Breaking! AOC Said In Front Of Border Guards, ‘Oh, All These Guys In Here Are Going To F**k Me'

Hector Garza says AOC is the one who was "verbally abusive to the Border Patrol Agents, not the other way around.

The girl is a ditz. She could care less about any kids. Those kids were her excuse to go down there and try to make a scene to keep her name in the media.

Yet the media won't point out that she voted against the money to make the conditions better down there, and then went there and complained about the conditions!
AOC has lost all credibility over this hustling around, lying, projecting, and verbally abusing the Border Patrol. lol

Too bad.

She's a single-term Congress person. Even the people where she's from can't be stupid enough to reelect her again.
Hector Garza says AOC is the one who was "verbally abusive to the Border Patrol Agents, not the other way around.

The girl is a ditz. She could care less about any kids. Those kids were her excuse to go down there and try to make a scene to keep her name in the media.

Yet the media won't point out that she voted against the money to make the conditions better down there, and then went there and complained about the conditions!

This girl ditz is a weapon unto herself. I'm against this Congresswoman announcing her hate for the border patrol situation ahead of time, visiting the scene, lying her butt off, not voting for the humanitarian crisis, and then beating up the first responders on the border to the needs of these people, and accusing our border patrol employees of doing what she actually did to harm illegal children. They helped. She's just a brass cymbal with no love in her heart for the victims or for those who've bent over backward on zero funding, to help these poor people. She voted against the 4 billion dollar humanitarian subsidy just days ago. What a doggone hypocrite, a liar, a false accusation, and creep all rolled into one.
AOC has lost all credibility over this hustling around, lying, projecting, and verbally abusing the Border Patrol. lol

Too bad.

She's a single-term Congress person. Even the people where she's from can't be stupid enough to reelect her again.
Well, I thought President Bill Clinton could never be re-elected to a second term, but he was. The best thing New York could do is put a Republican in this precinct to see if he can't make up for the loss of Amazon that would have brought 3 billion a year or more into the area.
AOC has lost all credibility over this hustling around, lying, projecting, and verbally abusing the Border Patrol. lol

Too bad.

She's a single-term Congress person. Even the people where she's from can't be stupid enough to reelect her again.
Well, I thought President Bill Clinton could never be re-elected to a second term, but he was. The best thing New York could do is put a Republican in this precinct to see if he can't make up for the loss of Amazon that would have brought 3 billion a year or more into the area.

You know how Democrats are. A Democrat politician could slap their constituents in the head over and over, and they'd still vote Democrat.

But without a doubt she will be challenged by another Democrat in a primary.
CNN is interviewing some of these Democrat creepsisters who voted against humanitarian assistance, and all of them are blaming the Border Patrol, President Trump, etc. etc., etc. They're not apologizing for their dereliction of duty to take care of the children whose society dumped them out with no parent accompanying them, the parents accepted honorariums from the creeps bringing kids to the border so they could get a foot in the door. In the middle are children who have no voice. We tried to tell that to the Democrats for months on end, but we got the same heartless no funding voice for the border crisis.

We told these creepsisters there was a crisis. They disregarded the call, beating up on President Trump for a crisis he did not cause, but he did honestly tell these numbnutz creeps there was a crisis. They responded with their samo-samo crap about Trump being a traitor and they weren't playing. Not only was President Trump not the traitor they said he was, high up Democrats colluded with russians and everyone else to try to get Trump out of the picture. Instead, God blessed America and he won. This really made the Democrats mad. They exercised nothing but poor sportsmanship for months, and the more they find out they were wrong, the more finger pointing they are doing. AOC is a liar from the bottom of her feet to the top of her hair bun. She's a rat, a liar, and she betrayed first responders on the border who spent their own money to help feed these kids, give the kids toys out of their own pockets, swept floors, changed diapers, and everything else to try to make up for the monster mess the Democrats left for "someone else" to fix.

They're going straight to hades for their arrogant dismissal of responsibility and its abrogation by DEMOCRATS alone. I hope the American people land all over the Democrats for being the criminal liars they are, and I hope they do it at the polls.
AOC has lost all credibility over this hustling around, lying, projecting, and verbally abusing the Border Patrol. lol

Too bad.

She's a single-term Congress person. Even the people where she's from can't be stupid enough to reelect her again.
Well, I thought President Bill Clinton could never be re-elected to a second term, but he was. The best thing New York could do is put a Republican in this precinct to see if he can't make up for the loss of Amazon that would have brought 3 billion a year or more into the area.

You know how Democrats are. A Democrat politician could slap their constituents in the head over and over, and they'd still vote Democrat.

But without a doubt she will be challenged by another Democrat in a primary.
So far, she's taken to lying which tells me she's doing it for Pelosi, who will "reluctantly" fund her campaign. I hope the people in her district join the Walk Away movement and send her back to waiting on drunks at a New York bar. She certainly didn't give her district any jobs, but took away billions from her own constituents with her arrogant blather. Surely they will walk away from the whole kit and caboodle of Democrat treachery. They've really outdone themselves this time.
A Border Agent Fact Checks AOC's Toilet Water Claims. She gets outta dodge quick when someone asks if she actually saw these things herself. And I mean hustle. She ran when confronted. She was pretending and acting, lying, not telling the truth. See for yourself someone who knows these claims were ridiculous and out of the blue:
Schumer sez: "Fire 'em all!!!" Based on the lies AOC was telling (she did not talk to the source of the mealy-mouthed baloney she's been saying for the last few days), and regurgitated on her "visit" in which she stayed in her chauffeur-driven limousine on the border. No suffering on her part! Nope. All garbage and lies, talking to other people who made claim, but she did NOT witness personally. She already talked to these people in the last three or four days.

Last time I saw Slippery Schumer, he was fluffing the liar Christine Blasey-Ford who was lying her ass off about now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavenaugh.

Schumer is always around making sure the liar of the day is being fluffed and stays with the false narrative they are lying their asses off about. AOC is no different. She's a hard-core liar with problems at home with a base that's sick of her shameful lies and getting rid of Amazon from benefitting her district with a 3 billion dollar facility that now will not be built in Ocasio-Cortez' district due to her telling lies and badmouthing

Schumer is such a sleaze. He's gonna take it out on the Border Patrol after his colleagues in Congress refused to fund humanitarian needs on the border. What a bunch of hypocrites. :rolleyes:
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Schumer sez: "Fire 'em all!!!" Based on the lies AOC was telling (she did not talk to the source of the mealy-mouthed baloney she's been saying for the last few days), and regurgitated on her "visit" in which she stayed in her chauffeur-driven limousine on the border. No suffering on her part! Nope. All garbage and lies, talking to other people who made claim, but she did NOT witness personally. She already talked to these people in the last three or four days.

Last time I saw Slippery Schumer, he was fluffing the liar Christine Blasey-Ford who was lying her ass off about now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavenaugh.

Schumer is always around making sure the liar of the day is being fluffed and stays with the false narrative they are lying their asses off about. AOC is no different. She's a hard-core liar with problems at home with a base that's sick of her shameful lies and getting rid of Amazon from benefitting her district with a 3 billion dollar facility that now will not be built in Ocasio-Cortez' district due to her telling lies and badmouthing

Schumer is such a sleaze. He's gonna take it out on the Border Patrol after his colleagues in Congress refused to fund humanitarian needs on the border. What a bunch of hypocrites. :rolleyes:

Typical dictator mentality of the left. Fire people over unproven allegations made by a know liar.

The Democrat party has made the border patrol and ICE enemies of their regime. They don't care who they use, who's life they destroy, as long as they get political points in the process.

How about we fire every Congress person who stalled the money needed to make that place operate functionally?
AOC has lost all credibility over this hustling around, lying, projecting, and verbally abusing the Border Patrol. lol

Too bad.

She's a single-term Congress person. Even the people where she's from can't be stupid enough to reelect her again.
Well, I thought President Bill Clinton could never be re-elected to a second term, but he was. The best thing New York could do is put a Republican in this precinct to see if he can't make up for the loss of Amazon that would have brought 3 billion a year or more into the area.

You know how Democrats are. A Democrat politician could slap their constituents in the head over and over, and they'd still vote Democrat.

But without a doubt she will be challenged by another Democrat in a primary.
So far, she's taken to lying which tells me she's doing it for Pelosi, who will "reluctantly" fund her campaign. I hope the people in her district join the Walk Away movement and send her back to waiting on drunks at a New York bar. She certainly didn't give her district any jobs, but took away billions from her own constituents with her arrogant blather. Surely they will walk away from the whole kit and caboodle of Democrat treachery. They've really outdone themselves this time.

Although not overt about it, I would say Piglosi has had enough of her myself.

Instead of being the rookie looking to learn the ropes of the job, this buffoon is trying to take over the party, and she stepped on the wrong toes in the process. She let her popularity totally created by the media get to her head. Now she thinks she's the leader of the party instead of Piglosi.

One of the main reasons Trump is hated (by people in both parties) is because he never became one of the click. He bypassed all that governorship, congressional or senatorial ladder climbing and went right to the top without their permission.

The difference between Trump and goofball is that Trump proved his ability to do the job successfully repeatedly.

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