BREAKING: Active shooter in Midland/Odessa TX

Perhaps he is a Hispanic Muslim Trannie leftist

That would actually be FAR more likely than him being a Conservative, Christian Choir boy. Guaranteed.

El Paso massacre gunman Patrick Crusius was a CHOIRBOY before becoming cold-blooded mass murderer
Mental illness really doesn't respect the restraints of polite society or church membership. Add a gun to the mix and it's often murder, suicide, or both.
like somebody from the Left.... a DemonRat.... said once.....

Yet another mass shooting... guns aren't the problem. Mentally ill people existed since Hec was a pup. But in 1966, the infamous Texas tower shooter and a legal gun owner developed a brain tumor and he then shot and killed his mother and eventually killed 14 innocent people and wounded 31 others. So flash forward now? How on gods green earth are you going to know ahead of time who is going to develop a mental defect that would lead them to a mass shooting? Our 2nd Amendment or our forefathers never anticipated that. How do we address that now? Kicking the proverbial can down the cant..

Putting the known crazy ones in a safe place is a decent start.

Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz should have already been in Mental hospitals.

The correctional facility in Texas, is known as the biggest mental facility in the country.

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Perhaps he is a Hispanic Muslim Trannie leftist

That would actually be FAR more likely than him being a Conservative, Christian Choir boy. Guaranteed.

El Paso massacre gunman Patrick Crusius was a CHOIRBOY before becoming cold-blooded mass murderer
Mental illness really doesn't respect the restraints of polite society or church membership. Add a gun to the mix and it's often murder, suicide, or both.
Most often suicide. But most of these shooters haven’t been recognized as mentally ill.

Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
There is no indication yet that the shooter was Hispanic.
Lets hope he was a white Hispanic....Perhaps George Z. Has a brother!
actually Hispanics are white.
I have been here for ten years. Or more even Back then there was: Sky, and Jose and Ravi. They always played the devils advocate and defended illegal immigration. But I am still here. I see for instance people sneaking in illegal aliens in the dead of night in vans without lights...I see entire industries taken by cheap illegal Mexican labor. And I am still here. But the rest are gone...what does that tell you?

Hey - I have not been able to see any news confirming that Garza was the shooter - where did you find your source from the pic earlier?
Bing was the source.
Does it matter? I have been in similar situation or worse. Asshole Truckers blasting past stop sighs, doing whatever they bloody please. These Mexicans don't follow immigration law or even follow traffic laws...So here is another example of Jose Pedro the Hispanic exemplar being given special treatment.. Hispanic truck driver kills whomever. Causes a huge pile up because the asshole didn't understand basic English. Shit like what a run away ramp was for. Diversity? Isn't it great?
Yes, diversity is great.
I have been here for ten years. Or more even Back then there was: Sky, and Jose and Ravi. They always played the devils advocate and defended illegal immigration. But I am still here. I see for instance people sneaking in illegal aliens in the dead of night in vans without lights...I see entire industries taken by cheap illegal Mexican labor. And I am still here. But the rest are gone...what does that tell you?
I've been here longer than you but why is that relevant?

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