Brave Reporter Is Being Attacked For Proving Vaccines Are Tracking People


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Newsmax, the far-right news network, has sidelined a reporter who earlier this week floated a baseless conspiracy theory about coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, Emerald Robinson, a White House correspondent for the outlet, sent out a tweet that erroneously claimed that vaccines “contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked.” Newsmax issued a rare rebuke of one of its leading on-air talents -- and issued the statement "Newsmax is currently reviewing the posts and during that period, Ms. Robinson will not be on air but continue with duties for the network."

Elliot Jacobson, executive vice president and chief content officer for the network, said Newsmax has been "a strong proponent for Covid 19 vaccines -- and said:

"We have seen no evidence to suggest LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort bioluminescent marker." Before joining Newsmax, Robinson was a correspondent for One America News Network."

I don't know what has happened to Newsmax but it seems they have been compromised and taken over by the Deep State regime and can no longer be trusted. Of course they are using vaccines to track us -- they call it Luciferin for a reason....the mark of the is basically named after Satan.....Lucifer...the light is right in front of your faces and yet, we are not standing up for Jesus to fight back against this evil....Essentially anyone who has received this vaccine is now marked with the sign of the beast and has basically turned against God....the only way to repent at this point is to fight back against this vaccine and stop anyone else from getting it.....And as Ms. Robinson said, if you don't stop it, you know how this ends.

"Newsmax, the far-right news network, has sidelined a reporter who earlier this week floated a baseless conspiracy theory about coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, Emerald Robinson, a White House correspondent for the outlet, sent out a tweet that erroneously claimed that vaccines “contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked.” Newsmax issued a rare rebuke of one of its leading on-air talents -- and issued the statement "Newsmax is currently reviewing the posts and during that period, Ms. Robinson will not be on air but continue with duties for the network."

Elliot Jacobson, executive vice president and chief content officer for the network, said Newsmax has been "a strong proponent for Covid 19 vaccines -- and said:

"We have seen no evidence to suggest LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort bioluminescent marker." Before joining Newsmax, Robinson was a correspondent for One America News Network."

I don't know what has happened to Newsmax but it seems they have been compromised and taken over by the Deep State regime and can no longer be trusted. Of course they are using vaccines to track us -- they call it Luciferin for a reason....the mark of the is basically named after Satan.....Lucifer...the light is right in front of your faces and yet, we are not standing up for Jesus to fight back against this evil....Essentially anyone who has received this vaccine is now marked with the sign of the beast and has basically turned against God....the only way to repent at this point is to fight back against this vaccine and stop anyone else from getting it.....And as Ms. Robinson said, if you don't stop it, you know how this ends.

The deep state should forget these vax trackers and employ Mrs Tainant instead. She seems to know where I am and what I am doing 24/7 . Its a bit scary.

so the vaxxed will all be>>>>


yeah,,,,easy to track.....
:banana: ~S~:banana:

"Newsmax, the far-right news network, has sidelined a reporter who earlier this week floated a baseless conspiracy theory about coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, Emerald Robinson, a White House correspondent for the outlet, sent out a tweet that erroneously claimed that vaccines “contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked.” Newsmax issued a rare rebuke of one of its leading on-air talents -- and issued the statement "Newsmax is currently reviewing the posts and during that period, Ms. Robinson will not be on air but continue with duties for the network."

Elliot Jacobson, executive vice president and chief content officer for the network, said Newsmax has been "a strong proponent for Covid 19 vaccines -- and said:

"We have seen no evidence to suggest LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort bioluminescent marker." Before joining Newsmax, Robinson was a correspondent for One America News Network."

I don't know what has happened to Newsmax but it seems they have been compromised and taken over by the Deep State regime and can no longer be trusted. Of course they are using vaccines to track us -- they call it Luciferin for a reason....the mark of the is basically named after Satan.....Lucifer...the light is right in front of your faces and yet, we are not standing up for Jesus to fight back against this evil....Essentially anyone who has received this vaccine is now marked with the sign of the beast and has basically turned against God....the only way to repent at this point is to fight back against this vaccine and stop anyone else from getting it.....And as Ms. Robinson said, if you don't stop it, you know how this ends.


Brave reporter??? How about a psychotic reporter that even Newsmax has a problem with. Apparently you do not have both oars in the wather either.

"Newsmax, the far-right news network, has sidelined a reporter who earlier this week floated a baseless conspiracy theory about coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, Emerald Robinson, a White House correspondent for the outlet, sent out a tweet that erroneously claimed that vaccines “contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked.” Newsmax issued a rare rebuke of one of its leading on-air talents -- and issued the statement "Newsmax is currently reviewing the posts and during that period, Ms. Robinson will not be on air but continue with duties for the network."

Elliot Jacobson, executive vice president and chief content officer for the network, said Newsmax has been "a strong proponent for Covid 19 vaccines -- and said:

"We have seen no evidence to suggest LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort bioluminescent marker." Before joining Newsmax, Robinson was a correspondent for One America News Network."

I don't know what has happened to Newsmax but it seems they have been compromised and taken over by the Deep State regime and can no longer be trusted. Of course they are using vaccines to track us -- they call it Luciferin for a reason....the mark of the is basically named after Satan.....Lucifer...the light is right in front of your faces and yet, we are not standing up for Jesus to fight back against this evil....Essentially anyone who has received this vaccine is now marked with the sign of the beast and has basically turned against God....the only way to repent at this point is to fight back against this vaccine and stop anyone else from getting it.....And as Ms. Robinson said, if you don't stop it, you know how this ends.

I doubt the vax contains glow enzymes, but....

....what IS in the vax?

Anybody know?


"Newsmax, the far-right news network, has sidelined a reporter who earlier this week floated a baseless conspiracy theory about coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, Emerald Robinson, a White House correspondent for the outlet, sent out a tweet that erroneously claimed that vaccines “contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked.” Newsmax issued a rare rebuke of one of its leading on-air talents -- and issued the statement "Newsmax is currently reviewing the posts and during that period, Ms. Robinson will not be on air but continue with duties for the network."

Elliot Jacobson, executive vice president and chief content officer for the network, said Newsmax has been "a strong proponent for Covid 19 vaccines -- and said:

"We have seen no evidence to suggest LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort bioluminescent marker." Before joining Newsmax, Robinson was a correspondent for One America News Network."

I don't know what has happened to Newsmax but it seems they have been compromised and taken over by the Deep State regime and can no longer be trusted. Of course they are using vaccines to track us -- they call it Luciferin for a reason....the mark of the is basically named after Satan.....Lucifer...the light is right in front of your faces and yet, we are not standing up for Jesus to fight back against this evil....Essentially anyone who has received this vaccine is now marked with the sign of the beast and has basically turned against God....the only way to repent at this point is to fight back against this vaccine and stop anyone else from getting it.....And as Ms. Robinson said, if you don't stop it, you know how this ends.

It does not take a vaccine in order to track any individual in the United States.......all that is required is any type of transaction within the "SYSTEM". If you have worked a day in your life under the Social Security System guidelines......there is nothing that can be hidden from Big Brother. And the data base is growing larger with each supposed attempt to secure our nation.......finger printing is standard practice when any one secures a driving permit...etc.,

If you have purchased a new car or truck over the past decade........there is a built in tattler GPS device that can locate you down to within feet.

What really does not make any sense is the use of an SS number as a form of personal identification when the law clearly states on your SS card, "Not to be used for Identification Purposes......." Its the first and last thing that is required when one attempts to purchase, a house, a car......or any large purchase that might require financing.

What I am hearing is the final straw.......The United Nations is considering imposing a TAX on all US CITIZENS as part of a global INCOME TAX. This first popped up in the early 2000s and they are making chatter again once there is a democrat administration that can be manipulated like a puppet on a string.
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.."Lucifer...the light is right in front of your faces and yet, we are not standing up for Jesus ......anyone who has received this vaccine ........ has basically turned against God"

It's about time one of these threads took us back to the Twilight Zone, or maybe End Times.
Thank you good poster Biff.

The poster's comments raise several questions:

1. 'basically turned against God'????
Ummm, which one? After all, there are (per Wicki) well, a whole flock of 'em: "Anthropologists estimate that at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and various animals or objects have been worshipped by humans..."

2. This 'bringer of light', this Luciferin-thingy, well, if I dabbed it onto my house key.....could I find it in the dark? My bottle opener?

3. "we are not standing up for Jesus'. ?????
Says who? Biff? or Jesus? How would we know?
Who is Jesus complaining to? About what?

4. How come my cell phone service at the barn is God-awful if this vaccine goop and its' Lucifer additive (gluten free?) is so effective at tracking us. After all, I've had 3 pokes of it. (hope I didn't pizz off all 18,000 with that 'God-awful' epithet.)

Good poster Biff, please never leave this chatroom. I love your schtick. And you do it so effortlessly without wearing out your welcome with f-bombs or scatological references.

You are like the A side of a B record. The 'B'-side is that guy, I forget his avatar handle, who is forever going on about Jews blowing up the World Trade Center with molten steel, or something like that. Whereas you, on the 'A'-side, are fond of the Jesus stuff and don't dis him because he was a Jew.

Keep up the good work.

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