BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Hispanic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!
actually Hispanics are white.
AOC is Hispanic and considers herself a woman of color...Brown I imagine!
I used to be a liberal. Tree hugger and voted for Clinton . I used to be. I see Mexican illegals pushing out American poor. I seem them being given special status they didn't earn or deserve. I see huge numbers of American Homeless that deserve better instead treated like trash because Mexican illegals make great neoslaves. Lets be honest here. That is Mexican illegal aliens only redeeming feature. Hate to sound like Dave Chappelle here...Sticks and stones...
Yes, let’s be honest – given the ignorant, stupidity, and bigotry of your posts, you’re clearly no liberal.
I used to be a liberal. Tree hugger and voted for Clinton . I used to be. I see Mexican illegals pushing out American poor. I seem them being given special status they didn't earn or deserve. I see huge numbers of American Homeless that deserve better instead treated like trash because Mexican illegals make great neoslaves. Lets be honest here. That is Mexican illegal aliens only redeeming feature. Hate to sound like Dave Chappelle here...Sticks and stones...
Yes, let’s be honest – given the ignorant, stupidity, and bigotry of your posts, you’re clearly no liberal.

Given the stupidity, anti-Constitution, leftist, and commie of your posts, I'd say you're no liberal either.

More like a Social Marxist Commie Traitor.
Labor Day weekend, I wonder how many will die by gunfire in Chicago, and likely hardly mentioned in the media.
Labor Day weekend, I wonder how many will die by gunfire in Chicago, and likely hardly mentioned in the media.


But then ....the DemonRats don't give a shit about those killed in Chicago.

I doesn't help their narrative.

Sad but true.
like somebody from the Left.... a DemonRat.... said once.....
You are fucked in the head. Never and I mean NEVER let anyone tell you differently. Enjoy your life fruit loop

I am going to be here way past
I'm still wondering how one of the shooters managed to hijack a postal van.
Since nobody knew Charles Whitman developed a brain tumor that made him violent, how are we to know WHO exactly, who is unfit to own a firearm? Second Amendment is one thing...
Yet another mass shooting, and yet again the reprehensible right circles the wagons with sophistry, demagoguery, and lies – offering nothing constructive or beneficial.
I used to be a liberal. Tree hugger and voted for Clinton . I used to be. I see Mexican illegals pushing out American poor. I seem them being given special status they didn't earn or deserve. I see huge numbers of American Homeless that deserve better instead treated like trash because Mexican illegals make great neoslaves. Lets be honest here. That is Mexican illegal aliens only redeeming feature. Hate to sound like Dave Chappelle here...Sticks and stones...
Yes, let’s be honest – given the ignorant, stupidity, and bigotry of your posts, you’re clearly no liberal.
But YOU are, Shuster....thanks for describing yourself!
Labor Day weekend, I wonder how many will die by gunfire in Chicago, and likely hardly mentioned in the media.

More in ONE WEEKEND than the last 2 or 3 mass violence episodes combined.....

But not a peep from the Left.

Because they don't actually give a flip about gun violence, or who dies...only the agenda.

They are liars and snake oil con artists extraordinaire. The good book warned us they'd be out in droves.
Yet another mass shooting, and yet again the reprehensible right circles the wagons with sophistry, demagoguery, and lies – offering nothing constructive or beneficial.

Yet another tragedy compliments of the policies of the deranged Left.

You want something constructive?

Labor Day weekend, I wonder how many will die by gunfire in Chicago, and likely hardly mentioned in the media.

More in ONE WEEKEND than the last 2 or 3 mass violence episodes combined.....

But not a peep from the Left.

Because they don't actually give a flip about gun violence, or who dies...only the agenda.

They are liars and snake oil con artists extraordinaire. The good book warned us they'd be out in droves.

Exactly what I said in my post #311 above!

totally agree!
Yet another mass shooting, and yet again the reprehensible right circles the wagons with sophistry, demagoguery, and lies – offering nothing constructive or beneficial.
This commie black THUG can't wait until he can take your guns and leave you defenseless....Hey Shyster...Planned Parenthood KILLED 120,000 black babies in 2017...where is your fucking outrage....all those dead DemonRATS and you celebrate fucking sick are you???

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