Bread lines ARE a good thing; You have to understand them

Of course, everybody knows that WE HAVE NO LINES FOR ANYTHING IN THE U.S.!

Ever been to a super-market on a Saturday morning?

Horrible capitalist system...people have to stand in line for food!

Seriously people... grow a brain!

Not for an hour and a half and not for rations. You stand in line for anything you shop for, Walmart, hardware store, Home depot, McDonald's........

Hour and a half, not hardly. The comedian Yakov Smirnoff, whose family defected from the USSR, used to talk about how families routinely had a member whose primary job was just going out and standing in lines, all the time, for whatever might possibly be doled out that day. It was a full-time job. Maybe once a year, if that, they'd have ice cream available, in the middle of winter, and there would be all-day lines in the snow, waiting and hoping for ice cream because that was the only chance of ever having any . . . if they didn't run out before your turn came.
Of course, everybody knows that WE HAVE NO LINES FOR ANYTHING IN THE U.S.!

Ever been to a super-market on a Saturday morning?

Horrible capitalist system...people have to stand in line for food!

Seriously people... grow a brain!

Not for an hour and a half and not for rations. You stand in line for anything you shop for, Walmart, hardware store, Home depot, McDonald's........

Do you know exactly of any instance where people routinely have to stand in line for an hour and a half for just basic rations?

Before you say 'The Soviet Union'...don't bother. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union and they did not stand in line for hours or for for basic rations. They did not have the variety of foods that we do, but that's all.

She bitches about the lines in U.S. super-markets - far worse that anything that she saw in the Soviet Union!

Perhaps what you've been told is a lie.

We've heard from thousands of people over multiple decades about how horrible the Soviet Union is, but since you say your wife says it was just fine and the US is worse, that just trumps it all. Fuck you. All you've told us is that there is no evidence you will accept that reality is anything but what you've decided you want it to be.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.

Do not fucking preach to us about what you "know" the "wonders" of the Soviet Union "really" were because your wife, who is apparently the reincarnated Oracle at Delphi and the repository of all knowledge since her lone, anonymous word for it is supposed to trump thousands of other people's testimony AND the fucking photographs, says so.

Tell you what. Go track down the widow of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn and tell HER how her husband was all wrong about the Soviet Union and it was really utopia. Let me know whether she spits in your face or slaps you.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
what happened to it since it was soooo great?

The people of the Soviet Union got greedy and got stupid...they believed that they would all get rich under capitalism. But it turned out that only a tiny number got rich while the standard of living for the majority dropped.

The vast majority of the people that lived in the Soviet Union wish they could return.

If I ever need to hear the ramblings of a Cold War equivalent of a Holocaust denier, be assured that you will be the first pinheaded moron I come find.

In the meantime, get your evil-praising, ancephalic self off my screen, which is reserved for real humans.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
How many people do you personally know who lived in the USSR?

He claims his wife did, and says the US is much worse, and that therefore trumps all the testimony of all the many people who disagree with his alleged wife, AND all the photographs and official documents that dispute her.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Give bread directly to the hungry. Where are you getting the bread?
Amazon one day delivery!
who will deliver it?
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?
Give bread directly to the hungry. Where are you getting the bread?
Amazon one day delivery!
who will deliver it?
he'll be busy.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
what happened to it since it was soooo great?

The people of the Soviet Union got greedy and got stupid...they believed that they would all get rich under capitalism. But it turned out that only a tiny number got rich while the standard of living for the majority dropped.

The vast majority of the people that lived in the Soviet Union wish they could return.

If I ever need to hear the ramblings of a Cold War equivalent of a Holocaust denier, be assured that you will be the first pinheaded moron I come find.

In the meantime, get your evil-praising, ancephalic self off my screen, which is reserved for real humans.
Kudos to you for using "anencephalic" and using it correctly in a sentence!

-1 point for spelling it incorrectly! Ha!
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

You know, we have places similar right here in the US if that's how you want to live. In these places, nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. Everybody is equally poor. They feed you, they provide government healthcare, work is optional, you don't have to work if you don't want to.

These places are called prisons. They are not hard to get into, and full of Democrats as well.
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Of course, everybody knows that WE HAVE NO LINES FOR ANYTHING IN THE U.S.!

Ever been to a super-market on a Saturday morning?

Horrible capitalist system...people have to stand in line for food!

Seriously people... grow a brain!

Not for an hour and a half and not for rations. You stand in line for anything you shop for, Walmart, hardware store, Home depot, McDonald's........

Do you know exactly of any instance where people routinely have to stand in line for an hour and a half for just basic rations?

Before you say 'The Soviet Union'...don't bother. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union and they did not stand in line for hours or for for basic rations. They did not have the variety of foods that we do, but that's all.

She bitches about the lines in U.S. super-markets - far worse that anything that she saw in the Soviet Union!

Perhaps what you've been told is a lie.

And I guess all the videos we've seen of the former union were all lies as well? Ask your wife if she'd like to live in Russia today. I know people from the Soviet Union as well. They wouldn't dream of going back unless they had to by force.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
what happened to it since it was soooo great?

The people of the Soviet Union got greedy and got stupid...they believed that they would all get rich under capitalism. But it turned out that only a tiny number got rich while the standard of living for the majority dropped.

The vast majority of the people that lived in the Soviet Union wish they could return.

If I ever need to hear the ramblings of a Cold War equivalent of a Holocaust denier, be assured that you will be the first pinheaded moron I come find.

In the meantime, get your evil-praising, ancephalic self off my screen, which is reserved for real humans.
Kudos to you for using "anencephalic" and using it correctly in a sentence!

-1 point for spelling it incorrectly! Ha!

Meh. In a hurry, and really don't care much when address trash like him.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

You know, we have places similar right here in the US if that's how you want to live. In these places, nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. Everybody is equally poor. They feed you, they provide government healthcare, work is optional, you don't have to work if you don't want to.

These places are called prisons. They are not hard to get into, and full of Democrats as well.

Great minds think alike. I was just considering that post myself.

Also, prisons offer free education. AND they control the speech and behavior of those around you in an effort to avoid anyone being offended (because the offended tend to be violent).

Sounds EXACTLY like leftist paradise.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

You know, we have places similar right here in the US if that's how you want to live. In these places, nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. Everybody is equally poor. They feed you, they provide government healthcare, work is optional, you don't have to work if you don't want to.

These places are called prisons. They are not hard to get into, and full of Democrats as well.

Great minds think alike. I was just considering that post myself.

Also, prisons offer free education. AND they control the speech and behavior of those around you in an effort to avoid anyone being offended (because the offended tend to be violent).

Sounds EXACTLY like leftist paradise.

One of two things, either Richard is lying to us about his wife being from the USSR, or his wife had totally different experiences than the people I know. There was nothing good about living there.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

You know, we have places similar right here in the US if that's how you want to live. In these places, nobody has guns except the government. Nobody has money except the government. Everybody is equally poor. They feed you, they provide government healthcare, work is optional, you don't have to work if you don't want to.

These places are called prisons. They are not hard to get into, and full of Democrats as well.

Great minds think alike. I was just considering that post myself.

Also, prisons offer free education. AND they control the speech and behavior of those around you in an effort to avoid anyone being offended (because the offended tend to be violent).

Sounds EXACTLY like leftist paradise.

One of two things, either Richard is lying to us about his wife being from the USSR, or his wife had totally different experiences than the people I know. There was nothing good about living there.

Hey, maybe she was the daughter of a ranking Party member.

Or maybe Richard can't get near a woman without getting pepper-sprayed, and he's making it up. Whatever.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.

And then Donald would have his way and we’d be just like Russia
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.

And then Donald would have his way and we’d be just like Russia

Oh, yeah, it's TRUMP who's trying to make us like Russia . . . if you're BATSHIT CRAZY.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.

And then Donald would have his way and we’d be just like Russia
Explain without ad hominems.
In the Soviet Union everyone had:

Free Child Day Care.
Free School to any level that they wanted.
A Guaranteed job.
Free Health care.
Guaranteed Housing.
Guaranteed Pensions.
Low cost food.

Basically, they had security. No one worked for years and years only to get laid off, lose their house, go bankrupt over medical bills or be homeless.
what happened to it since it was soooo great?

The people of the Soviet Union got greedy and got stupid...they believed that they would all get rich under capitalism. But it turned out that only a tiny number got rich while the standard of living for the majority dropped.

The vast majority of the people that lived in the Soviet Union wish they could return.

When you train your people for decades to look to the government for everything, it's going to take a few generations for the people to realize that freedom is a good thing.
I think you guys are unfair to Bernie about the bread lines comment. They ARE good.

Poor people need food.
We give food stamps now
Capitalist grocery store occupies that middle ground

All democrat socialism does is remove the corporate greed at the grocery store and hand the “bread” directly to the hungry. And you all OPPOSE that??? Why?

You dumb ass, grocery stores operate on a 3-4% margin. You try that shit you'd wind up with empty shelves and everyone would starve. See Venezuela, they're eating their dogs, ideas like Sanders bankrupted the country.

And then Donald would have his way and we’d be just like Russia

This comment from a woman who supports a party that's going to have a Socialist as their nominee. What do you want to bet that Trump didn't spend his honeymoon in the former USSR?

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