BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)

Really?.... Who released the magnetic locks on the doors of the Capitol building? Someone on the inside did it. Was it the FBI , or the DCPD?
It doesn't matter who did what. Those criminals were breaking windows and were let in so that they would not break in and destroy the entranceways in the process. You think they were invited in
to do damage?
"So where are the charges of Treason or Insurrection? Not one of the 500 now incarcerated have been charged with Insurrection or treason...."

Pragmatically, does it really matter, poster 7505?

I mean by that, say you are one of the Jackass Patriots who clubbed the hell out of uniformed cop on the Capitol steps with an iron pole attached to a Trump flag.

You are THAT guy. So then the DOJ crew of prosecutors contemplates among themselves in their charging conference:
(this next is hypothetical, on my hook)

"You know, going for insurrection or sedition' is a slog what with all the 'intent' stuff and so on.
But, fortunately for us and simply to work through the bloated docket....let's go for assaulting a federal officer with a weapon, and inflicting bodily harm. We can get us a pretty sure conviction what with all those videos and Facebook boasts.
And the judge can spank him for 10-years in Leavenworth, with a $25,000 fine. Does that work for you, Chief?

Sure does. Let's go to your next file.....whaddya got on that jackass?"


I'm pretty OK with that. Are you, Doc?
Insurrectionists are the first criminals the right ever gave a shit about. If you don't like how they are being treated by the Criminal justice system law and order types built you have only yourselves to blame.
They are protestors not criminals......we should care about them and not your beloved criminals.

BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)​

American Gulag —


More than 500 Americans have been arrested by the FBI for the Jan. 6 protests including hundreds of Americans whose only crime was walking into an open building.
Dozens are still held in isolation after 6 months.

Gone but Not Forgotten.
On Thursday Newsmax host Greg Kelly posted the photos of those Trump supporters currently incarcerated in Washington DC for entering the US Capitol.
Kudos to Greg Kelly.

Where was there an "Insurrection"? Why haven't any of those arrested have been charged with "Insurrection"...
Tell me again how this is any different than what went on in Hong Kong, Tiananmen Square, or what's happening in Cuba, Venezuela for that matter.
Why has Pelosi tried to stack the Congressional 1/6 panel?
I'm aware of three BLM/Antifa were arrested on 1/6, near the Capitol with firearms, high capacity magazines, and illegal ammo... they were released and never charged even though they were AT the peaceful protest? Then there's Antifa's John Sullivan aka "Jayden X" a central provocateur in the protest was released.
Now we are told that there were paid FBI informants and FBI agents involved in the so called 1/6 "Insurrection" or rather was it a false flag operation conducted by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.

When these peaceful Patriots reached the elected officials what were they going to do? They beat police to gain entrance after all.
Where was there an "Insurrection"? Why haven't any of those arrested have been charged with "Insurrection"...
Tell me again how this is any different than what went on in Hong Kong, Tiananmen Square, or what's happening in Cuba, Venezuela for that matter.
Why has Pelosi tried to stack the Congressional 1/6 panel?
I'm aware of three BLM/Antifa were arrested on 1/6, near the Capitol with firearms, high capacity magazines, and illegal ammo... they were released and never charged even though they were AT the peaceful protest? Then there's Antifa's John Sullivan aka "Jayden X" a central provocateur in the protest was released.
Now we are told that there were paid FBI informants and FBI agents involved in the so called 1/6 "Insurrection" or rather was it a false flag operation conducted by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.

There are other ways to describe the crimes committed on 1/6 other than "insurrection". Obstructing a Civil Proceeding is one. Assaulting a Police Officer and Conspiracy are a couple others.

False Flag Operation? You people are getting crazier by the minute. Too much Gateway Pundit and Alex Jones I suspect. :lol:
Primary Marxist Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Re-Education Camp:
-- Dept of Corrections Central Facility Washington DC


Held Without Charges Being Filed

Held In Solitary Confinement

Sentence To Include forfeiture of right to watch anything they want on TV
- Returned to jail for watching an 'unapproved video'

Post-'Jan 6' treatment against US citizens who trespassed into the Capitol during a 'mostly peaceful protest' was the self-appointed Marxist Liberal dictators' / traitors' 1st act of 'war' against anyone and everyone who does not embrace liberal extremist ideology and agenda.

The horrendous partisan judicial - no, not even 'judicial' because what is being done violates Constitutional Rights and laws - treatment is meant to be a warning / threat to every other such American, that if you oppose the Marxist Leftist agenda and ideology your rights and freedom can be taken from you, too!

Really? Then please comment on why two Antifa activists caught red handed got their wrist slapped for fire bombing a NYPD cruiser.
John Sullivan released after being arrested inside Capitol Building as provocateur.

Oh Jesus, not John Sullivan again. That dude had ties to the Proud Boys. He was rejected by Antifa and the BLM movement as being a proven RW provocateur and persona non grata.

"John has been kicked from the #SaltLakeCity and #Portland protest scenes due to alarming behaviors including grifting/profiteering, self-promotion/clout chasing, sabotage of community actions, threats of violence, and — maybe most disturbingly — ties to the far-right," Rebellion Baby wrote. "In short — John's brother, James, is the co-founder of a pro-Trump org called 'Civilized Awakening,' and has strong ties to Proud Boys — even having spoken at a Proud Boy rally. The brothers' polarized political stances conveniently bolster the other's public personas. Activists in these cities recommend that he be barred from community actions and totally avoided."​

When these peaceful Patriots reached the elected officials what were they going to do? They beat police to gain entrance after all.
Capitol Police:

1) abused their power / authority, used excessive force to affect the death of 1 unarmed citizen and to TAKE the life of another unarmed female vet citizen who posed no lethal threat

2) Have been proven to have removed barricades, opened doors to allow these people into the Capitol, & led them - as if tour guides - through the Capitol.

The report released by the bipartisan committee who investigated 1/6 already LIT UP the Capitol Police, blaming them, among others, for the event.
- The DC Mayor and Sergeant-At-Arms of both the House and Senate - who are now GONE, were warned of possible violence from the highly criminal FBI, received recommendation BY TRUMP and others to have the National Guard on-hand, and made the decision NOT to do so. (Pelosi also knew of this information and the decision made regarding the Natl Guard.)

- The Capitol Police, despite being warned of massive crowds and possible violence, did NOT have even a majority of Police on duty. Many were off-duty, own vacation, etc... -They were 'under-manned'.

- Going into 1/6 THEY HAD NO PLAN


- Capitol Police lacked necessary training

- No coordination had been done with local police, Federal Marshalls, or the FBI - no contingency planning was done or even existed

- The Capitol police did not have the communications systems needed to contact the National Guard to call for help, to coordinate / call for help from the FBI or local police

As usual, this was a US Govt F*-Up, the one thing it knows HOW to and DOES do well. Had the FBI used the Intel it had effectively, efficiently, If the Capitol Police had not been set up and acted like the Keystone Kops, IF the DC Mayor and Sergeant-at-Arms of the House and Senate made the smart / right call - to call up the National Guard - upon receiving the news of possible violence, Had the Capitol Police had an actual plan, had leadership on-hand, had they professionally, effectively, efficiently handled the event instead of how they did none of this would have happened.

(I have posted the link to this committee and its report numerous times - feel free to scan my posts under my profile to find the link again or prove you know how to use Google)
Capitol Police:

1) abused their power / authority, used excessive force to affect the death of 1 unarmed citizen and to TAKE the life of another unarmed female vet citizen who posed no lethal threat

2) Have been proven to have removed barricades, opened doors to allow these people into the Capitol, & led them - as if tour guides - through the Capitol.

The report released by the bipartisan committee who investigated 1/6 already LIT UP the Capitol Police, blaming them, among others, for the event.
- The DC Mayor and Sergeant-At-Arms of both the House and Senate - who are now GONE, were warned of possible violence from the highly criminal FBI, received recommendation BY TRUMP and others to have the National Guard on-hand, and made the decision NOT to do so. (Pelosi also knew of this information and the decision made regarding the Natl Guard.)

- The Capitol Police, despite being warned of massive crowds and possible violence, did NOT have even a majority of Police on duty. Many were off-duty, own vacation, etc... -They were 'under-manned'.

- Going into 1/6 THEY HAD NO PLAN


- Capitol Police lacked necessary training

- No coordination had been done with local police, Federal Marshalls, or the FBI - no contingency planning was done or even existed

- The Capitol police did not have the communications systems needed to contact the National Guard to call for help, to coordinate / call for help from the FBI or local police

As usual, this was a US Govt F*-Up, the one thing it knows HOW to and DOES do well. Had the FBI used the Intel it had effectively, efficiently, If the Capitol Police had not been set up and acted like the Keystone Kops, IF the DC Mayor and Sergeant-at-Arms of the House and Senate made the smart / right call - to call up the National Guard - upon receiving the news of possible violence, Had the Capitol Police had an actual plan, had leadership on-hand, had they professionally, effectively, efficiently handled the event instead of how they did none of this would have happened.

(I have posted the link to this committee and its report numerous times - feel free to scan my posts under my profile to find the link again or prove you know how to use Google)

Odd. That doesn’t answer my question. What were these peaceful Patriots going to do if they had gotten to the elected officials?
When these peaceful Patriots reached the elected officials what were they going to do? They beat police to gain entrance after all.

They didn't beat the police you moron...if you see the killing of unarmed Ashli Babbit by the nut job cop......that crowd did not touch the officers that were standing in front of the doors...they did not touch the officers who came in and pulled those 3 guys from in front of the doors......the only one injured in that building was ahsli babbit who was shot without idiot.
Oh Jesus, not John Sullivan again. That dude had ties to the Proud Boys. He was rejected by Antifa and the BLM movement as being a proven RW provocateur and persona non grata.

"John has been kicked from the #SaltLakeCity and #Portland protest scenes due to alarming behaviors including grifting/profiteering, self-promotion/clout chasing, sabotage of community actions, threats of violence, and — maybe most disturbingly — ties to the far-right," Rebellion Baby wrote. "In short — John's brother, James, is the co-founder of a pro-Trump org called 'Civilized Awakening,' and has strong ties to Proud Boys — even having spoken at a Proud Boy rally. The brothers' polarized political stances conveniently bolster the other's public personas. Activists in these cities recommend that he be barred from community actions and totally avoided."​

Have you read Sullivan's Rap Sheet? Do You know about his background?

'Proud Boys'?

Sullivan is a self-proclaimed LEFT-Wing activist and founder of the protest group Insurgence USA.

After getting busted in the Capitol, like many who have been arrested for peacefully entering the Capitol and walking around, Sullivan claimed 'he was in Washington D.C. that day as an activist and journalist who was recording the events, but admitted he did not have any press credentials.'
- That's like a thief with a camera being arrested for being in someone else's house and the thief claiming he was only in the house as a 'member of the press' and that he was only there to film the story he heard about a possible break in happening that night. :p

Sullivan is on video prior to the violence beginning INCITING THE CROWD INTO ENGAGING IN VIOLENCE:

Prior to entering the Capitol building, Sullivan can be seen using a microphone to address the crowd outside and yelling "we about to burn this s**t down" before leading the crowd in a chant of "it's time for a revolution," FBI Special Agent Matthew Foulger said in an affidavit.

As the mob pushed through barricades towards the Capitol, Sullivan was heard shouting: "We accomplished this s**t. We did this together. F**k yeah! We are all a part of this history," and "Let's burn this s**t down."

During many of the interviews Sullivan gave afterwards, Sullivan denied ties to BLM however he declared he fully supported the BLM movement:

"I'm not saying I'm Antifa, by any means. But I definitely believe Black Lives Matter."

With all the evidence that has come out snowflakes still don;t have the common sense God gave a doorknob.

Sullivan, a self-professed Left-Wing activist:
- Just happens to show up on 6 Jan at the Capitol

- Just happens to have a video camera

- Is on video prior to the violence INCITING THE VIOLENCE

- Is on video whipping the crowd up into a frenzy, fueling mob-mentality crowd violence DURING the violence

- Enters the Capitol like all of the other 1/6 members who have been held - Sullivan gets released

- Gives the video footage to the FBI (The same FBI that was caught under cover planning and inciting the Gov Whitmer kidnapping attempt, who has been exposed to have undercover FBI agents on the 'inside' on this event, who gave the warning this was coming....I would bet all the money I have in my bank that Sullivan was working with/for the FBI - was tasked with inciting the violence than filming it. Proof? Sullivan gave his video footage to the same f*ing FBI that attempted for 4 years to 'get Trump' - Portions of that same video footage filmed by Sullican and turned over to the FBI was used by Pelosi in her 2nd/last failed attempt against Trump!)

- Again, the video footage he shot was used by Pelosi in her 2nd FAILED Impeachment attempt against Trump, provided to her by the FBI, who got the video from Sullivan

'Sullivan is believed to be the first Capitol suspect to hold liberal views.'

'Insurgence USA is a social justice group that protests police brutality. It was formed by Sullivan in the wake of the death of George Floyd.'

"In July, Sullivan was charged with rioting and criminal mischief by the local law enforcement authorities in Provo, Utah, after organizing a June 30 protest in which one man was shot and injured. The case is still pending."

UNLIKE conservatives who did exactly what Sullivan did - walkthrough the Capitol but whpo have been in solitary confinement / in prison for months, Sullivan was released without bail.

'Federal judges have denied bail to others who took part in the Jan. 6 chaos.'

"John Earle Sullivan, a far-left agitator who was present at the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and recorded a woman’s death at the hands of police, was released from jail on Friday without bail, according to Fox News.

According to Utah District Magistrate Judge Daphne Oberg, the motion for Sullivan’s detention was denied because it didn’t meet the court’s threshold for a hearing".

WTF?! If the criteria for arresting, stripping rights, and punishing people who walked through the Capitol was that they had to be Conservatives and / or Trump supporters, then maybe....

"The U.S. Department of Justice complaint against Sullivan “alleges that during the events at the U.S. Capitol, Sullivan, wearing a ballistics vest and gas mask, entered the U.S. Capitol through a window that had been broken out, pushing past U.S. Capitol Police once inside."

1. Sullivan illegally entered the Capitol through a broken window and 'assaulted' Police / resisted the police by pushing past them....what crime?

How many other 1/6 attendees showed up wearing a ballistic vest and having a gas mask? If you can't grasp the fact that Sullivan showed up ready for the violence he KNEW was going to happen, that he is shown in video INCITING, then you're dumb as a post!
- Back to FBI Informants and having been caught helping to incite violence / crimes in order to take down groups that oppose Democrats, liberal agendas, and liberal ideology..... The self-proclaimed Left-wing activist who showed up with a camera, wearing a ballistic vest because he knew there would be violence / who was sent to incite violence, takes video of the event that he later turns over to the FBI, video that is used by Pelosi in her failed 2nd Impeachment against Trump....and he gets released without bail after being arrested.
....Yeah, these are all just coincidences,
They didn't beat the police you moron...if you see the killing of unarmed Ashli Babbit by the nut job cop......that crowd did not touch the officers that were standing in front of the doors...they did not touch the officers who came in and pulled those 3 guys from in front of the doors......the only one injured in that building was ahsli babbit who was shot without idiot.
Uh huh


They didn't beat the police you moron...if you see the killing of unarmed Ashli Babbit by the nut job cop......that crowd did not touch the officers that were standing in front of the doors...they did not touch the officers who came in and pulled those 3 guys from in front of the doors......the only one injured in that building was ahsli babbit who was shot without idiot.

Great, first, you have not answered the question. The question I asked was what were they going to do when they got to the elected officials? Answer the question. It’s an easy question isn’t it?

Second. Yes, the cops were beaten.

We could post videos all day. But I think that the police being beaten is an established fact now don’t you?

Now, back to the original question. If you are now a coward, it should be easy to answer. What were the protesters going to do when they got to the elected officials?
Sullivan's claim to be there on 1/6 as a Journalist is a debunked crock of shit - 1/6 was not the 1st time he was at violent protests posing as a 'journalist':

"The founder of Insurgence USA, a riot group created as a response to George Floyd’s death in 2020, Sullivan originally masqueraded at the riot as an independent journalist who regularly covered frenzied situations, protests, and riots, providing key videos — stamped with a watermark of one of his aliases, “Jayden X” — of the front lines, including inside the historic Capitol building."

Despite his claims that he was at the 1/6 riot to document it, Sullivan is captured on video inciting and egging-on the violence.

"Despite his claims that he was at the riot to document it, Sullivan appears to have actively provoked rioters during the mayhem, encouraging and calling for violence and destruction as well as celebrating when the people around him joined in.

“There are so many people. Let’s go. This sh-t is ours! F-ck yeah. … We accomplished this sh-t. We did this together. F-ck yeah! We are all a part of this history. … Let’s burn this sh-t down,” he said in one video."

Odd. That doesn’t answer my question. What were these peaceful Patriots going to do if they had gotten to the elected officials?
You are asking for an OPINION, which will depend on whether one is a snowflake or my opinion. I will say, however, that unlike domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM., the vast majority of the people who entered the Capitol walked around, walked through the halls, & some stole 'memorabilia' / 'trophies' to remind them f the day they 'stormed the Capitol in protest'.

No politician was injured - though you can / will most probably claim without proof that they would have been. AOC, who was not even there, was not 'raped'. :p

And the leftists who looted, defaced, burned, and destroyed private property / businesses, who assaulted and even murdered innocent people, and who affected BILLIONS of dollars in damage because a white policeman used excessive forced and killed George Floyd continue to display the utmost hypocrisy by continuing to defend / make excuses for a black pro-BLM policeman, who has a record of being reckless with his firearm, used poor judgement and excessive force by shooting blindly through a broken glass window, killing a white, unarmed, female veteran / US citizen.

George Floyd was murdered. This female was murdered. She was shot and killed by a police officer she never even saw, let alone threatened to kill (speculation, and not based on reality/truth).

If you want an answer to your question, one without bias, BS, and partisanship, one based on truth / fact, there is only 1 person who can give you that answer:


Unfortunately for you, I hear she's dead.
1. Sullivan illegally entered the Capitol through a broken window and 'assaulted' Police / resisted the police by pushing past them....what crime?

How many other 1/6 attendees showed up wearing a ballistic vest and having a gas mask? If you can't grasp the fact that Sullivan showed up ready for the violence he KNEW was going to happen, that he is shown in video INCITING, then you're dumb as a post!
- Back to FBI Informants and having been caught helping to incite violence / crimes in order to take down groups that oppose Democrats, liberal agendas, and liberal ideology..... The self-proclaimed Left-wing activist who showed up with a camera, wearing a ballistic vest because he knew there would be violence / who was sent to incite violence, takes video of the event that he later turns over to the FBI, video that is used by Pelosi in her failed 2nd Impeachment against Trump....and he gets released without bail after being arrested.
....Yeah, these are all just coincidences,

You really don't get it do yo?. The whole John Sullivan schtick is a fucking RUSE.
Primarily - The man Is mentally ill.
His own Trumpist brother ratted him out in an effort to help the poor guy.
BOY are you gullible :lol:

John Sullivan made a habit of blurring the lines between activism, advocacy journalism, and opposition research. He tried to stay abreast of where the next big protest or riot was likely to break out, monitoring activist group chats on Signal and Telegram. “I was able to collaborate with the left in their community to gather information,” Sullivan wrote in an unpublished draft of a memoir.​
“But I also can connect with the right and successfully be in their presence without them being combative towards me.” When he was surrounded by left-wing activists or right-wing activists, he sometimes gave the impression of being one of them; at other times, he implied that he was working undercover to expose one side or the other. In his recent conversations with me, he emphasized his neutrality. “I want to make sure my First Amendment rights as a journalist are not being forgotten,” he told me.​
The more prominence he gained in local newspapers and TV-news segments, the more vocally left-wing organizers denounced him. (Lex Scott, a founder of Black Lives Matter Utah, told me, “He’s a thorn in our side. We learned to stay away from him long ago.”) Some wondered whether he was a police informant, or a spy for a far-right militia. Among their reasons for suspicion was Sullivan’s brother James, a right-wing activist in Utah who had ties to the Proud Boys.​

You really don't get it do yo?. The whole John Sullivan schtick is a fucking RUSE.


The FBI - the criminal organization that has been illegally spying on Americans, who attempted to help Obama affect the overthrow of the US govt by removing the President from office, & more who recently was exposed as flooding some group with operatives, introducing the plan to kidnap Gov Whitmer, then arresting them after they get them to go along with the idea - informs the Washington DC Mayor, the US House (Pelosi), US Senate (Schumer), and Capitol Police that there is a great POTENTIAL MORE A HUGE CROWD AND OF VIOLENCE ON 1/6.

The DC Mayor, The Sergeant-at-Arms for the House & Senate, and Pelosi make the decision to ignore President Trump's suggestion to stand-up / activate the National Guard and have them on-hand.

John Sullivan, a known / self-professed Left-Wing activist who formed his own anti-police activist group & who openly supports BLM, shows up wearing a bullet-proof vest and carrying a gas mask and a camera. Prior to the violence beginning he is captured on video initiating / inciting mob-mentality violence, celebrating when people near him join him, and is shown during the riot encouraging them, fueling the violence, and egging it own.

He is later arrested, turns over the video he filmed to the FBI, and is released without bail while conservative did less than he did (walked through Capitol doors held open for them by Capitol Police instead of entering the Capitol through a broken window like Sullivan did) were arrested and are still in the Marxist Democrats' 're-education camp'.

Speaker Pelosi later used Sullivan's video in her failed 2nd Impeachment attempt against Trump.

And after all that you claim Sullivan was noting but a 'RUSE', an 'insignificant piece' in this whole thing.

"Primary Marxist Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat"
Whew!! Put that on a shoulder patch. Or a bumber-sticker. Maybe a T-shirt, but you gotta be close to read it. You are fast becoming one of my favs, easyt. You remind me of poster Rancid, or EMH, or little Breitpat. You guys ain't all the same guy, are you?

Held Without Charges Being Filed
Right there is proof you can lead a horse to water.....but you can't make him fish.
Poor easyt doesn't do homework.
Doesn't vet his assertions.
So do this, easyt.....prove to the forum that there have been no charges filed on those who are currently in jail.

Sic 'em, tiger!

I love this bar.

"...none of this would have happened."
(that's in reference to the MAGAMob savagely beating the police and trashing the Capitol).....Well, poster easyt, I suspect there is an argument to be made that if the MAGAMob had simply protested and peacefully paraded with their 'F*ck Biden', or 'Trump Won' flags, well then, "none of this would have happened."

Just sayin'.

"They didn't beat the police you moron..
........the only one injured in that building was ahsli babbit who was shot without warning

Ah, poster '2aguy' you have the forum's sympathy because you have such limited internet connectivity, perhaps no cable, and no friends who can informally apprise you of what's going on outside of your, well, outside of what seems to be your self-designed information-free bubble.

So, a brief nano-second autopsy:
1. "didn't beat the police"........ see

2. "shot without warning".........see The Journey of Ashli Babbitt - bellingcat

Also note this description of the scene as depicted in other videos of the event: "
One man shouted three times that an officer on the other side of the door had a gun. An officer with a gun can be seen at the edge of the video’s frame. The warning was repeated by another man, but other rioters continued trying to smash through the doorway."
Whew!! Put that on a shoulder patch. Or a bumber-sticker. Maybe a T-shirt, but you gotta be close to read it. You are fast becoming one of my favs, easyt. You remind me of poster Rancid, or EMH, or little Breitpat. You guys ain't all the same guy, are you?

Right there is proof you can lead a horse to water.....but you can't make him fish.
Poor easyt doesn't do homework.
Doesn't vet his assertions.
So do this, easyt.....prove to the forum that there have been no charges filed on those who are currently in jail.

Sic 'em, tiger!

I love this bar.


(that's in reference to the MAGAMob savagely beating the police and trashing the Capitol).....Well, poster easyt, I suspect there is an argument to be made that if the MAGAMob had simply protested and peacefully paraded with their 'F*ck Biden', or 'Trump Won' flags, well then, "none of this would have happened."

Just sayin'.

Ah, poster '2aguy' you have the forum's sympathy because you have such limited internet connectivity, perhaps no cable, and no friends who can informally apprise you of what's going on outside of your, well, outside of what seems to be your self-designed information-free bubble.

So, a brief nano-second autopsy:
1. "didn't beat the police"........ see

2. "shot without warning".........see The Journey of Ashli Babbitt - bellingcat

Also note this description of the scene as depicted in other videos of the event: "
One man shouted three times that an officer on the other side of the door had a gun. An officer with a gun can be seen at the edge of the video’s frame. The warning was repeated by another man, but other rioters continued trying to smash through the doorway."

Most of what you posted there were demmunist lies.
C U L8r…

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