Breaking! 35 Trump Allies Had Homes Raided by FBI on Thursday (VIDEO)

Any other commies feeling left out, just speak up and I'll include you.
Yep, they got him, he is going down, for real:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
No clue whether that's actually true, however...

This time around, your Orange Baboon-God is no longer the sitting President, and there are committees, investigations and subpoenas, grand juries and raids...

As well as the new incentive of his traitorous Insurrection of January 6, 2021, and the theft of top-secret nuclear materials...

I'd say that the odds of him "going down" are just a wee-bit better nowadays than in those earlier times... :clap2:
Today, Joe Biden’s America is starting to feel an awful lot like Hitler’s Germany, and Trump supporters are starting to understand what it means to be targeted and punished for being part of a group that must be purged and destroyed.
Whadya bet they forget as soon as they're back on power?
The MSM isn't trumpeting the 35 FBI (Gestapo) raids. Must have been told "mums the word".

Today, Joe Biden’s America is starting to feel an awful lot like Hitler’s Germany, and Trump supporters are starting to understand what it means to be targeted and punished for being part of a group that must be purged and destroyed.
Thats just Bannon saying crazy things after being charged with money laundering and his border wall scam.
All of which is unrelated to Trump stealing national defense docs or Bannon's grift
Well if Bannon is misstating what is going on as the basis of his grift, then it is related. He kind of gave it away when he said the people all had lawyers they could go through. You can go through lawyers for subpoenas, but not for "raids"
Do you know if the raids happened or not?
Thats just Bannon saying crazy things after being charged with money laundering and his border wall scam.

You know, I did google searching about this Bannon "35 raided homes" story.

All I could find was right-leaning sites all saying exactly what Bannon said. No names. No places. No FBI offices, or local police locations named. No GOP homes identified.

None reported additional details beyond Bannon's statement made on a right-leaning podcast.
I saw no reporting that any of the news organizations had checked with the DOJ or the FBI for confirmation of Bannon's assertion.

So I then looked into WaPo's and the Times search function, the Hill's too, and then went to Politifact, Snopes,

Nobody has this story fleshed out beyond Bannon's unsupported assertion.

I could be persuaded this is just Bannon scammin'.....waving an imaginary bloody shirt to energize his fans, the MAGAkooks, the AltRight?

Unless someone can offer the forum a credible reliable link that goes beyond mere repeating of the unsupported assertion....then it is, ummm, a fib.
Unless someone can offer the forum a credible reliable link that goes beyond mere repeating of the unsupported assertion....then it is, ummm, a fib.
You were doing so well looking for the truth, right up until you made a conclusion. I did the same searching as you did, plus I left the left leaning google to search more, but I did not find any way to vet Bannon's claim. I also could not disprove it, so no conclusion. If you are truly searching for the truth, then the search is not to prove your political wrong, it is simply to find the truth. Right now, we have a few things to consider though, in our search for the actual truth.
Chillicothe , the MSM blackout is something to evaluate if you are in fact looking for the truth. If you and I know about the 35 raids story, you can be assured the MSM does as well. An MSM blackout means there is something they don't want to know, and it's up to us to find out!
Chillicothe , the MSM blackout is something to evaluate if you are in fact looking for the truth. If you and I know about the 35 raids story, you can be assured the MSM does as well. An MSM blackout means there is something they don't want to know, and it's up to us to find out!
That’s one hell of a conspiracy there QKook
"If you and I know about the 35 raids story, you can be assured the MSM does as well. An MSM blackout means there is something they don't want to know, and it's up to us to find out!"

"If you and I know"?
Ummm, poster EM, I do not know about these raids.
I know that Steve Bannon has made the allegations of 35 homes searched...... shortly after being arraigned for fraud. That's it.
Nobody else, (that I can find) either the so called 'MSM', or the Rightfield MSM, or the Leftfield MSM, has reported any facts or details about these raids that can assure Americans that they, in fact, even happened.

No one has reported who got raided by name, no location, no time, no involved law enforcement agencies...local, state, or federal. None of the 'raided' homeowners have gone before a Fox reporter, or a Epoch Times, or a Wall Street Journal reporter and furnished information on their personal experience.

So it ain't just the "MSM" that ain't reporting details. No one else is either.

Now, poster EvMetro.....if you have vetting on the story, if you have credible informed sourcing on the story (other than Steve Bannon).....well, by all means, share it with this internet chatboard.

Of note: The reasonable and plausible question lurks: Did Bannon do this as a 'Look, Squirrel' distraction from his own arraignment for fraud?
"If you and I know"?
Ummm, poster EM, I do not know about these raids.

WRONG! you, and everybody on this threads know that the 35 raids story exists. You and I both know that the story exists. Like I said, if you and I know about the 35 raids story, which we DO, then so does the MSM.
I know that Steve Bannon has made the allegations of 35 homes searched...... shortly after being arraigned for fraud. That's it.

Exactly. You and I BOTH know about this story. If you and I know about this story, then you can be assured that the MSM knows about it.
Nobody else, (that I can find) either the so called 'MSM', or the Rightfield MSM, or the Leftfield MSM, has reported any facts or details about these raids that can assure Americans that they, in fact, even happened.

No one has reported who got raided by name, no location, no time, no involved law enforcement agencies...local, state, or federal. None of the 'raided' homeowners have gone before a Fox reporter, or a Epoch Times, or a Wall Street Journal reporter and furnished information on their personal experience.

So it ain't just the "MSM" that ain't reporting details. No one else is either.

Exactly! This is called a media blackout. It's not like the media doesn't know this story exists, it's a blackout. This is what leaves everybody who wants to know the truth feeling suspicious. If you are not suspicious, then you do not want to know the truth.
Now, poster EvMetro.....if you have vetting on the story, if you have credible informed sourcing on the story (other than Steve Bannon).....well, by all means, share it with this internet chatboard.
I'm glad to see that you are expressing an interest in finding the truth. As you are quite aware, I have not claimed to know anything more than you do about this story.
Of note: The reasonable and plausible question lurks: Did Bannon do this as a 'Look, Squirrel' distraction from his own arraignment for fraud?
We don't know, but we should keep this thought in mind as we search for the truth.

What we do know for sure, is that the MSM knows this story exists.

We also know that there is a media blackout.

We know that media blackouts occur because there is something they want to hide.

We know it would be politically inconvenient for the msm and the left if bannon's claims are correct.
You and I both know that the story exists. Like I said, if you and I know about the 35 raids story, which we DO, then so does the MSM.
What we do know for sure, is that the MSM knows this story exists. We also know that there is a media blackout.
We know that media blackouts occur because there is something they want to hide.

Here's the deal, EM, there is no "media blackout".
There's no there there to this story.

Here's why: First, all media, all reporters, are highly competitive. So a sensational story....such as "
35 homes raided"...will gather attention from editors, who assign reporters to "Hunt that sucker down...get the who, what, where, when. Report back. ASAP!" That includes Rightfield media (they want it to be true, so will look for any verification they can); Leftfield Media (they want it to be untrue, to embarrass Bannon. So will look for any source to discount it); Mainstream Media, will want to know all of the who, whats, wheres, and whens....because that is what journalism does.

Yet, good poster EvMetro.....none of these highly competitive rivals ---rivals!!--- have come up with anything to scoop the others. None of them have come up with verification of Bannon's story. WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot!

You are, in effect, saying Epoch Times / Gateway Pundit are colluding with MSNBC and Daily bury the story.
Count me skeptical.

Until you, poster EM, or some source, comes up with some validation that Bannon's outta-the-blue assertion has some legs to it.....well, mein freund, I'm leaning towards the 'Look, Squirrel' theory.
That Bannon threw it out there with the same sense that fighter-pilots throw out aluminum chaff to mis-direct the oncoming heat-seeking missile.

It's a STORY told by a felon
The amount of thought and depth of thinking that you put into your posts are what USMB is looking for when they appoint new mods. I've been predictioning that either you, IM2, or candycorn will be our next mod here, but I think the intellectual depth of your posts is more in line with what usmb is looking for. I nominate you for a moderator position.
Yet, good poster EvMetro.....none of these highly competitive rivals ---rivals!!--- have come up with anything to scoop the others.
Do you have doubt that any of these msm rivals can vet Bannon's claims?

Chillicothe , I may have been mistaken to think you might be interested in pursuing the actual truth, but it appears that you may be more interested in supporting what you want the truth to be.

If you read over this thread, you may notice that I have not supported Bannon or the merits of his claim, since I am only interested in finding the truth. I am engaged in an objective search for the truth. What you will also find are a number of posters who don't know if Bannon's claim is true or not, engaged in subjective smear campaigns against Bannon, attempting to engineer the narrative. The subjective hostility from lefties on this thread is preventing an objective perspective on this.

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