Breaking! 35 Trump Allies Had Homes Raided by FBI on Thursday (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson had a woman on who had three armed FBI agents at her door because they "had a tip" that she was at the J6 rally.

That's it. She was there. BTW, and as Tucker said---they knew she was not. They have facial recognition all over the place.

They were there to intimidate her.

So, board "liberals". It's time to stake out any 'principles' you have left. Everything you THOUGHT Trump would do, your demented basement dummy is doing, having weaponized the FBI and DOJ.

If this is okay with you, imagine us putting Trump back in office. Imagine us purging DC of your filth and putting a bunch of "QAnon" people in the bureaucracies and treating you the same way.

You like? Answer carefully.
We have rampant sex trafficking and a Fentanyl epidemic that is killing 300 Americans every day, and the FBI Jack Boots focus on raids of private citizens.

That makes no sense. You're saying that they shouldn't focus on crimes of private citizens so they can focus on crimes of private citizens????
Trump has been investigated, investigated and investigated for the last six years. He is probably the most investigated man in the history of our nation.

So far he hasn’t even been indicted for any crimes.

Could it be that Trump is actually squeaky clean? You know damn well the Democrats and some Republicans want to hang him high if they can. Surely if Trump is as corrupt as they claim they would have been able to charge him with something by now and he would be behind bars today.

Or could it be that Trump knows how to hide his wrong doing? How many of his henchmen have been locked up? A lot. Shows he's up to something.
Or could it be that Trump knows how to hide his wrong doing? How many of his henchmen have been locked up? A lot. Shows he's up to something.
If Trump is hiding his wrong doing that too would be amazing. The best investigators in the world can’t uncover Trump’s crimes? How can that be?

Trump’s associates are obviously not squeaky clean. Most people at the level of Trump’s advisors and associates have something illegal in their background they are hiding. Few people can withstand an investigation by a bunch of determined prosecutors.
If Trump is hiding his wrong doing that too would be amazing. The best investigators in the world can’t uncover Trump’s crimes? How can that be?

Trump’s associates are obviously not squeaky clean. Most people at the level of Trump’s advisors and associates have something illegal in their background they are hiding. Few people can withstand an investigation by a bunch of determined prosecutors.

The problem here is that you need to actually catch Trump doing something. If he doesn't record anything, if he gets all his people doing it to sign a thing saying they won't blab, and Trump isn't actually committing the crimes with his own hands, then how can they catch him?

Plenty of people use such tactics to stay ahead of the law.
Trump is also the most corrupt president in US history.

The investigations are even over and RWNJ's want an indictment.

That's what traitors deserve.

Witnesses haven't even appeared for testimony yet.
RWNJ's sure had a LOT more patience, when THEY were doing investigations.
If Trump would stop obstructing and delaying via his incompetent lawyers, which, most have to get their own attorney's now, they would be able to charge Trump.
These investigations have been going on even before Trump became President in 2017, I predict they will go on until Trump decides to no longer run for President.

You called Trump a traitor, If he is why hasn’t he been charged? Surely there would be plenty of evidence by now to convict him.

I’ll make a prediction. If Trump is ever charged he will not be convicted. The evidence will not stand up in court.
These investigations have been going on even before Trump became President in 2017,
NO, they haven't, when did ANYONE at the DOJ from 2016-2020 investigate Trump?
Did Jeff Sessions?
Did Matt Whitaker?
Did William Barr?

I predict they will go on until Trump decides to no longer run for President.

You called Trump a traitor, If he is why hasn’t he been charged? Surely there would be plenty of evidence by now to convict him.
I think they do.
They aren't even though with witnesses testifying yet.
The DOJ is still compiling charges, as long as Trump keeps yapping, the charges will keep piling up.
I’ll make a prediction. If Trump is ever charged he will not be convicted. The evidence will not stand up in court.
Trump is also the most corrupt president in US history.

The investigations are even over and RWNJ's want an indictment.

That's what traitors deserve.

Witnesses haven't even appeared for testimony yet.
RWNJ's sure had a LOT more patience, when THEY were doing investigations.
If Trump would stop obstructing and delaying via his incompetent lawyers, which, most have to get their own attorney's now, they would be able to charge Trump.
NO, they haven't, when did ANYONE at the DOJ from 2016-2020 investigate Trump?
Did Jeff Sessions?
Did Matt Whitaker?
Did William Barr?

I think they do.
They aren't even though with witnesses testifying yet.
The DOJ is still compiling charges, as long as Trump keeps yapping, the charges will keep piling up.
The FBI was investigating Trump with the tacit approval of many in the DOJ. Also keep in mind the DOJ is supposed to oversee the FBI’s investigation. To be fair as mentioned in the linked article the FBI misled the DOJ.

You say the DOJ is still compiling charges? Can you name some? Why haven’t they indicted Trump?

Mainstream Media Finally Admits: DOJ Subpoenaed Over 40 Trump Associates, Seized Two Top Advisors' Phones
Are you guys in the alternate universe now saying that a subpoena is the same as a "raid"?

Is that what you're trying to do here? Is that your definition of a raid now?

I've been saying it for a long time -- pretty soon we're gonna need interpreters to communicate with these people.
The FBI was investigating Trump with the tacit approval of many in the DOJ. Also keep in mind the DOJ is supposed to oversee the FBI’s investigation. To be fair as mentioned in the linked article the FBI misled the DOJ.
Director James Comey’s shock announcement to the House Intelligence Committee on March 20, 2017, that the Trump campaign was being investigated by the FBI for ties to the Kremlin. It was Comey’s announcement that ultimately led to the appointment of Mueller.

AND Barr shut that down.
Sussman was charged.

You say the DOJ is still compiling charges?
Can you name some?
No, no one has filed any yet.
Why haven’t they indicted Trump?
See above.
What is it you don't understand?
Well, we can be appreciative that there is sourcing on today's '40 subpoena' thingy.
Say, compared to that Bannon dance-step-to-distract on the 35 raided homes last week.

But having said that, I think we can all be appreciative that these subpoenas got dropped because ....well, because they may squeeze out honesty and willingness to help the truth be known.

I could be convinced that there are some recipients today who are relieved to get the subpoena as it gives them cover (from the political nutjobs....even the dangerous ones). They now can testify before the investigators and then go back and tell the nutjobs...."Well, I was compelled to do so."

So, we can be grateful
I may be wrong here, and I hope I am, but it appears they are equating the subpoenas with raids.

I very much hope I'm wrong.
Are you guys in the alternate universe now saying that a subpoena is the same as a "raid"?

Is that what you're trying to do here? Is that your definition of a raid now?

I've been saying it for a long time -- pretty soon we're gonna need interpreters to communicate with these people.

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