BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

Cattle certainly can over-graze, especially in a dry desert environment.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

The hell they don't. My Great-Grandfather and his brother started ranching in Eastern Oregon in the 1860's, and I still have relatives in that area with ranchs. And they will tell you straight up that putting too many cattle on land will lead to severe damage.
So all the militia men and gun totters that are showing up are defending someone who lost in the court and has now decided to take it into his own hands. They are aiding a criminal act and could be arrested for that. There is nothing heroic or patriotic about becoming vigilantes.
It is certainly not Cliven Bundy's private land, which is at the heart of this issue. He grazed 900 head of cattle there for 21 years without paying the grazing fees required.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

Given that he was grazing 1000 head on land rated for 150, it was overgrazed.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

Given that he was grazing 1000 head on land rated for 150, it was overgrazed.

The only reason they said he could only have 150 head was because of the tortoise.
Were talking about 937 sq. miles of land here. Pretty sure you could graze more then a 150 head of cattle.
OK...let me see if I have this right. [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] should be on meds for stating facts but the nutcases defending this guy, Koresh, McVeigh, et al, are sane?

Here's what I see.

This dude was breaking the law by not paying the fees to graze his cattle on federal land. He refused to pay those fees after paying them for many years.


So now all tin-hatted militia types are rallying around this guy, crying like two year olds.

When all he had to do was follow the law.

It's just that simple. Follow the law, you don't get in trouble.

Don't like the law? Run for office and get it changed.

Someone was defending McVeigh?


Oh wait, you are just lying, because you're a sack of shit with no integrity. :thup:

So all the militia men and gun totters that are showing up are defending someone who lost in the court and has now decided to take it into his own hands. They are aiding a criminal act and could be arrested for that. There is nothing heroic or patriotic about becoming vigilantes.

Yeah...but what else is there for a fat ass fifty year old with stinky beer breath, dirty jeans, and cowboy boots supposed to do?
Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

Given that he was grazing 1000 head on land rated for 150, it was overgrazed.

The only reason they said he could only have 150 head was because of the tortoise.
Were talking about 937 sq. miles of land here. Pretty sure you could graze more then a 150 head of cattle.

And he still hasn't paid his fair due. He is breaking the law as surely as someone driving 100 miles an hour.
It looks like this might turn into the American Spring. Those who could not get to the ranch have gone to the Las Vegas police department to demand LVPD act to protect Nevada citizens.

Cliven Bundy supporters bring cattle roundup protest to Las Vegas police headquarters | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Protect citizens??? What Nevada citizens are in danger? Perhaps the ones who try to mob a cattle truck transporting the cattle. But that is their own stupidity.

What Nevada citizens are in danger??
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

Don't know much about cattle do you. Without proper managment cattle will overgraze .
Not surprising Harry Reid is involved. He's well known for his shady Real Estate deals. Looks likes another Dirty Harry land grab.

Breaking: (D) Harry Reid/Chinese Gov't Takeover Of Ranch For Solar Farm?

The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”
“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.

Another BLM report entitled “Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone” (BLM Technical Note 444) reveals that Bundy’s land in question is within the “Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area” which is part of a broad U.S. Department of Energy program for “Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States” on land “managed” by BLM.

“In 2012, the BLM and the U.S. Department of Energy published the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States,” the report reads. “The Final Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement assessed the impact of utility-scale solar energy development on public lands in the six southwestern states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.”

» Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.
What "murders" did the Davidians commit? And what was it about the Davidians that was other than peaceful? Who did they harm? Did you know that all of their neighbors said they were nice, peaceful people? Did you know the local sheriff, Jack Harwell, said the same thing? Did you know that the undercover agent planted in the Davidian residence said they were basically honest, peaceful people?

You might want to read this: Assault on Waco Because it's obvious you believe the lies fed to you by government.

What is a 'Cult Leader' anyway? That accusation along with the 'Child Molester' accusation, was used by Reno and the Government to justify slaughtering those children after the fact. I mean come on, who would defend a 'Child Molester' right? Reno and her thugs screwed up and then lied to cover for it. It's shameful she was never held accountable. The cretin couldn't even muster an apology.

So look for them to try and label this man a 'Crazed Cult Leader' or 'Militia Boogeyman' any day now. Big Brother knows the usual suspect Sheeple morons eat that shit right up.
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Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

The hell they don't. My Great-Grandfather and his brother started ranching in Eastern Oregon in the 1860's, and I still have relatives in that area with ranchs. And they will tell you straight up that putting too many cattle on land will lead to severe damage.

Emphasis on to many. Was that happening? If so then you have a case for not defending the guy. If not then you should be defending your neighbor against this egregious injustice by the tyrannical overlord emperors from DC who need to mind their own beeswax, err turtlewax.

Minor note: use "too" when also can be used as a substitute.
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It looks like this might turn into the American Spring. Those who could not get to the ranch have gone to the Las Vegas police department to demand LVPD act to protect Nevada citizens.

Cliven Bundy supporters bring cattle roundup protest to Las Vegas police headquarters | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Katz, you are defending someone who lost in the courts, has defied a court order, and is not encouraging vigilantes. I thought you RWers were all about the law?

Oh please. Would you have rounded up little black girls to keep them out of the school when it was the law they couldn't go? Would you have arrested Rosa Parks?

The federal government lied. They asserted authority over state land under the ruse to protect the desert tortoise AFTER they had gone in to kill the desert tortoise by the hundreds because they were deemed over populated. Then all actions against Bundy was kept in federal court where the judges were more easily controlled. Nothing but kangaroo courts.

The federal government threatened, intimidated and stole the ranches of more than 50 other ranchers solely in order for Harry Reid to get his pay off from the Chinese. It isn't going to stop here. After ranches have been cleansed from the land here, the government will move on, like the voracious locusts they are to do the same thing somewhere else. Just like the government used the delta smelt in California to drive farmers off their land. Just like the government is doing in Louisiana to take the land of homeowners to protect a frog that has been extinct for 150 years.

The federal government is treating American citizens like animals to be herded and controlled. They consider American citizens the enemy. You support this. I do not. It is time for the people to start fighting back. If it takes America to be turned into Syria, or Egypt, or Libya, then so be it. The courts have failed. The ballot box is an empty gesture.
It looks like this might turn into the American Spring. Those who could not get to the ranch have gone to the Las Vegas police department to demand LVPD act to protect Nevada citizens.

Cliven Bundy supporters bring cattle roundup protest to Las Vegas police headquarters | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Katz, you are defending someone who lost in the courts, has defied a court order, and is not encouraging vigilantes. I thought you RWers were all about the law?

Oh please. Would you have rounded up little black girls to keep them out of the school when it was the law they couldn't go? Would you have arrested Rosa Parks?

The federal government lied. They asserted authority over state land under the ruse to protect the desert tortoise AFTER they had gone in to kill the desert tortoise by the hundreds because they were deemed over populated. Then all actions against Bundy was kept in federal court where the judges were more easily controlled. Nothing but kangaroo courts.

The federal government threatened, intimidated and stole the ranches of more than 50 other ranchers solely in order for Harry Reid to get his pay off from the Chinese. It isn't going to stop here. After ranches have been cleansed from the land here, the government will move on, like the voracious locusts they are to do the same thing somewhere else. Just like the government used the delta smelt in California to drive farmers off their land. Just like the government is doing in Louisiana to take the land of homeowners to protect a frog that has been extinct for 150 years.

The federal government is treating American citizens like animals to be herded and controlled. They consider American citizens the enemy. You support this. I do not. It is time for the people to start fighting back. If it takes America to be turned into Syria, or Egypt, or Libya, then so be it. The courts have failed. The ballot box is an empty gesture.

And now it's coming out that (D) Sen. Harry Reid is involved. He's always been well known for his corruption and dirty real estate deals. It's another Dirty Harry Land Grab.
Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

Don't know much about cattle do you. Without proper managment cattle will overgraze .
Generations of cattle management by this family and you think they were mismanaging their cattle?
cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

Don't know much about cattle do you. Without proper managment cattle will overgraze .
Generations of cattle management by this family and you think they were mismanaging their cattle?

"Big Brother always knows best!!" That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. I know you're trying, but you're never gonna get through to loyal Big Brother-Worshippers. Big Brother knows what's best for everyone. And if you say different, you're a 'Crazed America-Hating, Children-Hating Terrorist.' It's incredibly difficult trying to reason with Authority-Worshippers. Just about downright impossible.
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Don't know much about cattle do you. Without proper managment cattle will overgraze .
Generations of cattle management by this family and you think they were mismanaging their cattle?

"Big Brother aways knows best!!" That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. I know you're trying, but you're never gonna get through to loyal Big Brother-Worshippers. Big Brother knows what's best for everyone. And if you say different, you're a 'Crazed America-Hating, Children-Hating Terrorist.' It's incredibly difficult trying to reason with an Authority-Worshipper. Just about downright impossible.

True. Most authority junkies only respond to strength. Thus, if we want liberty we're probably gonna have to start shooting people to get the point across. Nutz.
And remember folks, Big Brother always knows what's best for ya. And if you say different, you're a 'Crazy America-Hating, Child-Hating, Puppy-Hating Terrorist.' Enjoy your weekend. See ya. ;)

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