Breaking! Articles of Impeachment Filed Against DHS Sec. Mayorkas For 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors '

And we're off!
I actually agree with this one.
I mean seriously, can you come up with a Secretary seat holder who has done such an unbelievable bad job? Attacked his own people, and we now know he KNEW they were innocent but attacked them anyway?
Lied about immigration numbers, simply and flat out refuses to even admit there is a real problem.

Normally these faux impeachment witch hunts are nothing more than grandstanding - both sides.
This one... the guy should have been fired long ago.
This seems performative, a little song and dance to please the base.

It's also a mistake, a waste of time and political capital that could be used to do something a little more tangible.
This seems performative, a little song and dance to please the base.

It's also a mistake, a waste of time and political capital that could be used to do something a little more tangible.

Knowing that they do not have control of The Senate or the Executive Branch what would you like to see get done?
I am not a troll. You can have a conversation with me; you can't have one with trolls.

I can't have a conversation with someone so stupid they believe Biden's Open Border Invasion, 5+ million illegals into the US in 2 years, is 'a made up issue' , either.

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