BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Don't know much about cattle do you. Without proper managment cattle will overgraze .
Generations of cattle management by this family and you think they were mismanaging their cattle?

"Big Brother always knows best!!" That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. I know you're trying, but you're never gonna get through to loyal Big Brother-Worshippers. Big Brother knows what's best for everyone. And if you say different, you're a 'Crazed America-Hating, Children-Hating Terrorist.' It's incredibly difficult trying to reason with Authority-Worshippers. Just about downright impossible.

You sound like Donald DeFreeze.
Generations of cattle management by this family and you think they were mismanaging their cattle?

"Big Brother aways knows best!!" That's the warped mentality you're dealing with. I know you're trying, but you're never gonna get through to loyal Big Brother-Worshippers. Big Brother knows what's best for everyone. And if you say different, you're a 'Crazed America-Hating, Children-Hating Terrorist.' It's incredibly difficult trying to reason with an Authority-Worshipper. Just about downright impossible.

True. Most authority junkies only respond to strength. Thus, if we want liberty we're probably gonna have to start shooting people to get the point across. Nutz.

Look here, Marion, it sounds like you and Paulitician are both vying for the title of Field Marshal, as in General Field Marshal Cinque. I can refer to one of you as General and the other as Field Marshal, but keep in mind that in any authoritarian structure where power is rarely if ever successfully shared, you may find yourself on the run like Snowball found out in Orwell's book, "Animal Farm."
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.
And now they have seized his property. This will get bad. All you mother fuckers who support the slaughter on this site will be remembered and hated.
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

No, no way. They won't let this pass but if it does the solution to future problems is relatively straight forward although it will be worse the next time.
And now they have seized his property. This will get bad. All you mother fuckers who support the slaughter on this site will be remembered and hated.

The federal agents did kill off half the Bundy herd.

Americans will not forget what happened. Americans standing together won the day, with significant casualties. But we won. There are many abuses by this regime that Americans won't forget. Payday will come in November and again in 2016.

I'm sure there will be a link shortly. It was just breaking news on the television. The Federal government considered the operation too dangerous to continue. The combined force of Americans put the government in their place. This time. We have a long way to go before this regime can be totally replaced but it will happen.
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

how sad you people are....its pathetic it came to this because he wouldnt pay fees.
And now they have seized his property. This will get bad. All you mother fuckers who support the slaughter on this site will be remembered and hated.

This is akin to defending a man who refuses to make his car payments and then the lunatic fringe reacts as if the gov't is stepping over the line just because the sheriff shows up to help the repo man retake possession of the car because it's not yet paid for and the man has seen fit to lock up the car in his garage to prevent the loan company or the dealership from taking possession of their own property.

Certain factions of the right have now become the official vanguard for tax cheats, lawbreakers, and people who thumb their noses at court orders. Of course none of this pseudo outrage would likely be taking place at all if Romney had been elected. Then we'd be witnessing a newfound love for law and order, even if what was happening was in violation of the law.

David Byrne was right.
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Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.
What "murders" did the Davidians commit? And what was it about the Davidians that was other than peaceful? Who did they harm? Did you know that all of their neighbors said they were nice, peaceful people? Did you know the local sheriff, Jack Harwell, said the same thing? Did you know that the undercover agent planted in the Davidian residence said they were basically honest, peaceful people?

You might want to read this: Assault on Waco Because it's obvious you believe the lies fed to you by government.

What is a 'Cult Leader' anyway? That accusation along with the 'Child Molester' accusation, was used by Reno and the Government to justify slaughtering those children after the fact. I mean come on, who would defend a 'Child Molester' right? Reno and her thugs screwed up and then lied to cover for it. It's shameful she was never held accountable. The cretin couldn't even muster an apology.

So look for them to try and label this man a 'Crazed Cult Leader' or 'Militia Boogeyman' any day now. Big Brother knows the usual suspect Sheeple morons eat that shit right up.
Compounding the outrage is the fact that when those child-molestation accusations were made, by a disgruntled former Davidian who became jealous of his wife's attraction to Koresh, both the Texas State Department of Social Services and the local sheriff, Jack Harwell, thoroughly investigated and determined the charges were completely unfounded. David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those charges were based on the fact that Koresh made a thirteen year-old Davidian girl his "spiritual wife," which has religious meaning but no sexual connotation. Another teen-age girl, Kiri Jewel, accused Koresh of molesting her but later recounted, admitting she had made the charges to spite Koresh when he rejected her romantic overtures.

But even if the molestation charges were true, since when is that within the purview of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? These false charges were resurrected by BATF when it became necessary for them to come up with a good reason for conducting their unjustifiable publicity-stunt raid.

The lingering tragedy of this shameful event is how effective the lies used to justify government's malicious and criminally incompetent actions have been. Some of the comments in this thread makes it clear that a significant percentage of Americans want to believe government's version of the event when the truth is readily available to them and the keystone government lie is staring them in the face. That being the question of why ATF didn't simply arrest Koresh on one of his daily visits to the town's Post Office?
What is the freaking Koresh obsession? That has nothing to do with this.
While the circumstances are quite different, on the surface it invokes a very ugly and infuriating memory in the minds of those who remember what happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Those events are not easy to forget.

I don't know enough about this rancher situation to comment intelligently about it. But the superficial circumstances involve the massing of federal power against a citizen barricaded in his home in defense of what the citizen believes to be a Constitutional principle.

In the examples of Ruby Ridge and Waco, government was clearly wrong. But at this time I don't know enough about this rancher situation to offer an opinion.

But as of now, which is 2:35 PM on Sat. 4/12, there appears to be a media blackout of this event. None of the news channels are saying a word about it.
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Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

The hell they don't. My Great-Grandfather and his brother started ranching in Eastern Oregon in the 1860's, and I still have relatives in that area with ranchs. And they will tell you straight up that putting too many cattle on land will lead to severe damage.

That's true. Too many cattle does lead to that. I meant, in general, when they are raised right.'s looking now like the Fed. gov has had a sudden and unexpected attack of sanity. Maybe they aren't as dumb as I thought. Maybe.
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

Anarchists unite! Then, take over the government....
Who says we don't live in a police state?

[Watch] Not Just Nevada, BLM Land-Grabbing 90,000 Deeded Acres in Texas Too |

Tommy Henderson explains the absurdity of the BLM claims. He asks, “How can BLM come in and say ‘Hey, this isn’t yours’ even though it was patented from the state, you’ve always paid taxes on it, our family’s paid taxes for over a hundred years on this place. We’ve got a deed to it, but yet they walked in and said it wasn’t ours.”
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

Why are you making shit up? I posted a newspaper link earlier saying a whopping three militia members showed up.

The people you're talking about are his family, a few friends who support him, and nutcases who think they'll bring down the government before mommy gets home from work.
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

Why are you making shit up? I posted a newspaper link earlier saying a whopping three militia members showed up.

The people you're talking about are his family, a few friends who support him, and nutcases who think they'll bring down the government before mommy gets home from work.

Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Federal Government - ABC News
As of right now, we, the people are out one million dollars in fees that he owes. Thousands of other ranchers who have paid their fees probably feel no need to do so anymore.

So, let's talk about the "Obama deficit".
This whole thing is amazing. Those who bash the middle class the working poor (as lazy freeloaders) and the 47% are defending a huge freeloader!
At first I thought it was a joke but after reading this thread,,,it's true!
And now they have seized his property. This will get bad. All you mother fuckers who support the slaughter on this site will be remembered and hated.

This is akin to defending a man who refuses to make his car payments and then the lunatic fringe reacts as if the gov't is stepping over the line just because the sheriff shows up to help the repo man retake possession of the car because it's not yet paid for and the man has seen fit to lock up the car in his garage to prevent the loan company or the dealership from taking possession of their own property.

Certain factions of the right have now become the official vanguard for tax cheats, lawbreakers, and people who thumb their noses at court orders. Of course none of this pseudo outrage would likely be taking place at all if Romney had been elected. Then we'd be witnessing a newfound love for law and order, even if what was happening was in violation of the law.

David Byrne was right.

Repo men don't bring snipers genius.

And you filthy Mormon love of that scumbag Romney is noted and even more laughable.

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