BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Nothing at all. If they had a real case in favor of this welfare cowboy - they would state it. The fact that they keep posting diversions and conspiracy theories and ....

"ewwww ewwww remember Waco"

Is a very clear indication that they have no case.

Eminent domain? LOL - REALLY - how is that a factor in this case AT ALL? It isn't.

It's a factor, and it's very disturbing. Do you really own anything? You probably don't even realize that what you think is yours, is actually Big Brother's. If he says it's so, it becomes so.

now what were you saying?

Eminent Domain is a factor and is very disturbing. It shouldn't be ignored and so easily dismissed. I stand by my statement. And remember when you pretended to be angry at this man for supposedly receiving some sort of Welfare? A Communist Entitlement douche angry about Welfare? That was funny.
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The Fed owning so much land is the germane issue. 85% of the land in Nevada is owned by the Feds. How on earth is that in the interest of the state's residents when they are prevented from earning a living by petty bureaucrats in DC?

Don't like the law - change it. I may even support you.

But until you can change it - you abide by it.

That's MHO.

Uh. How about bureaucrats quit making up laws via regulatory fiat instead?
Congress gives the executive branch the power to make the regulations. How about Congress doing a better job of writing laws so bureaucrats don't need to make so many regulations to enforce those laws. Many laws are no more than general statements of intent leaving federal agencies the job of making so many regulations to enforce the law.
All the bloodiest things happen in April. OKC, Columbine, the retarded bombing in Boston, Hilter's bday, Hitler's suicide, Hitler's marriage, full take over of Berlin by sub human Russian dogs, and Waco. There will be blood here. Could be 1 of those things that actually results in a massacre by the U.S. government that the average leftist psycho or low IQ sheep will see and not be able to forget although I doubt it.
And the land has NEVER been private ranch land because no one wanted it. It has been the property of the federal government since it became part of the United States.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?

It wasn't federal land because all land not otherwise owned is not automatically federal land. Only 28% percent of the US landmass is owned by the federal government. The land in question was open range. Not owned by anyone but a part of the state of Nevada.

You seem to be the one who doesn't know anything about this issue. If this were federally owned land the controlling authority would be the Forestry Service. It isn't. It's the Bureau of Land Management which can exercise authority over any land like the EPA can.

Your bizarre opinions have no relation to the actual laws of this country.

But that what the militia group's action alert said .... how could THAT be wrong?
It's a factor, and it's very disturbing. Do you really own anything? You probably don't even realize that what you think is yours, is actually Big Brother's. If he says it's so, it becomes so.

now what were you saying?

Eminent Domain is a factor and is very disturbing. It shouldn't be ignored and so easily dismissed. I stand by my statement.

But how does that jib with you claiming you NEVER argued eminent domain is a factor?

LOL - you have stepped in it big time.

What an idiot

I'm done with THIS guy.

Yeah when you start murdering law enforcement officers, it is not going to end well for you.

I believe that should depend on why a law enforcement officer is killed. (Self defense is not "murder.")

You might be surprised to learn that according to Texas Penal Law (Section 9.31) the Branch Davidians were perfectly justified in killing the rogue ATF agents who improperly raided their premises. Several of the Davidians were acquitted by a Texas jury for doing just that. 11 in Texas Sect Are Acquitted Of Key Charges -

It is the increasingly repressive federal law which held them responsible.

Any law enforcement officer who deliberately exceeds his authority in causing or attempting to unnecessarily cause injury to a non-threatening subject deserves to be forcibly resisted -- even if that resistance causes his/her death. I have absolutely no sympathy for the ATF agents who were killed while unlawfully conducting an armed raid on the peaceful Davidian premises. It is the supervisory ATF personnel who are responsible for those agents' deaths. Not the Davidians.

Next time you get mugged, call a Davidian.
It wasn't federal land because all land not otherwise owned is not automatically federal land. Only 28% percent of the US landmass is owned by the federal government. The land in question was open range. Not owned by anyone but a part of the state of Nevada.

You seem to be the one who doesn't know anything about this issue. If this were federally owned land the controlling authority would be the Forestry Service. It isn't. It's the Bureau of Land Management which can exercise authority over any land like the EPA can.

May be - but THIS land is federal land because the federal government bought it from Mexico - it is public land - owned by all the people of the United States - if the welfare cowboy had wanted the land he could have filed a homestead application.

He didn't want to own it - he just wanted his cattle to graze their for free.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?

KAtz is posting total bullshit. Open range has been federal lands since at least the 1930s, and the BLM has been managing it.

At least Katz gave up on the "They are slaughtering his cattle and burying them" lie.

I guess actual facts are beyond some people.
now what were you saying?

Eminent Domain is a factor and is very disturbing. It shouldn't be ignored and so easily dismissed. I stand by my statement.

But how does that jib with you claiming you NEVER argued eminent domain is a factor?

LOL - you have stepped in it big time.

What an idiot

I'm done with THIS guy.


Never argued it applied to this particular case. But you know that. You're just spinning your wheels now because i called you out on your bullshite outrage over this man supposedly receiving some sort of Welfare. Like you Communist Entitlement douches really hate Welfare. Sure ya do. Sure ya do. :lol:
Well, I think it's basically the BLM telling the rancher, and his former neighbors, that they cannot run the same number of cattle their parents and grandparents ran. And, that's because the fed govts focus has shifted from allowing the land to be used for agrarian purposes to using it in a way to produce energy while harming the environment as little as possible.

And I can hear the call of "fed govt overreach," but it IS and WAS federal land, and the BLM is subject to political pressure that people can call their rerpresentatives to exert.
They should have picked him up in town a couple of hours earlier when there were no kids around. Of course, they didn't have the cameras then either. This was really a case of our government going off the deep end.
By mentioning the absence of cameras you have invoked the great unanswered question in the Waco story. You may or may not be aware that the name given to the planned raid on the Davidian premises was Operation "Showboat." And it took place just three weeks before ATF was scheduled to submit its proposed budget.

The timing factor is analogous to (and typical of) all the "major drug busts" by DEA, when we see piles of drugs and cash laid out on the six o'clock television news.
And then they came for the Cattle Grazers. My oh my America, what the hell happened?

First, why are there two threads on this stupid story?

Second, are you and Katz that fucking nuts????

I'm posting in the other thread. You idiots don't deserve a response.
OMG! I just heard this guy's an evil Cult Leader and a Militiaman!

There, that oughta rile up the Goose Stepping dipshits. When in doubt, just call em evil 'Cult Leaders' or 'Militiamen.' Time to break out the pitchforks.
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Snipers, SWAT teams, dogs and every assorted jackboot possible. Smells like freeDUMB. Someone is going to die and the state of NV won't stop it.
And the land has NEVER been private ranch land because no one wanted it. It has been the property of the federal government since it became part of the United States.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?

It wasn't federal land because all land not otherwise owned is not automatically federal land. Only 28% percent of the US landmass is owned by the federal government. The land in question was open range. Not owned by anyone but a part of the state of Nevada.

You seem to be the one who doesn't know anything about this issue. If this were federally owned land the controlling authority would be the Forestry Service. It isn't. It's the Bureau of Land Management which can exercise authority over any land like the EPA can.

May be - but THIS land is federal land because the federal government bought it from Mexico - it is public land - owned by all the people of the United States - if the welfare cowboy had wanted the land he could have filed a homestead application.

He didn't want to own it - he just wanted his cattle to graze their for free.

I swear - do you guys know ANYTHING about this issue?

I can't understand it for you. This is not federal land. It is open range that Bundy claims an implied easement due to the use of the land by his family for 140 continuous years. This predates the Bureau of Land Management by almost a century. I'm not going to go into explaining easement law to you or how it differs from homestead. The first issue in homestead law requires building a home.

The easement isn't even being questioned. It's far more complex than that. It has nothing to do with grazing fees either. That's just a ruse. The federal government has made specious claims against every rancher in this area and seized every ranch. This is the last one before the government can move on to other ranches and farms.
Yeah when you start murdering law enforcement officers, it is not going to end well for you.

I believe that should depend on why a law enforcement officer is killed. (Self defense is not "murder.")

You might be surprised to learn that according to Texas Penal Law (Section 9.31) the Branch Davidians were perfectly justified in killing the rogue ATF agents who improperly raided their premises. Several of the Davidians were acquitted by a Texas jury for doing just that. 11 in Texas Sect Are Acquitted Of Key Charges -

It is the increasingly repressive federal law which held them responsible.

Any law enforcement officer who deliberately exceeds his authority in causing or attempting to unnecessarily cause injury to a non-threatening subject deserves to be forcibly resisted -- even if that resistance causes his/her death. I have absolutely no sympathy for the ATF agents who were killed while unlawfully conducting an armed raid on the peaceful Davidian premises. It is the supervisory ATF personnel who are responsible for those agents' deaths. Not the Davidians.

Next time you get mugged, call a Davidian.
What does the hypothetical prospect of my being mugged have to do with the issue of a citizen's right to defend himself against an abusive cop?

I'm curious to know what convoluted mental process brought that comparison about.
And then they came for the Cattle Grazers. My oh my America, what the hell happened?

First, why are there two threads on this stupid story?

Second, are you and Katz that fucking nuts????

I'm posting in the other thread. You idiots don't deserve a response.

You deserve a response, but forum rules prevent me from saying what that is. I will say that faggot boot lickers like you deserve a boot on your neck and a knee on your head as opposed to this family that is just trying air it's anger amongst sniper teams, and attack dogs.

Get the hell out this country fag.
Snipers, SWAT teams, dogs and every assorted jackboot possible. Smells like freeDUMB. Someone is going to die and the state of NV won't stop it.

It's all for America and the poor children. We can't just sit back and allow evil Cattle Grazers to roam free and destroy our American way of life. They have to be stopped by any means necessary. We have to do something. The children are depending on us.

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