Breaking! AOC Said In Front Of Border Guards, ‘Oh, All These Guys In Here Are Going To F**k Me'

sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
The Young Turk douchebags must keep telling Donkey Face Cortez that the ultra bright red lipstick and or the ultra bright red dress will really do the trick! :p I did notice the monster's eyebrows have been modified lately...Similarly with Kamala. They must go to the same nail salon. :p

Well, she has a garbage motor mouth full of false narratives and now she's down to 4-letter words describing loose women like herself. She has something to prove. She's not sure what it is, but it has something to do with a self-image that includes (1) Weakness (2) Superiority (3) Wanton Sex With Government Employees she can order around, (4) Severe loose cannon mouth and (5) Self-centered megalomaniac who has a mental illness that causes her to think of herself as having great or unlimited power or importance. Too bad.
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.

She sees her fellow Democrats being radical so she figured it would do her well to be radical herself. Like most children, she doesn't understand there is a line that can't be crossed. Unlike her comrades, she doesn't understand you can't make up lies in a place surrounded by video cameras.

You guys are too old to get it up lol
she’s too stupid
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.

She sees her fellow Democrats being radical so she figured it would do her well to be radical herself. Like most children, she doesn't understand there is a line that can't be crossed. Unlike her comrades, she doesn't understand you can't make up lies in a place surrounded by video cameras.
At present as far as I'm concerned, the only usefulness the little tart has at this time is an escort out of her Congressional office by armed guards to protect the integrity of the House of Representatives. She may think the world is her oyster, but she needs to learn some respect for other people who have the misery of working for the government with creepos like her in charge. She has the maturity level of a two-year old deprived of his favorite toy; there are just some ways one must never disrespect people doing as good a job as our Border Patrol who are currently doing Jacks-of-all-trades babysitting jobs rather than give protective services they were trained to do in order to preserve the integrity of the border. With lipstick-smeared small fries like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Cory Booker as her Congressional teachers, who dodge their responsibilities by trying to get rid of the people's President because he won almost 3 years ago, it's no wonder AOC keeps acting like a sub-freshman Congresscritter who wears her puerile immaturity on her lying mouth and abuses her power by making light of the harsh duty inflicted on border guards by her own votes against humanitarian aid for the people who illegally crossed the border and are now being used as the whipping-boys for the dirty-as-hell Democrats who've made themselves enemies of the Executive Branch to their heinous discredit. I don't know how old this babydoll is, but at her maturity level, maybe we need to raise the age limit for holding a Congress seat by twenty or twenty-five more years--whatever it takes to equal the maturity level of being a Congressional representative when the Constitution was passed as the law of the land.

Speaking of the Constitution, it mentions we might need to make changes to the Constitution in the future, and with youthful people going around saying "I never want to grow up" when they're forty years old, we need to reset the age of being a Congressional representative to an age in which people are responsible enough not to smear people doing a thankless job the best they can when Congress withholds funds that removes social services with insincere votes targeting making life hard on the President, and confusing for voters as to why issues arise from these monumental abrogations of responsibility by the very people who are supposed to be looking out for government interests and decisions. Nancy Pelosi decided to extend her power to exceed that of the executive and judicial branches of government by withholding basic needs of noncitizens knocking on our border's doors. She lacks the maturity to look past the hatred in her gut for other Americans' jobs, and the maturity to inspire junior congressmen and congresswomen to be the best that they can be in sharing power with other branches.

The founders did not anticipate the frivolous nature that laws changed to give women rights would bring about when society has done nothing to make women view tasks objectively when they are given the privileges of power through voting. Until women grow up to do a grown man's job, they have no business going to the border and threatening lifelong public servants with sexual threats to have their way with them because they are vile, creepy, immature know-nothings with an agenda to damage the United States of America with the vagina-power of whoremongers they make of themselves when they speak without any semblance of wisdom or respect to people they look down on politically.

We need a creepsister law to keep creepsisters out of government, starting with Maxine Waters and her ilk who use their power to decimate respect for the Executive Branch in coordination with others who hate the United States of America and only ran for office to convert a free enterprise nation and leader of the world into a back-woods third world nation high on lethal substances that alter reality in sick and addicted minds. Nancy Pelosi was too weak to deal with Maxine Waters' creepsister ways, and she can't deal with this erudite creepsister fool, Alexandria O-C. We need someone in power who uses it for peaceful purposes, and not for the inspiration of civil war by acting out like abject fools.

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sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions. Lying should get public servants like congressmen or congresswomen nowhere but relieved of their responsibilities. :rolleyes:
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions that lying gets you nowhere but relieved of your responsibilities. :rolleyes:

Can't you get rid of that......thing?

How on earth did she get elected to Congress?
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions that lying gets you nowhere but relieved of your responsibilities. :rolleyes:

Can't you get rid of that......thing?

How on earth did she get elected to Congress?
I don't know, but right now, all she does is dirty, filthy, no-good-use-of-the-English-language prevarication against her fellow Americans who happen not to belong to her communistic mind-set.
If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions that lying gets you nowhere but relieved of your responsibilities. :rolleyes:

Can't you get rid of that......thing?

How on earth did she get elected to Congress?
I don't know, but right now, all she does is dirty, filthy, no-good-use-of-the-English-language prevarication against her fellow Americans who happen not to belong to her communistic mind-set.

long long ago----when I was a working person-----my job took me into a hospital prison ward for the criminally insane. It was a male ward----the
patients spent their days sitting around in a large rec. room. There were DOZENS of men----with black mustaches----black berets and----really looking like CHE GUEVARA ---remember him? Cortez has a Che complex. Someone should offer her a black mustache and beret
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
She already does that
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions that lying gets you nowhere but relieved of your responsibilities. :rolleyes:

Can't you get rid of that......thing?

How on earth did she get elected to Congress?

Because people don't care unless it's the president, and don't pay attention to politics until it directly affects them. This is exactly why the founders specifically didn't have a general vote for high office, and why only qualified people were allowed to vote.

AOC is the natural results of a public vote. Who ever screams the loudest and whips people up into a mindless frenzy, wins.
CBP told the detainees that if they needed water then they should drink out of the toilet.

So, yeah. AOC got pissed when she was told that. She was on TV shouting, "This is CBP on a GOOD day!"
You mean the ones that have sinks attached to them?

Those toilets?
AOC tosses out another splenetic soundbite.

News at 5....
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions that lying gets you nowhere but relieved of your responsibilities. :rolleyes:

Can't you get rid of that......thing?

How on earth did she get elected to Congress?

How? Because all the educated people vote for Democrats. Between that claim and Alexandria Kotex, that sure says a lot about our education system.
sheeeesh----she revealed her masturbatory fantasy? -----the girl is far too feral for her present position. -------maybe in thirty years

If you read the article, and see the context, I think what it was.....

I think she had planned to make up all kinds of crap from the immigrants, to try and paint the place is being a Nazi Concentration camp, and she knew that all those immigration officers were going to spill the truth about the entire visit, and in essence.... screw her over in the press, by pointing out her lies.

I think that is what she meant, not that they were all going to drag her in the back room, and have an MS13 gang rape on her.
She was trying to fit her 15 minutes of fame swansong to match the lying narrative she was spinning for the past week before she goes down as the most unfit mental case ever to have a seat in congress. I heard her voters are angry about her loose tongue, especially when she ran the three trillion dollar deal Amazon was ready to make for people in her 'hood. Now, criticizing the cops doing the job her party denied them by their dereliction of duty to provide necessities for humanitarian purposes for the people on the border. Her nasty comments inferring border patrol agents would lower themselves to do the nasty with her was over the top. She needs to be kicked out of Congress for lying and abuse of power by disrespecting the government employees who've tried very hard to make up for Congress' dereliction of duty toward humanitarian needs. Her speeches referencing sex with police guards are shameful. She proved the highest office she should hold is bartender.
Her next gig will be lap dancing in a biker bar.
I think she first needs to spend a little time behind bars for her disrespect to government employees that was uncalled-for, false, malicious, and a black eye on America based on abject lies she created with malice aforethought before she ever flew to the border on the taxpayer's dime in order to smear and smudge anyone but herself for voting against any semblance of funding for humanitarian purposes just to get even with President Trump for false charges of colluding with Russia, which never happened. There oughta be a law against creepsisters and creepbruthas whose sole purpose in life is revenge. I'm sick of 'em using congressional seats to spend money on themselves and their arrogant notions. Lying should get public servants like congressmen or congresswomen nowhere but relieved of their responsibilities. :rolleyes:

I think nothing should happen to her. We Republicans need her too badly, especially right before an election.
Hector Garza says AOC is the one who was "verbally abusive" to the Border Patrol Agents, not the other way around.

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