BREAKING: Barack Obama's shocking ties to Moammar Gadhafi!!!

Sadly, becuase it is about Obama, you are not interested in finding out whether or not such a thing has validity.

I am not saying "such is fact"....but I AM saying..."we should see what is true about it" is quite interesting that Obama has not mentioned his name once...yet he mentioned Mubaraks name quite often during the same type of siutuation.

Does that not raise your eyebrow?


Funy thing...

Many on the left are angry that more was not done to investigate Bush as it pertained to his he was making them....and you showed anger that everything was not vetted properly...and angry at the subsequent results of such poor oversight....

And now?

You are more than willing to possibly get burnt again.

You are alllowing your partisanship to cloud your was nothing but faux outrage over Bush's decision based on your partisnaship.

Me? I was pissed back then with how no one raised an eyebrow about Bush...and I am pissed that no one learned their lesson and allowing it to happen again with Obama.

What are you talking about? Which decisions made by Bush? Mubarak was an ally for more than 30 years; Bush supported his regime; Obama supported his regime. Egypt was the glue that kept peace in the immediate region--at least for a while. Were we supposed to just storm his palace once the protesters turned against him without thinking through 35 years of support? Libya has remained in the background ever since the deal was cut during the Bush administration that it would dismantle it's own WMD, and no one has been screaming for any "investigation" (although it was a tad curious that once again, it meant Halliburton got some more business).
You talk as though you're privy to every communique between the US and Libya. How do you know they haven't been doing everything you suggest, and more? You don't.

No Maggie.

I watched innocent people in the streets dying at the hands of a man that hates Americans and Americans unable to leave that land due to weather.....and I saw the US do nothing to expedite their departure.

who is this man who hates americans?

Dick Morris
It's clear that Obama will be lucky if he even remains in office to complete his term. The chances of re-election, when you add it all up, are close to zero without a miracle and he used his up - he got elected.
Negative retard

Obama will easily be re-elected for another 4 years. :cool:

Funy thing...

Many on the left are angry that more was not done to investigate Bush as it pertained to his he was making them....and you showed anger that everything was not vetted properly...and angry at the subsequent results of such poor oversight....

And now?

You are more than willing to possibly get burnt again.

You are alllowing your partisanship to cloud your was nothing but faux outrage over Bush's decision based on your partisnaship.

Me? I was pissed back then with how no one raised an eyebrow about Bush...and I am pissed that no one learned their lesson and allowing it to happen again with Obama.

What are you talking about? Which decisions made by Bush? Mubarak was an ally for more than 30 years; Bush supported his regime; Obama supported his regime. Egypt was the glue that kept peace in the immediate region--at least for a while. Were we supposed to just storm his palace once the protesters turned against him without thinking through 35 years of support? Libya has remained in the background ever since the deal was cut during the Bush administration that it would dismantle it's own WMD, and no one has been screaming for any "investigation" (although it was a tad curious that once again, it meant Halliburton got some more business).


I am referring to the Iraq situation....the taking eye off A-stan decision...the waterboarding....
People complained that the signs were there that he had his own agenda and no one did anything to look into the signs..... are willing to ignore signs again.

Sorry if I have had enough with politicians being made of teflon.
No Maggie.

I watched innocent people in the streets dying at the hands of a man that hates Americans and Americans unable to leave that land due to weather.....and I saw the US do nothing to expedite their departure.

who is this man who hates americans?

Dick Morris

good. i was afraid you were talking about gaddafi.

richard perle and george bush would be sad to hear that gaddafi hates americans.

Bow down to him....juat as it seems RW is doing.
Praise the savior. He did it again!

Savior? Implying he's The Messiah? Hmmm, I thought he had strong connections to Louis Farrakhan and is a secret Muslim himself. He can't be both.

Secret Muslim?
STRONG connections to Louis Farrakhan?

Please show me where I said that.
I only know of his relationship with Farrakhan based on what he has written about. I have no reason to believe it was STRONG.
And as far as I know, he is a Christian.

Why must you refute something I say by putting words in my mouth?

I never said YOU did. (You always take words so personally.) Read the OP.
For those who don't understand the relationship of BO to Gadaffi....

In 1984, Wright [BO's pastor of 20 years] personally accompanied Farrakhan to Libya to meet with Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli. In 2008, Wright even predicted his association with Farrakhan and Gaddafi may cause political headaches for Obama’s presidential aspirations: “When [Obama's] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit [Gadhafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell,” he said.

The Libyan dictator has been a strong supporter of Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and heavily financed the controversial group. In 1985, Gaddafi affirmed his solidarity with Farrakhan with a $5 million interest-free loan.

In 1996, officials in the Clinton administration worked to block Farrakhan from receiving more than $1 billion in donations from Gaddafi.

”We are not terrorists,” Farrakhan said at the time. ”We are not trying to do anything against the good of America. What we want to do is good for our people and ultimately good for our nation.”

That same year, Farrakhan traveled to Libya and received Gaddafi’s International Prize for Human Rights, a $250,000 “honor” also bestowed on the likes of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega and “the children of Palestine.”

According to reports from Libya’s news agency in 1996, the Farrakhan-Gaddafi alliance was aimed at mobilizing “oppressed blacks, Arabs, Muslims and Red Indians” in the United States to help reshape U.S. foreign policy. Until he allied himself with Farrakhan, Gaddafi reportedly characterized Libyan foreign policy as a “confrontation with America” he likened to “a fight against a fortress from outside.”

But once he asserted his alliance with Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, Gaddafi claimed to have “a breach to enter into this fortress and confront it.”

Trinity United‘s Black Liberation Theology provides the basis on which Wright and Farrakhan’s cooperation rests.

During the 2008 election, many Obama critics pointed toward the then-Senator’s close relationship with Wright and criticized the second-degree association with Farrakhan. Wright and Obama are also believed to have attended the Million Man March on Washington, led by Farrakhan and other black leaders, including Rev. Al Sharpton.

“He has been a leader of liberation movements throughout the world, but our government has supported many puppet regimes in Africa and Central and South America,” Farrakhan said.

When Gaddafi traveled to address the United Nations in 2009, Farrakhan again praised him as a “leader of liberation movements throughout the world… I am sure that when people hear him on [U.S.] soil, most will admire him and will learn more about him and respect him,” he added.

“We are hoping that under President Barack Obama, Libya can come more into the sunlight,” Farrakhan added. “The Obama administration can be a great help in this. ”

Now, with unrest in Libya dominating the world’s headlines and the ouster of the murderous Muammar Gaddafi seemingly imminent, many are wondering why the American president has been so silent, especially compared to the Obama administration‘s outspoken criticism of Egypt’s recently disposed President Hosni Mubarak.

Flashback: Louis Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright Foster Gaddafi Alliance | The Blaze
who is this man who hates americans?

Dick Morris

good. i was afraid you were talking about gaddafi.

richard perle and george bush would be sad to hear that gaddafi hates americans.

Truth is...I beeive he hates americans....He befriended America for self gain...espceially during the early 2000's...

But that is my oipinion.

Bottom line....Nothern Africa through eastern Asia....they all have a large population of America Haters.
Can't you people see that your attempts to slam BO at all costs make you seem unobjective and illogical?
Woulda...coulda ....shoulda

Have the Marines storm the shores of Tripoli once again

In hindsight....his assessment proved to be the correct one

The entire region is in turmoil at the present time. One bad move could historically be the worst decision in history. The US needs to, and is in the process of, reassessing it's entire strategy on its relationships with all Mideastern and North African nations. The Bush Doctrine is about to be filed away as a decision for its time. It's now time for a new doctrine, and it won't begin with shots being fired by the United States.


So you see this scenario:

Americans in a land where civil unrest occurrs. The goivernment starts to randomly kill people in the streets.
American military sends over a ship to get Americans out as they are stranded due to weather.
The government of the other country opts to shoot at the rescuing ship.
The rescuing ship shoots back simply in defense...

And yet it BEGAN with shots fired by the US. are better than that.

You mean the ferry has been shot at? Or are you projecting? Your scenario would be an entirely different story, with an entirely different ending. But if you're a soldier, your finger is always on the trigger, so I get why you want a war. Oops, that was your implication. (Can't respond to anything you didn't actually SAY, heaven forbid...)
The entire region is in turmoil at the present time. One bad move could historically be the worst decision in history. The US needs to, and is in the process of, reassessing it's entire strategy on its relationships with all Mideastern and North African nations. The Bush Doctrine is about to be filed away as a decision for its time. It's now time for a new doctrine, and it won't begin with shots being fired by the United States.


So you see this scenario:

Americans in a land where civil unrest occurrs. The goivernment starts to randomly kill people in the streets.
American military sends over a ship to get Americans out as they are stranded due to weather.
The government of the other country opts to shoot at the rescuing ship.
The rescuing ship shoots back simply in defense...

And yet it BEGAN with shots fired by the US. are better than that.

You mean the ferry has been shot at? Or are you projecting? Your scenario would be an entirely different story, with an entirely different ending. But if you're a soldier, your finger is always on the trigger, so I get why you want a war. Oops, that was your implication. (Can't respond to anything you didn't actually SAY, heaven forbid...)

Maggie...what the hell are you talking about?
And who the hell are you to imply that I am trigger happy.
How fucking dare fuicking ingrateful piece of shit.
Got to hell you fucking military hating asshole.

And an FYI you fucking low life...

YOU are the one who referred to US shooting first....READ YOUR OWN GARBAGE....
Dick Morris

good. i was afraid you were talking about gaddafi.

richard perle and george bush would be sad to hear that gaddafi hates americans.

Truth is...I beeive he hates americans....He befriended America for self gain...espceially during the early 2000's...

But that is my oipinion.

Bottom line....Nothern Africa through eastern Asia....they all have a large population of America Haters.

the population of libya has a problem with gaddafi being a libya hater.

not everything centers around america.
Storm the shores?

Why must you exaggerate what I am saying?

Contacting the Libyan government and telling them we are sending over a ship so we may evacuate our citizens while they are dealing with the civil unrest in their streets is by no means storming the shores.

I question why you must take a suggestion of a simple NON AGRESSIVE action and refute it by implyiung that it is an invasion.

You talk as though you're privy to every communique between the US and Libya. How do you know they haven't been doing everything you suggest, and more? You don't.

No Maggie.

I watched innocent people in the streets dying at the hands of a man that hates Americans and Americans unable to leave that land due to weather.....and I saw the US do nothing to expedite their departure.
72 hours passed and the only reason they got out was becuase the weather lifted.
The US may have tried some diplomatic things that did not work...but the bottom line is 72 hours passed and they were still there.

And of course you obviously READ only what you WANTED to read, rather than the entire story of why. Should some Special Ops have parachuted into Tripoli? Or how about some U-boat landings on the "Shoes of Tripoli"?? Oh yeah, that would help the situation. Just dive right in the middle of a dog fight. Uh huh...

You know what I'm getting from the discourse in this thread? Some of you* (perhaps not YOU, JH :eusa_angel:) are just itching to have a daring rescue attempted, and have it FAIL, so that you can write the final chapter of Barack Obama just as the right did for Jimmy Carter.

*You, collectively.
good. i was afraid you were talking about gaddafi.

richard perle and george bush would be sad to hear that gaddafi hates americans.

Truth is...I beeive he hates americans....He befriended America for self gain...espceially during the early 2000's...

But that is my oipinion.

Bottom line....Nothern Africa through eastern Asia....they all have a large population of America Haters.

the population of libya has a problem with gaddafi being a libya hater.

not everything centers around america.

I am not saying the turmoil has to do with America.
But Libyans by and large do not like America.
They are not proven as non truths or half truths.
They are dismissed as non issues.

For example...the Ayers relationship was dimissed this way...
"he was 8 years old when Ayers was affiliated with a radical violent group"
And I say....So was I....but I would expect people to question me as to why I would want to associate with someone with that kind of is not an issue of how old I was when he was acting is an issue of having a relationship with someone with that kind of past.

I know....what about redemption.....yeah...yeah...that alone...maybe...but the others as well?


"How could he be aware of Reszko and his illegal doings"...
I say.....that is what we, as Americans are supposed to keep an eye open to...Obama was offered a deal by Reszko that was too good to be true.....and he didnt question it?


"Van Jones WAS an admitted communist and now he is not...and How was Obama to know of his beliefs in the past"
I many more times can he get away with saying "how was I to know"

I mean...afterall...isnt his judgement one of the most important charactersitics that should be taken into consideration by the media asnd the people when they elect a President?

No...nothing was proven false......they were just dismissed as non issues...and those of us that pressed them were called paranoid and conspiracists.

They WERE non-issues. They only became "issues" because the maniacs at Fox News manage to drive all the other news of the day. Tell us how Bill Ayer's radicalism of the 1960's has had any effect whatsoever on the issues of the day. Tell us how Van Jones' support of black issues in his past (it was never proven he was a card-carrying "Communist") has had any effect whatsoever on the issues of the day.

Non affect all.

But you see, I am one that believes that a man or woman who represents us as POTUS should be held to a higher standard.
And perhaps I could get passed a lot of it.
But his excuse was "I didnt know" for every one of them.

I did not know of Ayers past.
I did not know Van Jones was once an admitted communist (no one said he carried a card)
I did not know of Wrights' views
I did not know Resko was a crook.

Well....I prefer a man or woman that is a better judge of character.

There was a lot of shit that got passed this guy....A LOT....

And you are OK with that?

I am, because no one is perfect. No one picks perfect friends. No one picks perfect advisors. And anyone who intends to be in a leadership position needs to explore to all kinds of factions and all ideological points of view . If you bothered to read Obama's books, he discusses that last point at length. And it was written long before he had presidential aspirations.
good. i was afraid you were talking about gaddafi.

richard perle and george bush would be sad to hear that gaddafi hates americans.

Truth is...I beeive he hates americans....He befriended America for self gain...espceially during the early 2000's...

But that is my oipinion.

Bottom line....Nothern Africa through eastern Asia....they all have a large population of America Haters.

the population of libya has a problem with gaddafi being a libya hater.

not everything centers around america.

Look..I dont know you this is pure assumption...

If you were with your family...wife and kids....and you were holed on a ferry in a a country with a history of violence toward Americans....and you were stuck in that one place for 3 days...while innocent people are dying in the streets within a mile of your position...from aircraft.....

Am I worng to think you would be PRAYING for the cavalry?
Truth is...I beeive he hates americans....He befriended America for self gain...espceially during the early 2000's...

But that is my oipinion.

Bottom line....Nothern Africa through eastern Asia....they all have a large population of America Haters.

the population of libya has a problem with gaddafi being a libya hater.

not everything centers around america.

I am not saying the turmoil has to do with America.
But Libyans by and large do not like America.

libyans have other problems than liking or disliking americans right now.

Obama began his political career in then home of his friends, Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn. Did you know Dorn was famous? She sure was. here she is on the CBS Nightly News on Oct 6, 1970, after leading the Weathermen in bombings and threatening/promising still more (this is the kind of person out president has been associating with. Learn it)

Guess what? Dorn hasn't changed. This in 2007 when Obama was thick in his association with her husband Bill Ayres.

Dorn, Ayres, the hateful Rev Wright who married Barack and Michelle and was Obama's "spiritual advisor' (with remarks like "God damn America"), "seeking out Marxist professors' in college.

Obama is up top his neck in dirty, ugly, murderous associations, with nothing for balance to clear his name. When Obama's background breaks into the light fully, everyone is going to know - every kid on the street, very person around the world - what kind of anti-American monster is driving this country off a cliff. And that's fine. It will be the end of the democrats for 50 years.

Kaddafi? He fits right in. After all this, why should anyone doubt it?
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the population of libya has a problem with gaddafi being a libya hater.

not everything centers around america.

I am not saying the turmoil has to do with America.
But Libyans by and large do not like America.

libyans have other problems than liking or disliking americans right now.

You know......

When we have blackouts...people have more to worry about than getting free stuff....but looting takes place anyway..


They use the blackout as an excuse to do something.

When people are angry.....they tend to attack things......sometimes ....ANYTHING they dont like.

It is not so far fetched to think Americans were in danger.

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