BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

And then they came for the Cattle Grazers. My oh my America, what the hell happened?

No, that is a lie. They have not come for the cattle grazers. They have come to remove cattle from public lands. There is a difference.

We know, it's all for America and the poor children. Sure thing Goose Steppers. ;)

Yeah yeah. I can see that facts don't worry you at all. You make a claim, it is shown to be bogus, so you accuse me of being a goosestepper. lol

Interesting debate technique. Completely devoid of actual facts. Just you claiming to be a victim.
Apparently this all started years ago when they told him he had to limit the number of cattle due to tortoise habitat. This appears to be bullshit because the gov is actually killing some of the tortoise due to over population. And on top of that dirty Harry actually had the boundaries of the habitat changed to benefit a buddy of his on some development deal. And it appears the tortoise have no problem with the cattle when you consider they are having to euthanize the damn things.
This thing is starting to sound a little hinky as far as the reasons given as to why he had to limit his cattle in the first place.
But the fact still remains he stopped paying grazing fees.
What a mess.
Makes you wonder what the deal is with the 234 square miles of ranch land the guy owns.
Bad grazing property maybe? Lack of water?
Snipers, SWAT teams, dogs and every assorted jackboot possible. Smells like freeDUMB. Someone is going to die and the state of NV won't stop it.

Yeah, they have emphasized the "armed" every time they mentioned federal agents.

But the call for a range war and the threats against the feds and the contractors seems to be just wholesome American fun for some.
Government stole the land from Native Americans. And now it's gonna steal yours. And don't think that's just far-fetched paranoia either. Eminent Domain is very real. When Big Brother wants yours, he's gonna take it. Such is life in this Police State.

LOL - don't you ever get tired of being wrong. We took it from the Mexicans.
And we paid them.

You present a nonstop barrage of some of the most mindless drivel I have seen on these boards - and THAT - my friend, is saying something.

You could call him a Lib-O-Travesty.
Snipers, SWAT teams, dogs and every assorted jackboot possible. Smells like freeDUMB. Someone is going to die and the state of NV won't stop it.

Yeah, they have emphasized the "armed" every time they mentioned federal agents.

But the call for a range war and the threats against the feds and the contractors seems to be just wholesome American fun for some.

Actually, it seems at this point, the rancher's son has the feds outgunned. Personally, I think the kid should be doing time in a freezing Idaho jail with some skinheads, but that's just me.
Has Big Brother declared him an evil 'Cult Leader' or 'Militiaman' yet? They usually play that card right before they massacre innocent Americans. The Sheeple love eating that shit up. In that instance, they'll support any massacre Big Brother decides to carry out. Another sad result of becoming a Police State.
The better question is why should the Feds own so much land?

Map Maker

The Feds own so much land because no one else wanted it.

Barren desert isn't exactly high-value land.
If you exclude all the land in national parks, monuments, recreation areas, Indian reservations, military bases and testing grounds, watersheds, flood-ways, protected wildness areas, federal highways, dams, and desert and mountain area with no commercial value, there's really not much left of the 650 millions acres owned by the federal government.

When you murder law enforcement officers who are serving a legal warrant, things just might get messy. The blood is clearly on the davidians hands.
Are you quite sure the warrant was legal? If so, go here: Assault on Waco

You can learn a lot from this gathering of facts compiled by various members of the establishment Press -- all of whom were isolated from the scene of the stand-off and refused access to the Davidians who constantly asked for access to the Media. The reporters were willing to accept full responsibility for their safety but were refused permission to talk -- even by telephone -- with the Davidians, which was a clear violation of your First Amendment rights and mine.
Does anyone else see the irony here? The Federal Government has for years been trying the disarm(ban "assault weapons") it's citizens for "public safety concerns". Yet they are the first to intimidate citizens with assault weapons in a total disproportionate show of force. So much for public safety concerns...
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Does anyone else see the irony here. The Federal Government has for years been trying the disarm(ban "assault weapons") it's citizens for "public safety concerns". Yet they are the first to intimidate citizens with assault weapons in a total disproportionate show of force. So much for public safety concerns...

They're weapons of war and have no place on the streets...except when police are using them against citizens. Then it's totally cool.
Snipers, SWAT teams, dogs and every assorted jackboot possible. Smells like freeDUMB. Someone is going to die and the state of NV won't stop it.

Yeah, they have emphasized the "armed" every time they mentioned federal agents.

But the call for a range war and the threats against the feds and the contractors seems to be just wholesome American fun for some.

Fun has nothing to do with it. I feel some are using this for their own purposes. Militia groups have a reason to be mad but I think that they want is a quasi-Lexington green here to start a Concorde. I empathize. It's only a matter of time before somebody raises arms and ends up getting slaughtered. If the timing is off then it won't work. Either way, the feds won't be able to hide this slaughter.
Has Bundy produced a deed or a copy of a deed yet that shows or showed that he once held title to the land in question?
Snipers, SWAT teams, dogs and every assorted jackboot possible. Smells like freeDUMB. Someone is going to die and the state of NV won't stop it.

Yeah, they have emphasized the "armed" every time they mentioned federal agents.

But the call for a range war and the threats against the feds and the contractors seems to be just wholesome American fun for some.

Fun has nothing to do with it. I feel some are using this for their own purposes. Militia groups have a reason to be mad but I think that they want is a quasi-Lexington green here to start a Concorde. I empathize. It's only a matter of time before somebody raises arms and ends up getting slaughtered. If the timing is off then it won't work. Either way, the feds won't be able to hide this slaughter.

The feds are removing Bundy's cattle from public land. They are not after Bundy.

If one of Bundy's militia buddies opens fire on the feds, it will be the range war that Bundy called for. But, unlike Ruby Ridge and Waco, this blood will not be on the feds hands.
Does anyone else see the irony here? The Federal Government has for years been trying the disarm(ban "assault weapons") it's citizens for "public safety concerns". Yet they are the first to intimidate citizens with assault weapons in a total disproportionate show of force. So much for public safety concerns...

umm, the rancher threatened the feds with a range war. That generally leads to the feds bringing out the rifles.
You people are worthless. I truly believe you government lovers would like to eat popcorn and watch WACO part II start on TV. I'm wondering how long until you'll label the family terrorists .

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