Break em off something!

That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.

We Need to Have a Conversation About White People

Michael Harriot

In the 241 years of America’s existence, we have purposely ignored the important topic that lingers over this country’s constant pursuit of happiness. Until we can come to grips with this pressing dilemma and confront it head-on, we can never hope for peace, justice and equality. For too long we have allowed ourselves to look the other way, blithely neglecting the one thing that could possibly heal the racial divide that cripples our great nation:

We need to talk about white people.

Look, I’m not here to cast aspersions on our Caucasian brethren, but it is imperative that we stop ignoring the truth and face facts. A great man once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ... and putting sugar on grits.” However, for now, let us eschew the hominy-related controversy in favor of a more substantial one. There is one through line that connects all the suffering, injustice and oppression in this country’s past:

White people.

A few days ago, the New York Times released a shocking exposé on Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s predilection for sexual harassment and assault. After the story broke, women emerged from the woodwork telling stories of how the Teletubby-shaped producer forced them to watch him masturbate, and how he paraded around naked in front of confused A-list actresses.

This is nothing new. A few days earlier, pro-life champion Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) resigned from Congress after text messages surfaced of him asking his mistress to have an abortion. Even the president of the United States is a self-confessed pussy grabber.

What do all these men have in common?

I’ll let you answer the question. All I can say is that no one has accused Spike Lee of beating off into potted plants. You might fault former President Barack Obama for wearing a tan suit, but I can’t recall a single recording of him bragging about assaulting vaginas or sending text messages to pregnant side chicks.

But let’s put that topic aside and focus on white-on-white crime. It is a deadly scourge that needs to stop. When white people talk about black thugs, Mexican gangbangers and Muslim terrorists, they conveniently ignore the fact that most white people are killed by other white people.

Look at Las Vegas. They commit the most mass shootings. They are responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks. And even though they are the first ones to scream “Blue Lives Matter,” whites kill more cops than any other race. White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders, rapes and Electric Slide missteps. I don’t understand how white people are supposed to feel safe in this country with all these white people around, murdering all willy-nilly.

And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me. (I saw the Capitas win my college’s homecoming step show in ’99. They really can swing those canes!)

America is so racist we may never have a real black President and have to settle for the cheap "Born in Kenya" knockoff.
a h wahhhhhhhh im an oppressed victim :20::04:
oh no im not a wine guy never agreed with me but f me i can put away the sake
I like all kinds of great cheese

whiskey , single malts , tequila, and beer

a martini if its tanqueray
speaking of whiskey

jack stole it from the black man ....NOPE why would he steal from his new best bud and mentor
Jack Daniels and his friend Nathan stole it from another white man !!
View attachment 264225
nice try on the spin though typical morning show MSM how do they get away with it implying that.
still a great story from history

Jack Daniels paid his black workers the same as his white workers and it was based on tenure
I did not know that

This thread is not about slavery.

but it is about anti white racism that seems to be growing .
its not really your fault , its coming hard out of the white left
youre just a pawn in their game

Dont worry they hate your guts as much as they hate mine

There is no such thing as anti white racism. That term is rightist whining.

or so i heard.................... from a white girl:20:

Really? How cute.

And delusional.


yes yes yes i know its almost like the murder rate ...almost...yikes
in the food stamp category more whites in numbers are on food stamps
I see them here i seen em there i seen em everywhere

but this is typical racist anti white propaganda
why are the Hispanics who id as white not identified as white?

a h wahhhhhhhh im an oppressed victim :20::04:
oh no im not a wine guy never agreed with me but f me i can put away the sake
I like all kinds of great cheese

whiskey , single malts , tequila, and beer

a martini if its tanqueray
speaking of whiskey

jack stole it from the black man ....NOPE why would he steal from his new best bud and mentor
Jack Daniels and his friend Nathan stole it from another white man !!
View attachment 264225
nice try on the spin though typical morning show MSM how do they get away with it implying that.
still a great story from history

Jack Daniels paid his black workers the same as his white workers and it was based on tenure
I did not know that

This thread is not about slavery.

but it is about anti white racism that seems to be growing .
its not really your fault , its coming hard out of the white left
youre just a pawn in their game

Dont worry they hate your guts as much as they hate mine

There is no such thing as anti white racism. That term is rightist whining.

or so i heard.................... from a white girl:20:

Really? How cute.

And delusional.


See that blue line, dumbass? Being blacks are 13% of the population, that line should be between 10 and 20%, but it's not, because a higher percentage of blacks are on the dole.

Illegal Mexicans get a lot of that stuff, too. Oh yeah, it says the actual white percentage is 48.5%. The rest of that is illegal Mexicans or Puerto-Ricans.

We Need to Have a Conversation About Stupid, Black, Hate-Baiting, Racist Idiot Trolls Like IM2 who use this forum for nothing but as an outlet for their personal bigotry.
The U.S. government owes us. And not just for slavery.

You are owed. Glad to pay you back by loading all your sorry, worthless asses on some big ship, sailing you far out to sea, then using you for U.S. Naval practice until the boat sinks and all we see is a GLUG GLUG GLUG.

Debt paid.

We already have another group of sorry, worthless asses all with their hand out too who ain't gonna get jack shit either. Illegal Mexicans.
This thread is not about slavery.

but it is about anti white racism that seems to be growing .
its not really your fault , its coming hard out of the white left
youre just a pawn in their game

Dont worry they hate your guts as much as they hate mine

There is no such thing as anti white racism. That term is rightist whining.

or so i heard.................... from a white girl:20:

Really? How cute.

And delusional.


See that blue line, dumbass? Being blacks are 13% of the population, that line should be between 10 and 20%, but it's not, because a higher percentage of blacks are on the dole.

Illegal Mexicans get a lot of that stuff, too. Oh yeah, it says the actual white percentage is 48.5%. The rest of that is illegal Mexicans or Puerto-Ricans.


christ we're feeding half of south and central America as it is

i bet ya food stamp participation among this current crop of illegal invaders is 100% ...

at the very least they get a food stamp card...i know in NYC all you pretty much had to do during obama times is walk in and pretty much walk out with a food stamp card in just a few hours

THE times was doing reports of white kids from out of town struggling going on the stamps . they were buying rib eyes and organic kale.
the farmers markets all across the 5 boroughs all take em to ...even where some of the worlds most talented chefs shop in union square .
all the booths have ebt signs under their major cc signs

anyone who claims asylum is entitled to food stamps and half assed public assistance goodies

this country needs serious immigration reform ....lil bit
Last edited:
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.

We Need to Have a Conversation About White People

Michael Harriot

In the 241 years of America’s existence, we have purposely ignored the important topic that lingers over this country’s constant pursuit of happiness. Until we can come to grips with this pressing dilemma and confront it head-on, we can never hope for peace, justice and equality. For too long we have allowed ourselves to look the other way, blithely neglecting the one thing that could possibly heal the racial divide that cripples our great nation:

We need to talk about white people.

Look, I’m not here to cast aspersions on our Caucasian brethren, but it is imperative that we stop ignoring the truth and face facts. A great man once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ... and putting sugar on grits.” However, for now, let us eschew the hominy-related controversy in favor of a more substantial one. There is one through line that connects all the suffering, injustice and oppression in this country’s past:

White people.

A few days ago, the New York Times released a shocking exposé on Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s predilection for sexual harassment and assault. After the story broke, women emerged from the woodwork telling stories of how the Teletubby-shaped producer forced them to watch him masturbate, and how he paraded around naked in front of confused A-list actresses.

This is nothing new. A few days earlier, pro-life champion Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) resigned from Congress after text messages surfaced of him asking his mistress to have an abortion. Even the president of the United States is a self-confessed pussy grabber.

What do all these men have in common?

I’ll let you answer the question. All I can say is that no one has accused Spike Lee of beating off into potted plants. You might fault former President Barack Obama for wearing a tan suit, but I can’t recall a single recording of him bragging about assaulting vaginas or sending text messages to pregnant side chicks.

But let’s put that topic aside and focus on white-on-white crime. It is a deadly scourge that needs to stop. When white people talk about black thugs, Mexican gangbangers and Muslim terrorists, they conveniently ignore the fact that most white people are killed by other white people.

Look at Las Vegas. They commit the most mass shootings. They are responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks. And even though they are the first ones to scream “Blue Lives Matter,” whites kill more cops than any other race. White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders, rapes and Electric Slide missteps. I don’t understand how white people are supposed to feel safe in this country with all these white people around, murdering all willy-nilly.

And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me. (I saw the Capitas win my college’s homecoming step show in ’99. They really can swing those canes!)
I would change it to this:

We Need to Have a Conversation WITH White People
I realize that having a conversation requires white people to actually LISTEN.

This thread is not about slavery.

but it is about anti white racism that seems to be growing .
its not really your fault , its coming hard out of the white left
youre just a pawn in their game

Dont worry they hate your guts as much as they hate mine

There is no such thing as anti white racism. That term is rightist whining.

or so i heard.................... from a white girl:20:

Really? How cute.

And delusional.


See that blue line, dumbass? Being blacks are 13% of the population, that line should be between 10 and 20%, but it's not, because a higher percentage of blacks are on the dole.

Illegal Mexicans get a lot of that stuff, too. Oh yeah, it says the actual white percentage is 48.5%. The rest of that is illegal Mexicans or Puerto-Ricans.


I see the blue line and it's less than half the yellow line. Stop trying to find excuses.
Look, I’m not here to cast aspersions on our Caucasian brethren
I really appreciate this statement from Mr. Harriot, especially the part where he calls us his brethren. That means something to me. It makes me more willing to listen.

The thing is we have to listen to whites having conversations about us, at us and everything but with us. So the arrogance of whites in this regards is not acceptable.
The U.S. government owes us. And not just for slavery.

You are owed. Glad to pay you back by loading all your sorry, worthless asses on some big ship, sailing you far out to sea, then using you for U.S. Naval practice until the boat sinks and all we see is a GLUG GLUG GLUG.

Debt paid.

We already have another group of sorry, worthless asses all with their hand out too who ain't gonna get jack shit either. Illegal Mexicans.

Look white boy, your asses have stuck your fucking hands out and have been given what you have even as we have put tax money in the motherfucking pot. Between 85-94 percent of all black eligible to work have worked, earned incomes and paid taxes. But white get the benefits. All you whites have ever done is mooch off others. You ain't paying for nobody boy. We are paying for your trifling white asses.
White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders,
And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me.

Of course he’s talking about raw, real numbers
Because there are 5x as many whites vs Africans
Whites account for 60% of the population
vs 13% of the population that is African

Raw numbers will always conclude a white majority
Well, except for murder anyway

According to the 2017 FBI crime statistics
Africans accounted for 5,025/53.1% of murder arrests
vs 4,188/44.2% of whites arrested for murder

Africans account for 13% of total population
and 53% of murder arrests

Raw numbers, lets

Roughly 5,000 Africans are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 Africans

Roughly 800 whites are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 whites

Sorry dude, but mixing in people that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid.
Opinion huh..Ok then...awesome

At year-end 2017, an estimated 7% of white males
in state and federal prison were ages 18 to 24,
compared to 12% of black and 11% of Hispanic males.

Black males ages 18 to 19
were about 12 times more likely to be imprisoned
than white males of the same age.
This age group had the highest
black-to-white racial disparity in 2017.

Race Imprisonment Rates per 100,000 corresponding race
White 397
Black 2,336

White: 387,400
Black: 456,300

Roughly 70,000 difference BUT
that difference is obviously from state facilities
because according to the BOP figures updated June 1, 2019

Federal inmates

White: 105,784 / 58.7%
Black: 67,678 / 37.6%

Roughly, 38,000 more white inmates
vs black inmates in Federal prison

That means, if we subtract
the 38,000 white federal inmates that outnumber blacks
from the 70,000 blacks that outnumber whites,
we are left with a 32,000 difference of blacks vs white

So, these 3 findings ^ are based on,
per 100,000 corresponding residents...
black male inmates per every 100,000 BLACK male residents
within a population of 40,000,000

white male inmates per every 100,000 WHITE male residents
within a population of 200,000,000

EXACTLY WHAT I DID, using 40,000,00 but you said...
Sorry dude, but mixing in people
that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid

So, blacks are NOT imprisoned at a rate
12 xs more then whites nor do 18-24 yo blacks
make up 12% of prison population compared to whites

The imprisonment rate for black females
(92 per 100,000 black female residents)
was almost double that for white females
(49 per 100,000 white female residents).

More than twice as many white females (49,100 prisoners)
as black (19,600) or Hispanic (19,400) females
were in state and federal prisons at year-end 2017.

Huh...imprisonment rate for black females
was almost double that for white females
but there are 2 1/2 x’s as many
white females locked up then black females

Again, the imprisonment rates for black females
vs white females is not even CLOSE to double...
Its the exact opposite according to the raw total
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.

We Need to Have a Conversation About White People

Michael Harriot

In the 241 years of America’s existence, we have purposely ignored the important topic that lingers over this country’s constant pursuit of happiness. Until we can come to grips with this pressing dilemma and confront it head-on, we can never hope for peace, justice and equality. For too long we have allowed ourselves to look the other way, blithely neglecting the one thing that could possibly heal the racial divide that cripples our great nation:

We need to talk about white people.

Look, I’m not here to cast aspersions on our Caucasian brethren, but it is imperative that we stop ignoring the truth and face facts. A great man once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ... and putting sugar on grits.” However, for now, let us eschew the hominy-related controversy in favor of a more substantial one. There is one through line that connects all the suffering, injustice and oppression in this country’s past:

White people.

A few days ago, the New York Times released a shocking exposé on Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s predilection for sexual harassment and assault. After the story broke, women emerged from the woodwork telling stories of how the Teletubby-shaped producer forced them to watch him masturbate, and how he paraded around naked in front of confused A-list actresses.

This is nothing new. A few days earlier, pro-life champion Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) resigned from Congress after text messages surfaced of him asking his mistress to have an abortion. Even the president of the United States is a self-confessed pussy grabber.

What do all these men have in common?

I’ll let you answer the question. All I can say is that no one has accused Spike Lee of beating off into potted plants. You might fault former President Barack Obama for wearing a tan suit, but I can’t recall a single recording of him bragging about assaulting vaginas or sending text messages to pregnant side chicks.

But let’s put that topic aside and focus on white-on-white crime. It is a deadly scourge that needs to stop. When white people talk about black thugs, Mexican gangbangers and Muslim terrorists, they conveniently ignore the fact that most white people are killed by other white people.

Look at Las Vegas. They commit the most mass shootings. They are responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks. And even though they are the first ones to scream “Blue Lives Matter,” whites kill more cops than any other race. White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders, rapes and Electric Slide missteps. I don’t understand how white people are supposed to feel safe in this country with all these white people around, murdering all willy-nilly.

And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me. (I saw the Capitas win my college’s homecoming step show in ’99. They really can swing those canes!)
Angry black men
Look, I’m not here to cast aspersions on our Caucasian brethren
I really appreciate this statement from Mr. Harriot, especially the part where he calls us his brethren. That means something to me. It makes me more willing to listen.

The thing is we have to listen to whites having conversations about us, at us and everything but with us. So the arrogance of whites in this regards is not acceptable.
White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders,
And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me.

Of course he’s talking about raw, real numbers
Because there are 5x as many whites vs Africans
Whites account for 60% of the population
vs 13% of the population that is African

Raw numbers will always conclude a white majority
Well, except for murder anyway

According to the 2017 FBI crime statistics
Africans accounted for 5,025/53.1% of murder arrests
vs 4,188/44.2% of whites arrested for murder

Africans account for 13% of total population
and 53% of murder arrests

Raw numbers, lets

Roughly 5,000 Africans are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 Africans

Roughly 800 whites are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 whites

Sorry dude, but mixing in people that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid.
Opinion huh..Ok then...awesome

At year-end 2017, an estimated 7% of white males
in state and federal prison were ages 18 to 24,
compared to 12% of black and 11% of Hispanic males.

Black males ages 18 to 19
were about 12 times more likely to be imprisoned
than white males of the same age.
This age group had the highest
black-to-white racial disparity in 2017.

Race Imprisonment Rates per 100,000 corresponding race
White 397
Black 2,336

White: 387,400
Black: 456,300

Roughly 70,000 difference BUT
that difference is obviously from state facilities
because according to the BOP figures updated June 1, 2019

Federal inmates

White: 105,784 / 58.7%
Black: 67,678 / 37.6%

Roughly, 38,000 more white inmates
vs black inmates in Federal prison

That means, if we subtract
the 38,000 white federal inmates that outnumber blacks
from the 70,000 blacks that outnumber whites,
we are left with a 32,000 difference of blacks vs white

So, these 3 findings ^ are based on,
per 100,000 corresponding residents...
black male inmates per every 100,000 BLACK male residents
within a population of 40,000,000

white male inmates per every 100,000 WHITE male residents
within a population of 200,000,000

EXACTLY WHAT I DID, using 40,000,00 but you said...
Sorry dude, but mixing in people
that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid

So, blacks are NOT imprisoned at a rate
12 xs more then whites nor do 18-24 yo blacks
make up 12% of prison population compared to whites

The imprisonment rate for black females
(92 per 100,000 black female residents)
was almost double that for white females
(49 per 100,000 white female residents).

More than twice as many white females (49,100 prisoners)
as black (19,600) or Hispanic (19,400) females
were in state and federal prisons at year-end 2017.

Huh...imprisonment rate for black females
was almost double that for white females
but there are 2 1/2 x’s as many
white females locked up then black females

Again, the imprisonment rates for black females
vs white females is not even CLOSE to double...
Its the exact opposite according to the raw total
Would you mind citing your sources?
a h wahhhhhhhh im an oppressed victim :20::04:
oh no im not a wine guy never agreed with me but f me i can put away the sake
I like all kinds of great cheese

whiskey , single malts , tequila, and beer

a martini if its tanqueray
speaking of whiskey

jack stole it from the black man ....NOPE why would he steal from his new best bud and mentor
Jack Daniels and his friend Nathan stole it from another white man !!
View attachment 264225
nice try on the spin though typical morning show MSM how do they get away with it implying that.
still a great story from history

Jack Daniels paid his black workers the same as his white workers and it was based on tenure
I did not know that

This thread is not about slavery.

but it is about anti white racism that seems to be growing .
its not really your fault , its coming hard out of the white left
youre just a pawn in their game

Dont worry they hate your guts as much as they hate mine

There is no such thing as anti white racism. That term is rightist whining.

or so i heard.................... from a white girl:20:

Really? How cute.

And delusional.



Percentage of given ethno-racial group on food stamps.

Africans on food stamps 27.9%
4.01 million Africans
218% MORE THAN population at large

Whites on food stamps 8.9%
7.21 million whites
68% LESS THAN population at large

Statistical Atlas Food Stamps in the United States

40 million African population
4 million on food stamps

200,000,000 white population
7 million on food stamps

Thats like, 1 1/2 million whites on food stamps

Last edited:
White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders,
And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me.

Of course he’s talking about raw, real numbers
Because there are 5x as many whites vs Africans
Whites account for 60% of the population
vs 13% of the population that is African

Raw numbers will always conclude a white majority
Well, except for murder anyway

According to the 2017 FBI crime statistics
Africans accounted for 5,025/53.1% of murder arrests
vs 4,188/44.2% of whites arrested for murder

Africans account for 13% of total population
and 53% of murder arrests

Raw numbers, lets

Roughly 5,000 Africans are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 Africans

Roughly 800 whites are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 whites

Sorry dude, but mixing in people that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid.
Opinion huh..Ok then...awesome

At year-end 2017, an estimated 7% of white males
in state and federal prison were ages 18 to 24,
compared to 12% of black and 11% of Hispanic males.

Black males ages 18 to 19
were about 12 times more likely to be imprisoned
than white males of the same age.
This age group had the highest
black-to-white racial disparity in 2017.

Race Imprisonment Rates per 100,000 corresponding race
White 397
Black 2,336

White: 387,400
Black: 456,300

Roughly 70,000 difference BUT
that difference is obviously from state facilities
because according to the BOP figures updated June 1, 2019

Federal inmates

White: 105,784 / 58.7%
Black: 67,678 / 37.6%

Roughly, 38,000 more white inmates
vs black inmates in Federal prison

That means, if we subtract
the 38,000 white federal inmates that outnumber blacks
from the 70,000 blacks that outnumber whites,
we are left with a 32,000 difference of blacks vs white

So, these 3 findings ^ are based on,
per 100,000 corresponding residents...
black male inmates per every 100,000 BLACK male residents
within a population of 40,000,000

white male inmates per every 100,000 WHITE male residents
within a population of 200,000,000

EXACTLY WHAT I DID, using 40,000,00 but you said...
Sorry dude, but mixing in people
that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid

So, blacks are NOT imprisoned at a rate
12 xs more then whites nor do 18-24 yo blacks
make up 12% of prison population compared to whites

The imprisonment rate for black females
(92 per 100,000 black female residents)
was almost double that for white females
(49 per 100,000 white female residents).

More than twice as many white females (49,100 prisoners)
as black (19,600) or Hispanic (19,400) females
were in state and federal prisons at year-end 2017.

Huh...imprisonment rate for black females
was almost double that for white females
but there are 2 1/2 x’s as many
white females locked up then black females

Again, the imprisonment rates for black females
vs white females is not even CLOSE to double...
Its the exact opposite according to the raw total
Would you mind citing your sources?

*Bullshit post*-no credibility because it ignores well documented and proven racism in the criminal justice system .

He argues incarceration rates knowing that incarceration is based on a judges decision and that blacks get sentenced for things whites don't. His argument is meritless because it doesn't recognize that fact. And I bet these "stats" are from some "study" like the color of crime.
White men commit the majority of all heinous crimes, including murders,
And I’m not talking that “per capita” bullshit. I’m talking raw, real numbers. A “capita” has never done anything to me.

Of course he’s talking about raw, real numbers
Because there are 5x as many whites vs Africans
Whites account for 60% of the population
vs 13% of the population that is African

Raw numbers will always conclude a white majority
Well, except for murder anyway

According to the 2017 FBI crime statistics
Africans accounted for 5,025/53.1% of murder arrests
vs 4,188/44.2% of whites arrested for murder

Africans account for 13% of total population
and 53% of murder arrests

Raw numbers, lets

Roughly 5,000 Africans are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 Africans

Roughly 800 whites are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 whites

Sorry dude, but mixing in people that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid.
Opinion huh..Ok then...awesome

At year-end 2017, an estimated 7% of white males
in state and federal prison were ages 18 to 24,
compared to 12% of black and 11% of Hispanic males.

Black males ages 18 to 19
were about 12 times more likely to be imprisoned
than white males of the same age.
This age group had the highest
black-to-white racial disparity in 2017.

Race Imprisonment Rates per 100,000 corresponding race
White 397
Black 2,336

White: 387,400
Black: 456,300

Roughly 70,000 difference BUT
that difference is obviously from state facilities
because according to the BOP figures updated June 1, 2019

Federal inmates

White: 105,784 / 58.7%
Black: 67,678 / 37.6%

Roughly, 38,000 more white inmates
vs black inmates in Federal prison

That means, if we subtract
the 38,000 white federal inmates that outnumber blacks
from the 70,000 blacks that outnumber whites,
we are left with a 32,000 difference of blacks vs white

So, these 3 findings ^ are based on,
per 100,000 corresponding residents...
black male inmates per every 100,000 BLACK male residents
within a population of 40,000,000

white male inmates per every 100,000 WHITE male residents
within a population of 200,000,000

EXACTLY WHAT I DID, using 40,000,00 but you said...
Sorry dude, but mixing in people
that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid

So, blacks are NOT imprisoned at a rate
12 xs more then whites nor do 18-24 yo blacks
make up 12% of prison population compared to whites

The imprisonment rate for black females
(92 per 100,000 black female residents)
was almost double that for white females
(49 per 100,000 white female residents).

More than twice as many white females (49,100 prisoners)
as black (19,600) or Hispanic (19,400) females
were in state and federal prisons at year-end 2017.

Huh...imprisonment rate for black females
was almost double that for white females
but there are 2 1/2 x’s as many
white females locked up then black females

Again, the imprisonment rates for black females
vs white females is not even CLOSE to double...
Its the exact opposite according to the raw total
Would you mind citing your sources?
Sorry, not at all

U.S. Department of Justice


Federal Bureau of Prisons
This thread is not about slavery.

but it is about anti white racism that seems to be growing .
its not really your fault , its coming hard out of the white left
youre just a pawn in their game

Dont worry they hate your guts as much as they hate mine

There is no such thing as anti white racism. That term is rightist whining.

or so i heard.................... from a white girl:20:

Really? How cute.

And delusional.


Percentage of given ethno-racial group on food stamps.

Africans on food stamps 27.9%
4.01 million Africans
218% MORE THAN population at large

Whites on food stamps 8.9%
7.21 million whites
68% LESS THAN population at large

Statistical Atlas Food Stamps in the United States

40 million African population
4 million on food stamps

200,000 white population
7 million on food stamps

Thats like, 1 1/2 million whites on food stamps



*Bullshit post*-Out of the actual number of food stamp recipients 60% are white.

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