Breaking! AG Barr Says He Found a “Pathway” to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census

The Democrats win this round because they delayed this action long enough. Thanks Roberts, you idiot. But Trump is used to Democratic obstruction and he always has a backup plan, great leader that he is. I'm sure his plan B will throw a monkey wrench into the Democratic plans to count dead people, pets, diplomats and illegal aliens toward representative apportionment and federal funding. If you're a voter all you have to know is Democrats are robbing you and our country blind. Viva Trump
I want to know where they are living if they're not paying sales tax on items purchased.
Sales tax doesn't even come close to paying for the government benefits they receive. We pay for that.

Let's educate that ignoramus you just slapped.....

The claim is that the economy needs these illegals.
"...undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation."
Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes

But the facts aren't their friend...

“The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy

[So much for that fable.]

15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives

And, the money taken from working Americans is sent to Mexico by these Mexican citizens....more money than the

"Remittances totaled more than oil income

Money sent from abroad came to $24.8 billion last year, up 4.75%

Mexico News Daily | Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Remittances sent home by Mexicans working outside the country surpassed [Mexican] petroleum revenues in 2015 for the first time.

There was a 4.75% increase in money sent from abroad, most of which comes from the U.S., to total US $24.8 billion last year, up from $23.6 billion in 2014, said the Bank of México.

The bank said it was the first time remittances had totaled more than petroleum revenues since it began tracking them in 1995.

Oil revenues last year totaled $23.4 billion."
Remittances totaled more than Mexico's oil income

“The Federation for American Immigration Reform Monday put the five-year price tag at $8.8 billion in federal and state costs, or nearly $80,000 per refugee. There are some 18 federal and state programs refugees can tap for financial help, including food stamps, child care, public housing and school loans.

On a yearly average, it is $1.8 billion, or $15,900 per refugee. Included in that are enormous refugee resettlement costs such as $867 million in welfare, housing assistance and education.

… 50 percent of refugees remain on Medicaid for five years.
The Fiscal Cost of Resettling Refugees in the United States | Federation for American Immigration Reform

  • The cost per refugee to American taxpayers just under $79,600 every year in the first five years after a refugee is resettled in the U.S.
  • In 2016, the State Department spent nearly $545 million to process and resettle refugees, including $140,389,177 on transportation costs.
  • Of the $1.8 billion in resettlement costs, $867 billion was spent on welfare alone.
  • In their first five years, approximately 54 percent of all refugees will hold jobs that pay less than $11 an hour.
  • $71 million will be spent to educate refugees and asylum-seekers, a majority of which will be paid by state and local governments.
  • Over five years, an estimated 15.7 percent of all refugees will need housing assistance, which is roughly $7,600 per household in 2014 dollars.
Refugee costs: $8.8 billion, $80,000 per immigrant, free welfare, Medicaid
I want to know where they are living if they're not paying sales tax on items purchased.
Sales tax doesn't even come close to paying for the government benefits they receive. We pay for that.

As gator indicated you're really not all there been diving too much?

There is only one reason the Democrats entice illegal aliens to slink over the border.....they vote for Democrats.

Just what Hussein told them to do: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

Yeah....he told them that.
The citizenship question was on the census until it was removed by Barack Hussein O. And it will be back on the current census. And Demo heads will explode.

Evidence is that there are 60-80 million illegals living in the USofA.

It's one of the reasons you have to press 1 for English.
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.

14th Amendment, section 2:
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed
Do you realize how many immigrants, legal or otherwise, pay no taxes? I’m certain you could care less, though.

I want to know where they are living if they're not paying sales tax on items purchased.

Pretty sure the poster was referring to income taxes, but as it happens, there are five states which do not have sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.
The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.

14th Amendment, section 2:
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed
Do you realize how many immigrants, legal or otherwise, pay no taxes? I’m certain you could care less, though.

I want to know where they are living if they're not paying sales tax on items purchased.

Pretty sure the poster was referring to income taxes, but as it happens, there are five states which do not have sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.

I knew quite a few who over stayed their visas by years that had tin and paid federal taxes and there are quite a few who still do.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.

14th Amendment, section 2:
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed
Do you realize how many immigrants, legal or otherwise, pay no taxes? I’m certain you could care less, though.

I want to know where they are living if they're not paying sales tax on items purchased.

Pretty sure the poster was referring to income taxes, but as it happens, there are five states which do not have sales tax: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.

I knew quite a few who over stayed their visas by years that had tin and paid federal taxes and there are quite a few who still do.

Oh, WELL, the handful you say you know OBVIOUSLY are representative of the millions who are here, and anecdotal, unproven assertions trump mountains of data.

Also, when I eat too many beans, I fart glitter.

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