BREAKING ALERT: Mitch McConnell has cognitive malfunction (possible seizure or stroke) at podium. Has to be escorted away by fellow Senators.

The term “stroke” was trending on the social media app formerly known as Twitter in the immediate aftermath of Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appearing to be unwell as he attempted to speak during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Viral video footage shared on social media showed the 81-year-old U.S. Senator from Kentucky’s speech devolve into mumbles before he just froze up, staring blankly and silently straight ahead. His Republican colleagues were prompted to assist him away from the podium with the camera showing McConnell appearing to take small, slow steps away.

The optics prompted people on social media to suggest McConnell may have just suffered a stroke on live television.

The Washington Post is also reporting this event as well.

All hope and light to Mr. McConnell and I hope he recovers quickly.
I don't care what McConnell claims, he is not OK, that was a mini-stroke he had there and he better get to a hospital soon.
He should have himself checked at the very least.
This is what I was wondering about from Mayo Clinic website:
IF this was a dissociative seizure, as some have suggested, I can speak to what he went through from personal experience. One of the main symptoms of my Sturge Weber Syndrome is seizure activity. Mine has thankfully exhibited itself over the years as dissociative seizures rather than petit or grand mal seizures.

IF that is what he had, he will not have any memory of the incident. That short period of time simply ceases to exist for the seizure sufferer. He may feel dizzy, nauseous, tired or have a headache later.
Who cares what it is or was. Get the POS out of our Treasury! $32T he and the entire crew signed up for.
He banished any talk of Election fraud. He is anti-Trump. He is anti-America.

Don't care. Replace the DemWitted loon.
Way to keep it classy, garbage human.

So I don't understand. You're obviously using sarcasm and name calling for some purpose. But you failed to explain why I am not classy and I am garbage for saying what I did. Am I wrong or something?

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