Breaking! AG Barr Says He Found a “Pathway” to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.

No, it isn't and it never has been. Now stop making a fool out of yourself
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.
The question, Gator, is SHOULD IT???

Should California be allowed to open the flood gates to illegals and give them sanctuary for the sole purpose of fucking the rest of the states out of electoral power?

We should all support the zero-fifths compromise.


I would support getting rid of the illegals.

Cali has one EC vote per roughly every 530,000 people in the state.

SD and WY have one EC vote per roughly every 160,000 people in their states.

It hardly seems other states are getting fucked.

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Texas has 1 ECV per 755,000 people.
Florida has 1 per 734,000.

California already has 18 more votes than the next highest state. It's fucking bullshit.

But, if states are allowed to circumvent immigration laws and have those illegals counted, that is a recipe for disaster. How tempting will it be for GOP operatives to do the same thing, promoting Siberian invasions into Alaska, and Cuban, Jamaican, and Dominican invasions in Florida?

You must treat these politicians like the greedy, self-serving cocksuckers they are....on both sides. Never give them a reward for bad behavior.


As a correction I was using old number for Cali, their ratio is 719,000 to one.

Texas also benefits from the illegals added to the count, not just Cali.

I will tell you the same thing I tell the anti-gun folks or the anti-free speech folks...

If you don’t like what the Constitution says, change it, do not ignore it.

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I can respect that. If the Constitution requires that we count all the people, you are right. It needs to change.

"Representatives [and direct Taxes][repealed by the 16th Amendment] shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of [free][repealed by the 13th Amendment] Persons, [including those bound to Service for a Term of Years,][repealed by the 13th Amendment] and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

If any illegal (who is not taxed under this provision or the subsequent 16th Amendment) has "Indian" heritage, they shall NOT be counted.

Call me a racist all fucking day long. It's in the Constitution. Any illegal (who is, by definition, not taxed under this or the 16th Amendment) with Native American heritage (including Aztecs, Mayans, and other native tribes) shall NOT count.


That sounds like we need an Injun question and a citizenship question on the fucking Census to tell us which illegals shall NOT be counted.


The citizenship question was on the census until it was removed by Barack Hussein O. And it will be back on the current census. And Demo heads will explode.
This whole census thing is nothing more than a left wing effort to make President Trump and his people look bad.

There are far more intrusive questions on the survey nobody is saying a word about.
This whole census thing is nothing more than a left wing effort to make President Trump and his people look bad.

There are far more intrusive questions on the survey nobody is saying a word about.

This is a self inflicted wound by Trump
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?

Because all of the official purposes which the Census was created for come from that 10-year count, not the American Community survey.
There is one Constitutional purpose: congressional apportionment. And citizenship is not required for that.
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

Which in no way indicates that we aren't allowed to ask whether they're present as citizens, legal residents, or illegals.
I never said we weren’t allowed to ask. But asking leads to an inaccurate count, so we shouldn’t.
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

Which in no way indicates that we aren't allowed to ask whether they're present as citizens, legal residents, or illegals.
I never said we weren’t allowed to ask. But asking leads to an inaccurate count, so we shouldn’t.
We don' want an accurate count.

FUCK an accurate count.

We want California Democrats to suck our dicks.

And we want illegals scared out they goddam minds, like they should be.

I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?

Because all of the official purposes which the Census was created for come from that 10-year count, not the American Community survey.
There is one Constitutional purpose: congressional apportionment. And citizenship is not required for that.

Hey, wow, when did I say it was, ass napkin? Thank you SO much for your impassioned defense against a point I never made. Maybe next time rein in your hormones and engage your gray matter, so that you can read for comprehension, rather than for choosing targets.
I knew he would do it. I knew he'd find a way. Putting the Citizenship question on the census is an internal part in making America great again as well as preventing the destruction of White European heritage and culture.

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr Says He Found a "Pathway" to Put Citizenship Question Back in the Census
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

Which in no way indicates that we aren't allowed to ask whether they're present as citizens, legal residents, or illegals.
I never said we weren’t allowed to ask. But asking leads to an inaccurate count, so we shouldn’t.

No, it really doesn't, because you have the ability to just leave that question, or any other question, blank. Thanks for another post of flying off in an emotional kneejerk without thinking first.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.
And what does the constitution say? Hint: it says everyone except slaves at 3/5ths and Indians not taxed (on reservations). Well, no more salves, and the Indian citizenship act git rid of Indians not taxed.

The intent was clearly to include non-citizens living in the US.

Which in no way indicates that we aren't allowed to ask whether they're present as citizens, legal residents, or illegals.
I never said we weren’t allowed to ask. But asking leads to an inaccurate count, so we shouldn’t.

No, it really doesn't, because you have the ability to just leave that question, or any other question, blank. Thanks for another post of flying off in an emotional kneejerk without thinking first.

According to the Trump administration adding the question would reduce response rates, which leads to less accurate data. Response rates play a huge role in data accuracy.

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Lair. Last time it was on the Census was 1950

"Lair"? I assume you are calling me a liar. Spellcheck is your friend.

Citizenship question has been on the U.S. census since 1820. Hussein O removed it in 2010.

Yes, you are a liar. Obama did not remove it, that is a lie.

Between 1950 2000 it was only asked on the long form of the census which only went out to less than 5% of the country.

After the 2000 census the long form was replaced with the American Community Survey which is done yearly and sent to the same percent that used to get the long form. This started in 2005, with the decision to do it this way being made in 2003.

Obama did not become POTIS till 2009, long after these decisions were made.

You are either a liar or an idiot...or most likely both.
How? Citizenship is already asked by the Census in the American Community survey every month. How is asking once every 10 years useful at all?
Disbursement of Congressional seats is done by the Census.. IF non-US people are counted then legal US citizens are disenfranchised by the inappropriate disbursement of congressional seats.

The apportionment of representatives is based upon the WHOLE number of persons, not just citizens. This has been covered 250 times in the last 10 days.

It is based on US citizens in a locality.

14th Amendment, section 2:
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed
Do you realize how many immigrants, legal or otherwise, pay no taxes? I’m certain you could care less, though.

I want to know where they are living if they're not paying sales tax on items purchased.
Well the damage has been done and it doesn't matter if the question if there or not they are not going to be filling a census form out.

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