Planet Fitness Has A Major Problem


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
They cannot keep allowing men pretending to be women in restrooms, locker rooms or showers. Especially where minors are. This is the second episode at a Planet Fitness location recently.

North Carolina man arrested after stripping in Planet Fitness women's locker room in front of minor: report

Everytime someplace like planet fitness endorses or encourages pervert freaks like trannies all that does is embolden them to become even more invasive.

The more you let perverts flourish the more perverted they will become. Because these people are the way they are because they can't get off by normal means so they need to push the envelope to get aroused. If you normalize their already freakish behavior then all that will happen is it becomes normal to them and thus no longer exciting so then they will push things even further.
Everytime someplace like planet fitness endorses or encourages pervert freaks like trannies all that does is embolden them to become even more invasive.

The more you let perverts flourish the more perverted they will become. Because these people are the way they are because they can't get off by normal means so they need to push the envelope to get aroused. If you normalize their already freakish behavior then all that will happen is it becomes normal to them and thus no longer exciting so then they will push things even further.

I predict that within five years, Democrats will be trying to normalize pedophilia.
They cannot keep allowing men pretending to be women in restrooms, locker rooms or showers. Especially where minors are. This is the second episode at a Planet Fitness location recently.

North Carolina man arrested after stripping in Planet Fitness women's locker room in front of minor: report

Sexual deviants praying on women and children is a feature, not a bug to the Left.

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