Illegals get debit cards, citizens pay more for groceries. Thank you Biden/Harris! (Poll)

Do you support the government borrowing money to give to illegal immigrants?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 10 90.9%

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
So let me get this straight, US citizens are suffering, while illegal immigrants are given free food and housing?
This could be an election issue.
The government is borrowing money to give to illegal immigrants while citizens suffer runaway inflation and unaffordable grocery prices.

My opinion is that open borders is hurting Americans. 12,000,000 illegals are using food and housing paid for by the government by borrowing more money to increase the DEBT and cause runaway inflation by creating more demand for food and housing without creating more supply.
The Border Czar has some 'splainin' to do.


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So let me get this straight, US citizens are in bread lines, while illegal immigrants are given free food and housing?
This could be an election issue.
The government is borrowing money to give to illegal immigrants while citizens suffer runaway inflation and unaffordable grocery prices.

And now, throughout America, the breadline is back. Perhaps we should call them neo-breadlines. During the Great Depression, people lined up on sidewalks for food; today, they sit in their cars and inch toward food banks in lines that in places like Pittsburgh have exceeded a mile in length.
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New York City has allocated $53 million to the pilot program, which officials say will save $600,000 per month and $7.2 million annually. The program will also allow migrants to purchase food and baby supplies of their choosing. Adams said at a press conference on Monday that beyond savings, officials hope using the cards at area retailers will help stimulate the local economy.

My opinion is that open borders is hurting Americans. 12,000,000 illegals are using food and housing paid for by the government by borrowing more money to increase the DEBT and cause runaway inflation by creating more demand for food and housing without creating more supply.
The Border Czar has some 'splainin' to do.
i havent seen any of these so called lines....
Your breadline article is dated APRIL 7, 2020. Who was president then?

Nowhere in the second article are "illegals" ever mentioned either.
Thanks! I started with debit cards and saw an article yesterday of people lining up in a city for food, now I can't find it.
I didn't check the date of the link I used. So I'll just focus on giving illegals debit cards. That's bad enough.
Thanks! I started with debit cards and saw an article yesterday of people lining up in a city for food.
I didn't check the date of the link I used. So I'll just focus on giving illegals debit cards.

Why? Breadlines are no longer important since that was under Trump?

And again, nowhere in the article is "illegals" mentioned.
Why? Breadlines are no longer important since that was under Trump?

And again, nowhere in the article is "illegals" mentioned.
As I said, I saw a recent article showing people lining up for food, I just can't find it now.
Illegals are getting debit cards.
As I said, I saw a recent article showing people lining up for food, I just can't find it now.
Illegals are getting debit cards.

Nowhere does it state this. Just because you are here and not a citizen does not automatically make you here illegally.

Some "migrants" come here to work. They do so legally. Some came seeking asylum. When you do that you are here legally.
Nowhere does it state this. Just because you are here and not a citizen does not automatically make you here illegally.

Some "migrants" come here to work. They do so legally. Some came seeking asylum. When you do that you are here legally.
My point is that open borders let in 12,000,000 illegals/migrants.
They are the focus of my thread, not those here legally.
I'm not sure those here legally can get free food and housing?
I thought that to be admitted in you need to be self-sufficient?
My point is that open borders let in 12,000,000 illegals/migrants.
They are the focus of my thread, not those here legally.
I'm not sure those here legally can get free food and housing?
I thought that to be admitted in you need to be self-sufficient?

There is no requirement to come here seeking asylum.
Why don't these migrants, whether legal or illegal, just have their relatives send over money from Venezuela or Chad, or wherever else they are from?

If was stuck some place abroad without funds or food, I would phone back home.
So let me get this straight, US citizens are suffering, while illegal immigrants are given free food and housing?
This could be an election issue.
The government is borrowing money to give to illegal immigrants while citizens suffer runaway inflation and unaffordable grocery prices.

US Citizens are better off now than they ever have been. I've seen people at the grocery store, waddling around or riding their scooters because they are so fat...

They aren't starving, bud.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Well, that would require reading comprehension, FatIrishSow.

You should still be reeling over that BS you tried to sell on Rittenhouse and promptly got taken to the cleaners on

As far as illegals getting anything over a US citizen? Fck that. Send them all back

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