BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Back to the Texas shootings.....

The Leftist answer to this violence is taking away guns.
Since there are over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of Americans....that could not be done to an extent it would make much difference in 100 years time.

And, as we've seen in the UK and Australia, even the most strict and restrictive of gun laws don't stop people determined to get a gun and kill.
Besides, they will just use vehicles or knives and kill just as many or move. No, the answer is not focusing on OBJECTS.

Until the left is ready to have an open and honest discussion of Leftist policies that are creating irresponsible, selfish, hateful angry people who are willing to take out their personal problems on innocent people, we cannot have a constructive debate on more gun restrictions.

In America we have THE RIGHT to bear arms. And only a VERY small number of people are committing these crimes. Let's focus on the ROOT PROBLEM and not the OBJECTS they use to harm others.

That, my friends, is "common sense"
Wasn't this about late breaking news Shooting from Texas? So here we go again...Groundhog day with fucking guns. Here we go again, and again and again...

It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.

When I was a kid, we had 2 doors open and all windows open in the classroom, with no AC, in a hot southern city. No problems with crazies harming kids, I think my teacher would have loved to kill one, she was blonde and hot. I used to make her mad just so she'd bend over and sink her claws into the inside of my arms just so I could look down her shirt. I think she would go toe-to-toe with a crazy, she mighta been a little crazy herself.
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Back to the Texas shootings.....

The Leftist answer to this violence is taking away guns.
Since there are over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of Americans....that could not be done to an extent it would make much difference in 100 years time.

And, as we've seen in the UK and Australia, even the most strict and restrictive of gun laws don't stop people determined to get a gun and kill.
Besides, they will just use vehicles or knives and kill just as many or move. No, the answer is not focusing on OBJECTS.

Until the left is ready to have an open and honest discussion of Leftist policies that are creating irresponsible, selfish, hateful angry people who are willing to take out their personal problems on innocent people, we cannot have a constructive debate on more gun restrictions.

In America we have THE RIGHT to bear arms. And only a VERY small number of people are committing these crimes. Let's focus on the ROOT PROBLEM and not the OBJECTS they use to harm others.

That, my friends, is "common sense"
Wasn't this about late breaking news Shooting from Texas? So here we go again...Groundhog day with fucking guns. Here we go again, and again and again...

It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.
It didn't happen when you where kid? What the fuck? You wont be here next Tuesday. Bye bye.
Back to the Texas shootings.....

The Leftist answer to this violence is taking away guns.
Since there are over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of Americans....that could not be done to an extent it would make much difference in 100 years time.

And, as we've seen in the UK and Australia, even the most strict and restrictive of gun laws don't stop people determined to get a gun and kill.
Besides, they will just use vehicles or knives and kill just as many or move. No, the answer is not focusing on OBJECTS.

Until the left is ready to have an open and honest discussion of Leftist policies that are creating irresponsible, selfish, hateful angry people who are willing to take out their personal problems on innocent people, we cannot have a constructive debate on more gun restrictions.

In America we have THE RIGHT to bear arms. And only a VERY small number of people are committing these crimes. Let's focus on the ROOT PROBLEM and not the OBJECTS they use to harm others.

That, my friends, is "common sense"
Wasn't this about late breaking news Shooting from Texas? So here we go again...Groundhog day with fucking guns. Here we go again, and again and again...

It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.
It didn't happen when you where kid? What the fuck? You wont be here next Tuesday. Bye bye.

What?! :wtf:
No, we didn't have crazy people coming around my class when I was a kid because my teacher was a crazy hot blonde that I can definitely see her ripping their throat out and stuffing it into their mouth.

The way she whipped that poor tall blonde girl with the jumprope was not right. :eek: I think I stepped up and stopped her.

Yeah, I had backup, so she she never messed with me about that. My people are tough. :rolleyes: Tougher than her crazy ass was.
She was no joke, though.
Back to the Texas shootings.....

The Leftist answer to this violence is taking away guns.
Since there are over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of Americans....that could not be done to an extent it would make much difference in 100 years time.

And, as we've seen in the UK and Australia, even the most strict and restrictive of gun laws don't stop people determined to get a gun and kill.
Besides, they will just use vehicles or knives and kill just as many or move. No, the answer is not focusing on OBJECTS.

Until the left is ready to have an open and honest discussion of Leftist policies that are creating irresponsible, selfish, hateful angry people who are willing to take out their personal problems on innocent people, we cannot have a constructive debate on more gun restrictions.

In America we have THE RIGHT to bear arms. And only a VERY small number of people are committing these crimes. Let's focus on the ROOT PROBLEM and not the OBJECTS they use to harm others.

That, my friends, is "common sense"
Wasn't this about late breaking news Shooting from Texas? So here we go again...Groundhog day with fucking guns. Here we go again, and again and again...

It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.
It didn't happen when you where kid? What the fuck? You wont be here next Tuesday. Bye bye.

What?! :wtf:
What? Really? that's the best you can come up with? Feign mock surprise. You wont be here in a few days or weeks. and nobody's going to remember anything you post. So yuck it up whilst you can dilweed.
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.

Trump is the last person that should lead any charge on morality see his entire life has been lacking it.

No politician should lead us and we must start at home and learn to be parents and role models for our kids.

Politicians no matter which party are flawed and let me be very clear lack morals most of the time as the sell you how pious they are!

I have never considered Trump as a politician. He himself says he's no politician. He's rough around the edges and has a foul mouth but he gets things done. He's the one person in politics who isn't there to get rich and famous.

Are you sure?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

And as to famous? He is in the news or tweeting multiple times a day. He gets attention. And he has always sought attention.
Some twit from NPR and a dork from the WaPo discussing Trump's motives and a hanger on at U.S. News & World Report. Three of my favorite fake news sites.
Trump isn't doing anything illegal. He owns those places, his son is managing them and he can spend as much time at them as he wants.
Back to the Texas shootings.....

The Leftist answer to this violence is taking away guns.
Since there are over 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of Americans....that could not be done to an extent it would make much difference in 100 years time.

And, as we've seen in the UK and Australia, even the most strict and restrictive of gun laws don't stop people determined to get a gun and kill.
Besides, they will just use vehicles or knives and kill just as many or move. No, the answer is not focusing on OBJECTS.

Until the left is ready to have an open and honest discussion of Leftist policies that are creating irresponsible, selfish, hateful angry people who are willing to take out their personal problems on innocent people, we cannot have a constructive debate on more gun restrictions.

In America we have THE RIGHT to bear arms. And only a VERY small number of people are committing these crimes. Let's focus on the ROOT PROBLEM and not the OBJECTS they use to harm others.

That, my friends, is "common sense"
Wasn't this about late breaking news Shooting from Texas? So here we go again...Groundhog day with fucking guns. Here we go again, and again and again...

It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.
It didn't happen when you where kid? What the fuck? You wont be here next Tuesday. Bye bye.

What?! :wtf:
What? Really? that's the best you can come up with? Feign mock surprise. You wont be here in a few days or weeks. and nobody's going to remember anything you post. So yuck it up whilst you can dilweed.

Oook. So why are you telling me this? I don't give a fuck even if that happens, I'm gonna speak my mind tonight. None of that shit happened when I was a kid. My classroom had 2 open doors and all open windows. Blue and green huge Dragonflies used to fly into the class and hit the ground and some would just die. Big lizards would come in and cart most of them off.
Wasn't this about late breaking news Shooting from Texas? So here we go again...Groundhog day with fucking guns. Here we go again, and again and again...

It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.
It didn't happen when you where kid? What the fuck? You wont be here next Tuesday. Bye bye.

What?! :wtf:
What? Really? that's the best you can come up with? Feign mock surprise. You wont be here in a few days or weeks. and nobody's going to remember anything you post. So yuck it up whilst you can dilweed.

Oook. So why are you telling me this? I don't give a fuck even if that happens, I'm gonna speak my mind. None of that shit happened when I was a kid. My classroom had 2 open doors and all open windows. Blue and green huge Dragonflies used to fly into the class and hit the ground and some would just die.
You do that, and forget history. You do that. that's kind of why history repeats itself. Fuck facts, fuck the truth. Nice. No history lessons from me, you dumb ass knucklehead. Just keep repeating over and over and over and over again. Like fucking Groundhog day.
Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.

...because Trump is the very model of civility and respect!
VandyHandy sez: "...because Trump is the very model of civility and respect!"
Yes he is! :D So long as you're playing nice, he is nicer. But you knew that didn't ya.

Yeah, a real sweetheart of a guy! Did he ever win his feud with McCain? I mean, with him being dead, and all, I figure that Trump finally had the last word.
It didn't happen when I was a kid, so what changed?

Closing of Mental Hospitals and removal of God from schools, that's what.
It didn't happen when you where kid? What the fuck? You wont be here next Tuesday. Bye bye.

What?! :wtf:
What? Really? that's the best you can come up with? Feign mock surprise. You wont be here in a few days or weeks. and nobody's going to remember anything you post. So yuck it up whilst you can dilweed.

Oook. So why are you telling me this? I don't give a fuck even if that happens, I'm gonna speak my mind. None of that shit happened when I was a kid. My classroom had 2 open doors and all open windows. Blue and green huge Dragonflies used to fly into the class and hit the ground and some would just die.
You do that, and forget history. You do that. that's kind of why history repeats itself. Fuck facts, fuck the truth. Nice. No history lessons from me, you dumb ass knucklehead. Just keep repeating over and over and over and over again. Like fucking Groundhog day.

School shootings never happened until I was 28, GF. I know and remember, because we passed around Harris's account that night like a rag doll on AOL, k?

They didn't happen when I was a kid. I had 10 years on most of the others on AOL back then.
Gun control is the tip of the iceberg

what floats underneath is scary

A president who has declared a border crisis an that there is an invasion

results in El Paso shooting where shooter is targeting Hispanics

Border patrol vigilantes who have no training in patrolling the border taking matters in their own hand

Now another shooting in Odessa which has a large Hispanic population. This is my take and yes it has been fully investigate. But what we know is white male gets pulled over along I 20 which leads to El Paso. He shoots the trooper and from initial reports he had plenty of ammo. Then continues into Odessa and starts doing random shooting.

Words matter and for the unbalanced all it takes is careless use of words
Yes a white male with MS13 tats with a last name that isn't Anglo Saxon

Roy Garza?
It's reported that is his name

Who reported his name cause I been watch TV and as far as I know his name has not been reported

Internet searches has no reported his name

So how did you get the name as news reported only say that it was a white male in his 30's
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Ive been out

So how did you get the name as news reported only say that it was a white male in his 30's
the left has its fingers crossed that he was a trump voter and has a SSRI induced kill all the brown people manifesto

I like guns. I am a conservative now. I would NEVER own a gun My father back in say 1972 almost shot me. It was traumatic, he had what they call now, PTSD, and had a WWII survivors guilt thing and
Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.
You can thank the conservative prophet Ronnie Raygun for that.

No, you can blame the public for demanding that mental hospitals be closed.
I keep seeing the ghost or Ronald Regan here. Regan shut down the mental health system. And then John Lennon was shot to death. no, not stabbed, not poisoned. By a mentally ill man. What rational connection is there to a any mass shooting? I am open here....

That is prog spin. The public demanded that mental hospitals be closed due to the horrible conditions and ways that "inconvenient" people were dumped into them.

States were glad to do it because it saved them money, but the real reason is Big Pharma lobbied for it, saying their "magic beans" (pills) could keep crazies in check. Well, as we are seeing, that is a wholly failed notion and the Sanitariums need to be reopened. Most other 1st world countries still have active Mental Hospitals.

The other side of the coin is the lack of discipline in the home and at school, and the teaching of "subjective morality" instead of the 10 Commandments.

It's a double whammy, and it's bad.

Which schools teach this "subjective morality"?

I am unfamiliar with it.
The youtube live Rod was watching just got high jacked and replaced with a Swedish Muslim integration video. Rod had paused and went to get something and when he turned it back on he says, "WTH".

He now says let the coverups begin as another News (News West) report tells people everything is over but to stay home and cook meals inside tonight at home with your family.
So many people out there had cell phone pictures that one of them could have showed others jumping out of the shooter's cars and trying to hide. You never know what good detectives can pull out of the woodwork. Some of them prolly trained next to or are Texas Rangers.

Please do not use the non-word "prolly". It paints you as ignorant and lazy.

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