Breaking! Articles of Impeachment Filed Against DHS Sec. Mayorkas For 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors '

Oathkeepers are pussy's! The Proud Boys are pussy's! I will beat the shit out of fuckers like that!

Another anonymous keyboard warrior flexes...


(Just kidding, Bill-o. Saw this, thought it was funny, and thought it fit perfectly here. Not meant to be a personal attack, just a joke)

Another anonymous keyboard warrior flexes...

View attachment 746816

(Just kidding, Bill-o. Saw this, thought it was funny, and thought it fit perfectly here. Not meant to be a personal attack, just a joke)

Dude, we go back a long way. You are free to say anything you want to in regards to me. You've earned that right!
Dude, we go back a long way. You are free to say anything you want to in regards to me. You've earned that right!
That is a right I will never abuse! Glad you know ne - I use humor a lot, and I will never attempt to personally attack you or insult you. I respect you!

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