BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX


Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Islamic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!

Why would his brother be Islamic?
Now let get back to the shooter and will there be another copycat here in Texas?

As long as we have Democrats in Congress, as Governors, mayors or God forbid, Presidents, Mass violence will continue to increase.

FACT of life.

It's the twisted, demented, Godless insane social policies of the Left, you snowflake, SJW brainless twits.
(Not referring to you Bruce)...just brainless Leftist twits.
And the senate won't come back and do something ,,anything It's republicans not Dems at fault with Moscow Mitch leading them
Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Islamic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!

Why would his brother be Islamic?
Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Islamic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!

Why would his brother be Islamic?
Typo...tablet makes it up as I write!
Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Islamic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!

Why would his brother be Islamic?

Perhaps he is a Hispanic Muslim Trannie leftist
Now let get back to the shooter and will there be another copycat here in Texas?

As long as we have Democrats in Congress, as Governors, mayors or God forbid, Presidents, Mass violence will continue to increase.

FACT of life.

It's the twisted, demented, Godless insane social policies of the Left, you snowflake, SJW brainless twits.
(Not referring to you Bruce)...just brainless Leftist twits.
And the senate won't come back and do something ,,anything It's republicans not Dems at fault with Moscow Mitch leading them
Of course this commie wants our guns so his comrades can take over!
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Islamic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!

Why would his brother be Islamic?

Perhaps he is a Hispanic Muslim Trannie leftist

That self identifies as they/them..................
I used to be a liberal. Tree hugger and voted for Clinton . I used to be. I see Mexican illegals pushing out American poor. I seem them being given special status they didn't earn or deserve. I see huge numbers of American Homeless that deserve better instead treated like trash because Mexican illegals make great neoslaves. Lets be honest here. That is Mexican illegal aliens only redeeming feature. Hate to sound like Dave Chappelle here...Sticks and stones...
"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.

Trump is the last person that should lead any charge on morality see his entire life has been lacking it.

No politician should lead us and we must start at home and learn to be parents and role models for our kids.

Politicians no matter which party are flawed and let me be very clear lack morals most of the time as the sell you how pious they are!

I have never considered Trump as a politician. He himself says he's no politician. He's rough around the edges and has a foul mouth but he gets things done. He's the one person in politics who isn't there to get rich and famous.

Are you sure?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

And as to famous? He is in the news or tweeting multiple times a day. He gets attention. And he has always sought attention.
Hmmm, a biased NPR opinion article and the only president that refuses to take a salary, unlike the cowardly and greedy Surrender Monkey....and as to be famous, he has been FAMOUS for 50 years.....You liberal scrum just get all itchy pants whenever Trump is people certainly are entertaining!

Two differ3nt articles, and compared to how much he is raking in...his salary is nothing.
Yes you fake liberals who make millions are jealous of a great businessman that is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.... after that jug earred coward!
...can't be --Texas is a gun free state = lot's of gun owners = they would've stopped ANY and all shootings

You can’t stop anyone from doing what they set out to do. Even acting like an asshole in a horrible situation, obviously.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I used to be a liberal. Tree hugger and voted for Clinton . I used to be. I see Mexican illegals pushing out American poor, and getting all these perks they never earned or deserve. I seem them being given special status they didn't earn or deserve. I see huge numbers of American Homeless that deserve better instead treated like trash because Mexican illegals make great neoslaves. Lets be honest here. That is Mexican illegal aliens only redeeming feature. Hate to sound like Dave Chappelle here...Sticks and stones...

America can only help others if there's something to give.
Liberals are working hard to leave America socially and financially bankrupt.

I'm not convinced either mainstream party is the answer.
We The People must take charge of our own destinies before our futures are snatched away by government corruption and misguided, uninformed wannabes.
Yet they are free...

Blame the justice system in Illinois for that...

I grew up outside Chi-town and back in the day the saying was that minorities got less time for shooting their own than shooting a white guy and I bet it still holds true.

The shooting in Texas is a reminder the dangerous times we live in.

Sooner or later the left will win if this keep going...
Let the war begin...

For me I am not in a mood for any conflict and before you call me the name of a cat or the part of a woman private part you need to understand this old dog has fought too long.

America need to start discussing the society we live in and the fact many on the left use Sweden as their model they want without knowing the laws they have and the lack of a melting pot.

We must discuss the fact we put kids on pills because pathetic parents can not be bothered with raising their kids and Teachers can not be bother to handle a kid.

Also the violent society we depict in our entertainment add fuel to kids and adults using mental health medication and people on those drugs usually are delusional and our entertainment industry give them the idea it is cool to kill.

Then our 24/7/365 News cycle and unfiltered web glorifies these mentally deranged individuals causing others to believe they can have 15 minutes of fame which should be never allowed.

The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began...

I know you Yell your Yell but fact is the backlash is coming and it will be harsh...

"The fact is America is lost and the war is over before it ever began"...

Yes, and if Trump isn't reelected it is going to be sooner than later.

...because Trump is the very model of civility and respect!
VandyHandy sez: "...because Trump is the very model of civility and respect!"
Yes he is! :D So long as you're playing nice, he is nicer. But you knew that didn't ya.
...can't be --Texas is a gun free state = lot's of gun owners = they would've stopped ANY and all shootings
You get an erection when you hear these things.
nothing wrong with that--is there?
and your point?
His point could be that "Trump made them do it." :rolleyes:

His? Sounds like a girls name.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Islamic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!

Why would his brother be Islamic?

Perhaps he is a Hispanic Muslim Trannie leftist

Never met one of those. :dunno:

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