Breaking Alert: 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Quit Party To Vote For Trump

You can not look around and say that the economic policies of the democrats are really working that well. Remember they took over BEFORE the economic downturn which was turned into the longest and weakest recovery in history.

As I said, if you want the status quo, vote Mrs. Tulusza Clinton. I don't. I don't particularly want Trump but he is the most anti-establishment canidate that we have had in quite awhile.

Tell us what the Democrats did in 2007 to cause the downturn.

Be specific. Legislation, dates, times, etc.

or...shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

2 names for you: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Both Democrats.
Neither of whom belonged to the party in control of the Congress when the toxic loans were being written.

Wow...How soon we forget....

Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Who Really Caused the Crisis? | The Independent Agenda

What They Said About Fan and Fred

But please - go on believing what you will.....
You may be too young to remember but I certainly am not. Yes, Bush pushed NAFTA but with the make up of congress it would never have seen the light of day. Clinton pushed for NAFTA like no other legislation, not even his wife's illegal health care.

View attachment 65390

Clinton in Final Push for NAFTA : Trade: The President tells a small-business group that prosperity hinges on pact with Mexico and Canada. The vote will be close, as lawmakers slowly take sides.

So you can plainly see why I call WJC the worse president of my time. Nothing was done without his wife's influence. Time to get rid of the man and his wife, who almost single handedly helped destroyed the middle class.

So that is why I say, get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons. The Unions said that anyone supporting NAFTA would be punished, now is the time to end it.
Sorry, I simply do not agree with or believe in the GOP's economic phylosophies. They'll have to prove me wrong and that means whoever I support loses and then the Republicans win me over. But not one Republican has won me over. Not Rick Snyder in my state and not any national Republicans.

Trump is like a Libertarian or Tea Bagger. Just the same old bad Republican policies with a twist.

If you guys want to take over the Democratic party come join us and vote Bernie. Don't ask us to vote Trump.

But if Trump wins I will wish him my best and hope he delivers. It won't be me who fights him.

You can not look around and say that the economic policies of the democrats are really working that well. Remember they took over BEFORE the economic downturn which was turned into the longest and weakest recovery in history.

As I said, if you want the status quo, vote Mrs. Tulusza Clinton. I don't. I don't particularly want Trump but he is the most anti-establishment canidate that we have had in quite awhile.

Tell us what the Democrats did in 2007 to cause the downturn.

Be specific. Legislation, dates, times, etc.

or...shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

you need to post some proof of such a BS statement.

What I said is they did nothing, I am glad you agreed. Made you lucid for a change.
Hillary is a murderer and a criminal.

You righties crack me up. Thanks!

So she didn't stand by and watch as 4 men were killed as a direct result of her inaction?

She didn't illegally hide travel records and illegally profit from insider trading?

Oh, that's's fine when she does those things - as long as no one else does.
She no more murdered the 4 who died in Benghazi than Bush did the 3000 who died on 9.11.
You can not look around and say that the economic policies of the democrats are really working that well. Remember they took over BEFORE the economic downturn which was turned into the longest and weakest recovery in history.

Now this is downright ignorant.

The derivatives which blew up all over the planet were built on three year and five year variable mortgages all over the planet, dumb shit.

And the democrats in charge of the committees that oversees such things did what? Scream at the regulators that there was nothing wrong? yeppers that is what they did oh so forgetful one.
The Democrats were the minority party during the bubble. The Republicans were "in charge of the committees".

And by Freewill's own logic.....with republicans in charge of committees, this economy is theirs.

Even Freewill doesn't buy Freewill's narrative.

WTF are you babbling about? Of course NOW the Republicans run the committees and I see little difference in what they are doing. Doesn't make the democrats look any better.

I am willing to admit there is change needed and fast. The status quo can't last. Mrs. Tuluza Clinton represents the same old same old, as does the unchanging democrat party.
Hillary is a murderer and a criminal.

You righties crack me up. Thanks!

So she didn't stand by and watch as 4 men were killed as a direct result of her inaction?

She didn't illegally hide travel records and illegally profit from insider trading?

Oh, that's's fine when she does those things - as long as no one else does.
She no more murdered the 4 who died in Benghazi than Bush did the 3000 who died on 9.11.

I will agree with you. It wasn't murder, more like manslaughter.
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.
Tell us what the Democrats did in 2007 to cause the downturn.

Be specific. Legislation, dates, times, etc.

or...shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

2 names for you: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Both Democrats.
Neither of whom belonged to the party in control of the Congress when the toxic loans were being written.

Wow...How soon we forget....

Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Who Really Caused the Crisis? | The Independent Agenda

What They Said About Fan and Fred

But please - go on believing what you will.....
What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.
Sorry, I simply do not agree with or believe in the GOP's economic phylosophies. They'll have to prove me wrong and that means whoever I support loses and then the Republicans win me over. But not one Republican has won me over. Not Rick Snyder in my state and not any national Republicans.

Trump is like a Libertarian or Tea Bagger. Just the same old bad Republican policies with a twist.

If you guys want to take over the Democratic party come join us and vote Bernie. Don't ask us to vote Trump.

But if Trump wins I will wish him my best and hope he delivers. It won't be me who fights him.

You can not look around and say that the economic policies of the democrats are really working that well. Remember they took over BEFORE the economic downturn which was turned into the longest and weakest recovery in history.

As I said, if you want the status quo, vote Mrs. Tulusza Clinton. I don't. I don't particularly want Trump but he is the most anti-establishment canidate that we have had in quite awhile.

Tell us what the Democrats did in 2007 to cause the downturn.

Be specific. Legislation, dates, times, etc.

or...shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

you need to post some proof of such a BS statement.

What I said is they did nothing, I am glad you agreed. Made you lucid for a change.
How are they to blame if they did nothing nor were in a position to something since they had no control in Congress over the majority party Republicans?
Hillary is a murderer and a criminal.

You righties crack me up. Thanks!

So she didn't stand by and watch as 4 men were killed as a direct result of her inaction?

She didn't illegally hide travel records and illegally profit from insider trading?

Oh, that's's fine when she does those things - as long as no one else does.
She no more murdered the 4 who died in Benghazi than Bush did the 3000 who died on 9.11.

I will agree with you. It wasn't murder, more like manslaughter.
Are you saying Bush is guilty of nearly 3,000 counts of manslaughter because they did as a direct result of his inaction?
You can not look around and say that the economic policies of the democrats are really working that well. Remember they took over BEFORE the economic downturn which was turned into the longest and weakest recovery in history.

As I said, if you want the status quo, vote Mrs. Tulusza Clinton. I don't. I don't particularly want Trump but he is the most anti-establishment canidate that we have had in quite awhile.

Tell us what the Democrats did in 2007 to cause the downturn.

Be specific. Legislation, dates, times, etc.

or...shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

you need to post some proof of such a BS statement.

What I said is they did nothing, I am glad you agreed. Made you lucid for a change.
How are they to blame if they did nothing nor were in a position to something since they had no control in Congress over the majority party Republicans?
And I remember the tactics the GOP used to strongarm Democrats into voting for the war.

And the Republicans would write a billion dollar pork bill together and put $1 in it for the troops. If Democrats didn't sign it the GOP screamed and cried the Democrats weren't supporting the troops.

The GOP milked 9 11 for all it was worth
Hillary is a murderer and a criminal.

You righties crack me up. Thanks!

So she didn't stand by and watch as 4 men were killed as a direct result of her inaction?

She didn't illegally hide travel records and illegally profit from insider trading?

Oh, that's's fine when she does those things - as long as no one else does.
She no more murdered the 4 who died in Benghazi than Bush did the 3000 who died on 9.11.

I will agree with you. It wasn't murder, more like manslaughter.
Are you saying Bush is guilty of nearly 3,000 counts of manslaughter because they did as a direct result of his inaction?

No. And any idiot that would doesn't need to be breathing the same air as me. Hillary was BEGGED for more security. BEGGED. And The bitch turned her back on the ambassador.

If you can't see the difference - then there is nothing that can be done for your dumb ass.
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.

As lying politicians go, she puts all the rest to shame. She's a lying sack of shit, of that there can be no doubt.
Tell us what the Democrats did in 2007 to cause the downturn.

Be specific. Legislation, dates, times, etc.

or...shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

you need to post some proof of such a BS statement.

What I said is they did nothing, I am glad you agreed. Made you lucid for a change.
How are they to blame if they did nothing nor were in a position to something since they had no control in Congress over the majority party Republicans?
And I remember the tactics the GOP used to strongarm Democrats into voting for the war.

And the Republicans would write a billion dollar pork bill together and put $1 in it for the troops. If Democrats didn't sign it the GOP screamed and cried the Democrats weren't supporting the troops.

The GOP milked 9 11 for all it was worth

Strong armed? You are telling me that the "mean old" republicans "strong armed" Clinton?

You lbs are too easy. :)
They did nothing. Even when warned.

The start of the depression that Obama "saved" us from was at the end of 2008, almost two years after the democrats took over. And if someone wants to feed more manure to the lemmings, even if it start in 2006 the democrats DID NOTHING.
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

2 names for you: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Both Democrats.
Neither of whom belonged to the party in control of the Congress when the toxic loans were being written.

Wow...How soon we forget....

Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Who Really Caused the Crisis? | The Independent Agenda

What They Said About Fan and Fred

But please - go on believing what you will.....
What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.

What a fucking idiot....what? Were you born three years ago?
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.

There is no doubt - Clinton is the biggest thief and liar (as well as criminal) that I have ever seen. Shit - Al Capone had nothing on this bitch.

You righties crack me up. Thanks!

So she didn't stand by and watch as 4 men were killed as a direct result of her inaction?

She didn't illegally hide travel records and illegally profit from insider trading?

Oh, that's's fine when she does those things - as long as no one else does.
She no more murdered the 4 who died in Benghazi than Bush did the 3000 who died on 9.11.

I will agree with you. It wasn't murder, more like manslaughter.
Are you saying Bush is guilty of nearly 3,000 counts of manslaughter because they did as a direct result of his inaction?

No. And any idiot that would doesn't need to be breathing the same air as me. Hillary was BEGGED for more security. BEGGED. And The bitch turned her back on the ambassador.

If you can't see the difference - then there is nothing that can be done for your dumb ass.
Right wing spin. Got to love it.

You righties crack me up. Thanks!

So she didn't stand by and watch as 4 men were killed as a direct result of her inaction?

She didn't illegally hide travel records and illegally profit from insider trading?

Oh, that's's fine when she does those things - as long as no one else does.
She no more murdered the 4 who died in Benghazi than Bush did the 3000 who died on 9.11.

I will agree with you. It wasn't murder, more like manslaughter.
Are you saying Bush is guilty of nearly 3,000 counts of manslaughter because they did as a direct result of his inaction?

No. And any idiot that would doesn't need to be breathing the same air as me. Hillary was BEGGED for more security. BEGGED. And The bitch turned her back on the ambassador.

If you can't see the difference - then there is nothing that can be done for your dumb ass.
And Bush was warned of an impending attack inside the U.S. but did nothing to prevent it.

By your [il]logic, Bush is also guilty.
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.

As lying politicians go, she puts all the rest to shame. She's a lying sack of shit, of that there can be no doubt.

Soon, that will be Madame President Lying Sack of Shit. :thup:
What could they do? They weren't in control of the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans, which ultimately led to the utter collapse of the economy, we're being written. Republicans were.

2 names for you: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Both Democrats.
Neither of whom belonged to the party in control of the Congress when the toxic loans were being written.

Wow...How soon we forget....

Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Who Really Caused the Crisis? | The Independent Agenda

What They Said About Fan and Fred

But please - go on believing what you will.....
What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.

What a fucking idiot....what? Were you born three years ago?
Are you actually admitting you're the last moron in the U.S. to know that Republicans were in charge of both chambers in the Congress, plus the executive branch, when those toxic loans were being written?? :ack-1:

I can believe that. :thup:

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