BREAKING: All of right-bank Kherson has been retaken over night by the Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian soldiers are currently entering the western part

I touched on this subject a while back. What got me thinking about it was the incredible variety of ammunition that Ukraine is using. I always freeze the videos and try to identify the exact munitions and how they are fused.

From the get-go, the US and other countries in the UDCG have been literally scouring the planet for 122mm and 152mm ammunition, and pulling old stocks from some really unlikely places.

I don't know how much stockpiles Russia began with, but they have been expending munitions at a pretty high rate, and the AFU has done a very good job when it comes to targeting the artillery logistics of the Russian side. A lot of Russian ammunition has been destroyed in the depots by the Ukrainian rocket artillery.

It seemed to me that when the Russians started looking for more ammo it might be hard to come by. Now we know- they have been getting artillery shells from North Korea for some time- well before the Iranian drones started appearing.

The Kalibr and Iskander inventory is said to be very low- around ~120 Iskander and only a few dozen remaining Kalibr. Those are both newer missiles, so the rate of production and the timeframe makes it easy to estimate the pre-war inventories. Until I have a good reason to think otherwise, I would say the estimates of remaining stocks are accurate, for that reason.

The 203 and 240mm shells are rare- I'm not sure anyone is producing them today (outside of maybe Russia). Whether or not Ukraine can actually make use of them depends on tube availability (since they are a little heavy to lift with an octocopter, lol).
man, you are the king !

I touched on this subject a while back. What got me thinking about it was the incredible variety of ammunition that Ukraine is using. I always freeze the videos and try to identify the exact munitions and how they are fused.

From the get-go, the US and other countries in the UDCG have been literally scouring the planet for 122mm and 152mm ammunition, and pulling old stocks from some really unlikely places.

I don't know how much stockpiles Russia began with, but they have been expending munitions at a pretty high rate, and the AFU has done a very good job when it comes to targeting the artillery logistics of the Russian side. A lot of Russian ammunition has been destroyed in the depots by the Ukrainian rocket artillery.

It seemed to me that when the Russians started looking for more ammo it might be hard to come by. Now we know- they have been getting artillery shells from North Korea for some time- well before the Iranian drones started appearing.

The Kalibr and Iskander inventory is said to be very low- around ~120 Iskander and only a few dozen remaining Kalibr. Those are both newer missiles, so the rate of production and the timeframe makes it easy to estimate the pre-war inventories. Until I have a good reason to think otherwise, I would say the estimates of remaining stocks are accurate, for that reason.

The 203 and 240mm shells are rare
- I'm not sure anyone is producing them today (outside of maybe Russia). Whether or not Ukraine can actually make use of them depends on tube availability (since they are a little heavy to lift with an octocopter, lol).
why we win
1)we control the seas , oceans
2) our industries
3) we have allies moscow dont ,

question , which shells P-stan produces for Ukr?

This one is interesting also from the munitions standpoint. Prior to the Kharkiv offensive, the only rockets we saw for HIMARS were the M31 unitary warhead.

Beginning with the Kharkiv offensive, we started to see the M30A1 alternate warhead, that is the one in this video. The AW has 180K pre-formed tungsten fragments, which is why you see the blast effect in these clips.

The significance is this- the M30A1 warhead is designed for unarmored or lightly armored targets, and infantry that's out in the open. The kill radius is about 100m.

That warhead selection is not accidental. Sometime back in August, the planners made the determination that the AFU would have fewer heavily armored and fixed targets going forward, and adjusted the munitions accordingly.
question , which shells P-stan produces for Ukr?
152mm for sure, not sure about the 122.

Not that they are necessarily "produced for Ukraine", but Pakistani 152mm ammunition have been positively identified in AFU service.
I have a terrible fear Putin is going to nuke Kherson.
A SMALL PRESENT FOR YOU , the world leading geo - strangest speaks :

Moscow horde´s war record :-
1856 defeated by Britain and France
1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany
1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states
1939 defeated by Finland
1969 defeated by China
1989 defeated by Afghanistan
1989 defeated in the Cold War.
1996 defeated by Chechnya
2022 defeated by Ukraine
WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn
Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-
a) Hungary 1956
b) Czechoslovakia 1968
c) Moldova 1992
d) Georgia 2008

The occupiers moved their "capital" from Kherson region to Henichesk

Hopefully these successes will soon mean the frontlines move back to Vladivostok.

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