about the use of sackcloth
by SAINTS AND NUNS and some catholics in general? Did da joooos
INVENT sacks?. Hindu women----interestingly enough---wear RED for
their weddings-----and when widowed----white----the more pious---for the rest
of their lives. Spanish catholic widows wear black. The word SACK----is
interesting-------even YOU know a Hebrew word. The OT is packed up with
all kinds of interesting information. It is a shame that so few people actually
read it

Yes everyone wears black to a funeral. Its a somber day. We do not see many groups of people walking around today in sacks, made of cheap cloth, and buried in ashes, and pleading with God for help. I am aware there are still some superstitious nuns who sit and pray all day and live a life away from society and think they are pious. I say think because they are not doing much good are they?
We do not go around mourning like the Hebrews did in the OT. Religious rituals always come from somewhere,

perhaps the Hebrews or Jews got it from the Canaanites, Babylonians, or Sumerians. Coloring Easter eggs from what I have read is a Persian thing, and all Christians do it, celebrate Easter, but for different reasons, its really a celebration of Spring.

your post----as usual-----is shit. "everyone wears black to a funeral"-- nope---
customs vary thruout the world. "we do not see many groups of people walking
around today in sacks .... and buried in ashes....and pleading with God for help"
<<<another delusion of the gutter slut whore... " Nuns who sit all day"....<<<<
more of the shit from the gutter whore " we do not go around mourning like the
Hebrews did...." the filthy cock sucking whore AGAIN quotes --the catechism whore and HER account of her sick hallucinations "all Christians do it..."
do what?----murder infants for HOLY ORGASM?
:alcoholic:little early isn't it. Yes most people wear black in the US for a funeral, at least the ones I've been to, and that is many. Now in the OT, you know your Jewish Hebrew book, you sat around in sackcloth and ashes begging to Yahweh for aid. I am saying the RCC copied it, but then again, the Jews probably copied it from others, maybe the Romans did it first, I mean the Jews copied a lot from the Greeks, Romans, and Persians.

There are still nuns who sit and pray all day.

the whore has gone off the deep end-------she claims that I
"sat around in sack cloth
and ashed begging something called "YAHWEH" for aid----
is that what the catechism whore told you? do you have any idea what "sackcloth" is? In fact it has been FAR more a catholic thing than jewish
thing. Your discussion of the issue is idiotic. In fact jews never "wore ashes"--- another catholic thing--------did you see jews walking around with
smudged foreheads yesterday? World wide customs of "mourning' are
interesting. Long long ago I was questioned by a person from southeast
Asia about the ODD CUSTOMS of people of the USA. The person asked me
they attend a funeral. Getting back to SACKCLOTH----there are still some
catholic orders of nuns who wear sack cloth ----REGULARLY-----lots of catholic
saints were famous for their SACK CLOTH wearing habits. Your catechism whore failed again

Its in your OT.

and the catechism whore FORGOT to tell you about the use of sackcloth
by SAINTS AND NUNS and some catholics in general? Did da joooos
INVENT sacks?. Hindu women----interestingly enough---wear RED for
their weddings-----and when widowed----white----the more pious---for the rest
of their lives. Spanish catholic widows wear black. The word SACK----is
interesting-------even YOU know a Hebrew word. The OT is packed up with
all kinds of interesting information. It is a shame that so few people actually
read it

Yes everyone wears black to a funeral. Its a somber day. We do not see many groups of people walking around today in sacks, made of cheap cloth, and buried in ashes, and pleading with God for help. I am aware there are still some superstitious nuns who sit and pray all day and live a life away from society and think they are pious. I say think because they are not doing much good are they?
We do not go around mourning like the Hebrews did in the OT. Religious rituals always come from somewhere,

perhaps the Hebrews or Jews got it from the Canaanites, Babylonians, or Sumerians. Coloring Easter eggs from what I have read is a Persian thing, and all Christians do it, celebrate Easter, but for different reasons, its really a celebration of Spring.

your post----as usual-----is shit. "everyone wears black to a funeral"-- nope---
customs vary thruout the world. "we do not see many groups of people walking
around today in sacks .... and buried in ashes....and pleading with God for help"
<<<another delusion of the gutter slut whore... " Nuns who sit all day"....<<<<
more of the shit from the gutter whore " we do not go around mourning like the
Hebrews did...." the filthy cock sucking whore AGAIN quotes --the catechism whore and HER account of her sick hallucinations "all Christians do it..."
do what?----murder infants for HOLY ORGASM?
:alcoholic:little early isn't it. Yes most people wear black in the US for a funeral, at least the ones I've been to, and that is many. Now in the OT, you know your Jewish Hebrew book, you sat around in sackcloth and ashes begging to Yahweh for aid. I am saying the RCC copied it, but then again, the Jews probably copied it from others, maybe the Romans did it first, I mean the Jews copied a lot from the Greeks, Romans, and Persians.

There are still nuns who sit and pray all day.

the ball of dog shit gutter whore has gone "OFF THE DEEP END" She claims that "IN THE OT"-----I, (rosie) "sat around all day in sackcloth and ashes begging....." something she calls *Yahweh* "for aid" (keep in mind---the slut never read the OT not even the very questionable translation she has,
in the past, cited.) Then the cock sucking slut gets into ----"DA JOOS COPIED
IT" as to the nuns------I don't know to whom she refers----maybe the cock sucker who was her CATECHISM NUN and from whom SHE learned what I did
"all day in the OT" The YOU in her garble MAY be a plural-----I am not sure.

anyone out there know what "sackcloth" is? You need not know----if you do
not know any Hebrew at all ------you will never grasp the actual nuances of the OT---unless you are very intelligent----------it is not for the penelopian sluts of the world

I wonder what the 'AID' was--------food stamps?

Fr. Saunders

The liturgical use of ashes originates in the Old Testament times. Ashes symbolized mourning, mortality and penance. For instance, in the Book of Esther, Mordecai put on sackcloth and ashes when he heard of the decree of King Ahasuerus (or Xerxes, 485-464 B.C.) of Persia to kill all of the Jewish people in the Persian Empire (Esther 4:1). Job (whose story was written between the seventh and fifth centuries BC) repented in sackcloth and ashes (Job 42:6). Prophesying the Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem, Daniel (c. 550 B.C.) wrote, "I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes" (Daniel 9:3).

In the fifth century B.C., after Jonah's preaching of conversion and repentance, the town of Ninevah proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, and the king covered himself with sackcloth and sat in the ashes (Jonah 3:5-6). These Old Testament examples evidence both a recognized practice of using ashes and a common understanding of their symbolism.


After the sprinkling, the priest asked, "Art thou content with sackcloth and ashes in testimony of thy penance before the Lord in the day of judgment?" To which the dying person replied, "I am content." In all of these examples, the symbolism of mourning, mortality, and penance is clear.

Eventually, the use of ashes was adapted to mark the beginning of Lent, the 40 day preparation period (not including Sundays) for Easter. The ritual for the "Day of Ashes" is found in the earliest editions of the Gregorian Sacramentary, which dates at least to the eighth century.

Fr. Saunders

:badgrin::badgrin::banana::woohoo: have another :alcoholic:

father saunders has a fair understanding of Catholicism------but is really confused
when it comes to SYMBOLISH vs ------actual event. He ----very likely---also does not know a word of Hebrew. Pope Gregory died in the SEVENTH CENTURY
AD-------he, probably, did not know a word of Hebrew either--------sheeesh and then they finally records his crap in the Eighth Century----and from that penelpe decide that she "KNOWS" what jews actually did---"all day"
According to Penelopes reasoning, since David Bowie said ashes to ashes are used
by Major Tom who's a junkie then
Christians using ash is to show they are like junkies for death (symbol of the cross).
According to Penelopes reasoning, since David Bowie said ashes to ashes are used
by Major Tom who's a junkie then
Christians using ash is to show they are like junkies for death (symbol of the cross).

Very ASTUTE observation, Hashev. Yes-----Penelope does manage to
Mission Accomplished!

Thank you for your kind cooperation.
You are welcome, thanks for the bump.
You weren't trying to burry this post were you?

denying the mark taken is not repentant it's called "covering up of your nakedness" the meaning of the word used in Genesis was Adam(man) and eve (the second bride of man)were covering up their deceptions.
John of Patmos calls your rituals mystery Babylon because it's straight out of The mystery cults plus everyrhing your church does or can't answer is deemed a mystery.
Following is From: Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
(c) Copyright 2001 by Michael HaShev.
All Rights Reserved. with some additional commentary:
Revelation 17:6,9,18
"And I saw the woman (Vatican) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration ... And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth ... And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."
[Note that scholars place the era of this Revelation at approximately 95 A.D. The city which then ruled the world was Rome, literally built on seven hills. We also know this woman seduced many kingdoms as the harlot which had many offspring (sects) and they did actually reign over the kings of the earth.]
'Scarlet Beast' (Revelation 17:4 ) wearing red and purple (color rich men used)and covered in gold and riches holding a gold cup filled with its iniquities and social injustices sits in the Vatican as the continuation of the ruler of the SEA (Rome).
This all describes the Vatican.
All the Kingdoms of the earth, especially the ten mentioned in Dan, have slept with this Harlot who lifted high the harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu (father was Roman soldier Pantheras).
Rev 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.
Rev 18:12 the Beast of Babylonian Mysteries is described in what is found in the Vatican, the articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, and the scarlet and purple cloth and silk.
Which religion always talks about the Mysteries?
Which faith can't explain anything so they resort to calling it a mystery?
The title mystery comes from the cult mystery religions that were all compiled to create one world religious order.
As for "Mystery," that name marked on the woman's forehead is the perfect indication of the Vatican City. These Mysteries are at the very heart of Roman Catholic practice and teachings.
A dead giveaway is in the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.
Every sacrament and ritual, from baptism to laying on of the hands, manifests the mysterious power which the deceived must faithfully believe the priests� exercise.
Perfect examples:
The fifteen mysteries of the rosary are divided into three orders:
the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries.
Many of these Mysterys are that they are of fron the story of Bel. (resource predated Bel Tablets)*
The 5 Joyful Mysteries
� The Mystery of the Annunciation
� The Mystery of the Visitation (luciferous light visitations to the apostles, Paul, Constantine)
� The Mystery of the Birth of the Lord (DEC25TH BEING BAAL'S BIRTHDAY, cave/barn story from Bel Tablet)
� The Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple (TAKEN FROM BEL'S STORY-PREDATED TABLETS)
� The Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple (taken from Bel Tablets)
The 5 Sorrowful Mysteries
� The Mystery of the Agony in the Garden (bel Tablet rip off)
� The Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar (forbidden persian Pillars scripture warns of)
� The Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns (baal Tablet plagiarism exact storys)
� The Mystery of Jesus carrying his cross (mithraic image used by the Bascilica prexisted in Mithraic temples they reused)
� The Mystery of the Crucifixion (Yeshu son of Mary was hanged not crucified (read Acts) the cross=symbol of death which is what this topic is about)
The 5 Glorious Mysteries
� The Mystery of the Resurrection (bel Tablet rip off)
� The Mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord (Bel story)
� The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
� The Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin
Is anything known or is everything a mystery to explain the fact they know nothing, these priests who claim to be the mediator between G0D and mankind?
One of the mystery religions that Rome Absorbed involved the Philistine idol of the fish-man god called Dagon, also referred to as the devil was Baal's father.
Baal's son was the Morning Star-Rev 22:16 Jesus is being claimed Baal's son that is the mystery.
*source for Bel Tablet:
Bel Myth Tablet by S.
Langdon, published in 1923.
Assyrian Babylonian Bel (Bel-Marduk or Marduk-Bel)
myth in which the god Bel is arrested, tried, judged,
scourged, executed, and resurrected and thus are
similar to the mythical elements of the last days of the
life of Jesus found in the Jesus myth.
This is From a stone tablet discovered in Nineveh, Assyria, and
dated 700 B.C., now housed in The British Museum,
and referred to by British Museum officials as the Marduk's Ordeal tablet.
Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.
It's no longer a mystery, when father and son are one Jesus is merely Baal remasked to convert Jews to Baal worship, which is why they never name the father.
Now you know the number of the beasts name;
Baal Jesus=666
in ASCll numerology.
The Created image in 66 books of man(6)
THe text was called ( using ASCll)
H=72+O=79+L=76+Y=89+B=66+I=73+B=66+L=76+E=69 = 666
THe holders of this Roman one world religion called:
Vaticanas (vatican Unity)=666
AsVatican (the vatican)=666

Hebrew numerics: ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom
R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
I = 10
TH = 400

And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man is-

R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
T = 400
I = 10
No one needs to know Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic, since the bible is in English and has been for many centuries. Poor Jews, or are they, don't even know their history.
So what beast was it in John's time that insisted every one be marked on their hand or forehead or they would not be able to buy or sell? When was Israel removed from Gentile hands during John's stay at Patmos? And God gathered the Jews from the North to Israel during John's time?? There is no evidence of an increase in earthquakes while John was at Patmos. Israel wasn't fruitful, rain did not increase, Israel did not become a nation in one day during John's life. That happened during my Dad's life. I could go on 1,500 more times, but I think the point is made with just those few examples.
So are you saying Christians are greasy faced children or just the politicians who rush to get the mark of death on their forehead?

So sorry to hear of your reading comprehension issue!

No, it means you are simply an acned adolescent whose rants are all we can hope for until the little clock has a few more years on it.

So your rebuttle is bare false testimony and ad hominom attack while insulting all Catholics as being greasy pimpled faced adolescents who need the ash as a form of Proactive?
Proved my point: they will become "wormwood"=bitter and poisonous.
Case closed.

Not even close to closed. Come on dude. Humans do not become wormwood. The water does, and we are told how:

Revelation 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and ..

^ Another event described by John that didn't happen during John's time. Even if you are wrong, a little continuity would be nice. "They will become" is future tense. You just got done saying that what John described was in his day, in the past. So which is it? Was John describing His day or another future event?
Last edited:
Prayers were generally held in the open (II Chron. 20:5; Judith 4:11) and all the people humiliated themselves publicly by tearing their clothes, wearing sackcloth (I Kings 21:27; Joel 2:13; Ps. 35:13; Judith 4:10, 8:5), and putting ashes or earth on their heads (Isa. 58:5; Neh. 9:1; Joseph and Asenath, 10). The cemetery was also visited. (For the various ways in which these customs were understood see TJ, Ta'an. 2:1, 65a; Ta'an. 16a.) The humiliation was applied even to the most holy objects; at times also the priests (Joel 1:13; Judith 4:14–15), the king (Jonah 3:6), or the nasi (Ta'an. 2:1) wore sackcloth and ashes. There were those who covered even the altar with sackcloth (Judith 4:12), and the ark, containing the Torah scrolls, was taken into the street and covered with ashes (Ta'an. 2:1). During the mass assembly (Joel 2:16; Judith 4:11), one of the elders would rebuke the people and the affairs of the community were investigated in order to determine who was the cause of the evil (I Kings 21:9–13; Ta'an. 2:1; Ta'an. 12b).

Yes and those darn RC's just made it up.

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