Bread lines ARE a good thing; You have to understand them

In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
How many people do you personally know who lives in the USSR?

No one lives in the USSR dumbo. It hasn't existed since the 1990s.

I know lots of people who LIVED in the USSR.
how many is a lots?
No. Denmark, Netherlands, etc that’s what we model it after.

And there it is.
The cost of living in both of those countries is significantly higher than America. AND their taxes are higher also.
The average rent cost in Denmark is 20% higher than America.
The average cost to drive a car in Denmark is 7 times what it cost in America
I can go on.

You should have paid attention to Bernie more, he stopped talking about Switzerland in 2016 when he started getting flack just like above.

Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
BINGO. All these idiots like to say they want to be like European countries. Yet nearly all of them have far fewer minorities than the US. And we all know that the biggest factor in determining poverty and crime is actually demographics.

My point was actually that you can have generous social programs, OR you can have open borders. You can't have both.

Another lie from the right. Socialist nations in Europe are all different sizes. Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway....all different population sizes.

If America can provide for 350 million.....then we get more migrants (who pay taxes!) then we grow in population, just like Europe where countries grow and are bigger now than 50 years ago.

If the system works, then having more people only means more pay into it and it evens out. Denmark is way more populated than Iceland but guess what, it works for both sizes. Unchecked corporate greed is what kills the system, not more honest workers.
We have more Illegals Aliens than Sweden, Denmark and Norway have people
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
They also had Chernobyl, thanks to their system.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
They also had Chernobyl, thanks to their system.

Are you asserting that the U.S. never killed hundreds of Americans with nuclear testing?

At least Chernobyl was an accident. Nevada nuclear tests were intentional.
Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
BINGO. All these idiots like to say they want to be like European countries. Yet nearly all of them have far fewer minorities than the US. And we all know that the biggest factor in determining poverty and crime is actually demographics.

My point was actually that you can have generous social programs, OR you can have open borders. You can't have both.

Another lie from the right. Socialist nations in Europe are all different sizes. Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway....all different population sizes.

If America can provide for 350 million.....then we get more migrants (who pay taxes!) then we grow in population, just like Europe where countries grow and are bigger now than 50 years ago.

If the system works, then having more people only means more pay into it and it evens out

then we get more migrants (who pay taxes!)

What happens if the migrants consume more services than the taxes they pay?

Fair question. They probably will at first because they’ll be poor, but the system balances it out bc the rich will pay more than they consume. But the rich will still live a way better lifestyle than the rest of us so its not gonna hurt them. Once the migrants get settled with a job and steady life then it’ll even out

They probably will at first because they’ll be poor

Let's keep the poor ones out until we balance the budget.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

Ummm, until there is shortages of bread like what happened in the Soviet Union and Ukraine!

Are you seriously trying to say a Soviet Style government is a good thing and if so please tell me you are just joking!?!

Bernie Sanders want Taxpayer paid Healthcare that will end up being ran like the VA because you must remember this country is not a one political party system.

Your bread lines will see production cuts when the GOP gain control again.

Your taxpayer schooling will see decrease in funding under the GOP...

So tell me when you guys come up with these crazy ideas you do realize America is not a Communist Nation and to implement your policies you will have to have one political party system while executing half the population!
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
They also had Chernobyl, thanks to their system.

Are you asserting that the U.S. never killed hundreds of Americans with nuclear testing?

At least Chernobyl was an accident. Nevada nuclear tests were intentional.

Are you asserting that the U.S. never killed hundreds of Americans with nuclear testing?

I'll assert that the US never generated power without a containment building using graphite as a moderator.
Stupid fucking Commies.
Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
BINGO. All these idiots like to say they want to be like European countries. Yet nearly all of them have far fewer minorities than the US. And we all know that the biggest factor in determining poverty and crime is actually demographics.

My point was actually that you can have generous social programs, OR you can have open borders. You can't have both.

Another lie from the right. Socialist nations in Europe are all different sizes. Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway....all different population sizes.

If America can provide for 350 million.....then we get more migrants (who pay taxes!) then we grow in population, just like Europe where countries grow and are bigger now than 50 years ago.

If the system works, then having more people only means more pay into it and it evens out

then we get more migrants (who pay taxes!)

What happens if the migrants consume more services than the taxes they pay?

Fair question. They probably will at first because they’ll be poor, but the system balances it out bc the rich will pay more than they consume. But the rich will still live a way better lifestyle than the rest of us so its not gonna hurt them. Once the migrants get settled with a job and steady life then it’ll even out

And the migrant takes the job of an American for less money, leaving Americans unemployed. But hey better for brown foreigners to take the jobs, white Americans have been far too privileged for too long.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
They also had Chernobyl, thanks to their system.

Are you asserting that the U.S. never killed hundreds of Americans with nuclear testing?

At least Chernobyl was an accident. Nevada nuclear tests were intentional.
LOL. Chernobyl was not an “accident” you dumbass. It was directly caused by the stupidity of the communists in charge of the reactor. From the flawed design from the beginning, to the refusal of the government to acknowledge and fix the flaw, to the incompetent government management of personnel.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Sanders is not talking about 'feeding the poor'. Sanders and the 2020 Democrats are PROMISING / VOWING to MAKE millions of Americans 'POOR' and dependent once again on tax-payer-funded 'freebies'....they are almost promising to create 'bread lines', reversing all success we have had to date under President Trump.

'We give food stamps now.....capitalist grocery stores occupy the middle ground'.

Ever try to eat a 'Food Stamp'? Every try to wipe your ass with one?

People in Venezuela can't afford to buy toilet paper let alone food...and the govt isn't GIVING it out.

In 2016 'CNN Business' wrote an article capturing the 'great life' under Socialism in Venezuela - in the article they told of a woman named Carmen Mendoza who was able to visit her daughter in NY:

"Carmen Mendoza came to New York to visit her daughter Anabella -- and also to buy toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, beans, corn flour, tuna fish, mayonnaise and aspirin."

These items could not even be FOUND in Venezuela.

"Venezuela's deep economic recession has spiraled into a humanitarian crisis. Venezuelans are suffering through severe food and medical shortages while crime skyrockets and massive protests call for President Nicolas Maduro to resign."

Venezuela crisis: I flew to U.S. to buy toilet paper

Bernie Sanders wants to BE the US version of Fidel Castro / Nicholas Maduro.....but I have no desire for the US to be HIS version of Cuba / Venezuela.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Give bread directly to the hungry. Where are you getting the bread?
Same goes for education. Student takes out govt loans. Gives it to college. Student is broke and cant pay it back. Govt loses that $$.

Why put students thru that? Just have govt give the $$ to the college, they lose that $$ either way but at least the students arent stuck w debt
Don't take out a loan you cannot pay back.
No. Denmark, Netherlands, etc that’s what we model it after.

And there it is.
The cost of living in both of those countries is significantly higher than America. AND their taxes are higher also.
The average rent cost in Denmark is 20% higher than America.
The average cost to drive a car in Denmark is 7 times what it cost in America
I can go on.

You should have paid attention to Bernie more, he stopped talking about Switzerland in 2016 when he started getting flack just like above.

Also, Denmark has a VERY strict immigration policy, which is anathema to Bernie's platform.
BINGO. All these idiots like to say they want to be like European countries. Yet nearly all of them have far fewer minorities than the US. And we all know that the biggest factor in determining poverty and crime is actually demographics.

My point was actually that you can have generous social programs, OR you can have open borders. You can't have both.

Another lie from the right. Socialist nations in Europe are all different sizes. Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway....all different population sizes.

If America can provide for 350 million.....then we get more migrants (who pay taxes!) then we grow in population, just like Europe where countries grow and are bigger now than 50 years ago.

If the system works, then having more people only means more pay into it and it evens out. Denmark is way more populated than Iceland but guess what, it works for both sizes. Unchecked corporate greed is what kills the system, not more honest workers.

The so-called "socialist nations of Europe" - which aren't socialist - that you list all have strict immigration policies. It is not easy at all to become a resident, let alone a citizen, of Denmark, for example. It's almost like they don't subscribe to your "let's invite everyone, I just KNOW they're all wonderful!" theory.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Give bread directly to the hungry. Where are you getting the bread?
Amazon one day delivery!
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.


No because the rich and privileged would still go to stores. Working class would just get food straight from the govt rather than a for profit middle man
Straight from the government. The government has no food. The government owns nothing, produces nothing, and has no money.

Do you understand that much?
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.


No because the rich and privileged would still go to stores. Working class would just get food straight from the govt rather than a for profit middle man
Until the food supply runs out because everyone gets rewarded whether they work or not

Eating isnt a “reward” it’s necessary for staying alive. Literally living. You already pay the govt to feed the working class, why have a middle man?

An orderly and fair collection and distribution system of food for the workforce is a good thing.
You seriously have never read a history book in your life, have you?
Of course, everybody knows that WE HAVE NO LINES FOR ANYTHING IN THE U.S.!

Ever been to a super-market on a Saturday morning?

Horrible capitalist system...people have to stand in line for food!

Seriously people... grow a brain!

No, dimwit, they don't have to "stand in line for food". They stand in line to pay for the food, by choice, because there's an abundance to choose from. If you can't see the difference between that and standing in line all day in the hope of getting a handful of a limited supply of something doled out to you once a month - or less! - then you're even dumber than I think you are, which I wouldn't have thought was even possible.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
They also had Chernobyl, thanks to their system.

Are you asserting that the U.S. never killed hundreds of Americans with nuclear testing?

At least Chernobyl was an accident. Nevada nuclear tests were intentional.
Chernobyl was a test by the government to see how much electricity could be provided while the reactor was spinning down in the event of a war.

They screwed up the SCRAM procedure and we all know what happened after that. Well, some of us know. The rest use it as propaganda against nuclear energy.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Give bread directly to the hungry. Where are you getting the bread?
Amazon one day delivery!
who will deliver it?
Of course, everybody knows that WE HAVE NO LINES FOR ANYTHING IN THE U.S.!

Ever been to a super-market on a Saturday morning?

Horrible capitalist system...people have to stand in line for food!

Seriously people... grow a brain!

No, dimwit, they don't have to "stand in line for food". They stand in line to pay for the food, by choice, because there's an abundance to choose from. If you can't see the difference between that and standing in line all day in the hope of getting a handful of a limited supply of something doled out to you once a month - or less! - then you're even dumber than I think you are, which I wouldn't have thought was even possible.

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