BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.
What "murders" did the Davidians commit? And what was it about the Davidians that was other than peaceful? Who did they harm? Did you know that all of their neighbors said they were nice, peaceful people? Did you know the local sheriff, Jack Harwell, said the same thing? Did you know that the undercover agent planted in the Davidian residence said they were basically honest, peaceful people?

You might want to read this: Assault on Waco Because it's obvious you believe the lies fed to you by government.
What's disturbing is they wanted him to pay for the privilege of grazing his cattle where they'd been grazing for free for years, but when he refused to pay, suddenly it was about the turtles.

He used to pay the rent to use public land for his cattle grazing, then stopped paying it when they put restrictions on how many cattle he could have there.
Funny how Koresch was not accused of pedophile UNTIL the feds needed an excuse for their botched raid on his compound. Funny how the ATF fabricated reasons to raid the compound. Funny how not a single bullet hole was found coming FROM the compound on the cars in the lot out front and in the door from the main building. Funny how when the Congress went to investigate the door vanished.

What is real funny is how the FBI KNEW the compound was laced with gasoline in every building, wooden buildings, and yet they sent in two tanks with tear gas to set said buildings on fire.

The deaths at the compound rest solely with the FBI. There was absolutely no reason to storm the buildings, no one had attempted to leave, no one had fired out of the buildings. There was no threat to the community or the FBI.

Actually I heard some of the people who fled make those accusations. The guns were enough excuse for the raid.

You are crazy if you think Koresh and crew had no responsibility. I am not saying the Feds were right, but the entire fiasco was a tragic mess with no easy answers.
Actually there is a very easy answer and it's this: There were 21 children inside the Davidian residence, some no more than two years old. The reason why those children weren't coming out is not relevant. What is relevant is the fact that they were in there and Koresh, who was believed to be insane, had threatened mass suicide if any attempt was made to break in. So what did the feds do?

The easy answer is the feds should not have done exactly what Koresh warned them not to do. Because regardless of how wrong or how bad Koresh was the lives of those innocent children were of paramount importance. But the feds evidently believed asserting their authority was even more important. So they did. And the remaining tragedy is how many Americans blame Koresh, a crazy man, for the deaths of those children -- while ignoring the real, immediate, and wholly avoidable cause.

It may be metaphorically said that a gun was aimed at those children by a crazy man -- but it was the feds who pulled the trigger.
Does anyone else see the irony here? The Federal Government has for years been trying the disarm(ban "assault weapons") it's citizens for "public safety concerns". Yet they are the first to intimidate citizens with assault weapons in a total disproportionate show of force. So much for public safety concerns...
What are the officers suppose to use, cap pistols against automatic weapons?
The leaders at Waco, David Koresh, were responsible of the deaths of the children...they could have let them go or else surrendered at any time.
But you're ignoring the fact that Koresh was obviously insane and his closest followers were clearly irrational fanatics. The federal agents who decided to ignore the warning of a man they knew to be crazy are presumably rational, competent, and capable of good judgment. It was the feds who chose to ignore Koresh's mass suicide warning and break in when there was no immediate need to do so. But you choose to blame the crazy man for the wanton arrogance and reckless judgment of the sane.
ruby ridge was just wrong. There's no defense for what the FBI did.

Waco? shots were fired at law enforceemtn, which led to the siege. The Feds feared for the kids, maybe wrongly, but in good faith. But they screwed up in assaulting the place.
You said ". . . shots were fired that led to the siege." Do you need to be told that you have it backward?

The unlawful siege is what led to the shots being fired. And if you don't wish to believe the siege was unlawful do a little Google research into Texas Penal Law, Section 9.31, and the fact that a Texas jury acquitted the Davidians who shot the ATF agents because they were justifiably defending themselves and their property.
It is certainly not Cliven Bundy's private land, which is at the heart of this issue. He grazed 900 head of cattle there for 21 years without paying the grazing fees required.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

1. The tortoise has almost nothing to do with why his cows have been evicted.

2. The land in question does not need grazing to "manage" it. Almost nothing grows there to begin with.

Then why does he have to pay for it? What's the point of charging for poor grazing land?
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

1. The tortoise has almost nothing to do with why his cows have been evicted.

2. The land in question does not need grazing to "manage" it. Almost nothing grows there to begin with.

Then why does he have to pay for it? What's the point of charging for poor grazing land?

Because people want to use it, and someone has to pay to maintain it.
1. The tortoise has almost nothing to do with why his cows have been evicted.

2. The land in question does not need grazing to "manage" it. Almost nothing grows there to begin with.

Then why does he have to pay for it? What's the point of charging for poor grazing land?

Because people want to use it, and someone has to pay to maintain it.

By maintaining do you mean paying feds to sit around, threaten people, and take their money. Or do they perform some other activity with our money that the rancher was not already doing for free?
Well, I'm just glad that I don't live next door to this rancher. It would spoil my day to see his cows eating my rose bushes in my front yard.
The leaders at Waco, David Koresh, were responsible of the deaths of the children...they could have let them go or else surrendered at any time.
But you're ignoring the fact that Koresh was obviously insane and his closest followers were clearly irrational fanatics. The federal agents who decided to ignore the warning of a man they knew to be crazy are presumably rational, competent, and capable of good judgment. It was the feds who chose to ignore Koresh's mass suicide warning and break in when there was no immediate need to do so. But you choose to blame the crazy man for the wanton arrogance and reckless judgment of the sane.

So by your mind, it was safer to leave these kids in the hands of a crazy person with no indoor plumbing, lots of guns, dwindling food supplies and the potential for disease?

Not really a good call, because Koresh might have done exactly what he did absent a raid.

The only person to blame for Waco is Koresh. Yeah, the ATF and FBI made a lot of bad calls, because, frankly, the situation was so insane to start with.
You are sorely mistaken in thinking that Public Land is actually in the interest of the country.

It is certainly not Cliven Bundy's private land, which is at the heart of this issue. He grazed 900 head of cattle there for 21 years without paying the grazing fees required.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.
The leaders at Waco, David Koresh, were responsible of the deaths of the children...they could have let them go or else surrendered at any time.
But you're ignoring the fact that Koresh was obviously insane and his closest followers were clearly irrational fanatics. The federal agents who decided to ignore the warning of a man they knew to be crazy are presumably rational, competent, and capable of good judgment. It was the feds who chose to ignore Koresh's mass suicide warning and break in when there was no immediate need to do so. But you choose to blame the crazy man for the wanton arrogance and reckless judgment of the sane.

So by your mind, it was safer to leave these kids in the hands of a crazy person with no indoor plumbing, lots of guns, dwindling food supplies and the potential for disease?

Not really a good call, because Koresh might have done exactly what he did absent a raid.

The only person to blame for Waco is Koresh. Yeah, the ATF and FBI made a lot of bad calls, because, frankly, the situation was so insane to start with.

Again, they could have arrested him in town, a couple of hours earlier and the disaster would never have happened. But no, they wanted their claim to fame. So the got all their cameras ready and went in, only they failed to serve the warrant properly and tried to break in a second story window and got shot for their efforts. If I had a gun and someone was coming in my 2nd story window, I'd have shot them too. It's called, self defense.
It is certainly not Cliven Bundy's private land, which is at the heart of this issue. He grazed 900 head of cattle there for 21 years without paying the grazing fees required.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

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