Bread lines ARE a good thing; You have to understand them

You know what I find puzzling?

It's that, for whatever reason, a socialist candidate like Sanders never informs his dissonant followers of the pitfalls and demerits of his ideology. He doesn't run for the best interests of his potential constituency, he knows the end goal will be an oligarchic society where he reaps the benefits while everyone else suffers.

But don't tell that to the clueless individual who started this thread.
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I want you to know holier than thou fuck my mom stood in one of those lines in 1958 after 10 hours of work so go fuck your holier than thou attitude.

And we want YOU to know, you Victimhood Champion wanna-be, that we don't care to join in on that - along with everyone else in the nation - just because you learned the wrong lesson in childhood.

Isn't it amazing her immediate victimhood response? I wasn't cutting anybody down who waited in those lines, I was merely pointing out how pathetic and embarrassing it was for people to have to be doing that to eat in this country.

After my father's first major stroke, my parents and I had to get some charity food boxes to get by until my mom and I could get things on a better footing. We never bothered with the government boxes, because we didn't have time to waste on making government assistance our full-time job. While we were certainly grateful to the people who donated to help us, the lesson I learned was NOT how wonderful it is to have others take care of you; it was how hard a decent person works to stop needing the help.

Debbie Dumbass learned the wrong lesson.

There is nothing wrong with getting help if you truly need it. I need it now. The problem is people who take advantage of it, and the politicians who pander to those people for votes.

Of course there's nothing wrong with getting it if you need it. The contents of the food boxes we got were donated voluntarily by people who wanted to help their community. That's what community is FOR. And I was very grateful it was there to help us get back on our feet. As an adult, I have donated generously to church and community groups to give the same help to others.

However, I believe the true mark of successful charity is whether it encourages and enables people to not need it any more. And the bulk of my admiration was not for the "wonders" of handouts, as Debbie Dumbass's seems to be; it was for my parents and their determination to work themselves out of a bad situation.

To me, the most striking difference between the right and the left in this country is that the right assumes people will succeed, whereas the left assumes they will fail.

Hey dumb bitch where did I say I admired the handouts? It was embarrasing. I guess you dumb fucks were born with silver spoons in your mouth me and my buds in junior high love to beat the fuck out of those rich kids. Too bad I didn't get rich until my kids were grown they had enough time to learn to be responsible and not everything handed to them.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Bernie and his followers need a one way ticket to Venezuela

No. Denmark, Netherlands, etc that’s what we model it after.

And there it is.
The cost of living in both of those countries is significantly higher than America. AND their taxes are higher also.
The average rent cost in Denmark is 20% higher than America.
The average cost to drive a car in Denmark is 7 times what it cost in America
I can go on.

You should have paid attention to Bernie more, he stopped talking about Switzerland in 2016 when he started getting flack just like above.

Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
Bernie and his followers need a one way ticket to Venezuela

No. Denmark, Netherlands, etc that’s what we model it after.

And there it is.
The cost of living in both of those countries is significantly higher than America. AND their taxes are higher also.
The average rent cost in Denmark is 20% higher than America.
The average cost to drive a car in Denmark is 7 times what it cost in America
I can go on.

You should have paid attention to Bernie more, he stopped talking about Switzerland in 2016 when he started getting flack just like above.

But the quality of life in Denmark and Switzerland is vastly higher than the US.
As well as crime being much lower and life expectancy much higher.
So then what is your complaint?
If the cost of living in the US is lower, that just means we are poorer.

Please specify how the quality of life is "vastly higher". In what regard? And then explain what life expectancy has to do with the discussion. Be detailed.
Bernie and his followers need a one way ticket to Venezuela

No. Denmark, Netherlands, etc that’s what we model it after.

And there it is.
The cost of living in both of those countries is significantly higher than America. AND their taxes are higher also.
The average rent cost in Denmark is 20% higher than America.
The average cost to drive a car in Denmark is 7 times what it cost in America
I can go on.

You should have paid attention to Bernie more, he stopped talking about Switzerland in 2016 when he started getting flack just like above.

Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
BINGO. All these idiots like to say they want to be like European countries. Yet nearly all of them have far fewer minorities than the US. And we all know that the biggest factor in determining poverty and crime is actually demographics.
When pilgrims first came to this country they founded a socialist society. You should read the diaries of William Bradford to see how that worked out.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Democrats want to make them 'popular' again.....

View attachment 308588 View attachment 308589

Not quite. They want to make THESE popular here.



The difference is, the bread lines we've had in the past were for our neediest. The bread lines Bernie and his followers are fans of are an institution in the daily lives of EVERYONE.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.

Stalin said that people weren't starving until they ate their children.

Well, yeah, because once you've eaten your children, there's nothing left . . . and then you starve.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.


You are not understanding the context or point.
No one is saying grocery stores should not sell food and make a profit as they also provide a service.
The point is that it is foolish for government to pay food stamps to grocery stores for poor people who could otherwise not buy the food anyway.
For the poor who can not afford to buy, you might as well establish a cheaper system that is nonprofit.

Why reinvent the wheel? Your ignorant way would cost more as it always does when the government gets involved. Why do you think the government abandoned the direct commodity distribution system that once existed.


That, and what they were handing out was inferior-quality shit with limited use. And cost more in overhead.
I want you to know holier than thou fuck my mom stood in one of those lines in 1958 after 10 hours of work so go fuck your holier than thou attitude.

And we want YOU to know, you Victimhood Champion wanna-be, that we don't care to join in on that - along with everyone else in the nation - just because you learned the wrong lesson in childhood.

Isn't it amazing her immediate victimhood response? I wasn't cutting anybody down who waited in those lines, I was merely pointing out how pathetic and embarrassing it was for people to have to be doing that to eat in this country.

After my father's first major stroke, my parents and I had to get some charity food boxes to get by until my mom and I could get things on a better footing. We never bothered with the government boxes, because we didn't have time to waste on making government assistance our full-time job. While we were certainly grateful to the people who donated to help us, the lesson I learned was NOT how wonderful it is to have others take care of you; it was how hard a decent person works to stop needing the help.

Debbie Dumbass learned the wrong lesson.

There is nothing wrong with getting help if you truly need it. I need it now. The problem is people who take advantage of it, and the politicians who pander to those people for votes.

Of course there's nothing wrong with getting it if you need it. The contents of the food boxes we got were donated voluntarily by people who wanted to help their community. That's what community is FOR. And I was very grateful it was there to help us get back on our feet. As an adult, I have donated generously to church and community groups to give the same help to others.

However, I believe the true mark of successful charity is whether it encourages and enables people to not need it any more. And the bulk of my admiration was not for the "wonders" of handouts, as Debbie Dumbass's seems to be; it was for my parents and their determination to work themselves out of a bad situation.

To me, the most striking difference between the right and the left in this country is that the right assumes people will succeed, whereas the left assumes they will fail.

They also live by the code of penalizing success and rewarding failure.

People years go had more pride. They only took charity if it was their last measure of hope. People did want to work out of that situation because the help they received was little. Today, we have people in the grocery store lines asking other customers if they could buy your food using their SNAP's card, and at the end of checkout, you give them cash for your items back. Unlike years ago, no shame at all. They do it proudly.

When taxpayers experience enough of these events or otherwise hear of them, they get angered. If you dare take a stance on it, they call you selfish, greedy, uncaring. I've been in line with these food stamp people. I never had children because of the expense. Yet those 300 lbs mothers are in the grocery store are there with four kids, I'm sure they could never afford, they get into a late model SUV after loading all those food stamp groceries in it.
Bernie and his followers need a one way ticket to Venezuela

No. Denmark, Netherlands, etc that’s what we model it after.

And there it is.
The cost of living in both of those countries is significantly higher than America. AND their taxes are higher also.
The average rent cost in Denmark is 20% higher than America.
The average cost to drive a car in Denmark is 7 times what it cost in America
I can go on.

You should have paid attention to Bernie more, he stopped talking about Switzerland in 2016 when he started getting flack just like above.

Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
BINGO. All these idiots like to say they want to be like European countries. Yet nearly all of them have far fewer minorities than the US. And we all know that the biggest factor in determining poverty and crime is actually demographics.

My point was actually that you can have generous social programs, OR you can have open borders. You can't have both.
And we want YOU to know, you Victimhood Champion wanna-be, that we don't care to join in on that - along with everyone else in the nation - just because you learned the wrong lesson in childhood.

Isn't it amazing her immediate victimhood response? I wasn't cutting anybody down who waited in those lines, I was merely pointing out how pathetic and embarrassing it was for people to have to be doing that to eat in this country.

After my father's first major stroke, my parents and I had to get some charity food boxes to get by until my mom and I could get things on a better footing. We never bothered with the government boxes, because we didn't have time to waste on making government assistance our full-time job. While we were certainly grateful to the people who donated to help us, the lesson I learned was NOT how wonderful it is to have others take care of you; it was how hard a decent person works to stop needing the help.

Debbie Dumbass learned the wrong lesson.

There is nothing wrong with getting help if you truly need it. I need it now. The problem is people who take advantage of it, and the politicians who pander to those people for votes.

Of course there's nothing wrong with getting it if you need it. The contents of the food boxes we got were donated voluntarily by people who wanted to help their community. That's what community is FOR. And I was very grateful it was there to help us get back on our feet. As an adult, I have donated generously to church and community groups to give the same help to others.

However, I believe the true mark of successful charity is whether it encourages and enables people to not need it any more. And the bulk of my admiration was not for the "wonders" of handouts, as Debbie Dumbass's seems to be; it was for my parents and their determination to work themselves out of a bad situation.

To me, the most striking difference between the right and the left in this country is that the right assumes people will succeed, whereas the left assumes they will fail.

They also live by the code of penalizing success and rewarding failure.

People years go had more pride. They only took charity if it was their last measure of hope. People did want to work out of that situation because the help they received was little. Today, we have people in the grocery store lines asking other customers if they could buy your food using their SNAP's card, and at the end of checkout, you give them cash for your items back. Unlike years ago, no shame at all. They do it proudly.

When taxpayers experience enough of these events or otherwise hear of them, they get angered. If you dare take a stance on it, they call you selfish, greedy, uncaring. I've been in line with these food stamp people. I never had children because of the expense. Yet those 300 lbs mothers are in the grocery store are there with four kids, I'm sure they could never afford, they get into a late model SUV after loading all those food stamp groceries in it.

And once upon a time, people took help from people they actually knew and saw and would feel obligated to. There was no possibility of feeling arrogant and entitled about it, unless you were a sociopath.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.


You are not understanding the context or point.
No one is saying grocery stores should not sell food and make a profit as they also provide a service.
The point is that it is foolish for government to pay food stamps to grocery stores for poor people who could otherwise not buy the food anyway.
For the poor who can not afford to buy, you might as well establish a cheaper system that is nonprofit.

Why reinvent the wheel? Your ignorant way would cost more as it always does when the government gets involved. Why do you think the government abandoned the direct commodity distribution system that once existed.


That, and what they were handing out was inferior-quality shit with limited use. And cost more in overhead.

I disagree on that, the cheese, butter, peanut butter, rice and beans were pretty good. The canned meat left something to be desired, but it was edible.

I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.


You are not understanding the context or point.
No one is saying grocery stores should not sell food and make a profit as they also provide a service.
The point is that it is foolish for government to pay food stamps to grocery stores for poor people who could otherwise not buy the food anyway.
For the poor who can not afford to buy, you might as well establish a cheaper system that is nonprofit.

Why reinvent the wheel? Your ignorant way would cost more as it always does when the government gets involved. Why do you think the government abandoned the direct commodity distribution system that once existed.


That, and what they were handing out was inferior-quality shit with limited use. And cost more in overhead.

I disagree on that, the cheese, butter, peanut butter, rice and beans were pretty good. The canned meat left something to be desired, but it was edible.


The cheese and peanut butter utterly sucked, from my perspective. And there's only so much you can do with peanut butter, processed cheese blocks, rice, and beans. For the same amount of money, a family can go to the store and buy stuff they actually want to eat and can cook something with.

And again, the overhead costs are far lower on EBT cards than on trucks full of food boxes.

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