Breaking: 60% Of White Americans Wants Donald Trump To Cut Immigration To Zero

i always ask the question . With a population of about 310 million official residents of the USA while not counting illegal residents , why does the USA need MORE imported people . [especially third worlders , mexicans , etc. eh ??]
To do the jobs Americans on welfare won't...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thats no reason , YOU employers should be forced to raise wages to attract American labor rather than to break the law by hiring illegals or importing third worlders Mr. chamber of commerce , Moonglow .

Wrong approach. You should end the welfare state. We should put Americans to work. Let the employer hire whomever they want. But, offer substantial tax incentives for employers to hire an all American workforce, take people off welfare / unemployment, hire the handicapped, pay above poverty level as an entry level wage and bring jobs back to America.
first off , deport , deport and then deport some more . After that do as you like after no immigrant allowed in the USA Humorme
first off , deport , deport and then deport some more . After that do as you like after no immigrant allowed in the USA Humorme

All of that deport language sounds good, but then again not. The problem is, in order to deport people, they must be brought to the attention of the federal authorities by virtue of probable cause.

You can't just deport someone; you have to suspect that they have committed a crime. Then that subjects them to arrest.

Then, even if you deport all those without papers, there is the flip side to the coin. If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble.

BTW, what kind of problem are you trying to resolve?
Trump is doing well enough plus the border is pretty secure . Things are working fine enough for now , vast improvement over clinton , bush and mrobama and i'll just watch further developments as i urge deportation Humone .
An interesting point. I just read in a Mexican blog that output is increasing due to well-trained returning to their work force. Some states have set up special programs for those returning from the USA.
Trump is doing well enough plus the border is pretty secure . Things are working fine enough for now , vast improvement over clinton , bush and mrobama and i'll just watch further developments as i urge deportation Humone .

That doesn't mean Trump can get rid ALL the minorities of all colors you hate.
Currently there are shortage of these workers. Let say Trump deport ALL illegals ----- Are you willing to pay a very high cost of living?
Did you even look at your pathetic retirement SS check how much you can stretch? I you think cost of living is high now. Think again.
An interesting point. I just read in a Mexican blog that output is increasing due to well-trained returning to their work force. Some states have set up special programs for those returning from the USA.

Really? Link
Trump is doing well enough plus the border is pretty secure . Things are working fine enough for now , vast improvement over clinton , bush and mrobama and i'll just watch further developments as i urge deportation Humone .

No Trump is not doing very well.
Have you look at his popularity? Even from his favorite unscientific Rasmussen poll gave him 39 and 40% popularity. Lowest ever in history of US. Makes us the laughing stock all over the world.
The economy is extremely very good--- Normally the president popularity will be soaring high---- Deng ------- It's the other way around. That shows he is not doing well.

I strongly suggest you read these links to update yourself about poor Trump.

Donald Trump’s Base Is Shrinking

Semper Fi? Trump's support drops in military communities

Poll: Republican approval sinks 'because of' President Trump - AOL

Donald Trump losing support among core voters as they begin to regret their decision, poll finds
first off , deport , deport and then deport some more . After that do as you like after no immigrant allowed in the USA Humorme

All of that deport language sounds good, but then again not. The problem is, in order to deport people, they must be brought to the attention of the federal authorities by virtue of probable cause.

You can't just deport someone; you have to suspect that they have committed a crime. Then that subjects them to arrest.

Then, even if you deport all those without papers, there is the flip side to the coin. If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble.

BTW, what kind of problem are you trying to resolve?

What kind of problem Pismoe is trying to resolve?
Pismoe wants to convert the entire population of USA to be ALL white. With the help of Trump and their last hope.
He hates all minorities and there are several of them here like Pismoe.

It's disgusting.
We have 6 million unfilled jobs. If they don't get filled here, they move overseas. Too bad Republicans are simply too stupid to understand that.
first off , deport , deport and then deport some more . After that do as you like after no immigrant allowed in the USA Humorme

All of that deport language sounds good, but then again not. The problem is, in order to deport people, they must be brought to the attention of the federal authorities by virtue of probable cause.

You can't just deport someone; you have to suspect that they have committed a crime. Then that subjects them to arrest.

Then, even if you deport all those without papers, there is the flip side to the coin. If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble.

BTW, what kind of problem are you trying to resolve?

What kind of problem Pismoe is trying to resolve?
Pismoe wants to convert the entire population of USA to be ALL white. With the help of Trump and their last hope.
He hates all minorities and there are several of them here like Pismoe.

It's disgusting.

You might be right, but I have a lot of questions for them. I did a thread with one of my more difficult questions.

I've debated the best that these guys have to offer and they don't make a lot of sense. They never say they want an all white America - they even condemn the white supremacists... but, what they do say is idiotic, at best.

The usual debating points is to challenge me to say I don't believe in enforcing the law. What? These people are all about enforcing the law to the extent that it helps deport foreigners, but seem oblivious to the fact that the 1965 Immigration laws were designed to dilute the white vote and increase the diversity of our population.

It's the most double minded horse hockey I've ever heard of. On their boards, if you demand an answer, they will shut down your account and tell you that you are persona non grata.

I'm trying to be open minded. Common sense says that you cannot flood the United States with foreigners, but we do it all bass ackward - like allowing more people in who are seeking citizenship and limiting the number of people we will allow to come in and work. The nutty wall idea - which inspires the POLICE STATE (far worse than what Orwell wrote about) is not an answer. But, I'm only looking for them to engage in civil discourse and explain their position... or do they really have one?
and just a little bit of info , for what it is worth . mexico was going to , was thinking of invading the USA during ww1 . mexico is not a friend to the USA . --- Mexico Almost Invaded the U.S. in 1917 --- if the price is right mexico will cut American throats . Look at how 'mexico' floods the USA with its sick third world population since the first amnesty in 1986 .
and just a little bit of info , for what it is worth . mexico was going to , was thinking of invading the USA during ww1 . mexico is not a friend to the USA . --- Mexico Almost Invaded the U.S. in 1917 --- if the price is right mexico will cut American throats . Look at how 'mexico' floods the USA with its sick third world population since the first amnesty in 1986 .

Where do we start?

You seem to want to post the most outrageous statements so that, if I take the bait, you can accuse me of being a liberal or worse. Am I right?

In your analogy, Japan cannot be our friend either. Today they send us millions of pounds of electronic junk every week. All we send them is empty containers to put that junk in. What did they do to us in WWII?

You are being dishonest about Mexico. American companies are willingly hiring, renting to, buying from, selling to, and otherwise doing business with people they know full well are here without papers.

Those who hate, despise, and loathe anything that even looks suspect in the area of immigrants shop at Walmart. Why? Walmart was convicted to knowingly using subcontractors that openly hired undocumented workers. The federal government cannot save you from your own actions.

I doubt that anyone from WWI is still alive. Things change. For instance, when Katrina hit, the Mexican government was in Louisiana, helping the victims before the the U.S. government showed up.
everything mexico does is out of self interest . See as they encourage the flood into the USA of their poor , uneducated mestizo population into the USA , Feck mexico and katrina as i think that was the first time the foreign troops were ever allowed on USA soil and that was engineered by the scummy 'bush' to shine a light of thanks on mexico with declarations of ' mexico helped us during katrina' . By the way , the 'jebito bush' branch of the 'bush' family is mostly all 'mexican' so the socalled help that was useless was simply politics Humorne .
Like I said, 6 million jobs available. If they aren't filled here, then they move overseas.

How will Republicans whine then? What will be their excuse?
everything mexico does is out of self interest . See as they encourage the flood into the USA of their poor , uneducated mestizo population into the USA , Feck mexico and katrina as i think that was the first time the foreign troops were ever allowed on USA soil and that was engineered by the scummy 'bush' to shine a light of thanks on mexico with declarations of ' mexico helped us during katrina' . By the way , the 'jebito bush' branch of the 'bush' family is mostly all 'mexican' so the socalled help that was useless was simply politics Humorne .

Everything any country - or politician does is out of self interest. What's your point?
Like I said, 6 million jobs available. If they aren't filled here, then they move overseas.

How will Republicans whine then? What will be their excuse?
------------------------------------------------------------doesn't matter , send them overseas but clean up the USA first Deane .
everything mexico does is out of self interest . See as they encourage the flood into the USA of their poor , uneducated mestizo population into the USA , Feck mexico and katrina as i think that was the first time the foreign troops were ever allowed on USA soil and that was engineered by the scummy 'bush' to shine a light of thanks on mexico with declarations of ' mexico helped us during katrina' . By the way , the 'jebito bush' branch of the 'bush' family is mostly all 'mexican' so the socalled help that was useless was simply politics Humorne .

Everything any country - or politician does is out of self interest. What's your point?
-------------------------------------------- and that makes THEM enemies of mine and enemies of my kids , Grandkids and other Americans and THATS THE POINT Humorne .
mexico still teach's that it owns 'kalifornia' and other USA States Humorne .
and just a little bit of info , for what it is worth . mexico was going to , was thinking of invading the USA and taking 'kalifornia' and a few other American States that they claim to own during ww1 . mexico is not a friend to the USA . --- Mexico Almost Invaded the U.S. in 1917 --- if the price is right mexico will cut American throats . Look at how 'mexico' floods the USA with its sick third world population since the first amnesty in 1986 .
--------------------------------------------------------- best to just forget history ehh and the fact that mexico thought about allying with the 'nazis' ehh Humorne . And the stuff Japan sends , good , its good business for Japan and the USA and we did win the war in Japan and we did rebuild Japan Humorne . And somewhere here in this thread you want to kiss mexican azz because some of mexicos corrupt military went to Louisiana during 'katrina' . That political stunt was just engineered to try to make mexico look good and it was engineered by mexican lover 'gwb' with bush family input Humorne ,
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