Breaking! 35 Trump Allies Had Homes Raided by FBI on Thursday (VIDEO)

The amount of thought and depth of thinking that you put into your posts are what USMB is looking for when they appoint new mods. I've been predictioning that either you, IM2, or candycorn will be our next mod here, but I think the intellectual depth of your posts is more in line with what usmb is looking for. I nominate you for a moderator position.
I would not want to be a moderator here. Kat was a good friend and she took hell. I will miss Kat.
I would not want to be a moderator here. Kat was a good friend and she took hell. I will miss Kat.
Your low level bigoted and unintellectual posts are perfect though. Your commie, racist, and really low level content would make you a perfect fit with the usmb censorship team here. You would fit right in.
Your low level bigoted and unintellectual posts are perfect though. Your commie, racist, and really low level content would make you a perfect fit with the usmb censorship team here. You would fit right in.
Lol! I am not the bigot here.
1. Biden is the current president, an utter failure by any metric. Look at his 75% wrong track number as one.
2. The FBI already said Trump did not incite anything on J6
3. Prove Trump mishandled classified documents.
4. yadda yadda yadda yadda, got ANY indictments? Didn't think so, thanks for playing.

Who is leading for 2024? 2024 is coming, and hell is coming with it...
View attachment 694131
Trump will never be president again.
The gateway pundit is a source for this.

Fake news.
This is what I was talking about in regard to the intellectual depth of your content. Did you know that dogs do not see anything wrong with a backyard that is bare dirt, has holes like a moonscape, and has a dirty privacy fence chewed up all around the bottom of the yard? Through the eyes of the dogs, that yard looks fantastic. Through the eyes of a lefty, what you just posted looks like it has merit. You would fit right in here as a mod.
I did the same searching as you did, plus I left the left leaning google to search more, but I did not find any way to vet Bannon's claim. I also could not disprove it, so no conclusion. If you are truly searching for the truth, then the search is not to prove your political wrong, it is simply to find the truth. Right now, we have a few things to consider though, in our search for the actual truth.
Is there any news on this?
Whose homes were raided?
It doesn't appear, poster '58 that Steve Bannon, or the subjects of these raids are able to offer the world any details to back up the allegation. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, none of the 35 (poster Rambunctious says "50") owners of these 'raided' homes has come forward with a complaint. Not even their lawyers have come forward.

Now, is Bannon attempting a distraction?
I could be persuaded that is so.

After all, Bannon doesn't exactly have a reputation for veracity....twice charged and arrested for defrauding Americans who wished to contribute for building a border wall. Plus he was a publisher of Brietbart.....not exactly a paragon of journalistic integrity. So, for judicious readers of this forum Steve Bannon has a wall of skepticism to climb.
It doesn't appear, poster '58 that Steve Bannon, or the subjects of these raids are able to offer the world any details to back up the allegation. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, none of the 35 (poster Rambunctious says "50") owners of these 'raided' homes has come forward with a complaint. Not even their lawyers have come forward.

Now, is Bannon attempting a distraction?
I could be persuaded that is so.

After all, Bannon doesn't exactly have a reputation for veracity....twice charged and arrested for defrauding Americans who wished to contribute for building a border wall. Plus he was a publisher of Brietbart.....not exactly a paragon of journalistic integrity. So, for judicious readers of this forum Steve Bannon has a wall of skepticism to climb.
From what I've seen here, on social media, and on MAGA sites, they bought the whole thing, hook, line and sinker.

I'm shocked. Shocked, I say. I'm really shocked over here.
So I took a hint from poster '58 above and looked into the QAnon chatroom, Great Awakening.
And you know what, poster EVMetro, even the QKooks are a tad skeptical of Bannon's allegation.

Here is an exchange on a thread about Bannon's claim:

  • "So where is any proof that anyone besides Bannon was rousted yesterday? He claims 35 others. I can find none.
  • jfunction 1 point 2 days ago +1 / -0 Yeah, want confirmation. The Bannon claim is believed provisionally - pending confirmation.

  • Orangetastic 1 point 2 days ago +1 / -0 I've looked a bit too and haven't found anything.
From what I've seen here, on social media, and on MAGA sites, they bought the whole thing, hook, line and sinker.

I'm shocked. Shocked, I say. I'm really shocked over here.
You, Chillicothe , and I are able to see that there is nothing available to us to vet Bannon's claim. It would be foolish for Bannon supporters to buy his claim unless the actually know something that we don't. It would also be foolish for lefties to assume Bannon's claim is false, without actually knowing the truth.

What we DO know, is that the MSM does know that Bannon made this claim, and we DO know that the MSM has a far better ability to vet Bannon's claim than we do. I will continue to remain suspicious of the MSM, and I will continue to reserve judging the validity of Bannon's claim until I have more.
This tells me they didn't find what they're looking for at Mar-a-Lago that incriminates them in their Russia hoax investigation against Trump.

Just more of the same from The Obama Nazi - DemNazi 4th Reich!

Our Government has been weaponized against political rivals as America descends into a death spiral. Due Process, Civil Rights, and Truth do not matter anymore. Secret Courts, Secret Affidavits, Secret Warrants are Unconstitutional, yet we have a FISA Court and FISA Judges who are running a Secret Branch of Government being used to harass and destroy political rivals. Take note now also that since OBiden was illegitimately thrust into power, his regime has begun using agencies like the IRS, FBI, DOJ to harass his enemies.

Now that the truth is coming out, how does everyone feel about Joe Biden ordering The FBI to commit a Watergate like RAID on Melania's Panty Drawer for the sole purpose of looking for political dirt they could leak to THE MEDIA?

This is where we are.

This is Joe Biden's Watergate.
He should resign immediately.

We all knew he was a crook anyways.

While I would like to blame Obama for beginning this weaponization of Government against US Citizens, it really began with 9/11. That was the day America began to deteriorate into a Banana Republic. It is just going to take a few decades to complete The Fundamental Destruction of America. Obama accelerated the process and took what was supposed to be a temporary state of elevated security, and made it permanent.

Or as The DemNazis have codenamed the process, "Fundamental Change" or "Structural Change". It means taking a wrecking ball to all our freedoms and then imposing a Globalist Fascist State across The Once Home of The Brave and Land of The Free.
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