BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

I get a kick out of the Right making a martyr out of Koresh. Koresh ran a commune. Now, pay close attention...a commune is the root word for something that the Right hates most of all. Can you guess what that word is?

I knew you could!
The government is at fault here. They didn't say, "pretty please" when they asked him to pay the fees.

The government is at fault here because.......well.......BIG BROTHER! They are dangerous! They want to kill citizens and destroy everything!! :lol:

Go stuff another sandwich in your face you fat slob, and shut your mouth.

Yes, the Federal Government has no problem not only killing innocents around the world, but citizens at home as well, see Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Your a prime example of the new American that I hate, a fat, degenerate, snarky baby boomer that parrots the government line. You would have made a good tory. The sooner your generation dies off, the better, maybe then some positive things can happen toward getting this country back on track.

Oh please, spare the indignation for this crap.

If you had been paying attention, you would have seen me call the feds murderers for their actions at Waco and Ruby Ridge. But this crap in Nevada is not that. The feds are not after Bundy. The feds are not at the Bundy Ranch.

They are removing cattle from public land. There have been numerous threats of range wars and on the lives of the feds and the contractors moving the cattle.

If you want to come find out how fat I am, I would happy to see you in Atlanta.

I do not parrot the gov't line. But I also don't fall for every conspiracy theorist, lunatic fringe claims either.
No. He hasn't even claimed he owns, or has ever owned the land in question.

Only deluded message board posters have made that claim.

So, what it means is that if conservatives are supporting this guy, they essentially support this guy in his efforts to cheat the American taxpayers out of those grazing fees?

Cheating taxpayers? He is a taxpayer. The Feds just come out of nowhere, claim ownership of land he has had the legal right to graze since 1875, and claims he has to pay them a fee for it.

And stop trying to push the bs notion that the taxpayer would see a dime of those arbitrary fees, all our taxes go towards is paying this growing unsustainable debt, banker and corporate bailouts, and pointless nation building wars overseas. We the taxpayer are getting screwed only in that we have to pay for the BLM and their private arsenal.

You can keep repeating the same bullshit as much as you want, it's not going to magically come true.

The feds didn't "come out of nowhere" to claim ownership. They've always owned the land. The ownership of the land isn't in the slightest bit of dispute - it's land that the Federal Government has owned since they bought it from Mexico - and the BLM has been charging grazing fees since the 40s. Bundy's family themselves didn't seem to have any problems with paying the fees until the mid 90s, when they started to refuse.
So, what it means is that if conservatives are supporting this guy, they essentially support this guy in his efforts to cheat the American taxpayers out of those grazing fees?

Cheating taxpayers? He is a taxpayer. The Feds just come out of nowhere, claim ownership of land he has had the legal right to graze since 1875, and claims he has to pay them a fee for it.

And stop trying to push the bs notion that the taxpayer would see a dime of those arbitrary fees, all our taxes go towards is paying this growing unsustainable debt, banker and corporate bailouts, and pointless nation building wars overseas. We the taxpayer are getting screwed only in that we have to pay for the BLM and their private arsenal.
From what I've hear the land belongs to the State of Nevada...It's time for the Governor to step in and tell the FEDS to get the Hell out.

You've been lied to.

It's owned by the Federal government, and always has been.
I've been following this story with great interest, but have refrained from making comments until I learned more...

What I have learned thus far causes me some concern, especially this from 2012:

U.S. Senator Reid, son combine for China firm's desert plant | Reuters

Where in relation to the proposed plant is this confrontation and these cattle? Why are we selling land to the Chinese that is valued between $29.6 million and $38.6 million for $4.5 million?

I've been reading this and, though I am no expert, it looks as if the land in question is indeed in the zone planned for this solar plant.

I'm not prone to conspiracy bullshit, but this gives me pause...

What makes you think these have anything to do with this situation?

Your first link describes a piece of land purchased from Clark County for a Chinese Solar plant. Since Clark County doesn't own the land that the Bundys have been grazing on, it seems unlikely to have anything to do with this. Keep in mind that Clark County is 8,000 square miles.

The second link is talking about an area nearly 500 miles away, in northern Nevada. (Dry Lake).

Yeah, I was premature. Apologies. Further research led me here:

Nevada Solar Factory Canceled | Photovoltaic (PV) | ReWire | KCET

Carry on...
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Cheating taxpayers? He is a taxpayer. The Feds just come out of nowhere, claim ownership of land he has had the legal right to graze since 1875, and claims he has to pay them a fee for it.

And stop trying to push the bs notion that the taxpayer would see a dime of those arbitrary fees, all our taxes go towards is paying this growing unsustainable debt, banker and corporate bailouts, and pointless nation building wars overseas. We the taxpayer are getting screwed only in that we have to pay for the BLM and their private arsenal.
From what I've hear the land belongs to the State of Nevada...It's time for the Governor to step in and tell the FEDS to get the Hell out.

You've been lied to.

It's owned by the Federal government, and always has been.
NOT what I heard a little while ago from one directly involved. TIME the FEDS got a snootfull of LEAD.
From what I've hear the land belongs to the State of Nevada...It's time for the Governor to step in and tell the FEDS to get the Hell out.

You've been lied to.

It's owned by the Federal government, and always has been.
NOT what I heard a little while ago from one directly involved. TIME the FEDS got a snootfull of LEAD.

Go shoot some feds, see what happens.

You friend lied to you. This isn't fucking rocket science - it's federal land. No one but your deluded friend is claiming differently.

75% of the state of Nevada is federal land.
Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.

How many innocent children were killed there? Twenty seven? Koresh was a scumbag, of that there is no doubt. But those who killed those children are no better.
You've been lied to.

It's owned by the Federal government, and always has been.
NOT what I heard a little while ago from one directly involved. TIME the FEDS got a snootfull of LEAD.

Go shoot some feds, see what happens.

You friend lied to you. This isn't fucking rocket science - it's federal land. No one but your deluded friend is claiming differently.

75% of the state of Nevada is federal land.

It's more like 80%.
Anyone who calls those murderers at Waco "peaceful American citizens" is a lying piece of shit. Period.

How many innocent children were killed there? Twenty seven? Koresh was a scumbag, of that there is no doubt. But those who killed those children are no better.

There's as much of an argument to lay those dead children at David Koresh's feet as there is to blame the feds.
NOT what I heard a little while ago from one directly involved. TIME the FEDS got a snootfull of LEAD.

Go shoot some feds, see what happens.

You friend lied to you. This isn't fucking rocket science - it's federal land. No one but your deluded friend is claiming differently.

75% of the state of Nevada is federal land.

It's more like 80%.

Different sources have given different numbers, I've seen everything from 70% to 80%.
Fuck it I hope the guy wins. Remember dems it's only been a few years since WE were the ones trying to stick it to the man :thup:
No. He hasn't even claimed he owns, or has ever owned the land in question.

Only deluded message board posters have made that claim.

So, what it means is that if conservatives are supporting this guy, they essentially support this guy in his efforts to cheat the American taxpayers out of those grazing fees?

Cheating taxpayers? He is a taxpayer. The Feds just come out of nowhere, claim ownership of land he has had the legal right to graze since 1875, and claims he has to pay them a fee for it.

And stop trying to push the bs notion that the taxpayer would see a dime of those arbitrary fees, all our taxes go towards is paying this growing unsustainable debt, banker and corporate bailouts, and pointless nation building wars overseas. We the taxpayer are getting screwed only in that we have to pay for the BLM and their private arsenal.

If he had the legal right to use the land without paying grazing fees, he wouldn't be in trouble now. Additionally, he would be able to go into court, flash his legal papers which would prove his legal rights, and then walk right out of there at which point he and his lawyer could and would file papers with the appropriate court to sue the Federal Gov't for damages to his operation and his reputation.
There are a number of state officials from other states joining in that fight. People saw what happened in California when we lost so much of the agricultural land over the delta smelt scam.
You people are worthless. I truly believe you government lovers would like to eat popcorn and watch WACO part II start on TV. I'm wondering how long until you'll label the family terrorists .

I'm leaning more towards Big Brother labeling the guy a 'Cult Leader' or 'Militiaman.' That always riles up the usual suspect Goose Stepper morons. If Big Brother claims that, you can bet they'll be all-in on a massacre. Bunch of silly dupes.
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As it turns out. This public land isn't federal land. It's state land. The Feds exercised authority under the endangered species act.

The governor needs to act.
Funny how Koresch was not accused of pedophile UNTIL the feds needed an excuse for their botched raid on his compound. Funny how the ATF fabricated reasons to raid the compound. Funny how not a single bullet hole was found coming FROM the compound on the cars in the lot out front and in the door from the main building. Funny how when the Congress went to investigate the door vanished.

What is real funny is how the FBI KNEW the compound was laced with gasoline in every building, wooden buildings, and yet they sent in two tanks with tear gas to set said buildings on fire.

The deaths at the compound rest solely with the FBI. There was absolutely no reason to storm the buildings, no one had attempted to leave, no one had fired out of the buildings. There was no threat to the community or the FBI.

Yes, the 'Crazed Cult Leader Pedophile' angle was used as a justification after Reno and her Henchmen slaughtered all those children. And as usual, the Sheeple ate that shit up. Look for Big Brother to try and label this man in a similar fashion.

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