BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

The government is going to slap a lien on his ranch, which must be paid before his kids can take title on his death. Of course, there will also be penalties so all he is really doing is passing his debt on to his kids.
Had the government been interested in doing that they would have done so. A lien on the ranch would not help Harry Reid turn the ranch over to the Chinese and promised.

Very informative narrative. Thanks!

I'm glad the BLM has backed off. I'm sure the reason for it is Obama has enough sense to avoid making the same mistakes made by Bush and Clinton at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this rancher's refusal to pay what amounts to the same tax all of the neighboring ranchers are paying. But I can't help being pleased to learn that a David has prevailed over what has become a menacing Goliath. That aspect dominates my thoughts and feelings about the situation.

Maybe I would feel differently were it not for the Waco and Ruby Ridge atrocities, but those events have clearly prejudiced me against federal authority and in favor of resistance to it. A situation which probably is best described as a rebellious frame of mind.
It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

Why are you making shit up? I posted a newspaper link earlier saying a whopping three militia members showed up.

The people you're talking about are his family, a few friends who support him, and nutcases who think they'll bring down the government before mommy gets home from work.

Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Federal Government - ABC News

"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public," BLM Director Neil Kornze said.

I wouldn't call it a "win".
Why are you making shit up? I posted a newspaper link earlier saying a whopping three militia members showed up.

The people you're talking about are his family, a few friends who support him, and nutcases who think they'll bring down the government before mommy gets home from work.

Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Federal Government - ABC News

"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public," BLM Director Neil Kornze said.

I wouldn't call it a "win".

Well, it's not a loss. Of course some people will never admit they were wrong. IE "why are you making shit up?"
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It's over. There were a couple of thousand people at that Ranch last night. Vehicles were streaming in all day. The BLM was totally outnumbered and probably, if truth be known, outgunned.

The Director of Land Management declared the operation too dangerous to continue and it is OVER. Bundy won. Americans standing together won.

how sad you people are....its pathetic it came to this because he wouldnt pay fees.

When was the last time you saw the feds pull a collection agency stunt with 200 armed men and 9 helicopters?
agents pull back

The Bureau of Land Management announced Saturday that it has ended its mission to remove illegal cattle from a rural Nevada range after a tense week-long standoff with a rancher and militia supporters, citing a "serious concern" for the safety of employees and the public.

Sure, change the rules and laws to make that work.

But until then, the man owes money for grazing his cattle on public lands. And yes, the grass grows back. Unless it is over-grazed and erosion becomes an issue.

cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

The hell they don't. My Great-Grandfather and his brother started ranching in Eastern Oregon in the 1860's, and I still have relatives in that area with ranchs. And they will tell you straight up that putting too many cattle on land will lead to severe damage.

600,000 acres. His cattle were grazing on 600,000 acres.

Although federal authorities claim that Bundy has been illegally allowing his cattle to graze on 600,000 acres of federal property for 20 years, the rancher says the land belongs to the state, and it's been used by his family to graze cattle since the late 1800s.

Rancher Prevails in 'New Ruby Ridge' Battle as Feds Back Down
Yet another deadbeat 1 percenter triumphs. And the shortfall will be made up by the rest of us.

Oh, bulcrap. You got no problem with the $billions given to bail out the banks, but you have a problem with a man grazing his cattle on land that his family has been using for generations? Apparently, you want to see beef prices rise.
Just because there was a report that mentioned three militia members does not mean that is all there was. It only means that three was mentioned in that one report
There is no shortfall. The government doesn't spend any money maintaining that land. Bundy should charge the government for fire suppression. His cows eat the brush so the government doesn't have to pay for goats to come in and do it.
5 Things The Bundy Ranch Teaches Us

5. There is no such thing as public property

How many times are we going to have to go over the tragedy of the commons, before people understand that there is no such thing? What people mistake for commons, or public property, is property owned by organized crime rings known as governments. Like any other business, they might let you use the property, they might charge a fee for the property, or they might tell you to get lost.

Anybody who ever thought a government was doing a “public good” by seizing land is a fool. When the BLM came in and said they were protecting turtles, it might as well have been Exxon coming in to drill for oil. There’s no such thing as public property.

4.The US Constitution did not, does not, and will not matter

No government was ever limited by a constitution, least of all the United States. Hell, the United States isn’t even limited by its own borders. So if a military presence shows up at your front door, and you look to ancient documents to chase them away, I’m sorry but it’s really getting to a point where I have trouble feeling sorry for you. You might as well be praying for all the good it is going to do anybody.

3. Every tax and traffic ticket ever written was backed up by the same threat of force

All you folks out there who say government isn’t violent, take a close look. If I had a dime for every time somebody told me “they don’t force you, they just take you to court” I’d be rich by now. When a government makes a decision, guns follow. The paperwork, fake attempts to negotiate, court proceedings, these exist only for the purpose convincing the dissenter to surrender, or making the inevitable violence that follows his failure to do so look legitimate.

2. The amount of force is not the issue

Anybody who accepts that the federal government has a right to force people to do things, but objects to the weaponry they use in the process, is making the same argument as gun control advocates. Anybody who has a right to use force, has the right to use as much force as they believe is necessary to accomplish the goal of said force.

1. Since the aforementioned issues are not understood, nothing good will come of this

Remove from your minds any notion that the Oath Keepers will restore the republic today, tomorrow, or the day after. No militia will come to the rescue of Cliven Bundy. The Sheriff will not assert some magical authority to expel a more heavily armed group of criminals from the territory. Bundy will not wait out federal authorities. Courts will not see the error of their ways and leave Mr. Bundy alone.

In the end, Cliven Bundy will be subjugated or murdered. Just like everyone else who has dared to defy a tyrant. The same thing will happen to everyone who attempts a similar course of action until one of two things happen;

A. The extinction of the human race; or

B. A large enough segment of the population understands that government agents do not have the right to initiate force, stops talking about magical government documents, and realizes that the government’s lack of right to initiatory force, equals our right, and responsibility to defense.
Yet another deadbeat 1 percenter triumphs. And the shortfall will be made up by the rest of us.

Oh, bulcrap. You got no problem with the $billions given to bail out the banks, but you have a problem with a man grazing his cattle on land that his family has been using for generations? Apparently, you want to see beef prices rise.

those other ranchers i bet pay the fees he stopped paying.
This wont affect our beef prices.
I don't think anybody really "won" here. This was more of a draw than anything else and I imagine they'll be back at some point if Bundy doesn't settle up and/or start obeying the law.
cattle don't over graze grass, sheep do.

The hell they don't. My Great-Grandfather and his brother started ranching in Eastern Oregon in the 1860's, and I still have relatives in that area with ranchs. And they will tell you straight up that putting too many cattle on land will lead to severe damage.

600,000 acres. His cattle were grazing on 600,000 acres.

Although federal authorities claim that Bundy has been illegally allowing his cattle to graze on 600,000 acres of federal property for 20 years, the rancher says the land belongs to the state, and it's been used by his family to graze cattle since the late 1800s.

Rancher Prevails in 'New Ruby Ridge' Battle as Feds Back Down

they could graze there in so long they paid the fees. Which he stopped doing back in 93 because he all of a sudden decided federal laws dont pertain to him anymore.
But youve already been explained this numerous times.
Yet another deadbeat 1 percenter triumphs. And the shortfall will be made up by the rest of us.

Oh, bulcrap. You got no problem with the $billions given to bail out the banks, but you have a problem with a man grazing his cattle on land that his family has been using for generations? Apparently, you want to see beef prices rise.

those other ranchers i bet pay the fees he stopped paying.
This wont affect our beef prices.

There are no other ranchers. Bundy is the only one left in Clark County.

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