Breaking Alert: 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Quit Party To Vote For Trump

I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.

As lying politicians go, she puts all the rest to shame. She's a lying sack of shit, of that there can be no doubt.

Soon, that will be Madame President Lying Sack of Shit. :thup:

And THAT would be the most telling sign of how far this country has fallen.
At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.

As lying politicians go, she puts all the rest to shame. She's a lying sack of shit, of that there can be no doubt.

Soon, that will be Madame President Lying Sack of Shit. :thup:

And THAT would be the most telling sign of how far this country has fallen.

You can always leave, ya know. :thup:
Blue-Collar Democrat for Trump Explains Exactly What's Going On Out There
Rush ^ | March 1, 2016 | Rush Limbaugh


RUSH: Here's Rich in Saginaw, Michigan. Back to you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. How are you?

RUSH: I'm good. Thank you for calling, sir.

CALLER: Well, I think I got a solution for you.

RUSH: For what? A solution for what?

CALLER: Why the conservatives can't understand why all of us want Trump in there.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: Us meaning the working guys, like in Michigan. In my factory, everybody's got a Trump sticker on their hard hat. We're ready to go to work for this guy.

RUSH: Are you a union member, did you say?

CALLER: Oh, no. Nope. I'm not, and I'm actually a registered Democrat.


RUSH: So you're a registered Democrat, you're a middle-class working guy, blue-collar Democrat Reagan era. If this were the Reagan era, you'd be voting Reagan, probably, and be considered a blue-collar Democrat?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Okay. But now it's Trump, and you're ready to go for Trump, why, instead of say Cruz or any other conservative?

CALLER: Well, kind of. It's kind of like a few callers ago he said that us guys are low-informed voters. I mean, just 'cause we didn't march out of somewhere with a Harvard degree or whatever, I guess we're not qualified to vote for the president of the United States. I feel like that's the whole thing. It's like we're not important, yet here we've been carrying the country on our back with taxes for years and years and we get no appreciation whatsoever.

RUSH: I'm telling you, folks.

CALLER: These people are always looking past us, always giving something to this group or that group.

RUSH: Look, I totally agree with that. In fact, I am of the same frame of mind you are. The question is, so many conservatives are asking why are you thinking Trump is the answer to that and not, say, Ted Cruz?

CALLER: Well, I'll tell you. One good thing is, Mr. Trump has done things in real life. We need results. Congress is like a bunch of three-year-olds playing with Legos. If they put it together and it doesn't work, they don't care, they just take it apart and start all over again. Mr. Trump has vetted himself in the real world. He's a successful businessman. He's someone that we should be looking to for answers. These guys just talk amongst themselves. At the end of the day does it matter? No, they still got their big pensions and their health care, while we're out here slugging it out the waiting for answers that never come.

RUSH: Is there anything Trump says or has done that bothers you, that alarms you, that gives you any pause?

CALLER: Well, I don't know. He's kind of like one of those guys on the line. Sometimes, you know, we get in a heated discussion and somebody might say something that's maybe a little over the top or something, but for the most part I kind of like being the John Wayne in America as opposed to the we're gonna get slapped from every little country that's around the world. I'm tired of being disrespected. We're the biggest armed forces in the world. Why would we even take crap from anybody? It's ridiculous.

RUSH: Well, totally. The question actually is not that. Many people are upset with people like you because they don't understand how you can look the other way at some of the things Trump says and some of the ways he insults people and makes fun of people with disability -- this is the criticism I hear. They don't understand why you look past all of that and --

CALLER: Well, okay. I'm sorry, Rush, go ahead.

RUSH: No, go ahead. It's your turn.

CALLER: Well, I think the time for political correctness patty-cake stuff, we're getting nowhere with this. We really need to, you know, pull up our pants and be Americans again. Make people responsible for the things they do. I'm sorry. You know, there's a lot of handouts going on and there's a lot of special things that people are getting while the rest of us stand here and we're ignored, or even worse than that, we're insulted --

RUSH: Exact --

CALLER: -- by the conservatives and the liberals.

RUSH: I'm telling you, he is voicing exactly the element of this that the establishment has not yet figured out, and that is the class aspect of this. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. In order to detail this, remember here what he said in this call, and I'm gonna share with you some thoughts from both Charles Murray and Angelo Codevilla about this in the monologue section of the next hour, because Rich here is exactly the kind of voter and citizen Murray and Codevilla have analyzed and explained. And it's uncanny the class aspects of this. It's not that having class divisions is new. It's the way they manifest now versus the way they did not used to manifest just a short time ago, a generation or two ago.
And like that, suddenly 20,000 Democrats become racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobes.

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
I've been telling you tards for months Trump is a Democrat. So when I hear a bunch of Democrats are voting for Trump, my response is, "DUH!"

At least he isn't Mrs. Tuluza Clinton
They are one and the same. That's what you rubes don't get.

So, if the same, you might as well vote for Trump and punish both parties for the BS they have been giving us.

I have never seen Trump do something like this, matter of fact I have never seen any politician lie so easily.

I am not a registered Republican or Democrat but I beg the Democrats, please someone other then Mrs. Tuluza Clinton, PLEASE, I am begging you.

As lying politicians go, she puts all the rest to shame. She's a lying sack of shit, of that there can be no doubt.

She is a professional, she lies with such easy.
2 names for you: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Both Democrats.
Neither of whom belonged to the party in control of the Congress when the toxic loans were being written.

Wow...How soon we forget....

Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Who Really Caused the Crisis? | The Independent Agenda

What They Said About Fan and Fred

But please - go on believing what you will.....
What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.

What a fucking idiot....what? Were you born three years ago?
Are you actually admitting you're the last moron in the U.S. to know that Republicans were in charge of both chambers in the Congress, plus the executive branch, when those toxic loans were being written?? :ack-1:

I can believe that. :thup:

No, we don't know it, you need to prove what you are saying. The downturn happened on the democrat's watch, that much we know for a certainty. You are just making crap up, unless you can prove it.
RUSH: Okay. But now it's Trump, and you're ready to go for Trump, why, instead of say Cruz or any other conservative?

CALLER: Well, kind of. It's kind of like a few callers ago he said that us guys are low-informed voters.

Does the dumbshit know Rush is the one who came up with the phrase "low information voters" for people like him?
Neither of whom belonged to the party in control of the Congress when the toxic loans were being written.

Wow...How soon we forget....

Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Who Really Caused the Crisis? | The Independent Agenda

What They Said About Fan and Fred

But please - go on believing what you will.....
What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.

What a fucking idiot....what? Were you born three years ago?
Are you actually admitting you're the last moron in the U.S. to know that Republicans were in charge of both chambers in the Congress, plus the executive branch, when those toxic loans were being written?? :ack-1:

I can believe that. :thup:

No, we don't know it, you need to prove what you are saying. The downturn happened on the democrat's watch, that much we know for a certainty. You are just making crap up, unless you can prove it.
Well you should know it. Especially since it's been demonstrated here infinite times. How do I explain to you that the vast majority of toxic mortgages were purchased years prior to foreclosure in a way you can understand? After all, it involves math.

What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.

What a fucking idiot....what? Were you born three years ago?
Are you actually admitting you're the last moron in the U.S. to know that Republicans were in charge of both chambers in the Congress, plus the executive branch, when those toxic loans were being written?? :ack-1:

I can believe that. :thup:

No, we don't know it, you need to prove what you are saying. The downturn happened on the democrat's watch, that much we know for a certainty. You are just making crap up, unless you can prove it.
Well you should know it. Especially since it's been demonstrated here infinite times. How do I explain to you that the vast majority of toxic mortgages were purchased years prior to foreclosure in a way you can understand? After all, it involves math.


The subprime mortgage crisis wasn’t about subprime mortgages

While subprime borrowers default at a higher rate than prime borrowers, Fierra said in an interview with Fortunethat the data shown above suggest that the foreclosure crisis would have happened even in the absence of such risky lending. “People have this idea that subprime took over, but that’s far from the truth,” says Ferreira. The vast majority of mortgages in the U.S. were still given to prime borrowers, which means that the real estate bubble was a phenomenon fueled mostly by creditworthy borrowers buying and selling homes they simply thought wouldn’t ever decrease in value.
Most voters pay no attention to politics, they vote by sight so to speak. The most visible candidate, the one with most exposure usually wins generals...
Here's a list of people we know will not vote for the Hildabeast(vs trump) matchup -
- conservitive males and females
- small business owners
- libertarians
- land owners on southern border states
- people of all walks who have no respect for career politicians
- independents
- Second amendment voters
...and a lot of people who have never voted before young and old

Now trump certainly is not my first choice, but he is making things interesting and worth watching. The same can not be said about the Hildabeast nothing says status quo better than an old white hag.
Running for president is about marketing oneself, the trumpeter seems to be pretty good at such a thing… So far
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What's to forget? Neither Frank nor Dodd were members of the majority party which was actually in charge at the time the toxic loans were being written. Which is why you can't cite one single bill either of them got passed or blocked.

Republicans were in charge -- Republicans are to blame.

What a fucking idiot....what? Were you born three years ago?
Are you actually admitting you're the last moron in the U.S. to know that Republicans were in charge of both chambers in the Congress, plus the executive branch, when those toxic loans were being written?? :ack-1:

I can believe that. :thup:

No, we don't know it, you need to prove what you are saying. The downturn happened on the democrat's watch, that much we know for a certainty. You are just making crap up, unless you can prove it.
Well you should know it. Especially since it's been demonstrated here infinite times. How do I explain to you that the vast majority of toxic mortgages were purchased years prior to foreclosure in a way you can understand? After all, it involves math.


The subprime mortgage crisis wasn’t about subprime mortgages

While subprime borrowers default at a higher rate than prime borrowers, Fierra said in an interview with Fortunethat the data shown above suggest that the foreclosure crisis would have happened even in the absence of such risky lending. “People have this idea that subprime took over, but that’s far from the truth,” says Ferreira. The vast majority of mortgages in the U.S. were still given to prime borrowers, which means that the real estate bubble was a phenomenon fueled mostly by creditworthy borrowers buying and selling homes they simply thought wouldn’t ever decrease in value.
Too funny. Don't ya think when someone attempts to rewrite history, they should at least have an idea what the catalyst actually is they're trying to rewrite? This article offers none. They do, however, agree the collapse began with subprime mortgages. They simply point out how there were far more prime borrowers than subprime. But the catalyst remains subprime since the time frame the bubble began to burst matches up with when interest rates began to rise. But to the point of this debate, they also attribute some of the blame on lack of downpayments (a Bush policy) and show the years when mortgages were taken out were prior to 2007 (when Republicans controlled Congress).
What to watch for in a Trump vs. Clinton showdown (TPM, Mar. 2, 2016)

. . . Trump has threatened to deport 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally, when he is elected president. If Mitt Romney's comment that immigrants should "self-deport" mobilized a record 11.2 million Hispanic voters in 2012 and left him with an abysmal 27 percent share of the Latino vote, promises of a "beautiful" border wall and mass deportation could lead to a spike in Latino voter turnout that reflects as much a movement against Trump as one for Clinton. While a record number of Latino voters came out to the polls in 2012, there were still 12 million more eligible Hispanic voters that chose not to come out and cast ballots that year.

Only 48 percent of eligible Latino voters came out to vote in 2012. And, the number of eligible Latino voters between 2012 and 2016 is estimated to have grown by about 4 million people. That is all to say there is a huge potential for Clinton to maximize Latino voter turnout in November.

And that does not even begin to account for Clinton's advantage with eligible black voters who have grown by 6 percent since 2012, according to an analysis by Pew.
Black voters show up at the polls at much higher rates than Latino voters and have shown they are enthusiastic about supporting Clinton.

The share of the minority vote is expected to be the largest in history, Pew predicts – a numbers advantage for Democrats regardless of if Trump was the nominee– but Trump's bombastic message and crude delivery could also motivate minority voters to come out in even bigger numbers against him. . .
Most voters pay no attention to politics, they vote by sight so to speak. The most visible candidate, the one with most exposure usually wins generals...
Here's a list of people we know will not vote for the Hildabeast(vs trump) matchup -
- conservitive males and females
- small business owners
- libertarians
- land owners on southern border states
- people of all walks who have no respect for career politicians
- independents
- Second amendment voters
...and a lot of people who have never voted before young and old

Now trump certainly is not my first choice, but he is making things interesting and worth watching. The same can not be said about the Hildabeast nothing says status quo better than an old white hag.
Running for president is about marketing oneself, the trumpeter seems to be pretty good at such a thing… So far
I'll confess, I will vote for a dog turd before I waste time with the Hildabeest. She's one of the most criminal, disingenuous, incredibly useless, incompetent, and ignorant persons ever to run for the office in recent history. I cannot imagine she would appeal to any sane, decent, thinking person with more than half a functional brain cell.
What to watch for in a Trump vs. Clinton showdown (TPM, Mar. 2, 2016)

. . . Trump has threatened to deport 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally, when he is elected president. If Mitt Romney's comment that immigrants should "self-deport" mobilized a record 11.2 million Hispanic voters in 2012 and left him with an abysmal 27 percent share of the Latino vote, promises of a "beautiful" border wall and mass deportation could lead to a spike in Latino voter turnout that reflects as much a movement against Trump as one for Clinton. While a record number of Latino voters came out to the polls in 2012, there were still 12 million more eligible Hispanic voters that chose not to come out and cast ballots that year.

Only 48 percent of eligible Latino voters came out to vote in 2012. And, the number of eligible Latino voters between 2012 and 2016 is estimated to have grown by about 4 million people. That is all to say there is a huge potential for Clinton to maximize Latino voter turnout in November.

And that does not even begin to account for Clinton's advantage with eligible black voters who have grown by 6 percent since 2012, according to an analysis by Pew.
Black voters show up at the polls at much higher rates than Latino voters and have shown they are enthusiastic about supporting Clinton.

The share of the minority vote is expected to be the largest in history, Pew predicts – a numbers advantage for Democrats regardless of if Trump was the nominee– but Trump's bombastic message and crude delivery could also motivate minority voters to come out in even bigger numbers against him. . .
Disparage border walls all you want, they are pretty effective in Europe right now. Razor wire is cheap, and if the do-gooder fuck-tards would quite enabling illegals (water points in the deserts) and allowing the border patrol to do their jobs, and deporting undesirables immediately, many (if not most) illegal invaders to this country would think otherwise. Hell, let's just incorporate and enforce Mexican immigration laws.
Most voters pay no attention to politics, they vote by sight so to speak. The most visible candidate, the one with most exposure usually wins generals...
Here's a list of people we know will not vote for the Hildabeast(vs trump) matchup -
- conservitive males and females
- small business owners
- libertarians
- land owners on southern border states
- people of all walks who have no respect for career politicians
- independents
- Second amendment voters
...and a lot of people who have never voted before young and old

Now trump certainly is not my first choice, but he is making things interesting and worth watching. The same can not be said about the Hildabeast nothing says status quo better than an old white hag.
Running for president is about marketing oneself, the trumpeter seems to be pretty good at such a thing… So far
I'll confess, I will vote for a dog turd before I waste time with the Hildabeest. She's one of the most criminal, disingenuous, incredibly useless, incompetent, and ignorant persons ever to run for the office in recent history. I cannot imagine she would appeal to any sane, decent, thinking person with more than half a functional brain cell.

So you're saying she has guno's vote locked up?
Most voters pay no attention to politics, they vote by sight so to speak. The most visible candidate, the one with most exposure usually wins generals...
Here's a list of people we know will not vote for the Hildabeast(vs trump) matchup -
- conservitive males and females
- small business owners
- libertarians
- land owners on southern border states
- people of all walks who have no respect for career politicians
- independents
- Second amendment voters
...and a lot of people who have never voted before young and old

Now trump certainly is not my first choice, but he is making things interesting and worth watching. The same can not be said about the Hildabeast nothing says status quo better than an old white hag.
Running for president is about marketing oneself, the trumpeter seems to be pretty good at such a thing… So far
I'll confess, I will vote for a dog turd before I waste time with the Hildabeest. She's one of the most criminal, disingenuous, incredibly useless, incompetent, and ignorant persons ever to run for the office in recent history. I cannot imagine she would appeal to any sane, decent, thinking person with more than half a functional brain cell.

So you're saying she has guno's vote locked up?
I'd say, pretty much. How about you?

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