Breaking: 60% Of White Americans Wants Donald Trump To Cut Immigration To Zero

USA population in 2010 was about 310 million people of all sorts from all areas of the world and thats not counting illegals in the USA . Why does the USA and Especially its American people [and my grown kids or my young grandkids] need or want more imported people Swifty ??
We had a 35 year period between WWI and WWII with NO immigration and it gave those here time and the change to integrate and assimilate. I think a similar "time out" it needed and appropriate.

We are not the world's keeper for escape valve!!!!!
I can see a point in that, slowing down the flow to provide a generation or two time to more easily assimilate and "melt into the melting pot" so to speak; but I contest your assertion that there was NO immigration between the two world wars.

Nevertheless, despite their chilly reception, immigrants continued to pour into the United States in search of better lives. In 1921, the U.S. Congress passed a new immigration law that set ceilings on the numbers of immigrants permitted from individual countries. Using a formula designed to slow immigration from southern and eastern Europe, the new law had the effect of ensuring that most new immigrants would come from northern and western European nations.

Immigration into the United States was further curtailed by the onset of the Great Depression of the 1930’s. During the Depression years, more people emigrated from the United States than immigrated. Between 1931 and 1940, only about onehalf million new immigrants arrived in the United States. After the United States entered World War II at the end of 1941, the federal government made its immigration laws less restrictive, particularly for citizens of the country’s wartime ally China. Nevertheless, the third great immigration wave was already over.

From Immigration waves
I actually read a b ook entitled "the forsaken" about americans who emigrated from the US to the USSR during the depression and their fates, including Victor Hermann, who had a movie made about him called "coming out of the ice"
do you have an answer to my polite question in post number 21 Swifty ??
USA population in 2010 was about 310 million people of all sorts from all areas of the world and thats not counting illegals in the USA . Why does the USA and Especially its American people [and my grown kids or my young grandkids] need or want more imported people Swifty ??
Because unemployment lines are far too short
i always ask the question . With a population of about 310 million official residents of the USA while not counting illegal residents , why does the USA need MORE imported people . [especially third worlders , muslims , mexicans , etc. eh ??]

Here's a couple straight-forward answers:

The only people who feel that the US needs more imported people, are Democrats. Immigrants they are easily swayed when the government gives them entitlements, and it's always the Democrats who take credit for those entitlements. Therefore they tend to vote for Democrats.

Liberals also believe that America was built on the backs of the poor, oppressed immigrants, and that this country was stolen from its original owners. Therefore, they believe that it must be given back by allowing as many foreigners into this country.

Democrats don't view this country as the single most greatest country in the world and are believers in globalism. They feel that we are only one country out of many, and all countries should be equal. Therefore they feel that we should incorporate as many cultures into this country as they can.
do you have an answer to my polite question in post number 21 Swifty ??
sure...... its not necessarily that we NEED or DONT NEED anything. I damn sure do think that unchecked immigration, especially from cultures that are drastically differerent than ours is NOT a good idea, on the other hand, though, immigration has brought us many great americans, like Mossad Ayoob and Ayn Rand.
thanks J Galt , i agree with your straightforward reply and i agree with it . Bring a half starving third worlder into the USA and give him food stamps with unlimited food and cheap 'adidas' for his kids and a subsidzed place to live with heat and air conditioning and Swifty and other lefties have made a democrat for life . ------------- Thanks for your opinion J Galt !!
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do you have an answer to my polite question in post number 21 Swifty ??
sure...... its not necessarily that we NEED or DONT NEED anything. I damn sure do think that unchecked immigration, especially from cultures that are drastically differerent than ours is NOT a good idea, on the other hand, though, immigration has brought us many great americans, like Mossad Ayoob and Ayn Rand.
---------------------------------------------------- and in 2017 , we have enough immigrants , it makes no sense importing more on the chance that some MAY do some good Swifty . Heck , many don't even want to speak English so public schools teach English and other languages Swifty !!
raise wages as a consequence of no legally imported third worlders that have the abilty to work in the USA and that is the answer .
You don't need to artificially raise wages. Labor is a commodity like everything else.
----------------------------------------------------------------- sure but if you keep importing third worlders that are willing to work for LESS thats not a good thing for American workers Plus more importation of people just crowds things up and introduces foreign unAmerican ways of thinking and then voting . -------------------- EXAMPLE , import more 'english' and they are going to want MORE gun control . ------------- EXAMPLE , import more muslims and some are going to want shariah law and more mosques with their daily calls to prayer . ------------- EXAMPLE , import more mexicans and some will be pizzed if a Gringo wears a sombrero or a Gringo chick wears dangly earrings MMike !!
Not disagreeing with that. I just think the government should stay out of setting wages. And yes stop all immigration.
raise wages as a consequence of no legally imported third worlders that have the abilty to work in the USA and that is the answer .
You don't need to artificially raise wages. Labor is a commodity like everything else.
----------------------------------------------------------------- sure but if you keep importing third worlders that are willing to work for LESS thats not a good thing for American workers Plus more importation of people just crowds things up and introduces foreign unAmerican ways of thinking and then voting . -------------------- EXAMPLE , import more 'english' and they are going to want MORE gun control . ------------- EXAMPLE , import more muslims and some are going to want shariah law and more mosques with their daily calls to prayer . ------------- EXAMPLE , import more mexicans and some will be pizzed if a Gringo wears a sombrero or a Gringo chick wears dangly earrings MMike !!
Not disagreeing with that. I just think the government should stay out of setting wages. And yes stop all immigration.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- isn't GOV and local Chamber of Commerce orgs setting wages in a roundabout way if they import third worlders that are willing to work for less money than Americans are willing to work for MMIKE !!
Time to establish legal and financial conditions sufficiently onerous to both Illegal Aliens and those who employ them, so that Illegals self-deport rather than stay.
Time to establish legal and financial conditions sufficiently onerous to both Illegal Aliens and those who employ them, so that Illegals self-deport rather than stay.

Correct. Congress and Trump should pass a bill that penalizes anybody caught here illegally to a minimum five years in prison. After the law is passed, give people 90 days to get out of town. People will be running for that border to get out of this country faster than a day after Thanksgiving sale at Walmart.
USA population in 2010 was about 310 million people of all sorts from all areas of the world and thats not counting illegals in the USA . Why does the USA and Especially its American people [and my grown kids or my young grandkids] need or want more imported people Swifty ??

I'll chime in here:

The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in our history as quickly as possible. All other groups of people (black, Hispanic, Arab, Asians.....) vote a majority Democrat.

If the Democrats succeed in this, they will insure that our nation will be a one-party government forever. Unless the Republicans get just as liberal as the Democrats, they will have no chance at a majority in the house, Senate or take the White House again.

This is why they killed Kate's law. This is why their liberal judges are trying to stop Trump. This is why they are fighting against the defunding of sanctuary cities. This is why they are against the wall.

Once they succeed in that goal, they will pass an amnesty law that will allow anybody in our borders to be a citizen, and of course, have citizens right to vote.
We had a 35 year period between WWI and WWII with NO immigration and it gave those here time and the change to integrate and assimilate. I think a similar "time out" it needed and appropriate.

We are not the world's keeper for escape valve!!!!!
I can see a point in that, slowing down the flow to provide a generation or two time to more easily assimilate and "melt into the melting pot" so to speak; but I contest your assertion that there was NO immigration between the two world wars.

Nevertheless, despite their chilly reception, immigrants continued to pour into the United States in search of better lives. In 1921, the U.S. Congress passed a new immigration law that set ceilings on the numbers of immigrants permitted from individual countries. Using a formula designed to slow immigration from southern and eastern Europe, the new law had the effect of ensuring that most new immigrants would come from northern and western European nations.

Immigration into the United States was further curtailed by the onset of the Great Depression of the 1930’s. During the Depression years, more people emigrated from the United States than immigrated. Between 1931 and 1940, only about onehalf million new immigrants arrived in the United States. After the United States entered World War II at the end of 1941, the federal government made its immigration laws less restrictive, particularly for citizens of the country’s wartime ally China. Nevertheless, the third great immigration wave was already over.

From Immigration waves

That's funny. Your family just came from third world country. So if you follow the same racist snowflakes like Pismoe and others. Your family are not allowed here in this country.
Did you ever think what in the world you are talking about?
We had a 35 year period between WWI and WWII with NO immigration and it gave those here time and the change to integrate and assimilate. I think a similar "time out" it needed and appropriate.

We are not the world's keeper for escape valve!!!!!

So why did you bring your family here from third world country?
i always ask the question . With a population of about 310 million official residents of the USA while not counting illegal residents , why does the USA need MORE imported people . [especially third worlders , mexicans , etc. eh ??]
To do the jobs Americans on welfare won't...
Yeah they will do those jobs, for cash.
USA population in 2010 was about 310 million people of all sorts from all areas of the world and thats not counting illegals in the USA . Why does the USA and Especially its American people [and my grown kids or my young grandkids] need or want more imported people Swifty ??

You have kids and grand kids----- growing up with a racist grandfather. GOOD LORD.
USA population in 2010 was about 310 million people of all sorts from all areas of the world and thats not counting illegals in the USA . Why does the USA and Especially its American people [and my grown kids or my young grandkids] need or want more imported people Swifty ??

I'll chime in here:

The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in our history as quickly as possible. All other groups of people (black, Hispanic, Arab, Asians.....) vote a majority Democrat.

If the Democrats succeed in this, they will insure that our nation will be a one-party government forever. Unless the Republicans get just as liberal as the Democrats, they will have no chance at a majority in the house, Senate or take the White House again.

This is why they killed Kate's law. This is why their liberal judges are trying to stop Trump. This is why they are fighting against the defunding of sanctuary cities. This is why they are against the wall.

Once they succeed in that goal, they will pass an amnesty law that will allow anybody in our borders to be a citizen, and of course, have citizens right to vote.
viets and Cubans vote majority GOP
raise wages as a consequence of no legally imported third worlders that have the abilty to work in the USA and that is the answer .
You don't need to artificially raise wages. Labor is a commodity like everything else.
----------------------------------------------------------------- sure but if you keep importing third worlders that are willing to work for LESS thats not a good thing for American workers Plus more importation of people just crowds things up and introduces foreign unAmerican ways of thinking and then voting . -------------------- EXAMPLE , import more 'english' and they are going to want MORE gun control . ------------- EXAMPLE , import more muslims and some are going to want shariah law and more mosques with their daily calls to prayer . ------------- EXAMPLE , import more mexicans and some will be pizzed if a Gringo wears a sombrero or a Gringo chick wears dangly earrings MMike !!
Not disagreeing with that. I just think the government should stay out of setting wages. And yes stop all immigration.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- isn't GOV and local Chamber of Commerce orgs setting wages in a roundabout way if they import third worlders that are willing to work for less money than Americans are willing to work for MMIKE !!

There are jobs available now and short supply of workers offering $18/hour. So far no WHITEYS or BLACKS but some Asians are showing up.

Let say we get rid all of these illegals doing all these dirty jobs:
1. Are some of you racist asshole will roll up your sleeve and start working? Some of you probably on welfare or food stamps just barely make it.
2. You are all bitchin about low wages. How much do you think they should of pay you to work on ----- agricultural jobs, busboy, janitors, meat and poultry etc. How much?

This month your *HYPOCRITE* president just requested more foreign workers for his Maralago club seeking 15 house keepers, 20 cooks and 35 servers. Because he can't find those workers here in Florida. It pays $10.33, $11.88, $13.34.
Tell me ---- Who is paying these foreigners so cheap taking over American jobs? At the same you assholes don't want foreign workers.
Can anyone of you assholes explain this crap?
USA population in 2010 was about 310 million people of all sorts from all areas of the world and thats not counting illegals in the USA . Why does the USA and Especially its American people [and my grown kids or my young grandkids] need or want more imported people Swifty ??

I'll chime in here:

The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in our history as quickly as possible. All other groups of people (black, Hispanic, Arab, Asians.....) vote a majority Democrat.

If the Democrats succeed in this, they will insure that our nation will be a one-party government forever. Unless the Republicans get just as liberal as the Democrats, they will have no chance at a majority in the house, Senate or take the White House again.

This is why they killed Kate's law. This is why their liberal judges are trying to stop Trump. This is why they are fighting against the defunding of sanctuary cities. This is why they are against the wall.

Once they succeed in that goal, they will pass an amnesty law that will allow anybody in our borders to be a citizen, and of course, have citizens right to vote.

That's pure bullshit as always Ray.
Crap. If Arabs, blacks, Asian and Hispanics vote for democrat---- Then Hillary shoulda/coulda been the president now. Don't you think?

Goal of the democrats is to make whites minority. Good lord how the fuck you came up with that?
I am white boy. I can tell you this----- And I want ALL of you to keep this in your thick skull. Being a racist or hatred will push you back. There are no good that will come out from being a racist or hate group.
If you have kids growing up with a racist parents. What do you think is their future? How do you think they will behave? Do you want them to behave like you? Join the Neo Nazi?
Whether you or I like it or not minorities are here to stay and there's no way you can make this country solid whites.
All of you better shape up.

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