Break em off something!

Really? How cute.

And delusional.


Percentage of given ethno-racial group on food stamps.

Africans on food stamps 27.9%
4.01 million Africans
218% MORE THAN population at large

Whites on food stamps 8.9%
7.21 million whites
68% LESS THAN population at large

Statistical Atlas Food Stamps in the United States

40 million African population
4 million on food stamps

200,000 white population
7 million on food stamps

Thats like, 1 1/2 million whites on food stamps



*Bullshit post*-Out of the actual number of food stamp recipients 60% are white.


48.5% White
28% African

White 60% of population
Africans 13% of population

Furthermore, this graph is 9 years old

My post isn’t bullshit,
just doesn’t fit your narrative

Blacks commit more crime and more are on food stamps
as a ratio within their population vs whites

Bottom line

4 million Africans within a 40,000,000 African population
receive food stamps

Then, statistically, if the African population
were the same as the white population, 200,000,000
there would be 20,000,000 Africans receiving food stamps

Your post IS bullshit and here is why:

You assume that if blacks had the same population as whites nothing else would change.

The per capita argument rests upon using math to make claims of crime rates based on population. The excuse begins with whites being 5 times the population of blacks. That since whites have 5 times the population they must commit 5 times the number of crimes to be equal to that of blacks. If this is not lunacy then what is?

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 1.34‬ percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how there are whites who can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Let’s keep multiplying fakenews.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5, there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself.

And there is where your bullshit argument fails fakenews. To the racist nothing else changes. The only change is that crime increases. The use of per capita fails miserably and is used by racist whites to deny whites have a severe crime problem THEY need to address instead of trying to preach to us. For if we apply per capita like the racists do, when a white person has 500 dollars and I have 100, we have the same amount of money.

So you are making a bullshit argument fakenews. When we look at the actual numbers whites were at 68.9 percent, blacks 27.2 percent. Whites made up 2.5 times the number of arrests for crime. You don't get to imagine things that are not so just because you want to believe a myth. Out of 30 categories of crime listed in the UCR, whites led in 27. That's 90 percent. And you don't get to make excuses about how old the chart that you used is when it shows that your white asses commit the most crime.

You decided to try me and got broken Fakenews.

Now go on about your business amateur.
Ok, whatever homie

The charts were the most recent I could find

So, whites have all this wealth and blah blah
and if blacks were the population size of whites
they would have what whites have now
and crime numbers wouldn’t go up
because they would have what whites do

Blah blah, blacks commit more crimes
as a percentage of the population

Poor butthurt white man. His argument got crushed. Whites commit the most crimes. The percentage of blacks committing crime equals less than 1 percent of the total population. The amount of whites equals 2.2 percent of the population. It's simple math fakenews.

The math is elementary. In this case, I divided the number of people arrested by race against the population of the United States in 2017 that was provided in the Uniform Crime Report.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.9 percent of the population.

Whites commit more crimes if we use your charts that are based on arrests.

Accept your criminality and work to fix it.
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you troll off topic and certain members of the admin staff let it go on and even participate in it. As a racist, you are oblivious to your behavior. People don't get called racist because they disagree with blacks. There are behaviors exhibited. Not all admin here are racist but when a site is reviewed as racist as this one has been, then it is apparent some of the admin have a problem. And when a person in admin tells you that the best solution for blacks is to move out of black communities into small primarily white towns, it's pretty apparent that person is racist.

Of course he’s talking about raw, real numbers
Because there are 5x as many whites vs Africans
Whites account for 60% of the population
vs 13% of the population that is African

Raw numbers will always conclude a white majority
Well, except for murder anyway

According to the 2017 FBI crime statistics
Africans accounted for 5,025/53.1% of murder arrests
vs 4,188/44.2% of whites arrested for murder

Africans account for 13% of total population
and 53% of murder arrests

Raw numbers, lets

Roughly 5,000 Africans are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 Africans

Roughly 800 whites are arrested for murder
for every 40,000,000 whites

Sorry dude, but mixing in people that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid.
Opinion huh..Ok then...awesome

At year-end 2017, an estimated 7% of white males
in state and federal prison were ages 18 to 24,
compared to 12% of black and 11% of Hispanic males.

Black males ages 18 to 19
were about 12 times more likely to be imprisoned
than white males of the same age.
This age group had the highest
black-to-white racial disparity in 2017.

Race Imprisonment Rates per 100,000 corresponding race
White 397
Black 2,336

White: 387,400
Black: 456,300

Roughly 70,000 difference BUT
that difference is obviously from state facilities
because according to the BOP figures updated June 1, 2019

Federal inmates

White: 105,784 / 58.7%
Black: 67,678 / 37.6%

Roughly, 38,000 more white inmates
vs black inmates in Federal prison

That means, if we subtract
the 38,000 white federal inmates that outnumber blacks
from the 70,000 blacks that outnumber whites,
we are left with a 32,000 difference of blacks vs white

So, these 3 findings ^ are based on,
per 100,000 corresponding residents...
black male inmates per every 100,000 BLACK male residents
within a population of 40,000,000

white male inmates per every 100,000 WHITE male residents
within a population of 200,000,000

EXACTLY WHAT I DID, using 40,000,00 but you said...
Sorry dude, but mixing in people
that aren't committing crimes makes your opinion invalid

So, blacks are NOT imprisoned at a rate
12 xs more then whites nor do 18-24 yo blacks
make up 12% of prison population compared to whites

The imprisonment rate for black females
(92 per 100,000 black female residents)
was almost double that for white females
(49 per 100,000 white female residents).

More than twice as many white females (49,100 prisoners)
as black (19,600) or Hispanic (19,400) females
were in state and federal prisons at year-end 2017.

Huh...imprisonment rate for black females
was almost double that for white females
but there are 2 1/2 x’s as many
white females locked up then black females

Again, the imprisonment rates for black females
vs white females is not even CLOSE to double...
Its the exact opposite according to the raw total
Would you mind citing your sources?

*Bullshit post*-no credibility because it ignores well documented and proven racism in the criminal justice system .

He argues incarceration rates knowing that incarceration is based on a judges decision and that blacks get sentenced for things whites don't. His argument is meritless because it doesn't recognize that fact. And I bet these "stats" are from some "study" like the color of crime.

But you was kangz n shit.

And you are a queen.
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you

Gee. Ya don't suppose it could have ANYTHING to do with the fact that ALL YOU DO is troll this place with your pet racist beliefs and anti-White hate-filled bigotry?????




That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you

Gee. Ya don't suppose it could have ANYTHING to do with the fact that ALL YOU DO is troll this place with your pet racist beliefs and anti-White hate-filled bigotry?????





This is the race and racism section. It is not the whites freely get to post anti black racist bullshit section.

That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you

Gee. Ya don't suppose it could have ANYTHING to do with the fact that ALL YOU DO is troll this place with your pet racist beliefs and anti-White hate-filled bigotry?????





This is the race and racism section. It is not the whites freely get to post anti black racist bullshit section.


GOT IT. You post all the anti-White hate-filled, accusatory, racist bullshit you want that Whites are dirt and to blame for everything and we are supposed to just shut up and take it.
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you

Gee. Ya don't suppose it could have ANYTHING to do with the fact that ALL YOU DO is troll this place with your pet racist beliefs and anti-White hate-filled bigotry?????





This is the race and racism section. It is not the whites freely get to post anti black racist bullshit section.


GOT IT. You post all the anti-White hate-filled, accusatory, racist bullshit you want that Whites are dirt and to blame for everything and we are supposed to just shut up and take it.

I don't post anti white anything. I post against racism by whites facts. And they are in response to the thousands of anti black white racist postings and threads in his forum. You ain't no victim faggot, you are a racist and your bullshit WILL be opposed and when necessary your racist diatribes will be surgically dissected to show exactly what kind of ignorant fact less drivel it really is.

Are all whites racist? Is that what you are claiming by saying that any opposition to white racism is anti white? Or is it that you believe whites have the right to be racist and to enforce it by law and policy?
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you troll off topic and certain members of the admin staff let it go on and even participate in it. As a racist, you are oblivious to your behavior. People don't get called racist because they disagree with blacks. There are behaviors exhibited. Not all admin here are racist but when a site is reviewed as racist as this one has been, then it is apparent some of the admin have a problem. And when a person in admin tells you that the best solution for blacks is to move out of black communities into small primarily white towns, it's pretty apparent that person is racist.
What have I said or done to merit the racist label?

Degree of difficulty: You have to use things I've actually said or done. BECAUSE UR WHITE is disallowed.

Back up your accusations.
Oh Goodie! Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter!
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.We Need to Have a Conversation About White People

YOU might, the rest of us don't like pedantic lectures. I get it, YOU hate whites and you are trying to rationalize it.
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you

Gee. Ya don't suppose it could have ANYTHING to do with the fact that ALL YOU DO is troll this place with your pet racist beliefs and anti-White hate-filled bigotry?????





This is the race and racism section. It is not the whites freely get to post anti black racist bullshit section.


Is it the blacks freely get to post anti white racist bullshit section, IM2?

Your statistical "analysis" borders on farce!
Poor butthurt white man. His argument got crushed. Whites commit the most crimes. The percentage of blacks committing crime equals less than 1 percent of the total population. The amount of whites equals 2.2 percent of the population. It's simple math fakenews.

The math is elementary. In this case, I divided the number of people arrested by race against the population of the United States in 2017 that was provided in the Uniform Crime Report.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.9 percent of the population.

Whites commit more crimes if we use your charts that are based on arrests.

Accept your criminality and work to fix it.

NEVER stated whites DIDN'T commit more crimes
just that there ARE more whites to commit crimes


Now, if you would be so kind,
divide the white incarcerated population by the U.S. population
and do the same with the black incarcerated population
multiply the results by 100,000 and round to nearest whole number
and tell me what the incarceration rate is per 100,000 residents
Poor butthurt white man. His argument got crushed. Whites commit the most crimes. The percentage of blacks committing crime equals less than 1 percent of the total population. The amount of whites equals 2.2 percent of the population. It's simple math fakenews.

The math is elementary. In this case, I divided the number of people arrested by race against the population of the United States in 2017 that was provided in the Uniform Crime Report.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.9 percent of the population.

Whites commit more crimes if we use your charts that are based on arrests.

Accept your criminality and work to fix it.

NEVER stated whites DIDN'T commit more crimes
just that there ARE more whites to commit crimes


Now, if you would be so kind,
divide the white incarcerated population by the U.S. population
and do the same with the black incarcerated population
multiply the results by 100,000 and round to nearest whole number
and tell me what the incarceration rate is per 100,000 residents

I'll start doing that when the justice system is reformed and judges give the same sentences to blacks and whites.
I don't post anti white anything. I post against racism by whites facts. And they are in response to the thousands of anti black white racist postings and threads in his forum. You ain't no victim faggot, you are a racist and your bullshit WILL be opposed and when necessary your racist diatribes will be surgically dissected to show exactly what kind of ignorant fact less drivel it really is.

Are all whites racist? Is that what you are claiming by saying that any opposition to white racism is anti white? Or is it that you believe whites have the right to be racist and to enforce it by law and policy?

Anything after that is a lie.
That's all I can say about the upcoming posts. As usual the standard cast of the butthurt gang will troll this thread and that will include some of the good unbiased admin staff.
Speaking of butthurt, you seem to be upset that the admin staff doesn't immediately ban everyone you report.

Maybe they're all RACIST.

Not so. Just tired of my threads getting closed because people like you

Gee. Ya don't suppose it could have ANYTHING to do with the fact that ALL YOU DO is troll this place with your pet racist beliefs and anti-White hate-filled bigotry?????





This is the race and racism section. It is not the whites freely get to post anti black racist bullshit section.


Is it the blacks freely get to post anti white racist bullshit section, IM2?

Your statistical "analysis" borders on farce!

“A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.”

No one is posting anti white anything. Unless you're saying all whites are racists.

As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

My stats are correct. You just can't face the truth.

I don't post anti white anything. I post against racism by whites facts. And they are in response to the thousands of anti black white racist postings and threads in his forum. You ain't no victim faggot, you are a racist and your bullshit WILL be opposed and when necessary your racist diatribes will be surgically dissected to show exactly what kind of ignorant fact less drivel it really is.

Are all whites racist? Is that what you are claiming by saying that any opposition to white racism is anti white? Or is it that you believe whites have the right to be racist and to enforce it by law and policy?

Anything after that is a lie.

And now this faggot is following me.
I don't post anti white anything. I post against racism by whites facts. And they are in response to the thousands of anti black white racist postings and threads in his forum. You ain't no victim faggot, you are a racist and your bullshit WILL be opposed and when necessary your racist diatribes will be surgically dissected to show exactly what kind of ignorant fact less drivel it really is.

Are all whites racist? Is that what you are claiming by saying that any opposition to white racism is anti white? Or is it that you believe whites have the right to be racist and to enforce it by law and policy?

Anything after that is a lie.

And now this faggot is following me.

Tell us how good the white people are, then. ;)
I don't post anti white anything. I post against racism by whites facts. And they are in response to the thousands of anti black white racist postings and threads in his forum. You ain't no victim faggot, you are a racist and your bullshit WILL be opposed and when necessary your racist diatribes will be surgically dissected to show exactly what kind of ignorant fact less drivel it really is.

Are all whites racist? Is that what you are claiming by saying that any opposition to white racism is anti white? Or is it that you believe whites have the right to be racist and to enforce it by law and policy?

Anything after that is a lie.

And now this faggot is following me.

Tell us how good the white people are, then. ;)

Well, that shut IM2 right the fuck up.

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