BREAKING ALERT: Mitch McConnell has cognitive malfunction (possible seizure or stroke) at podium. Has to be escorted away by fellow Senators.

You got a point there...
Even after a stroke, he still has more mental capacity than.............

Hopefully he’s ok.

It’s time for the turtle to retire. We really need younger people in office.
The term “stroke” was trending on the social media app formerly known as Twitter in the immediate aftermath of Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appearing to be unwell as he attempted to speak during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Viral video footage shared on social media showed the 81-year-old U.S. Senator from Kentucky’s speech devolve into mumbles before he just froze up, staring blankly and silently straight ahead. His Republican colleagues were prompted to assist him away from the podium with the camera showing McConnell appearing to take small, slow steps away.

The optics prompted people on social media to suggest McConnell may have just suffered a stroke on live television.

The Washington Post is also reporting this event as well.

All hope and light to Mr. McConnell and I hope he recovers quickly.
Damn, we were so close to today being a day of celebration
There are a lot that should go, 4 people in the Senate over 80, with two of them being 89, and 30 in the Senate over 70, with an average age of 64. 12 in the House over 80, and 62 of them over 70 years of age, with an average age of 57. And Biden is 80, it's ridiculous. What possesses these people to keep going, ego, power, money? Is enough ever enough?
I think what it is, is that these people were chosen to be puppets long ago. Once you find a good puppet you don't let them go. Good puppets are hard to come by. It's kind of like how families which have military backgrounds, especially in the intelligence community, are continuously cultivated and plumbed for new blood. The logic is that once one or two people in the same family have proven their usefulness and loyalty in sensitive positions, the government keeps looking to those same families as being "secure and able" picks. I know first hand. No less than SIX of my family members on both sides were involved in low-to-medium-level intelligence starting in WW2, and culminating quite recently. A few years ago one of my family members retired as a Lt. Col. from the Pentagon,. No shit. I never joined the military, but I came very close several times. Once I was on my way to the recruiter and turned around and went home. I took an ASVAB back around 1991 and did well....well enough that the recruiter hounded me monthly by phone for several years. I also believe that I was watched and followed, literally under surveillance for some time after that until around 1998 or so. Quite honestly, I showed some marked clairvoyant ability from around the age of 4 until I was in my mid-20's too. After that it seemed to fade a bit. I think that may have had something to do with the surveillance. That, and the fact that I was extremely interested in maps and sattelite imagery...and my family had a history of holding intel or "hush" positions in the military and we also had one civilian weapons designer in the family (I'm talking missiles and shit). I also grew up in town rife with UFO sightings and other phenomena. Personally I believe it was the government experiementing with all kinds of black ops things, including the remote viewing program known as Project Stargate, upon which the movie "Men Who Stare At Goats" is loosely based. Alogn with many other people I experienced some weeeeird shit in that town...and I think some of us may have been test subjects in certain secret programs.

Anyhoo, I felt the need to relate this anecdotal experience to make my point as sharp as possible....that politicians often are subject to exactly what I just described. Once they prove useful and trustworthy...whether it be as an evil genious or a stupid patsy or somewhere in between...the government holds on to them, possibly even transgressing their roles over many years. The people become owned after awhile, and they are kept close at hand for several reasons. Once they are turned loose and start writing autobiographies they become a risk and a liability, more so than if they simply flap their jaws at a podium echoing the agenda of their masters. Perhaps if they really start fucking things up they are removed, but not simply for a health issue.
The term “stroke” was trending on the social media app formerly known as Twitter in the immediate aftermath of Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appearing to be unwell as he attempted to speak during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Viral video footage shared on social media showed the 81-year-old U.S. Senator from Kentucky’s speech devolve into mumbles before he just froze up, staring blankly and silently straight ahead. His Republican colleagues were prompted to assist him away from the podium with the camera showing McConnell appearing to take small, slow steps away.

The optics prompted people on social media to suggest McConnell may have just suffered a stroke on live television.

The Washington Post is also reporting this event as well.

All hope and light to Mr. McConnell and I hope he recovers quickly.

turtle soup clinton.jpg
The term “stroke” was trending on the social media app formerly known as Twitter in the immediate aftermath of Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appearing to be unwell as he attempted to speak during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Viral video footage shared on social media showed the 81-year-old U.S. Senator from Kentucky’s speech devolve into mumbles before he just froze up, staring blankly and silently straight ahead. His Republican colleagues were prompted to assist him away from the podium with the camera showing McConnell appearing to take small, slow steps away.

The optics prompted people on social media to suggest McConnell may have just suffered a stroke on live television.

The Washington Post is also reporting this event as well.

All hope and light to Mr. McConnell and I hope he recovers quickly.
Adios dirtbag!

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