Brave Woman

Americans have given their lives for this country. This thing here isn't being brave by shooting a selfie in the shithouse.
She is a person not "a thing".

No, it's a thing.
No you are wrong. I dont judge you, I guess you were brought up to be an ignorant hater.

It shouldn't be shoving its agenda in my face. If it didnt, I wouldn't even easy anything. But, no, the gays and trannies can't be gracious winners. They want to force their shit on everyone.

And don't say you don't judge me. I bet there are plenty examples of you posting anti-southern comments.
Tommy is an America hater. He likens America to Russia and the American gvmnt to Isis. He also deplores Americas freedom of speech and said that American university students need to be protected from non left wing speakers, and that right wing speakers should be banned from campuses.
Here's a brave woman.
Its amazing how issues divide people.
On the one hand the civilised world rejects these evil laws and on the other hand a few individuals welcome them.
There will only be one winner.
You have a very sick view if you consider perversions to be civilised.

Its amazing how issues divide people.
On the one hand the civilised world rejects these evil laws and on the other hand a few individuals welcome them.
There will only be one winner.
Will it be civilization or degeneracy?

This is not about "Winning" Tommy.
Not all about winning but it is a battle of good and evil. Good will win out in the end.

Not that you give it any assistance!!!


If I were her, I'd be more afraid of finding a bible toting republican in the next stall trying to hit on her.
I'd fear more for this individual when it comes to the ridicule and derision faced every day in public.

Not just by those who you consider Bible thumpers and Republicans.

I have seen the response from millenials as well as other generations as these individuals enter the public realm.

In Silver Spring a few weeks back an older trans gender got off the train only to be laughed at and scorned by many of our younger generation.

This is not just isolated to Christian's and Republicans.
Its a law created to deal with a problem that doesnt exist. There are already laws out there that deal with the pervs and rightly so. Good and evil is easy to decide on when you send this brave girl to the Gents. It is not right.

See post 137 Tommy.

These individuals get taunted and ridiculed on a daily basis.

Not just by Republicans and Christians.

This issue is far from over.

When you have boys and men demanding the use of facilities reserved for females when they have not even begun a transitition from male to female you are creating the issue.

I read the law. The individual you posted on passes. Most would not notice. Most would not care.

There are families with legitimate concerns. You just can't brush them off and call them names and ridicule them.

The harder you push people the more you are going to get push back.

You may be insulting people on a message board but in the real world that is not going to be accepted.

I can say I self-identify all day long and wear a dress but Curves is not going to allow me a membership to their fitness center to participate and then shower among the women.

It is just not going to happen.
Oh look, a man in the women's bathroom with a camera.

Who coulda seen that coming...

"On Tuesday, Pomare was formally charged with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification..."

California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Women’s Bathroom
So what the fuck does this have to do with the issue of transgender access to bathrooms??!! Is there anything in that article that indicates that he is trans?? NO! This is just more of you psychotic, stupid ass fear mongering. This pervert would have done this under any circumstances and trans women are not men- They are women! Idiot!!
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Oh look, a man in the women's bathroom with a camera.

Who coulda seen that coming...

"On Tuesday, Pomare was formally charged with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification..."

California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Women’s Bathroom
So what the fuck does this have to do with the issue of transgender access to bathrooms??!! Is there anything in that article that indicates that he is trans?? NO! This is just more of you psychotic, stupid ass fear mongering. This pervert would have done this under any circumstances and trans women are not med- They are women! Idiot!!

The DNA never lies, they are men....with a mental disease
Oh look, a man in the women's bathroom with a camera.

Who coulda seen that coming...

"On Tuesday, Pomare was formally charged with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification..."

California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Women’s Bathroom
So what the fuck does this have to do with the issue of transgender access to bathrooms??!! Is there anything in that article that indicates that he is trans?? NO! This is just more of you psychotic, stupid ass fear mongering. This pervert would have done this under any circumstances and trans women are not med- They are women! Idiot!!

The DNA never lies, they are men....with a mental disease
I'm sure you know all about mental illness
Oh look, a man in the women's bathroom with a camera.

Who coulda seen that coming...

"On Tuesday, Pomare was formally charged with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification..."

California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Women’s Bathroom
So what the fuck does this have to do with the issue of transgender access to bathrooms??!! Is there anything in that article that indicates that he is trans?? NO! This is just more of you psychotic, stupid ass fear mongering. This pervert would have done this under any circumstances and trans women are not med- They are women! Idiot!!

The DNA never lies, they are men....with a mental disease
I'm sure you know all about mental illness

Oooh I've been insulted by a queer.....whatever shall I do?:dunno:
Oh look, a man in the women's bathroom with a camera.

Who coulda seen that coming...

"On Tuesday, Pomare was formally charged with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification..."

California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Women’s Bathroom
So what the fuck does this have to do with the issue of transgender access to bathrooms??!! Is there anything in that article that indicates that he is trans?? NO! This is just more of you psychotic, stupid ass fear mongering. This pervert would have done this under any circumstances and trans women are not men- They are women! Idiot!!
XX = woman; XY = bloke. Not hard really. XXY is tragic. Compassion when dealing with them.


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