Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows

The fund was set up for all the victims not just Christians. And its got fuck all to do with you, an Austrian freak.

How about the parents are taken to downing St and Mrs May gets down on her hands and knees and begs their forgiveness ?

That would be more appropriate.
View attachment 133799

Poor Tammy :rolleyes:
Its telling that you can find humour in this. Sums you up hun.
What I find humour in is how utterly pathetic you and your transparent attempts at using dead people and their loved ones to further your agenda are. But, true, it's more sick than funny.
Of course the tories dont want to discuss how their policies have killed innocent people.I quite understand.
Tory minister warned against including sprinklers in fire safety rules as it could discourage house building
Fucking murdering bastards.
Yet you are arguing for bringing more immigrants here whilst there are 30,000 other residential towers that may be just as dangerous! Do you want MORE people killed? Are you a wannabe murderer?
Or are you just a blithering emotional wreck who is desperate to blame Labours legacy on the Conservatives whilst calling it MURDER - a wilful act to deprive people of their lives?
Get a grip you silly 'man'.
Lol, your concern for the welfare of migrants is a new low.
Its telling that you can find humour in this. Sums you up hun.
What I find humour in is how utterly pathetic you and your transparent attempts at using dead people and their loved ones to further your agenda are. But, true, it's more sick than funny.
Of course the tories dont want to discuss how their policies have killed innocent people.I quite understand.
Tory minister warned against including sprinklers in fire safety rules as it could discourage house building
Fucking murdering bastards.
Yet you are arguing for bringing more immigrants here whilst there are 30,000 other residential towers that may be just as dangerous! Do you want MORE people killed? Are you a wannabe murderer?
Or are you just a blithering emotional wreck who is desperate to blame Labours legacy on the Conservatives whilst calling it MURDER - a wilful act to deprive people of their lives?
Get a grip you silly 'man'.
Lol, your concern for the welfare of migrants is a new low.
You're the one who seems to want to bring more in when not only is there not enough resources for them, but it seems they might be put in danger of their lives! It seems that flooding the country with more immigrants is your sole concern. Probably because you can't win elections otherwise :eusa_think:.
Cold, Tammy. Really cold.
Its telling that you can find humour in this. Sums you up hun.
What I find humour in is how utterly pathetic you and your transparent attempts at using dead people and their loved ones to further your agenda are. But, true, it's more sick than funny.
Of course the tories dont want to discuss how their policies have killed innocent people.I quite understand.
Tory minister warned against including sprinklers in fire safety rules as it could discourage house building
Fucking murdering bastards.
Yet you are arguing for bringing more immigrants here whilst there are 30,000 other residential towers that may be just as dangerous! Do you want MORE people killed? Are you a wannabe murderer?
Or are you just a blithering emotional wreck who is desperate to blame Labours legacy on the Conservatives whilst calling it MURDER - a wilful act to deprive people of their lives?
Get a grip you silly 'man'.
Lol, your concern for the welfare of migrants is a new low.
You really are a silly little homunculus.
Its telling that you can find humour in this. Sums you up hun.
What I find humour in is how utterly pathetic you and your transparent attempts at using dead people and their loved ones to further your agenda are. But, true, it's more sick than funny.
Of course the tories dont want to discuss how their policies have killed innocent people.I quite understand.
Tory minister warned against including sprinklers in fire safety rules as it could discourage house building
Fucking murdering bastards.
Yet you are arguing for bringing more immigrants here whilst there are 30,000 other residential towers that may be just as dangerous! Do you want MORE people killed? Are you a wannabe murderer?
Or are you just a blithering emotional wreck who is desperate to blame Labours legacy on the Conservatives whilst calling it MURDER - a wilful act to deprive people of their lives?
Get a grip you silly 'man'.
Lol, your concern for the welfare of migrants is a new low.
You really are a silly little homunculus.

This place Fortnum & Mason, one of the greatest places in London, excellent Foie gras and Organic Smoked Salmon.


It has a very exquisite clock.

Its telling that you can find humour in this. Sums you up hun.
What I find humour in is how utterly pathetic you and your transparent attempts at using dead people and their loved ones to further your agenda are. But, true, it's more sick than funny.
Of course the tories dont want to discuss how their policies have killed innocent people.I quite understand.
Tory minister warned against including sprinklers in fire safety rules as it could discourage house building
Fucking murdering bastards.
Yet you are arguing for bringing more immigrants here whilst there are 30,000 other residential towers that may be just as dangerous! Do you want MORE people killed? Are you a wannabe murderer?
Or are you just a blithering emotional wreck who is desperate to blame Labours legacy on the Conservatives whilst calling it MURDER - a wilful act to deprive people of their lives?
Get a grip you silly 'man'.
Lol, your concern for the welfare of migrants is a new low.
It is you that is low, but that's not new. You use immigrants like you use the dead. As pawns to further the lefts agenda. Shame on you!
In the hope that Tammy has rethought his shameful politicking in this thread, a look at what's happened today:

HERO DOGS: Fire crews deploy search dogs in special boots to find victims of Grenfell fire
SNIFFER dogs have joined their fire and police colleagues at the devastated Grenfell Tower block as part of the rescue mission to recover the bodies of victims.
PUBLISHED: 18:25, Sat, Jun 17, 2017 | UPDATED: 19:53, Sat, Jun 17, 2017


Fire crews have brought specialist dog teams to the tower block
Specialist urban search and rescue teams have descended on the 24-storey building in order to make it safe enough for firefighters and police to carry out investigations.

And emergency services have even called in some help from their canine companions in the desperate mission to recover those who perished in the inferno.....

HERO DOGS: Fire crews deploy search dogs in special boots to find victims of Grenfell fire

God bless the rescue services and these wonderful dogs.
Supporter comments · Home Office: Get Grenfell Tower victim's parents to the UK ·
I dont suppose that there is a right to a funeral But this is a story that is awful beyond measure.

Imagine talking to your sibling whilst he slipped away.

This youngster made his living demonstrating toys in Harrods. His parents should be allowed to come over.

Ive sent this to my MP and I hope it gets actioned straight away.

Yes the below one Nye Bevan has been Triggered in the same way Tommy got Triggered here, this when I pointed out that these Visas for the parents of the Syrian would turn into the Far Left DEMANDING they stay in Britain forever.

Look at this Finger of Fudge and the_lord_protector say the exact same thing as I did in this thread, why not repatriate the Syrian's remains to his own homeland instead of getting his parents to Britain via a Visa which will be used to allow them to squat in Britain forever.

Lol Far Leftists Triggered because they know that the educated and intelligent know the modus operandi now "bring in more poor refugees because we can't get enough of Muh Muslims"

NyeBevan name calling just like Tommy once Triggered when he realises that uh-oh they are onto the ulterior motive and we want to be "Culturally Enriched by Muh Muslims"





Uh-oh this Frank Spring makes an excellent point and Nye Bevan responds with a typical incoherent rant.

Yes Frank Spring it is something from their childhood that has lead them to hate their OWN NATIVE people so much and get on their knees to suck dick and lick the filthy buttocks of every Muslim and low IQ African Jungle Bunny. These mentally deficient weirdos HATE their OWN, it's NOT the actions or thinking of NORMAL people, you are supposed to LOVE your OWN and put your OWN BEFORE OTHERS who are ALIEN to YOUR Culture and Traditions.


The above from the Comments Section:

Thousands call on Home Office to issue visas so parents of Syrian refugee killed in Grenfell Tower fire can attend funeral
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Supporter comments · Home Office: Get Grenfell Tower victim's parents to the UK ·
I dont suppose that there is a right to a funeral But this is a story that is awful beyond measure.

Imagine talking to your sibling whilst he slipped away.

This youngster made his living demonstrating toys in Harrods. His parents should be allowed to come over.

Ive sent this to my MP and I hope it gets actioned straight away.

Yes the below one Nye Bevan has been Triggered in the same way Tommy got Triggered here, this when I pointed out that these Visas for the parents of the Syrian would turn into the Far Left DEMANDING they stay in Britain forever.

Look at this Finger of Fudge and the_lord_protector say the exact same thing as I did in this thread, why not repatriate the Syrian's remains to his own homeland instead of getting his parents to Britain via a Visa which will be used to allow them to squat in Britain forever.

Lol Far Leftists Triggered because they know that the educated and intelligent know the modus operandi now "bring in more poor refugees because we can't get enough of Muh Muslims"

NyeBevan name calling just like Tommy once Triggered when he realises that uh-oh they are onto the ulterior motive and we want to be "Culturally Enriched by Muh Muslims"

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Uh-oh this Frank Spring makes an excellent point and Nye Bevan responds with a typical incoherent rant.

Yes Frank Spring it is something from their childhood that has lead them to hate their OWN NATIVE people so much and get on their knees to suck dick and lick the filthy buttocks of every Muslim and low IQ African Jungle Bunny. These mentally deficient weirdos HATE their OWN, it's NOT the actions or thinking of NORMAL people, you are supposed to LOVE your OWN and put your OWN BEFORE OTHERS who are ALIEN to YOUR Culture and Traditions.

View attachment 133815
Interesting. Reminds me also of how Tammy calls Mrs May herself a murderer, but offered very little, if any, condemnation of the actual terrorist murderers who blew an 8 year old girl and other children to pieces not long ago. Then it's let's sing kumbaya and MOVE ON asap. Oh and bring more in even though we have no idea which ones are going to go jihadi and kill our children. Where were these protestors then?
Such utterly transparent hypocrites.
Cause of fire unknown.

A.) refrigerator blows at night (at night, not running often?) Never have I heard refridge blowup? UL/CSA appliance rating? Circuit breaker should blow on high current surge.
B.) R/W set fire to target muslim? Revenge? Doubtful. They may seek revenge for Manchester at some point. Probably after next big event.
C.) Muslims set fire to advance cause? Could be? Time of event 2AM? Everybody sleeping. building reported firetrap? Muslims don't care who dies to advance cause. Proven.
D.) Muslims storing "materials" for next event cause fire? Maybe?
E.) Gas line blow? Need spark at night. Odor would alert?
F.) Electrical wire fire? Maybe?
G.) Gas/electric clothes dryer fire? Yes that can happen due to lint in exhaust. Do they have dryers in units? Common areas?

Until Tommies Govt releases official cause? Will they be truthful about cause? Cannot trust them? Will they tell truth on Lucies cladding......cause spread? Not likely, as they approved it.
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Cause of fire unknown.

A.) refrigerator blows at night (at night, not running often?) Never have I heard refridge blowup? UL/CSA appliance rating? Circuit breaker should blow on high current surge.
B.) R/W set fire to target muslim? Revenge? Doubtful. They may seek revenge for Manchester at some point. Probably after next big event.
C.) Muslims set fire to advance cause? Could be? Time of event 2AM? Everybody sleeping. building reported firetrap? Muslims don't care who dies to advance cause. Proven.
D.) Muslims storing "materials" for next event cause fire? Maybe?
E.) Gas line blow? Need spark at night. Odor would alert?
F.) Electrical wire fire? Maybe?
G.) Gas/electric clothes dryer fire? Yes that can happen due to lint in exhaust. Do they have dryers in units? Common areas?

Until Tommies Govt releases official cause? Will they be truthful about cause? Cannot trust them? Will they tell truth on Lucies cladding......cause spread? Not likely, as they approved it.
I read that some people in blocks like these also compromise electrical safety by doing things to the supply to bypass the meter. Also, it is common for fire safety equipment to be vandalised and stolen, and for fire doors to be wedged open. We just don't know right now. The last fire of this sort was put down to a TV catching fire. One would have thought it quite simple to put out such a fire quickly unless it happened when one was asleep.
So the final conclusion is perhaps...

This man is a total fuckward

Half a fuckward

A terrorist

I am inclined towards half a fuckward..... he got scared, didn't call the fire Dep, didn't know the fire could spread up, and run with his possessions.

We will see
So the final conclusion is perhaps...

This man is a total fuckward

Half a fuckward

A terrorist

I am inclined towards half a fuckward..... he got scared, didn't call the fire Dep, didn't know the fire could spread up, and run with his possessions.

We will see

Resident describes seeing ‘small’ kitchen fire that started Grenfell Tower blaze

Ashitha Nagesh for
Wednesday 14 Jun 2017 8:04 pm

Read more: Resident describes seeing 'small' kitchen fire that started Grenfell Tower blaze

.....Speaking outside Chelsea and Westminster Hospital after a precautionary check up, Maryam described the moment her neighbour woke her up to tell her there was a fire.

‘The fire started in the flat next door to mine on the fourth floor,’ she said.

‘It was when he [the neighbour] knocked on the door that he said there was a fire in his flat. It was exactly 12.50am because I was sleeping and it woke me up.

‘When we got up, I saw outside his flat his luggage. There was a big bag with his clothes. That means he took the stuff from his flat, and then he told the neighbours.

‘The fire was small in the kitchen. I could see it because the flat door was open. And then we passed and then we were out.’

Read more: Resident describes seeing 'small' kitchen fire that started Grenfell Tower blaze

Sounds as though nobody even closed the door?
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.
/---- "The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock." Sometimes Brits say the strangest things. What does that even mean ? BTW it's not a pond, it's a freaking ocean.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.
/---- "The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock." Sometimes Brits say the strangest things. What does that even mean ? BTW it's not a pond, it's a freaking ocean.
The dock is where the accused stand in court.
Grenfell Action Group

Rarely have I read such a damning series of articles.

Fire Safety Scandal At Lancaster West

KCTMO – Playing with fire!

More On Fire Safety

Another Fire Safety Scandal

KCTMO – Feeling the Heat!






It appears that basic checks were never made and that procedures were never followed.

The local fire brigade can join the contractors,council and government in the dock.

This was already posted on Wednesday by me in the 28 page Current Events thread about Grenfell Tower.

There is no need for you to continue to post mini sub threads when there is an ongoing 28 page thread you can post about Grenfell Tower in, you have been posting in the Current Events thread for days, so why start multiple mini sub threads?

Stop this juvenile Attention Seeking.



Breaking: 27 Story London Tower Apartment Complex Ablaze As People Dangle On Sheets Outside Windows
In the hope that Tammy has rethought his shameful politicking in this thread, a look at what's happened today:

HERO DOGS: Fire crews deploy search dogs in special boots to find victims of Grenfell fire
SNIFFER dogs have joined their fire and police colleagues at the devastated Grenfell Tower block as part of the rescue mission to recover the bodies of victims.
PUBLISHED: 18:25, Sat, Jun 17, 2017 | UPDATED: 19:53, Sat, Jun 17, 2017


Fire crews have brought specialist dog teams to the tower block
Specialist urban search and rescue teams have descended on the 24-storey building in order to make it safe enough for firefighters and police to carry out investigations.

And emergency services have even called in some help from their canine companions in the desperate mission to recover those who perished in the inferno.....

HERO DOGS: Fire crews deploy search dogs in special boots to find victims of Grenfell fire

God bless the rescue services and these wonderful dogs.

These beautiful dogs are very special animals, they are heroes.

The Emergency Teams, the male and female firefighters are heroes and heroines.
So the final conclusion is perhaps...

This man is a total fuckward

Half a fuckward

A terrorist

I am inclined towards half a fuckward..... he got scared, didn't call the fire Dep, didn't know the fire could spread up, and run with his possessions.

We will see

The situation is though, why was he already packing his bags, that suggests he was prepared.

The other 75 people who escaped, they escaped only with the clothing they were wearing, they didn't take the time to pack their bags, they just got out as fast as possible, which is the normal reaction.

This man needs to be apprehended by the London Police and questioned about his curious actions.
So the final conclusion is perhaps...

This man is a total fuckward

Half a fuckward

A terrorist

I am inclined towards half a fuckward..... he got scared, didn't call the fire Dep, didn't know the fire could spread up, and run with his possessions.

We will see

Resident describes seeing ‘small’ kitchen fire that started Grenfell Tower blaze

Ashitha Nagesh for
Wednesday 14 Jun 2017 8:04 pm

Read more: Resident describes seeing 'small' kitchen fire that started Grenfell Tower blaze

.....Speaking outside Chelsea and Westminster Hospital after a precautionary check up, Maryam described the moment her neighbour woke her up to tell her there was a fire.

‘The fire started in the flat next door to mine on the fourth floor,’ she said.

‘It was when he [the neighbour] knocked on the door that he said there was a fire in his flat. It was exactly 12.50am because I was sleeping and it woke me up.

‘When we got up, I saw outside his flat his luggage. There was a big bag with his clothes. That means he took the stuff from his flat, and then he told the neighbours.

‘The fire was small in the kitchen. I could see it because the flat door was open. And then we passed and then we were out.’

Read more: Resident describes seeing 'small' kitchen fire that started Grenfell Tower blaze

Sounds as though nobody even closed the door?

Good, come on Conservatives up the ante and bury the Marxist filth using DEAD PEOPLE to score cheap political points.





Here's the rest of the article, which includes a video of Alex Deane being interviewed.

Ex PM advisor hits out at 'repellent' socialists 'exploiting grief for political gain'

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