Breaking: 60% Of White Americans Wants Donald Trump To Cut Immigration To Zero

if you listen to dems and the info in my link it seems that all the dems care about is COST . I'm 68 and far from rich but in all my years cost was never a consideration because i had independent and American born and raised American Doctors that were only interested in the health of ME , their patient and cost was not even a consideration . When i was young my parents paid and as i got older i had insurance that i bought and paid for .. ----------------------- those days are at an end for YOU guys Sealy
The Decline in U.S. Fertility

"The U.S. total fertility rate (TFR) currently stands at 1.9 births per woman, down from 2.1 at the onset of the recession in 2007. This represents the sixth straight year that the U.S. fertility rate has been below "replacement level," the level that is needed for couples to replace themselves in the population."
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


It's a logical fallacy to assume that more babies would be born if immigration was cut to zero. The US population will start declining if we cut off immigration.

Fortunately, that's never going to happen. We need the brainpower of immigrants to help America compete in STEM disciplines.
"A growing population is good for the economy when rising productivity continually reduces the amount of resources required to produce a given amount of output. Even now, with the U.S. economy in a rut and too many people out of work, productivity is rising, which means a larger population would generate more wealth per person than a smaller one. Boudreaux points out that Manhattan, one of the mostly densely populated places in America, is also one of the wealthiest, whereas rural states like Mississippi are sparsely populated, and much poorer."
Democrats are lazy.. Would rather get free cheese and milk

"Due to demographic changes, the U.S. Social Security system will face financial challenges in the near future. Declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancies are causing the U.S. population to age. Today 12 percent of the total population is aged 65 or older, but by 2080, it will be 23 percent. At the same time, the working-age population is shrinking from 60 percent today to a projected 54 percent in 2080. Consequently, the Social Security system is experiencing a declining worker-to-beneficiary ratio, which will fall from 3.3 in 2005 to 2.1 in 2040 (the year in which the Social Security trust fund is projected to be exhausted). This presents a significant challenge to policymakers."

Coping with the Demographic Challenge: Fewer Children and Living Longer
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.

I don't know the numbers, but my sense is most law abiding citizens don't have a issue with state and local officials enforcing federal immigration laws. Where the push back comes from on enforcing immigration laws isn't coming from locals that were born here, it's out of stater Hispanics or millennials .It's one or the other. Hispanics and people that have vested interest supporting illegals. Rich Whites that make money exploiting them pretending its for humanitarian reasons. Local voters? We are being dispossessed , and disenfranchised . We practically stop voting. When we suddenly vote for Trump, just to show we aren't dead yet. Image that.
all you are interested in is making money Char . As a boat builder , manufacturer . business all you care about is making money and cheap labor Charwin .

You got it all wrong Pismoe. I pay my lowest entry employees like warehouse staff start at $16+ with full benefits after 3 months. Full benefits health insurance, vacation/sick time, 401k etc etc etc. and it's impossible for me to hire illegal alien.
I don't built boats. I'm in the business of medical instrumentation with reagents and consumables.
But you are right------ I care about making money.
i always ask the question . With a population of about 310 million official residents of the USA while not counting illegal residents , why does the USA need MORE imported people . [especially third worlders , muslims , mexicans , etc. eh ??]

Here's a couple straight-forward answers:

The only people who feel that the US needs more imported people, are Democrats.
That is not a straight forward but skewed.

Both republicans and democrats are benefiting from immigrants. That a fact.

Your opinion is only based from hates. Not the reality.
America for Americans Bruce .

That is what Trump said ----- but he is hiring foreigners and keep hiring from third world countries and his products are coming from third countries. What a role model.

I'm confused.
The Decline in U.S. Fertility

"The U.S. total fertility rate (TFR) currently stands at 1.9 births per woman, down from 2.1 at the onset of the recession in 2007. This represents the sixth straight year that the U.S. fertility rate has been below "replacement level," the level that is needed for couples to replace themselves in the population."

Banning abortion would be a good start to rectifying that problem....
i always ask the question . With a population of about 310 million official residents of the USA while not counting illegal residents , why does the USA need MORE imported people . [especially third worlders , mexicans , etc. eh ??]
To do the jobs Americans on welfare won't...

There's an easy solution to that. If those on welfare WON'T do those jobs, they are no longer on welfare since no check would come their way.

If you won't work because it's not what you want to do, I have no problem letting you go without.
i always ask the question . With a population of about 310 million official residents of the USA while not counting illegal residents , why does the USA need MORE imported people . [especially third worlders , mexicans , etc. eh ??]
To do the jobs Americans on welfare won't...

They would if they got hungry enough and ran out booze, smokes and food stamps.

I have no problem with someone unwilling to work go without.
When their Identities Are concealed vs 39% when they are not. You see my friends, this is the silent White majority I speak of that was the catalyst to electing Donald Trump as our glorious leader. It's time to turn the switch off on immigration completely so we can make babies and return this country to the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. The multicultural infestation into our country must cease! Donald Trump is the man that will make it happen. His beautiful Wall is just the beginning.


I'm among those who literally hounded my legislative leaders - which is why I think my Senator designed a bill to cut immigration. Oddly, most Tea Party Republican sites treat me as persona non grata only for not supporting the nutty wall idea.

We definitely have immigration issues, but the wall idea is wrong on so many levels.

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