Breaking! AG Barr Says He Found a “Pathway” to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census

I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.
So who’s right?
Is there a statement in the census that is implicit on this?
With conflicting legal standards this will have to be decided by the SCOTUS..
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.

14th Amendment, section 2:
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed
State law, prior to this Amendment, May Trump the US law.
I don’t know.
State’s rights may overrule Fed legislation.
That’s why the whole trespasser issue is not black & white.
How It's Calculated
The Constitution provides that each state will have a minimum of one member in the U.S. House of Representatives, and then the apportionment calculation divides the remaining 385 seats among the 50 states. Congress decides the method used to calculate the apportionment.

The method for calculating the apportionment has changed over time. The methods used through most of the 20th century have been based upon the use of a mathematically determined priority listing of states. Adopted by Congress in 1941 and used each census thereafter, the method of equal proportions also results in a listing of the states according to a priority value--calculated by dividing the population of each state by the geometric mean of its current and next seats--that assigns seats 51 through 435. The method of equal proportions is calculated according to provisions of Title 2, U.S. Code.

For a technical description of how the method of equal proportions was used in developing the apportionment counts, see Computing Apportionment.
Computing Apportionment
Article 1, Section 2, of the United States Constitution states:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers...The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

Therein lies the primary mandate of the U.S. census, apportionment of the House of Representatives. Since that first census in 1790, five methods of apportionment have been used. The current method used, the Method of Equal Proportions, was adopted by congress in 1941 following the census of 1940. This method assigns seats in the House of Representatives according to a "priority" value. The priority value is determined by multiplying the population of a state by a "multiplier."

For example, following Census 2000, each of the 50 states was given one seat out of the current total of 435. The next, or 51st seat, went to the state with the highest priority value and thus became that state's second seat. This continued until all 435 seats had been assigned to a state. This is how it is done."

Equal Proportions Method
P - represents a state's total population

n - represents the number of seats a state would have if it gained a seat (because all states automatically received one seat the next seat gained is "seat two," and the next "seat three," and the next "seat four," and so on.)

The multiplier equals:

[which is called the reciprocal of the geometric mean]. Computing these values is quite easy using a PC and a good spreadsheet package.

Thus the formula for calculating the multiplier for the second seat is:

or 1/1.414213562 or 0.70710678

the multiplier for the third seat is:

1/2.449489743 or 0.40824829

the multiplier for the fourth seat is:

1/3.464101615 or 0.288675134

Continue until an appropriate number of multipliers have been calculated.

Once the "multipliers" have been calculated, the next step is to multiply this figure by the population total for each of the 50 states (the District of Columbia is not included in these calculations). The resulting numbers are the priority values. Make sure you compute enough multipliers to cover the largest amount of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives that any one state stands to gain. Multipliers and priority values must be calculated for the largest number of seats assigned to a state. For example, if the largest number of seats assigned to a state is 50, multipliers and priority values must be calculated for the 50th seat. If you are using a PC, compute multipliers for seats 2 through 60. This will assure you have enough multipliers for apportionment.

Once you've calculated priority values for each state for the total anticipated seats, the next step is to rank and number the resulting priority values starting with seat 51 until all 435 seats have been assigned (remember, each state automatically received one seat). Next, tally the number of seats for each state to arrive at the total number of seats in the House of Representatives apportioned to each state.

Multipliers and Priority Values

Population totals for apportionment are of US CITIZENS.. the total of those living in the region is for statistical purposes only.
Computing Apportionment
Article 1, Section 2, of the United States Constitution states:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers...The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

Therein lies the primary mandate of the U.S. census, apportionment of the House of Representatives. Since that first census in 1790, five methods of apportionment have been used. The current method used, the Method of Equal Proportions, was adopted by congress in 1941 following the census of 1940. This method assigns seats in the House of Representatives according to a "priority" value. The priority value is determined by multiplying the population of a state by a "multiplier."

For example, following Census 2000, each of the 50 states was given one seat out of the current total of 435. The next, or 51st seat, went to the state with the highest priority value and thus became that state's second seat. This continued until all 435 seats had been assigned to a state. This is how it is done."

Equal Proportions Method
P - represents a state's total population

n - represents the number of seats a state would have if it gained a seat (because all states automatically received one seat the next seat gained is "seat two," and the next "seat three," and the next "seat four," and so on.)

The multiplier equals:

[which is called the reciprocal of the geometric mean]. Computing these values is quite easy using a PC and a good spreadsheet package.

Thus the formula for calculating the multiplier for the second seat is:

or 1/1.414213562 or 0.70710678

the multiplier for the third seat is:

1/2.449489743 or 0.40824829

the multiplier for the fourth seat is:

1/3.464101615 or 0.288675134

Continue until an appropriate number of multipliers have been calculated.

Once the "multipliers" have been calculated, the next step is to multiply this figure by the population total for each of the 50 states (the District of Columbia is not included in these calculations). The resulting numbers are the priority values. Make sure you compute enough multipliers to cover the largest amount of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives that any one state stands to gain. Multipliers and priority values must be calculated for the largest number of seats assigned to a state. For example, if the largest number of seats assigned to a state is 50, multipliers and priority values must be calculated for the 50th seat. If you are using a PC, compute multipliers for seats 2 through 60. This will assure you have enough multipliers for apportionment.

Once you've calculated priority values for each state for the total anticipated seats, the next step is to rank and number the resulting priority values starting with seat 51 until all 435 seats have been assigned (remember, each state automatically received one seat). Next, tally the number of seats for each state to arrive at the total number of seats in the House of Representatives apportioned to each state.

Multipliers and Priority Values

Population totals for apportionment are of US CITIZENS.. the total of those living in the region is for statistical purposes only.

Nowhere does anything you posted say only citizens.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.
So who’s right?
Is there a statement in the census that is implicit on this?
With conflicting legal standards this will have to be decided by the SCOTUS..

There are no conflicting legal standards, the Constitution is very clear, which is why we have done it that way since the day the 14th was added to the Constitution
We should go back to the founders original intent, only White people of good character could be Citizens. That would solve a lot of problems.
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

So? The question does not excuse them. It needs to be asked.

Why does it need to be asked? We already have information on citizenship and it plays no role in apportionment. There is zero reason to ask it.
------------------------------------ i personally just want to scare the 'zhit' out of certain groups in the USA and add to their paranoid thinking and turmoil so i hope that the question is asked Pinqy .
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

So? The question does not excuse them. It needs to be asked.

Why does it need to be asked? We already have information on citizenship and it plays no role in apportionment. There is zero reason to ask it.
-------------------------------- and as i said yesterday , An under count by those illegals that are too afraid to answer will mean [i think] LESS Representation and Money for the places that they infest . Too me , that means LESS money and Representation for Sanctuary Cities that the illegals infest Pinqy .
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.

Population totals for apportionment are of US CITIZENS.. the total of those living in the region is for statistical purposes only.

Congressional Apportionment[/QUOTE]
Computing Apportionment
Article 1, Section 2, of the United States Constitution states:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers...The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."

Therein lies the primary mandate of the U.S. census, apportionment of the House of Representatives. Since that first census in 1790, five methods of apportionment have been used. The current method used, the Method of Equal Proportions, was adopted by congress in 1941 following the census of 1940. This method assigns seats in the House of Representatives according to a "priority" value. The priority value is determined by multiplying the population of a state by a "multiplier."

For example, following Census 2000, each of the 50 states was given one seat out of the current total of 435. The next, or 51st seat, went to the state with the highest priority value and thus became that state's second seat. This continued until all 435 seats had been assigned to a state. This is how it is done."

Equal Proportions Method
P - represents a state's total population

n - represents the number of seats a state would have if it gained a seat (because all states automatically received one seat the next seat gained is "seat two," and the next "seat three," and the next "seat four," and so on.)

The multiplier equals:

[which is called the reciprocal of the geometric mean]. Computing these values is quite easy using a PC and a good spreadsheet package.

Thus the formula for calculating the multiplier for the second seat is:

or 1/1.414213562 or 0.70710678

the multiplier for the third seat is:

1/2.449489743 or 0.40824829

the multiplier for the fourth seat is:

1/3.464101615 or 0.288675134

Continue until an appropriate number of multipliers have been calculated.

Once the "multipliers" have been calculated, the next step is to multiply this figure by the population total for each of the 50 states (the District of Columbia is not included in these calculations). The resulting numbers are the priority values. Make sure you compute enough multipliers to cover the largest amount of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives that any one state stands to gain. Multipliers and priority values must be calculated for the largest number of seats assigned to a state. For example, if the largest number of seats assigned to a state is 50, multipliers and priority values must be calculated for the 50th seat. If you are using a PC, compute multipliers for seats 2 through 60. This will assure you have enough multipliers for apportionment.

Once you've calculated priority values for each state for the total anticipated seats, the next step is to rank and number the resulting priority values starting with seat 51 until all 435 seats have been assigned (remember, each state automatically received one seat). Next, tally the number of seats for each state to arrive at the total number of seats in the House of Representatives apportioned to each state.

Multipliers and Priority Values

Population totals for apportionment are of US CITIZENS.. the total of those living in the region is for statistical purposes only.

Congressional Apportionment

So basically they follow the natural logarithim.

I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.


I would support getting rid of the illegals.

Cali has one EC vote per roughly every 530,000 people in the state.

SD and WY have one EC vote per roughly every 160,000 people in their states.

It hardly seems other states are getting fucked.

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I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.


I would support getting rid of the illegals.

Cali has one EC vote per roughly every 530,000 people in the state.

SD and WY have one EC vote per roughly every 160,000 people in their states.

It hardly seems other states are getting fucked.

Sent from my iPhone using
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.


I would support getting rid of the illegals.

Cali has one EC vote per roughly every 530,000 people in the state.

SD and WY have one EC vote per roughly every 160,000 people in their states.

It hardly seems other states are getting fucked.

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Actually they are.

There is a disturbing trend centered around high population areas. I think some of the less populated states might find it expedient to combine. If they don't do something to equal the score they will be absorbed by the high population areas even without their consent.

I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.


I would support getting rid of the illegals.

Cali has one EC vote per roughly every 530,000 people in the state.

SD and WY have one EC vote per roughly every 160,000 people in their states.

It hardly seems other states are getting fucked.

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Texas has 1 ECV per 755,000 people.
Florida has 1 per 734,000.

California already has 18 more votes than the next highest state. It's fucking bullshit.

But, if states are allowed to circumvent immigration laws and have those illegals counted, that is a recipe for disaster. How tempting will it be for GOP operatives to do the same thing, promoting Siberian invasions into Alaska, and Cuban, Jamaican, and Dominican invasions in Florida?

You must treat these politicians like the greedy, self-serving cocksuckers they are....on both sides. Never give them a reward for bad behavior.

Apportion: to divide and assign in proportion; divide and distribute proportionately

Porosity: the ratio of the volume of the interstices of a material to the volume of its mass

Portion: an individual's part or share in something

Yes, Siberian invasions are just this adaption to absurdity in ratio or proportion, which extrapolated would mean a porosity of the border large enough to admit all other non-American Homo sapiens on the planet. Nuts.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.


I would support getting rid of the illegals.

Cali has one EC vote per roughly every 530,000 people in the state.

SD and WY have one EC vote per roughly every 160,000 people in their states.

It hardly seems other states are getting fucked.

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Texas has 1 ECV per 755,000 people.
Florida has 1 per 734,000.

California already has 18 more votes than the next highest state. It's fucking bullshit.

But, if states are allowed to circumvent immigration laws and have those illegals counted, that is a recipe for disaster. How tempting will it be for GOP operatives to do the same thing, promoting Siberian invasions into Alaska, and Cuban, Jamaican, and Dominican invasions in Florida?

You must treat these politicians like the greedy, self-serving cocksuckers they are....on both sides. Never give them a reward for bad behavior.


As a correction I was using old number for Cali, their ratio is 719,000 to one.

Texas also benefits from the illegals added to the count, not just Cali.

I will tell you the same thing I tell the anti-gun folks or the anti-free speech folks...

If you don’t like what the Constitution says, change it, do not ignore it.

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I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?

Because all of the official purposes which the Census was created for come from that 10-year count, not the American Community survey.
Cali's ratio is as absurd as Texas not knowing that last year there were 719,000 flesh-eating Vibrios per liter of beach seawater and this year, like Mississippi, they decided to stop testing; a castration of the historical thread.
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
What survey?

The Census Bureau collects data all the time, not just the official Census every 10 years.
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

Which in no way indicates that we aren't allowed to ask whether they're present as citizens, legal residents, or illegals.

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