Breaking! Adam Schiff Sent House Intel Staffer To Ukraine Days After Getting Whistleblower Complaint

Schiff is the best liar in the Democratic caucus. If you see him on the screen and know NOTHING about ANYTHING, he is very credible. It's only when you research and know the facts that his despicable character becomes apparent.

The fact that the Media continue to have him front & center all the time without mentioning his colossal lies ("I have hard evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia!") is a serious indictment of the networks.
adam Schiff

want to know who/what Trump wants his drones to hammer the internet with?

just tune in his tweets, then read this message board ..

bada bing bada boom
Adam Schiff off his meds;
Obama should be retroactively impeached and sued for 8 years salary for his fake presidency.

yeah, obama aint the president now ya dumbass
Of course who am I ? Just some 'conspiracy theorist' .
Obama knows what's up.
Sometimes shit rolls uphill in Washington DC.

"Dumbass" :26: Try looking up retroactive before making yourself look even more stupid.
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