Breaking! 35 Trump Allies Had Homes Raided by FBI on Thursday (VIDEO)

So I took a hint from poster '58 above and looked into the QAnon chatroom, Great Awakening.
And you know what, poster EVMetro, even the QKooks are a tad skeptical of Bannon's allegation.

Here is an exchange on a thread about Bannon's claim:

  • "So where is any proof that anyone besides Bannon was rousted yesterday? He claims 35 others. I can find none.
  • jfunction 1 point 2 days ago +1 / -0 Yeah, want confirmation. The Bannon claim is believed provisionally - pending confirmation.

  • Orangetastic 1 point 2 days ago +1 / -0 I've looked a bit too and haven't found anything.
I don't know much about the qanon world, I think that is mostly a lefty project, but I remain skeptical of Bannon's claim as well. Until we have more information on this, we should remain skeptical of Bannon, the fbi, and the media.

Do you want to see Bannon be proven a liar on these 35 raids?
"Do you want to see Bannon be proven a liar on these 35 raids?"
Only if he lied about it.

In the meantime, I will watch for any vetting he may offer.
After all, just like here on the USMB chatroom ---if you assert it, it is up to you to prove it.
And so it is with Bannon's assertion of the 35 "raided" homes.
He's gotta show.
Or go.

I'll also watch if Gateway Pundit who trumpeted the story after the podcast interview.....if they will expend journalistic resources to prove or debunk the story.

Lastly, I will remain skeptical that we can trust Steve Bannon's word.
You, Chillicothe , and I are able to see that there is nothing available to us to vet Bannon's claim. It would be foolish for Bannon supporters to buy his claim unless the actually know something that we don't. It would also be foolish for lefties to assume Bannon's claim is false, without actually knowing the truth.

What we DO know, is that the MSM does know that Bannon made this claim, and we DO know that the MSM has a far better ability to vet Bannon's claim than we do. I will continue to remain suspicious of the MSM, and I will continue to reserve judging the validity of Bannon's claim until I have more.
One name was released so far.
Only if he lied about it.

In the meantime, I will watch for any vetting he may offer.
After all, just like here on the USMB chatroom ---if you assert it, it is up to you to prove it.
And so it is with Bannon's assertion of the 35 "raided" homes.
He's gotta show.
Or go.

I'll also watch if Gateway Pundit who trumpeted the story after the podcast interview.....if they will expend journalistic resources to prove or debunk the story.

Lastly, I will remain skeptical that we can trust Steve Bannon's word.
Our skepticism of our political opponents makes sense, I respect your skepticism. I remain skeptical of the MSM, the MSM blackout, and I remain skeptical of all political figures.
One name was released so far.
We definitely need to keep track. While I don't know the truth about what is going on with the FBI, I smell something rotten. The optics of the Trump raid, and the optics of the FBI and DOJ being weaponized for political gain doesn't look good. All of us on either side of the aisle need to stay more powerful as a group than the DOJ and FBI, or we will all pay a big price.
No clue whether that's actually true, however...

This time around, your Orange Baboon-God is no longer the sitting President, and there are committees, investigations and subpoenas, grand juries and raids...

As well as the new incentive of his traitorous Insurrection of January 6, 2021, and the theft of top-secret nuclear materials...

I'd say that the odds of him "going down" are just a wee-bit better nowadays than in those earlier times... :clap2:
Yea, your raisin dementia drool cup will get him.
The MSM isn't trumpeting the 35 FBI (Gestapo) raids. Must have been told "mums the word".

Today, Joe Biden’s America is starting to feel an awful lot like Hitler’s Germany, and Trump supporters are starting to understand what it means to be targeted and punished for being part of a group that must be purged and destroyed.
It's because they are cheering on the tyranny in action.
I also could not disprove it, so no conclusion.
Have I mentioned how I'm a special forces commando, a rocket scientist, a world champion surfer and a porno star?

You can't disprove it, so no conclusion, right?

We see here why the Trump cult could suck in the cultists so easily.

Biden DOJ Seizes Phones of Two Top Trump Advisors – 40 Subpoenas Issued in Ongoing Harassment Campaign​

It is not abnormal for people to have faith like this.

Do you know if Bannon's claim is true or false?
If someone says something stupid with absolutely no proof...guess what?

It's bullshit
Biden DOJ Seizes Phones of Two Top Trump Advisors – 40 Subpoenas Issued in Ongoing Harassment Campaign
Well, we can be appreciative that there is sourcing on today's '40 subpoena' thingy.
Say, compared to that Bannon dance-step-to-distract on the 35 raided homes last week.

But having said that, I think we can all be appreciative that these subpoenas got dropped because ....well, because they may squeeze out honesty and willingness to help the truth be known.

I could be convinced that there are some recipients today who are relieved to get the subpoena as it gives them cover (from the political nutjobs....even the dangerous ones). They now can testify before the investigators and then go back and tell the nutjobs...."Well, I was compelled to do so."

So, we can be grateful
Seriously dude.

What kind of drugs are you on?
The worst drug in America.

Ya gotta love MAGArats continually posting from gatewaypundit and claims that WAPO and the NYTimes can’t be trusted
Ya gotta love the Left when they smear the media outlet reporting something they don’t want to hear; more significantly, they can’t defend it.

GateWay Pundit is every bit as biased as the New York Times and Washington Post. Here’s your chance to prove Gateway Pundit incorrect.
Ya gotta love the Left when they smear the media outlet reporting something they don’t want to hear; more significantly, they can’t defend it.

GateWay Pundit is every bit as biased as the New York Times and Washington Post. Here’s your chance to prove Gateway Pundit incorrect.

Mainstream Media Finally Admits: DOJ Subpoenaed Over 40 Trump Associates, Seized Two Top Advisors' Phones

You are not going to distract the attention of the government away from its investigation of your Orange Baboon-God and his minions.

Time... and the US Dept of Justice... and the already-convened grand jury... will tell the tale... enjoy your delusions while they last... which won't be long now.
Trump has been investigated, investigated and investigated for the last six years. He is probably the most investigated man in the history of our nation.

So far he hasn’t even been indicted for any crimes.

Could it be that Trump is actually squeaky clean? You know damn well the Democrats and some Republicans want to hang him high if they can. Surely if Trump is as corrupt as they claim they would have been able to charge him with something by now and he would be behind bars today.
Trump has been investigated, investigated and investigated for the last six years. He is probably the most investigated man in the history of our nation.
Trump is also the most corrupt president in US history.
So far he hasn’t even been indicted for any crimes.
The investigations are even over and RWNJ's want an indictment.
Could it be that Trump is actually squeaky clean? You know damn well the Democrats and some Republicans want to hang him high if they can.
That's what traitors deserve.
Surely if Trump is as corrupt as they claim they would have been able to charge him with something by now and he would be behind bars today.
Witnesses haven't even appeared for testimony yet.
RWNJ's sure had a LOT more patience, when THEY were doing investigations.
If Trump would stop obstructing and delaying via his incompetent lawyers, which, most have to get their own attorney's now, they would be able to charge Trump.

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