Brave Woman

The left has gotten so confused that it's hard to figure out what a "trans-woman" really is. Is it a woman who dresses like a man? Even low information lefties have to know that a wig and a pair of falsies do not define the female gender. You almost gotta laugh at the hypocrisy if it wasn't so tragic. Google wants to punish North Carolina for passing a law that makes the ladies room secure for girls and women while they freely do business with countries that execute homosexuals. If you look at it rationally, the outrage by the left is just another example of their long standing abuse of women.
So you're saying that LGBT people in this country should be blamed and penalized for whatever shortcomings in foreign or trade policy the US might be guilty of?
and when a rapist in heels wonders into the bathroom behind your daughter and does the unspeakable, with pics.

will you call him brave?
will you make excuses?

moron, this is not about normal humans going to the bathroom.
And not one of you dumb jackasses have been able to explain how baring transwomen from the bathroom of there choice is going to prevent a non-trans pervert in drag from entering that bathroom. Will there be guards at each door conducting a genital inspection, or checking birth certificates that everyone will be required to carry. THINK dimwit! Oh , I forgot, you don't really believe your own horseshit. None of you do.

Good gawd, if you have a penis use the damn men's room. It's just that fucking simple
Brilliant! Why don't YOU try to address the question that I posed above in post 174? Never mind. I know that you can't.

I find it hard to believe that anyone ....ANYONE could be so damned stupid to believe that a transwoman is a threat to other women and girls in a ladies room. At the same time, if far more STUPID to believe that these laws targeting transwomen are going to deter a rapist who is intent on breaking the law. And do you really think that rapist is going to go through the trouble of dressing up well enough to be believable (which is not easy) to gain entry into the women's rooms where there is a high probability of getting caught in the act? You are another one who does not believe your own bullshit.

It's not a woman, it's a man with severe mental issues.....stupid
Even with all the advances in genetic science in the past hundred years is it still possible that some sissie or effeminate or ignorant left wing men don't know the difference between a man and a woman?
Even with all the advances in genetic science in the past hundred years is it still possible that some sissie or effeminate or ignorant left wing men don't know the difference between a man and a woman?
Yup, with all those advances that have been published, which I'm sure you did not bother to partake of- along with all of the advances in social science, psychology and human rights- I find it hard to believe that ANYONE does not understand that there is more to gender identity and sexual orientation that what is physically visible between ones legs. It is mind boggling to realize that there are those who can't understand that not everyone is clearly male or female and that there are many variation on the biological and physiological levels. It is equally mind boggling to hear from people who can't even understand or acknowledge that these are human beings who are struggling with a difficult issue, who do not always get the support and help that they need-and who are not just pretending.

In addition, to claim that it is only effeminate left wingers who support LGBT folks just screams STUPIDITY. Ignorance is a choice unless you are mentally or intellectually challenged and quite frankly - I don't know which it is with a few people on this forum.

Please educate yourself if you're able. Start here: Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
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The left has gotten so confused that it's hard to figure out what a "trans-woman" really is. Is it a woman who dresses like a man? Even low information lefties have to know that a wig and a pair of falsies do not define the female gender.

You would think that. I guess the lesson, these days, is to never underestimate just how crazy and how stupid modern wrong-wing ideology has become.

Consider “Carlotta Sklowdowska”, whose presence in a Pervert Fitness women's locker room touched off a controversy, in which an actual woman ended up being banned from Pervert Fitness for objecting to his presence in there.

Transgender woman at center of gym policy controversy speaks out

Anyone can see that this is no woman at all, but a creepy old man, in very poor drag. Yet, as the controvery raged on, plenty of foolish liberals came to h'orsh'/it's defense, insisting that h'orsh'/it had just as much right to be in a women's locker room as any “other woman”, and condemning as a “bigot” the actual woman who objected to h'orsh'/it being in there.


Yes, liberals—especially those sympathetic to the LGBpbiWTF bunch—really are that stupid.

The left has gotten so confused that it's hard to figure out what a "trans-woman" really is. Is it a woman who dresses like a man? Even low information lefties have to know that a wig and a pair of falsies do not define the female gender. You almost gotta laugh at the hypocrisy if it wasn't so tragic. Google wants to punish North Carolina for passing a law that makes the ladies room secure for girls and women while they freely do business with countries that execute homosexuals. If you look at it rationally, the outrage by the left is just another example of their long standing abuse of women.
and children.
The left has gotten so confused that it's hard to figure out what a "trans-woman" really is. Is it a woman who dresses like a man? Even low information lefties have to know that a wig and a pair of falsies do not define the female gender.

You would think that. I guess the lesson, these days, is to never underestimate just how crazy and how stupid modern wrong-wing ideology has become.

Consider “Carlotta Sklowdowska”, whose presence in a Pervert Fitness women's locker room touched off a controversy, in which an actual woman ended up being banned from Pervert Fitness for objecting to his presence in there.

Transgender woman at center of gym policy controversy speaks out

Anyone can see that this is no woman at all, but a creepy old man, in very poor drag. Yet, as the controvery raged on, plenty of foolish liberals came to h'orsh'/it's defense, insisting that h'orsh'/it had just as much right to be in a women's locker room as any “other woman”, and condemning as a “bigot” the actual woman who objected to h'orsh'/it being in there.


Yes, liberals—especially those sympathetic to the LGBpbiWTF bunch—really are that stupid.

The new Curves clientele?
The left has gotten so confused that it's hard to figure out what a "trans-woman" really is. Is it a woman who dresses like a man? Even low information lefties have to know that a wig and a pair of falsies do not define the female gender.

You would think that. I guess the lesson, these days, is to never underestimate just how crazy and how stupid modern wrong-wing ideology has become.

Consider “Carlotta Sklowdowska”, whose presence in a Pervert Fitness women's locker room touched off a controversy, in which an actual woman ended up being banned from Pervert Fitness for objecting to his presence in there.

Transgender woman at center of gym policy controversy speaks out

Anyone can see that this is no woman at all, but a creepy old man, in very poor drag. Yet, as the controvery raged on, plenty of foolish liberals came to h'orsh'/it's defense, insisting that h'orsh'/it had just as much right to be in a women's locker room as any “other woman”, and condemning as a “bigot” the actual woman who objected to h'orsh'/it being in there.


Yes, liberals—especially those sympathetic to the LGBpbiWTF bunch—really are that stupid.

The new Curves clientele?
They won't demand entry at curves...They're only interested in places where there will be children.
The left has gotten so confused that it's hard to figure out what a "trans-woman" really is. Is it a woman who dresses like a man? Even low information lefties have to know that a wig and a pair of falsies do not define the female gender.

You would think that. I guess the lesson, these days, is to never underestimate just how crazy and how stupid modern wrong-wing ideology has become.

Consider “Carlotta Sklowdowska”, whose presence in a Pervert Fitness women's locker room touched off a controversy, in which an actual woman ended up being banned from Pervert Fitness for objecting to his presence in there.

Transgender woman at center of gym policy controversy speaks out

Anyone can see that this is no woman at all, but a creepy old man, in very poor drag. Yet, as the controvery raged on, plenty of foolish liberals came to h'orsh'/it's defense, insisting that h'orsh'/it had just as much right to be in a women's locker room as any “other woman”, and condemning as a “bigot” the actual woman who objected to h'orsh'/it being in there.


Yes, liberals—especially those sympathetic to the LGBpbiWTF bunch—really are that stupid.

Sounds like the gym did the right thing. Stop whining and get over it.

'In expressing her concerns about the policy, the member in question exhibited behavior that club management deemed inappropriate and disruptive to other members, which is a violation of the membership agreement and as a result her membership was canceled.'

Planet Fitness Director of Public Relations McCall Gosselin told ABC News that Cormier handled the situation poorly.

'As our statement outlines, her membership was not cancelled as a result of complaints about our policy, as we welcome all feedback from our members,' Gosselin told ABC.

'Rather, it was the manner in which her concerns were expressed that club management felt was inappropriate, which resulted in the cancellation.'

Midland isn’t a very welcoming community for transgendered women, Sklodowska said, but she has found a supportive group of friends.

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So, to sum up the OP…

What we have is a creepy male pervert, dressed up and trying to look like a woman, in the women's restroom, taking pictures.

The point seems to be to try to assure us that there won't be a problem with creepy male perverts, dressing up like women, and taking pictures in the women's restroom.

Yes, these people really are that stupid and that insane.
and when a rapist in heels wonders into the bathroom behind your daughter and does the unspeakable, with pics.

will you call him brave?
will you make excuses?

moron, this is not about normal humans going to the bathroom.
And not one of you dumb jackasses have been able to explain how baring transwomen from the bathroom of there choice is going to prevent a non-trans pervert in drag from entering that bathroom. Will there be guards at each door conducting a genital inspection, or checking birth certificates that everyone will be required to carry. THINK dimwit! Oh , I forgot, you don't really believe your own horseshit. None of you do.
wow, your argument is the same one that we use to support the 2nd Amendment.

So we are right, you know we are right, but still shit on the 2nd b/c you were told to do so.

And if a man, in a dress, goes into the ladies room, he can be spotted, quickly, a practiced trans won't be.

try and think for yourself, try and care about children instead of adults.
and when a rapist in heels wonders into the bathroom behind your daughter and does the unspeakable, with pics.

will you call him brave?
will you make excuses?

moron, this is not about normal humans going to the bathroom.
Yes it is. It is a blindingly simple proposition.
No, not even close..

You're worried about adult feelings and don't give a fuck about kids.
and when a rapist in heels wonders into the bathroom behind your daughter and does the unspeakable, with pics.

will you call him brave?
will you make excuses?

moron, this is not about normal humans going to the bathroom.
And not one of you dumb jackasses have been able to explain how baring transwomen from the bathroom of there choice is going to prevent a non-trans pervert in drag from entering that bathroom. Will there be guards at each door conducting a genital inspection, or checking birth certificates that everyone will be required to carry. THINK dimwit! Oh , I forgot, you don't really believe your own horseshit. None of you do.
wow, your argument is the same one that we use to support the 2nd Amendment.

So we are right, you know we are right, but still shit on the 2nd b/c you were told to do so.

And if a man, in a dress, goes into the ladies room, he can be spotted, quickly, a practiced trans won't be.

try and think for yourself, try and care about children instead of adults.
What the fuck are you talking about?? It's gibberish. You are to stupid to understand anything that I said here. Your small and diseased mind can't get the fact that transwomen are WOMEN!
and when a rapist in heels wonders into the bathroom behind your daughter and does the unspeakable, with pics.

will you call him brave?
will you make excuses?

moron, this is not about normal humans going to the bathroom.
And not one of you dumb jackasses have been able to explain how baring transwomen from the bathroom of there choice is going to prevent a non-trans pervert in drag from entering that bathroom. Will there be guards at each door conducting a genital inspection, or checking birth certificates that everyone will be required to carry. THINK dimwit! Oh , I forgot, you don't really believe your own horseshit. None of you do.
wow, your argument is the same one that we use to support the 2nd Amendment.

So we are right, you know we are right, but still shit on the 2nd b/c you were told to do so.

And if a man, in a dress, goes into the ladies room, he can be spotted, quickly, a practiced trans won't be.

try and think for yourself, try and care about children instead of adults.
What the fuck are you talking about?? It's gibberish. You are to stupid to understand anything that I said here. Your small and diseased mind can't get the fact that transwomen are WOMEN!

The DNA says nope. Fact
How come the rest of the civilised world,including the US, doesnt feel the need to pass something as ridiculous as this ?
How come the rest of the civilised world,including the US, doesnt feel the need to pass something as ridiculous as this ?
And what might this legislation say?

Do it my way or else?

You can't pass legislation and rubber stamp it.
Legislation for a problem that doesnt exist,has never existed and is being used as a Trojan horse to enable a load of discriminatory crap.

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