BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

nteresting comment from CBSLasVegas-

I don't think that is the issue. I think the issue is that Bundy asked BLM on numerous occassions to identify the proper boundary so that he could fence it or police it himself. The BLM never provided such a boundary and continued with an irrational requirest to keep his cattle off of the undefined land. The courts continued on the same manner. However due process requires proper boundaries to be identified. If proper boundaries aren't clear then BLM has no claim.That is what I believe to be the genesis of the issue. Regardless the BLM show of force is intimidation
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As it turns out. This public land isn't federal land. It's state land. The Feds exercised authority under the endangered species act.

The governor needs to act.

Where are you pulling this shit from?

There are two stories, Doc. The early news articles said the land was owned by the federal government. The fox news report on television ( which finally aired! ) reports it is state owned land. Which is it?
As it turns out. This public land isn't federal land. It's state land. The Feds exercised authority under the endangered species act.

The governor needs to act.

Where are you pulling this shit from?

There are two stories, Doc. The early news articles said the land was owned by the federal government. The fox news report on television ( which finally aired! ) reports it is state owned land. Which is it?

Every single source that I've seen (and I've seen a lot, at this point) has said that it's federal government owned land - what's generally refereed to as "BLM land". BLM doesn't manage state-owned land, and the last 20 years of court battles have been between Bundy and the BLM.

Do you have a link to this supposed Fox story?
You people are worthless. I truly believe you government lovers would like to eat popcorn and watch WACO part II start on TV. I'm wondering how long until you'll label the family terrorists .

I'm leaning more towards Big Brother labeling the guy a 'Cult Leader' or 'Militiaman.' That always riles up the usual suspect Goose Stepper morons. If Big Brother claims that, you can bet they'll be all-in on a massacre. Bunch of silly dupes.

I'm betting the feds claim they find kiddie porn on a computer or two when it's all over.
Funny how Koresch was not accused of pedophile UNTIL the feds needed an excuse for their botched raid on his compound. Funny how the ATF fabricated reasons to raid the compound. Funny how not a single bullet hole was found coming FROM the compound on the cars in the lot out front and in the door from the main building. Funny how when the Congress went to investigate the door vanished.

What is real funny is how the FBI KNEW the compound was laced with gasoline in every building, wooden buildings, and yet they sent in two tanks with tear gas to set said buildings on fire.

The deaths at the compound rest solely with the FBI. There was absolutely no reason to storm the buildings, no one had attempted to leave, no one had fired out of the buildings. There was no threat to the community or the FBI.

Yes, the 'Crazed Cult Leader Pedophile' angle was used as a justification after Reno and her Henchmen slaughtered all those children. And as usual, the Sheeple ate that shit up. Look for Big Brother to try and label this man in a similar fashion.

I'm still waiting for someone at the BATF to point out which part of their charter or area of responsibility involves child abuse.
The dirty little secret is that the initial warrant that the rogue federal cops based their Branch Dividian raid was never proved. It was alleged that members of the Dividian sect were converting junk WW2 Brit submachine guns to be operational. The charge is ludicrous and it was the same nut case out of control federal cops who rewrote the Constitution during the infamous Ruby Ridge siege when an FBI sniper shot a woman in the head while she was holding an 18 month baby in her arms standing in a doorway.
The dirty little secret is that the initial warrant that the rogue federal cops based their Branch Dividian raid was never proved. It was alleged that members of the Dividian sect were converting junk WW2 Brit submachine guns to be operational. The charge is ludicrous and it was the same nut case out of control federal cops who rewrote the Constitution during the infamous Ruby Ridge siege when an FBI sniper shot a woman in the head while she was holding an 18 month baby in her arms standing in a doorway.

Lon Horiuchi had to get it on, man. She was making a move! You know what kind of fire power a toddler has and how much destruction it can create? If Lon didn't put one through her head every cop in a million miles would have died.
The*Gold Butte National Conservation Area with Wilderness Act*has been introduced by Senator Reid. Please take a moment to*thank Senator Reid*for his support of this Nevada national treasure. It’s really very easy,*just click this link*and send him your “digital thank you.” A simple, “Thank you for championing the Gold Butte National Conservation Area with Wilderness Act!” is all it takes.The time for Gold Butte really IS now!

Gold Butte NCA Proposal Introduced! | Friends of Gold Butte
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Let's see. Ruby Ridge. August 21, 1992. Clinton was inaugerated 20Jan93.
His rights? His rights to graze his cattle on public land while refusing to pay the associated fees? His right to defy a federal judge?

His rights have not been violated. He owns over 150,000 acres of land. But his cattle are on public land.

You are sorely mistaken in thinking that Public Land is actually in the interest of the country.

It is certainly not Cliven Bundy's private land, which is at the heart of this issue. He grazed 900 head of cattle there for 21 years without paying the grazing fees required.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.
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You are sorely mistaken in thinking that Public Land is actually in the interest of the country.

It is certainly not Cliven Bundy's private land, which is at the heart of this issue. He grazed 900 head of cattle there for 21 years without paying the grazing fees required.
How many decades have you been this ignorant?

Have to save the grass for the turtles to eat? WTF are you really this dumb to think cattle grazing is a bad thing for our land? We should be paying him for grazing and managing our land for us.

1. The tortoise has almost nothing to do with why his cows have been evicted.

2. The land in question does not need grazing to "manage" it. Almost nothing grows there to begin with.
The government is at fault here. They didn't say, "pretty please" when they asked him to pay the fees.

The government is at fault here because.......well.......BIG BROTHER! They are dangerous! They want to kill citizens and destroy everything!! :lol:

You got that right:

Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents? decades-old debts - The Washington Post

Across the nation, hundreds of thousands of taxpayers who are expecting refunds this month are instead getting letters like the one Grice got, informing them that because of a debt they never knew about — often a debt incurred by their parents — the government has confiscated their check.
I get a kick out of the Right making a martyr out of Koresh. Koresh ran a commune. Now, pay close attention...a commune is the root word for something that the Right hates most of all. Can you guess what that word is?

I knew you could!

A commune is a community where everyone helps everyone else. What a terrible concept. How then can the government get their share?
Ok, you guys go man the barricades and declare that the revolution is on...again. I don't think that the Right has declared that the federal government should be overthrown by violent means for almost a week, now.
I get a kick out of the Right making a martyr out of Koresh. Koresh ran a commune. Now, pay close attention...a commune is the root word for something that the Right hates most of all. Can you guess what that word is?

I knew you could!

A commune is a community where everyone helps everyone else. What a terrible concept. How then can the government get their share?

...and that, Sheila, is the definition of communism.

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