Bravo Lindner! Demon Merkel must go!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

I don't think the FDP will do any better than in September, actually I think a new election will produce a similar result and they won't be able to form a coalition for a second time, what happens then I don't know it's uncharted water and will be a massive political and Constitutional crises.

What a disaster, Merkel brought this on herself with the insane Open The Floodgates To Third World To Go And Squat and Get Welfare at Taxpayers Expense.

What a tragic figure Merkel is, for a woman who is so gifted and intelligent, if she had not done the 180 on the Multiculturalism shit that she previously was 100% against then she would have been reelected in a landslide.

The problem for the CDU is if they throw Merkel out of the boat who are they going to replace her with? They have nobody because all of them surrounding her are 100% associated with her monumental mistake Refugee policy.
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

The logical solution is a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD/FDP but The Usual Suspects have the knife to Merkels throat and won't allow her to bring the AfD in, she should throw The Usual Suspects out most of them are squatters anyway.
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

Merkel is finished politically her Chancellorship is effectively over as of now, she has to lead the current outgoing coalition which is already unstable until they either have a new election or go completely crazy and Merkel attempts to lead a minority government, which would collapse within a month with the CDU/CSU going it alone.

They should throw Merkel off the boat and replace her with an outsider ie. not associated with her politically suicidal Refugee mad policy.

Someone like Christian von Stetten, they need a Strong Man leader again, not Merkel who made ONE MISTAKE in 12 years and it had to be the most catastrophic political mistake ever, literally the stuff of nightmares.

They need a Strong Man to do the dirty and remove all of the Economic Migrants and Terrorist Kebabs that Merkel let walk in, someone like Christian von Stetten:


Christian von Stetten - Wikipedia
FDP-dropout from almost accomplished coalition talks aims at

Regime enforcing new elections to get rid of AfD?

Regime photo showing sad heads during announcement of failed coalition talks:


How likely are new elections? Very. Unless SPD changes their mind, only a minority government is possible.
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

I don't think the FDP will do any better than in September, actually I think a new election will produce a similar result and they won't be able to form a coalition for a second time, what happens then I don't know it's uncharted water and will be a massive political and Constitutional crises.

What a disaster, Merkel brought this on herself with the insane Open The Floodgates To Third World To Go And Squat and Get Welfare at Taxpayers Expense.

What a tragic figure Merkel is, for a woman who is so gifted and intelligent, if she had not done the 180 on the Multiculturalism shit that she previously was 100% against then she would have been reelected in a landslide.

The problem for the CDU is if they throw Merkel out of the boat who are they going to replace her with? They have nobody because all of them surrounding her are 100% associated with her monumental mistake Refugee policy.

Merkel serves Deep State, not Germany, it is very good if she gotta go. Indeed Merkel kicked all opposition out and in CDU there is no one to replace her.The inviting of 2m IQ 60 'refugees' is her Agenda to destroy Germany. Because all parties except AFD supported it they all must disappeared. Hopefully AFD get more votes in case of new elections.
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

The logical solution is a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD/FDP but The Usual Suspects have the knife to Merkels throat and won't allow her to bring the AfD in, she should throw The Usual Suspects out most of them are squatters anyway.

No one old party will be siting together with AFD because they all serve Deep State and only AFD alone German folk.
Merkel is a German version of Hillary Clinton. And both are Soros puppets and crooks.

P.S. I'm sure Western Media will say: "It's Putin who made Jamaika coalition fail".
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The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

Merkel is finished politically her Chancellorship is effectively over as of now, she has to lead the current outgoing coalition which is already unstable until they either have a new election or go completely crazy and Merkel attempts to lead a minority government, which would collapse within a month with the CDU/CSU going it alone.

They should throw Merkel off the boat and replace her with an outsider ie. not associated with her politically suicidal Refugee mad policy.

Someone like Christian von Stetten, they need a Strong Man leader again, not Merkel who made ONE MISTAKE in 12 years and it had to be the most catastrophic political mistake ever, literally the stuff of nightmares.

They need a Strong Man to do the dirty and remove all of the Economic Migrants and Terrorist Kebabs that Merkel let walk in, someone like Christian von Stetten:

View attachment 161400

Christian von Stetten - Wikipedia

I do not know this guy, unfortunately I can see almost no one in Germany who can make this job.
Except probably Markus Beisicht

Bürgerbewegung PRO NRW | Menschen


Michael Sturzenberger

Perversion des Rechts: Islamkritiker Michael Stürzenberger zu sechs Monaten Haft verurteilt! UPDATE!
Merkel is a German version of Hillary Clinton. And both are Soros puppets and crooks.

Merkel is twenty times worst.
She serves devil only.
I think they both must be judged by an International Military Tribunal for their crimes against humanity as well as their boss/sponsor Soros. Hillary for destroying Libya and supplying ISIS with American weapons and Merkel for Ukraine and intentional flooding EU with thousands of terrorists.
Merkel is a German version of Hillary Clinton. And both are Soros puppets and crooks.

Merkel is twenty times worst.
She serves devil only.
I think they both must be judged by an International Military Tribunal for their crimes against humanity as well as their boss/sponsor Soros. Hillary for destroying Libya and supplying ISIS with American weapons and Merkel for Ukraine and intentional flooding EU with thousands of terrorists.

Internationally Military Tribunal in Vorkuta would be good for both. Than the both shall go to prison Black Dolphin.

Merkel is a German version of Hillary Clinton. And both are Soros puppets and crooks.

Merkel is twenty times worst.
She serves devil only.
I think they both must be judged by an International Military Tribunal for their crimes against humanity as well as their boss/sponsor Soros. Hillary for destroying Libya and supplying ISIS with American weapons and Merkel for Ukraine and intentional flooding EU with thousands of terrorists.

Internationally Military Tribunal in Vorkuta would be good for both. Than the both shall go to prison Black Dolphin.

No matter where, but they must be judged and locked up. The world should be saved form them. Only Trump and Putin together may be capable of doing that, that's why Soros Media has been portraying both of them as bogeymen.
Merkel is a German version of Hillary Clinton. And both are Soros puppets and crooks.

Merkel is twenty times worst.
She serves devil only.
I think they both must be judged by an International Military Tribunal for their crimes against humanity as well as their boss/sponsor Soros. Hillary for destroying Libya and supplying ISIS with American weapons and Merkel for Ukraine and intentional flooding EU with thousands of terrorists.

Internationally Military Tribunal in Vorkuta would be good for both. Than the both shall go to prison Black Dolphin.

No matter where, but they must be judged and locked up. The world should be saved form them. Only Trump and Putin together may be capable of doing that, that's why Soros Media has been portraying both of them as bogeymen.

Hopefully Trump and Putin will became sometimes friends!
Merkel is a German version of Hillary Clinton. And both are Soros puppets and crooks.

Merkel is twenty times worst.
She serves devil only.
I think they both must be judged by an International Military Tribunal for their crimes against humanity as well as their boss/sponsor Soros. Hillary for destroying Libya and supplying ISIS with American weapons and Merkel for Ukraine and intentional flooding EU with thousands of terrorists.

Internationally Military Tribunal in Vorkuta would be good for both. Than the both shall go to prison Black Dolphin.

No matter where, but they must be judged and locked up. The world should be saved form them. Only Trump and Putin together may be capable of doing that, that's why Soros Media has been portraying both of them as bogeymen.

Hopefully Trump and Putin will became sometimes friends!
I'm sure Western Media will say: "It's Putin who made Jamaika coalition fail". Or Trump. Or both.
The FDP Leader Christian Lindner saved Germany from demon Merkel and her Jamaika - Coalition!
All talks about Jamaika were failed. Hopefully FDP will get more as 20% in case of new elections in Germany.

FDP erklärt Sondierungen für gescheitert

This guy saved Germany!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Demon Merkel must go!:FIREdevil::FIREdevil::FIREdevil:


Germany is waiting for a coalition of AFD and FDP:banana::banana::boohoo::boohoo::happy-1::happy-1:

I don't think the FDP will do any better than in September, actually I think a new election will produce a similar result and they won't be able to form a coalition for a second time, what happens then I don't know it's uncharted water and will be a massive political and Constitutional crises.

What a disaster, Merkel brought this on herself with the insane Open The Floodgates To Third World To Go And Squat and Get Welfare at Taxpayers Expense.

What a tragic figure Merkel is, for a woman who is so gifted and intelligent, if she had not done the 180 on the Multiculturalism shit that she previously was 100% against then she would have been reelected in a landslide.

The problem for the CDU is if they throw Merkel out of the boat who are they going to replace her with? They have nobody because all of them surrounding her are 100% associated with her monumental mistake Refugee policy.

Merkel serves Deep State, not Germany, it is very good if she gotta go. Indeed Merkel kicked all opposition out and in CDU there is no one to replace her.The inviting of 2m IQ 60 'refugees' is her Agenda to destroy Germany. Because all parties except AFD supported it they all must disappeared. Hopefully AFD get more votes in case of new elections.
I wouldn´t bet on that.

AfD crashes down in Lower Saxony state elections

The SPD responded to the failed coalition talks with a clear no to any talks or coalition.
Merkel is twenty times worst.
She serves devil only.
I think they both must be judged by an International Military Tribunal for their crimes against humanity as well as their boss/sponsor Soros. Hillary for destroying Libya and supplying ISIS with American weapons and Merkel for Ukraine and intentional flooding EU with thousands of terrorists.

Internationally Military Tribunal in Vorkuta would be good for both. Than the both shall go to prison Black Dolphin.

No matter where, but they must be judged and locked up. The world should be saved form them. Only Trump and Putin together may be capable of doing that, that's why Soros Media has been portraying both of them as bogeymen.

Hopefully Trump and Putin will became sometimes friends!
I'm sure Western Media will say: "It's Putin who made Jamaika coalition fail". Or Trump. Or both.

Putin is the biggest villain! If for example there are some troubles on Planet X278 in Galaxy N567D Putin is the cause of problem ( or his hackers )

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